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* Describe your best friend

I have many friends but my best friend. She (He) is .............years old and from
..........(quê quán)..... She (He) is tall/short, slim/fat/well-built with long/short hair. We have
been friends since ......(thời gian).... and best friends for .... years. I feel very happy to have
her/him as my best friend because we have many things in common. For example, we
like........(liệt kê một số sở thích như playing sports, going shopping...). We share both
happiness and sorrow we meet in our life together. My friend is a good person. She/He always
makes me happy when I am sad, gives me advice when I am in troubles or just listens to me Commented [M1]: Gives me advice and makes me look on
bright side
when I need someone to talk to. Now, though both of us have our own family and we live rather Commented [M2]: At present
far from each other, we still keep in touch and call or meet each other whenever we have time. I
really appreciate our frienship and wish it will last till the end of our life.

I find myself lucky to have many friends in life, but ......(tên) is probably my best friend. We
have known each other for a long time because we were in the same class from secondary
school through to college. She/He is a gorgeous/handsome and charming girl/men who attracts
a lot of attention from men/girls. Moreover, she always makes a good impression on others due
to her kindness and sense of humor. I feel greatful to have her/him as my bestie. We have many
things in common such as fashion, sport and music. We have been through thick and thin
together. Whenever i am troubles, she/he always stay by my side and help me to get over it.
She/he is such a trustworthy guy that i can freely tell her/him all my secrets without any
hesitation. Moreover, she/he has a strong sense of responsibility and I know that I can always
rely on her/him. For me, friendship is the most important thing in the world and I am proud to
say that I have such a loyal and helpful friend – she/he’s really one in a million.
* The best holiday you have ever had
I think the trip to ......(địa điểm) ....last year is the best
holiday I have ever had. Last summer, I had a ...(số)-day trip to .... (địa
điểm)(went to.......(địa điểm)...... with my family on a .....(số
từ)-day holiday. It was not the first time I went there but that
was the most interesting one. When we got there. Tthe
weather was very goodnice, sunny but not too hot, lightly
windy. We stayed at a big modern hotel near ......(ở biển thì
để là the beach). After checking in receiving our room, we
immediately went swimming in the sea.headed to the beach and went
swimming We spent two hours swimming, plating playing with
balls in the water before going back to the hotel for dinner.
In the first evening there, we visited some went discovering the
surrounding shops and entertainment centers, thenand went
came back for sleep at about 10 p.m. Next morningday, we
caught a bus to go sightseeing around the town and enjoyed
famous local foods like.....(liệt kê một số món ăn)...... That
was They were delicious. In the afternoon, we went swimming
and playing in the water again for two hours before having
dinner at 6.30. In the eveningthat night, we didn’t go out but
spent three hours singing in the karaoke room of the hotel
together had a big party in the hotel’s garden. On the last day,In the morning of
the last day, we spent the whole morning going around the
local markets and searching for souvenirs to bring back
home. The journey was maverlous. I feel really relaxed and had
wonderful time with my beloved onesafter the holiday. I hope I will have
chance to go to.....(địa điểm) summer holiday.
The best holiday of my life was the vacation I had with my parents and sisters in the South of Vietnam two
years ago. I went to the lovely coastal city of Nha Trang, which is also a very famous tourist destination. We
decided to go there by plane and it took about an hour to fly there. I was so eager for the trip that I prepared
everything such as my clothes, camera and other accessories a week in advancee. The time we spent in Nha
Trang was a blast. We got to try out so many new things such as skydiving, surfing, and diving to see the coral
reef. This place has one of the most beautiful beaches in Vietnam with deep blue water and pearly-white sand.
Also, the food there was so unique and delicious. I think the most memorable moment of that trip though was
definitely when we bought fresh ingredients from a local market and grilled them by the beach. Sitting there by
the fire on a breezy night with the delicious smell freshly barbequed fish was an amazing experience. The trip
to Nha Trang really was the holiday of a lifetime. We had a lot of fun and got to see a lot
of spectacular scenery. We definitely enjoyed it and we will definitely go there again if we have a chance.
Your English learning
* What is the most difficult thing in your E learning?
In my opinion, learning grammar is the most difficult thing when I learn English d the
followdue to some following reasons. First, English grammar is very different from Vietnamese
grammar. As we have got used to using Vietnamese grammar, it is hard to remember the rules
of english grammar. For example, the order of words in an English sentence is not the same as
that in Vietnamese one. Second, there are too many tenses of verb in the English language than
in our Vietnamese English has so many tenses, so it is not easy for us to remember how to form
the right verbs. We often make mistakes in verb form exercises. ThirdLast but not least,
inservice-students like us have limited opportunities to practice English grammarwe do not
have many opportunities to practice English grammar because we are inservice-students, we
have much work to do in our jobso many tasks to handle on daily basis and rarely get a chance
to use English in our job.we do not have many chances to use English in our job. There are
many more reasons to make sure that English grammar is the most difficult thing in learning
English. In conclusion, despite above-mentioned difficullties, i still believe that regular practice
will help us improve even master English grammar some day. However, I think that if we have
chances to practice and if we spend at least êđ minutes everyday to learn, we could overcome
this difficulty.

