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Rene Dercates

“If you would be a real seeker after truth ,It is necessary that at least once in your life you doubt,as
far as possible,all things. – Rene Decartes

I. Concept of Truth according to Rene Decartes

1. Skepticism

- Also spelled Scepticism. An attitude of doubting knowledge claims. They questioned wether
some claims are really unquestionable or neccesarily true. Also Skepticism is a possibility
which is incompatible with the truth of what we believe about the world or incompatible with
what we believe being knowledge.

1.1 Rational Skepticism

- Always claiming for the truth. They demand for explicit definitions,consistent logic and
convincing evidence before accepting claims as valid on the other side of a reasonable
- The conclusion of reasons are contradictory(paradoxical)

2. Rationalism

- Is the philosophical view that knowledge is obtain through reasons , logic and a certain kind of
intuition without the support of senses.
- when we immediately know something to be true without deduction, such as “I am conscious.”
- Any appealing to intellectual and deductive reason as the source of knowledge or justification.
Mathematical knowledge is the best example thought we can construct proofs and deduce
mathematical concept. Rationalists hold that the best way to arrive at certain knowledge is
using the mind’s rational abilities.

3. Methods of Investigation
- According to Decartes, Methods of Investigation is the knowledge that we typically achieve
through education and life experiences.It is an unsystematic mixture of truths and falsehoods
and it is impossible for us to easily distinguish between the two. Also Decartes says we should
clearing away our old and disordered schemes of knowledge .We must follow the rules of
inquiry that will enable to us to methodically build a coherent system.
4. Systematic Doubts
Descartes uses a systematic doubting process that would flow away a previous belief he held that
was the slightest bit questionable. Example The type of doubt that Descartes describes here is not a
common sense doubt, but, instead, an exaggerated systematic doubt. For example, common sense
tells me that I should doubt reports that creatures have visited earth from other planets, or that a
house is haunted, or that some people can see into the future

5. The One Foundation of All Knowledge

Descartes describe himself as not a skeptic person but just used the powerful skeptical doubting
deviceas a means of clearing away his insecure beliefs. Descartes concludes that he is primarily a
thing that thinks. Includes conceiving,affirming,denying,willing,imagining and feeling.


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