Thyrotropin (TSH) Thyroglobulin (TG)

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normal <100 <140 <5,7
Pre diabetes 100-125 140-199 5,7-6,4
diabetes <126 >200 >6,5

BLOOD GLUCOSE usually > 250 mg/dL
URIN GLUCOSE & KETONES highly positive for glucose & ketones
-HYDROXYBUTYRATE Levels >0.5 mmol/L: considered abnormal
Levels of 3 mmol/L correlate with the need for
treatment for DKA
Electrolyte panel Serum K levels initially 
Serum Na level usually ( 1.6 mEq/L)
serum Cl levels and P levels always 

Pituitary thyroid stimulator
Thyrotropin (TSH)
Thyroglobulin (Tg)
Thyroid autoantibodies
Thyroid peroxidise antibodies (TPOAb),
Thyroglobulin antibodies (TgAb)
TSH receptor antibodies (TRAb)
Serum based methods
TT4 and TT3
FT4 and FT3
Thyroid hormone binding proteins
Thyroxine Binding Globulins (TBG)
Transthyretin (TTR)/Prealbumin (TBPA)
Hyperthyroidism Hypothyroidism
TSH < N and frequently <0.1 uIU/mL. Primer:>N
Secondary :<N

T4(Serum free elevated low

T4 is important
to confirm and
determine the
degree of

T3 usually elevated low

Radio Active RAIU is often  in Graves’ disease decreased in
Iodine Uptake However, the diagnostic accuracy of hypothyroidism, but they
(RAIU) RAIU in hyperthyroidism does not are less sensitive than TSH
approach that of the serum TSH plus and free T4 measurement.
free T4 measurement. Therefore,
determining RAIU is not useful in the
diagnosis of straightforward Graves’
disease but is useful in excluding
thyrotoxicosis not caused by
values of RAIU in association with
thyrotoxicosis signal the presence of
factitious thyrotoxicosis, ectopic thyroid
tissue, subacute thyroiditis, or the
thyrotoxic phase of autoimmune

autoAB High titer TRAb(helpful in prognosis bcs anti(TPO) antibodies are

patients who have > titers that dont detected in almost all
decrease with antithyroid drug patients with Hashimoto’s
treatment are unlikely to go into disease and its variants, in
remission. Also is important in 70% of patients with
pregnancy bcs high titer will cause the Graves’ disease, and in a
end of pregnancy correlates with an smaller number of patients
increased risk of neonatal with various other thyroid
hyperthyroidism. disorders such as MNG,
nontoxic goiter, and thyroid

Uric acid > 7.0 mg/dL in men or
>6.0 mg/dL in women.
Methods for measuring uric acid:
Phosphotungstic Acid methods
Uricase Methods
HPLC methods
enzymatic method 
3.5 to 7.2 mg/dL for males
2.6 to 6.0 mg/dL for females

Kolesterol Total Kolesterol
< 200 mg/dl Optimal HDL(ApoA)
200-239 mg/dl Diinginkan < 40 mg/dl Rendah
> 240 mg/dl Tinggi
≥ 60 mg/dl Tinggi
LDL(ApoB) Trigliserida
<100 mg/dl Optimal
< 150 mg/dl Optimal
100-129 mg/dl Mendekati
optimal 150-199 mg/dl Diinginkan
130-159 mg/dl Diinginkan 200 -499 mg/dl Tinggi
160-189 mg/dl Tinggi
≥ 190 mg/dl Sangat tinggi ≥ 500 mg/dl Sangat tinggi

Fredrickson FORMULA :
Cholestrol total – HDL – 1/5TG = LDL

 Kadar TG <400mg/dl
 Pasien mesti diperiksa dalam keadaan puasa
Dislipidemia primer Dislipidemia sekunder
genetik Pola makan
Penyebab gemuk pada anak2 reversible

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