* What is the most difficult skill in your English learning?

Listening is the most difficult skill in English learning
because of the following reasons. Firstly (First and
foremost), we are not familiar with English pronunciation.
Therefore, it is often very hard to catch the words sounds
and understandthem or misunderstand the words. Second,
the speed of the English native speakers is very so fast and
that we often miss information and cannot catch the
message. Third, we lack opportunities to practice listening
skill because most of our listening English time is at the
classthe main times for us to listen to English are those at the
classroom. In daily life, it is nearly impossible for us to
practice listening skill on a daily basis. For me, I often try to
spend at least 5 minutes everyday listening to English news.
Then, I try to learn and read aloud new words or spend time
speaking totalking with my classmates and my colleages in
English. By this way, I hope that I can improve my listening
skill in the future.with such activities.
* How you learn English?

English is now an international language and it is important

for our job, too. I have learnt English for .........years. And I
find that there are some ways to learn English well. First, for
the vocabulary, I often learn them in sentences and practice
using them when I talk to my friends or teachers. For
listening skills, I usually listen to English news, songs, or
some talks and try to understand all. So, I can catch up with
the speed and the voices of different English speakers. For
reading skills, I start with easy exercises or short stories,
then I try to read longer and do exercises that follow the
stories or the articles. For speaking skills, I try to practice
with my partners, my friends or foreigners whenever I meet
them. For writing skills, I start with something easy like
postcard, then I try the harder like paragraph and essay. I
often ask my teacher for correction. I believe that if I
continue with these activities, my English will be better and
better. Hope you will be, too.

