Nizaniel Chapter 1 Corrected

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Today as we see the Holy Cross College of Carigara metamorphosed into providing
broad activities and dynamic programs that will assist each student in the College
Department to attain his/her potential as a human being; and enhance the range and
quality of individual and group participation in the basic functions of society, the first
College Alumni will have to look back and reminisce the well-spent days in this campus.
(Bauzon, 2012)

At no other time since the inception of the HCCC tertiary department in 1996
will the alumni association be given more impetus by the strong team-governance of
Reverend Fr. Ric Marpa and our College Dean, Dr. Carmina Barbosa-Alonzo.

The college leadership passionately train the college students to fully build
confidence in the profession that the students have respectively chosen in order to
capacitate them in the future as they would advance their knowledge and experiences to
improve and actualize a truism for a total quality human life; and be able to respond
effectively to the changing needs and conditions of the nation through a system of
educational planning and evaluation. (Ibid.)

Putting – up of the 1st Alumni Association for the College is founded by these two
dynamic frontrunners as prescribed in the College Action Plan effective the Academic
Year 2018-2019 in collaboration with the active participation of the College Faculty and
the Supreme Student Council leadership. (Ibid.)

Provided in the basic objectives of Education is for Educational Institutions, like

Holy Cross College of Carigara to give not only knowledge and develop skills in students
but shape their attitudes and values essential to personal development and necessary for
living in and contributing to a developing and changing milieu. (Education Act, 1982)

Another aim of the law is for students to be provided with learning experiences
which would increase their awareness and responsiveness to the changes in and just
demands of society and to prepare them for constructive and effective involvement; and
intensify the knowledge of identification, with and love to the nation and the people to
which the students belong. (Ibid.)

It is in this area of student services that the Holy Cross College of Carigara, College
Department is to establish the First Alumni Association in March 2019.

The Philippines is a county of very young people. With a median age of 16, 60% of
its population are below 20 years of age. Thus, the youth easily constitute the biggest
sector in the Philippines today. They are the better educated, more well-informed, and
more politically aware than those of previous generations. Properly guided, youth power
can be a potent force in building the kind of society and establishing the kind of
government set forth in the Preamble of the Philippine Constitution. Our national hero,
Dr. Jose P. Rizal, recognized the valuable role of the youth when he wrote in his novel
Noli Me Tangere, that the “youth are the fair hope of the Fatherland.” (Laurel, 1972)

Borrowing the statement of Senator Laurel (1972) which says: it is about time that
the fashioning and moulding of Filipinos who will be the pillars of our small republic, be
safely entrusted to the Filipino themselves.

Background of the Study

The HCCC College Department Alumni Association 2019, will be 1st Tertiary Alumni
to pioneer the college chronicle after 23 years of operationalization.

The alumni association will promote the unique identity and consciousness of a
school culture and tradition exclusive only for the HCCC College Department. The college
alumnae shall converge and join this Christian community of graduates who will celebrate
with each other as they would have professionally succeeded in their respective fields of
endeavour at the time and would come to pay respect for this heritage. (Bauzon, 2012)

This research is conducted to provide the outline on how the Holy Cross College
of Carigara would design its approaches, beyond the Academic Year 2018-2019, in order
to significantly enhance the College Alumni Association programs for the HCCC
professionals. (HCCC, College Student’s Handbook)

The current HCCC college administration has stepped up reforms on the

establishment of a strong principle-based and goals-driven school activities, and the
organization of the College Department Alumni Association is one in its priority programs.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine how Holy Cross College of Carigara would establish
the first College Department Alumni Association.

Specifically, this study seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the respondents in this study?

2. What are the ground work for the establishment of the HCCC Alumni
Association Programs?
3. What are the identified impact of the HCCC Alumni Association
4. What are the identified problems for the effective establishment of
the HCCC Alumni Association Programs?
5. What are the recommended intervening activities in order to address
the identified problems?

Statement of the Hypothesis

The proposed study advanced the following null hypotheses:

1. There is no significant relationship between the Profile of the

Respondents and the HCCC Alumni Association Programs; and

2. There is no significant relationship between the HCCC Alumni Association

Programs and the problems identified in this study?

Theoretical/Conceptual Framework

The creation of the Alumni Association is enshrined in the Constitution which

guarantees that the State shall respect the role of independent people’s organizations to
enable the people to pursue and protect, within the democratic framework, their
legitimate and collective interests and aspirations through peaceful and lawful means.
(Paragraph 1, Section 15, Article XIII, Social Justice and Human Rights, Philippine
Constitution, 1987)

Furthermore, Alumni Association is considered as people’s organizations that are

bona fide associations of citizens with demonstrated capacity to promote the public
interest and with identifiable leadership, membership, and structure. (Paragraph 2,
Section 15, Article XIII, Social Justice and Human Rights, Philippine Constitution, 1987)

The private school system is contributing enormously to the realization that the
State recognizes the complementary roles of the private educational institutions like the
Holy Cross College of Carigara to support positively for the progress of the nation.
(Paragraph 1, Section 4, Article XIV, Education, Science and Technology, Arts, Culture and
Sports, Philippine Constitution, 1987)

The purpose of this associations is further expressed in recognizing the right of the
people and their organization to effective and reasonable participation at all levels of
social, political, and economic decision-making which shall not be abridged. (Paragraph
1, Section 16, Article XIII, Social Justice and Human Rights, Philippine Constitution, 1987)

In recognition of the importance of people’s organizations in reflecting the popular

will, the Constitution has imposed upon the State the obligations to provide concrete
expression given in a democratic and republican State, that sovereignty resides in the
people and all authority emanates from them. (Section 1, Declaration of Principles and
State Policies, Article II, Philippine Constitution, 1987)

It is believed that the most significant of the above is the empowerment by the
State for people to join association to pursue their collective interests in order to develop
one’s spirit of fostering love of humanity and to appreciate culture and tradition within
the community where one belongs. (De Leon, 2013)

Figure 1. A Schematic Presentation of the Flow of this Study.



Proposed Intervention Activities in Establishing the

College Alumni Association in
Holy Cross College of Carigara

Programs to Establish the College Alumni Association in

Holy Cross College of Carigara
1. Strengthen Student Publication (Year Book, School Paper,
Official Website)
2. Student Development Activities
3. Performance, Theatre and Arts, Community Service

Profile of the HCCC Graduating Students

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This paper focuses its study in Establishing the College Alumni Association in Holy
Cross College of Carigara.

The reasearch was conducted to all 4th Year college students across all 8 courses
in the College who are enrolled during the School Year 2018-2019 at Holy Cross College
of Carigara.

The instrument is entitled: “Establishing the College Alumni Association in Holy

Cross College of Carigara.”

Significance of the Study

In this study, the researcher hopes to give the useful contribution of knowledge
and reference especially in establishing the College Alumni Association in Holy Cross
College of Carigara. Specifically the findings of this study will aid the following users of
this study:

Administrators. This study provides the HCCC administrators with information about the
required activities in the College Department that will serve as tools for establishing the
College Alumni Association in Holy Cross College of Carigara that ordinarily was not given
importance by the school.

College Faculty. This will encourage the College Faculty to use approaches in successfully
integrating programs to build a strong HCCC Alumni Association.

Holy Cross College of Carigara or HCCC. This will be a material information for HCCC to
be able to prepare the students in delivering their responsibilities as an alumnus and
alumna of the school.

Researchers. This will provide updated information for future researchers related to this
study of the HCCC services that would strengthen the Alumni Association.

Sisters of St. Frances of Perpetual Adoration (OSF) This study is also useful to the Sisters
of St. Frances of Perpetual Adoration (OSF) who administer Holy Cross College of Carigara
as they are responsible for implementing significant Alumni Home Coming activities in
the institution.

Students. This will provide the students better visions on how to develop their loyalty,
love and commitment to their Alma Mater.

Definition of terms

To promote a better understanding of the technical terms used in this study, the
researcher presents an operational and conceptual definition of each term.

Alumni Association - for this study, it refers to the organization of graduates from the
College Department of the Holy Cross College of Carigara.

Alumna - for this study, it refers to a female student who graduated in Holy Cross College
of Carigara, College Department.

Alumnae - for this study, it refers to both male and female students in plural form who
graduated in Holy Cross College of Carigara, College Department.

Alumnus - for this study, it refers to a male student who graduated in Holy Cross College
of Carigara, College Department.

College Department - for this study, it refers to the Holy Cross College of Carigara, College

College Student. In this study, this refers to the 4th Year Graduating College Students of
the HCCC College Department who respondents of this study.

CHED - for this study, it refers to the Commission on Higher Education.

HCCC- for this study, this refers to the Holy Cross College of Carigara.

Holy Cross College of Carigara. In this study, this refers to school where the respondents
are located.

Questionnaire – for this study, this refers to the systematic compilation of questions that
are to be answered by the targeted respondents of the study.

Teachers – for this study these are the College Instructors who teach college students

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