Sửa lại:
English is the international language and has an important role in our daily life. I have learnt English for
.........years, and I have concluded some ways to learn English well. First, in terms of vocabulary, I often learn
new words in sentences and try to use them when I talk to my friends or teachers. For listening skills, besides
doing listening exercises, I usually listen to English news, songs, or watch English moives in my free time so
that I can catch up with the speed and the accents of different English speakers. With regard to reading skill, I
start with easy exercises or short stories, then I try to read longer and answer questions below the stories or the
articles. In order to improve speaking skills I spend time talking with my friends in English, take chances to
communicate with any foreigner I meet. For writing skills, I start with something easy like postcards, then I
turn to write a paragraph or a short essay. I often ask my teacher to correct my writings after i finish. I strongly
believe that with my persistence and great efforts, once day i will be able to master English.
Leisure activity that you enjoy
* For women
In my free time, I often go shopping around the city.
Normally, I have much of free time at the weekend. When I
am free, I often ask my friends to go shopping with me. The
shops that we often go to are in ........................... First, we
spend some time in the cafe before we go shopping. The
restaurant (cafe) the we like is...........where we can have our
breakfast. After that, we go to
buy.................Then, we go to ....................and look for .......
We often spend (khoang thoi gian) in the morning for that
things. At noon, we have lunch together in ...............and
continue our shopping tour in the afternoon. Because my
free time is only at the weekend, I always try to go to the
supermarket and prepare food and everything for the week.
Before we go home at the end of the shopping day, I and my
friends spend some time drinking tea or have some snacks
together. That’s all about my leisure actitivy at weekend.
One of my best favourite leisure activity is swimming. It can be said that i am quite a good swimmer. I learned
how to swim when I was about 8 years old and it took me only a week to get familiar with a number of
swimming strokes, like breaststroke, backstroke and butterfly. Normally, i often go swimming at the
swimming pool in my neighborhood. Before entering the water, I often warm up and stretch my muscles and
joints to avoid any injuries, then put on my swimsuit and jump right in. I enjoy swimming for some reasons.
First, swimming is extremely beneficial to our health. It provides an all-over body workout, as nearly all of our
muscles are used during swimming. It also builds endurance, muscle strength and cardiovascular fitness.
Second, going swimming is a good means of recreation as it allows me to unwind, alleviate stress and have a
great time with my friends. In conclusion, Swimming is indeed my favourite leisure activity of all time.

* For men
My favourite leisure activity is playing ........... This activity
happens every time I am free of work and that is normally at
the end of a working day because my weekend is for my
family. After work, I and my co-workers often go to...........
to play............. together. We often spend (thoi
gian)....playing...... Then, after the game, we usually go
to...... for a drink. The drink we like is (beer/ coke/ wine).
Sometimes, we have a match with another team in ............ In
that time, we often ask other friends to go and cheer us nd as
well as our opposite teams, too. We don’t care whether we
are the winner or not because the match is always for fun. I
think that playing sports, espcially ......, is a very good habbit
because it helps us to keep fit and to be stay healthy. That’s
very meaningful.
* Listening to music
- What kind of music do you like?
- Why do you like that music? (I like it because it is....... and
it helps me relax whenever I am under stress or overloaded)
- When did you start listening to that music? (How long have
you listened to that music?)
- Who is you favorite singer/ musician? What is he/she like?
- Who do you share your hobby with?
- When/ How long (in a day) do you listen to that music?
- How do you feel when you listen to that music?
* Describe your hometown
My hometown is.................. It is far/ not far from Hanoi, of
about ........kilometers to the south/ north/ east/ west of
Hanoi. This is a peaceful and beautiful place. There are
many beauty spots that you can enjoy when you come
to.............For example, you can go to ...................., or to
.............. You can also enjoy many traditional festivals in my
hometown such as................... My hometown is also famous
for some traditional food like......................... The people in
my hometown are very friendly. Most of them are farmers
(small dealers, handicaft makers...) Though the life there is
not very rich, people are very kind and if you are there, they
will not hesitate to offer you a stay or a meal. I was born and
brought up there. Now, though I am living and working in
..........., I often come back to my hometown every month and
spend some time going around to enjoy the peaceful and
pleasant environment there. I think that when I retire, I will
come back and live there for the rest of life.
* Life in the countryside
What are the advantages of the life in the countryside?
Today, there are many people like to live in the city, but I
still like the life in the countryside. There are some reasons
for that idea. First, it is very quiet and peaceful if you live in
the countryside. There are not many vehicles running before
your house. There are not many construction sites around
your house. You can enjoy the silence of the countryside, the
view from the rice fields as well as the laughs of the children
playing around in the morning and afterschool. Second, the
atmosphere in the countryside is very clean, fresh and good
for your health. You can see many beautiful, old trees
everywhere, which we cannot see in big cities. Third, the
price to buy things in the countryside is not as high as that in
big cities. When you have to spend less for life, you can save
more to do other useful things in life. There are many other
advantages of life in the countryside but I think these are the
main ones. Hope you share with me.
 What are the disadvantages of the life in the countryside?
Though living in the countryside has many advantages, I still
prefer living in the city because of the following reasons.
First, life in the countryside is very slow and it is not suitable
to the young people in this high-tech society. Young people
cannot find interesting leisure activities like playing sports,
going shopping or going to the theater in the countryside.
Second, it is not convenient for people to travel in the
countryside because it does not have such a taxi system or
public transport system like that in big city. Therefore, it will
take much longer time to travel from place to place there.
Third, though we have to spend much money for things in
big city, we receive better service and the goods are more
guaranteed. So, I think people (especially young) will
choose to live in the city rather than to live in the

* The weather in VN
Vietnam is a tropical country with four seasons in a year
which are the spring, the summer, the autumn and the
winter. In the spring, the weather is often warm, sometimes
rainy. It is often called the most energetic and the most
lively season of the year. Vietnamese people always enjoy
Tet holiday in this season wiht many traditional festivals
like......The summer is considered the hottest season in a
year. The temperature is often very high, The
humidity in summer is not low, so it often causes many
diseases like hot temper, flu... In summer, children often
enjoy their holiday after a year of studying at school. People
go on their holidays inside or outside the country. Then,
autumn comes with cool weather. Sometimes, it rains a lot,
especially in Luna July. Small children like this season a lot
because we have Mid-Autumn Festival in this time in which
we enjoy traditional cakes in the moon. Winter is the coldest
season and not many people like it. There are rains
sometimes beside cold winds. That makes the atmosphere
much colder. I myself, like other people, prefer ............that’s
my favourite season of all.
* The place you want to visit
The place I want to visit the most is............. (If I have
chance, I would like to visit.......... the most). It is located
in.................. I like that place because it has many things
attracting me. First, there are many beautiful scenes to enjoy
there such as............. Among those places, I think
the most attractive as it is very .....(adj) Second, I believe
that I can have chance to enjoy interesting traditions and
customs there. From books, articles and other people, I have
collected some exciting stories about those traditions and
customs and I really want to experience them myself. Third,
................ is also famous for its food like............... And I
want to taste all myself so that I can make a comparison with
Vietnamese food. The last thing attracts me about that place
is the people there. I have heard that the people there are
very friendly, kind and generous. I really want to go and
make friends with some people there so that we could share
some thing interesting about each other’s country. That
sounds maverlous/ wonderful.
* Your typical working day
I am a ............. and I am now working in ............... My
working day is nearly the same every day. I start my day at
......... after having breakfast at...... In the morning, I
often.......(go to my patrol zone/ local; meet the citizens;
work with documents and files; work on the computer....).
Sometimes, we have a short meeting at the beginning of the
day or a sudden meeting in case of emergency if necessary.
After that, I and some of my colleages often exchange the
results of our work to complete the tasks we are assigned. At
......., we have lunch and have about ...........for a break/ to
rest. Some of us have lunch at home, some have lunch at the
working place and some others have lunch outside. We start
work again at the afternoon and complete the tast in the
morning. At ........., we finish our work. Then, some of us
still stay at the site and play sports together while some
others may come home immediately or go our for a drink. I
always come home after work, go to the market for food. I
have dinner at.....with my family and go to bed
at..........That’s the end of my day.
* Your family
For singular people
My family has .........members who are my parents, me and my (younger/ elder) sister(s)/
brother(s). My father is a(n)........(My father works as a(n).........). He is now..........years old. He
is a very kind,....(adj: generous/ interesting/ intelligent/ gentle/ careful/ thoughtful..)person. He
always helps people in the surroundings. He was also my first teacher in life. My mother is
a(n)................ She is .........years old. (she, just like my father, is retired already). My mother
looks very beautiful (pretty/ good-looking) with her long/short hair. She is the woman of the
family, always takes care of us though we are adults now. She likes ............ I admire my mother
a lot. My sister (brother) is .........years old. She/ He is a(n)...............and now working
for................. My sister/ brother looks very smart, intelligent. She/He is always good to me and
helps me a lot whenever I am in trouble. In my family, it is easy to see that my mother/father
has the most influence on other members, especially me myself. (*)I hope that my family will
always stay the same in the future. I love my family very much.
(In the past, my family used to be very poor but my parents did never ask me and my
sister/brother to quit school. And all members in the family tried our best to work and help my
family over come the difficulties. So now, we all learn that life is not easy but if we stay
together, we would be better each day.)*
 For married people
There are ....members in my family: me, my wife (husband) and our child (son/daughter)/
children (a son and a daughter/ two sons/ two daughters). My wife (husband) is a(n)............
She/ He is ..............years old. And now she/he is working for............ She is a(n) (adj: beautiful/
pretty/ intelligent/ humourous...) person. She/He looks younger/a little bit older than her actual
age because, in my opinion, she has a wonderful/pleasant (not easy) life. I and my
wife(husband) met each other when................. and we have always been kind and helped each
other since our marriage. My son/daughter is .......years old. She/He is a(n).......... at....(primary/
secondary/high) school/ kindergarten. She/He is tall/short/of medium height, slim/fat/well-built.
She/He is very lovely, intelligent, smart. That is all about my family. I love my family a lot and
it is where I always want to come back after a hard working day and where I seek for relax
when I am in trouble or share my happiness in life.

* How to stay healthy

For men
There are many ways to keepfit/ stay healthy today. I myself often follow a very strict rules in
my everyday life to keep myself strong both physically and mentally. First, I often do
exercises/go jogging the morning. Then I have breakfast which is usually bread
and fresh milk before I go to work. In the afternoon, after a long working day, I often play
sports with my friends or my children. I rarely allow myself and others in my family to eat fast
food because it is not good for our health. We often eat a lot of vegetables, little meat or eggs.
As a man, I do not drink during my working hours. But sometimes, after work, I may go out for
a glass of beer with my friends. However, I never drink much and never drink strong wine. I
know that smoking is harmful, so I never smoke any where. At weekend, if I have time, I
always take my family out for a picnic to relax. I never stay up late at night bacause it will
make me tired. I and my family often go to bed at.....p.m. I think that if I follow those rules
strictly, I will always be healthy.
 For women
There are many ways to keepfit/ stay healthy today. I myself often follow a very strict rules in
my everyday life to keep myself strong both physically and mentally. First, I often do
exercises/go jogging the morning. Then I have breakfast which is usually bread
and fresh milk before I go to work. In the afternoon, I often go to the yoga club/ aerobics club/
the gym and practice there with some of my friends before coming back home and preparing
dinner for the whole family. I always care about food for my family, so I go to the supermarket
twice a week for fresh and qualified food. Sometimes, when I have time, I go to a spa to get my
body check-up and relax. I never use disqualified or fake costumes. I never stay up late at night
bacause it will make me tired. I and my family often go to bed at.....p.m. I think that if I follow
those rules strictly, I will always be healthy.
* The job you like best
Among many jobs in today life, I like to be a policeman( police woman) the most/ like to serve
in the police/public security forces the most. It has been my dream since I was a child. There
are many reasons for me to like such a hard job. First of all, being a policeman, I will have
chances to meet and talk to many people and understand about their life . As the result, I can be
able to contribute my strength and energy as well as knowledge to protect their peaceful life.
Next, when I am a policeman, I can join different forces to cope with different types of crime
such as drug trafficking, human trafficking (and anti-social behaviours)and protect the society.
Moreover, when I am a policeman, I will have opportunities to go to many schools in my zone
and help educate children so that they will understand how to protect themselves and how to
make their life more beautiful in the future, how to help other people follow the laws strictly
and volunterily. Being a policeman is also very great as I can keep my family tradition
developing./ distribute my little help in maintaining and developing my country. All in all,
policeman is always my dream job/ideal job.

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