Travel Tripper - Customer Interviews

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Travel Tripper Customer Interviews

Interview 1

1. Respondent Name: Suresh

2. Age – 28 Single Male
3. Profession – Works as a consultant for an MNC
4. Travel Profile: Frequent business travel. 7-8 times in a year
5. Frequent Destinations – Middle Eat and South East Asia
6. How does he book – Member of Accord Loyalty Program. Uses their website on most
occasions. Uses Oyo for domestic travel
7. What does he look for in website when he is booking?
a. Price is most important, followed accessibility, convenience, ease of use and
b. Looks for certain things such as: Breakfast included or not, Gym available or not.
He could easily find this info on marinabaysans
c. Uses mobile phone to do book and would prefer the website to be mobile
8. Notes on usage patterns of marinabaysands
a. Couldn’t locate ‘book room’ icon
b. Decided to book deluxe city view room
c. Went back and forth multiple times to find the room for dates he was looking for
9. Difficulties pointed out
a. To look at the features one has to click at the drop down. If basic features can be
listed with room details, it will be useful
b. Hard to look for loyalty programs
c. Hard to compare prices on individual website
10. Overall comments
a. Liked the look and feel of the website
b. Since he is a loyal member of accord, he would check accord before making a
decision to book here or not

Interview 2

1. Name: Arun
2. Age: 33
3. Profession: Works for Public sector Bank
4. Travel Profile: Hardly travel. Last time traveled for honey to Singapore and stayed at
Hilton for 4 days and Marinabaysans for 1 day
5. How does he book: does extensive research. Takes recommendations before taking the
final call. Infact the suggestion of marinabaysans for given by a friend
6. What does he look for?
a. Price> Ease of use> Accessibility > Aesthetics
b. Site should be functional. That’s it. No more aesthetics needed
7. Other important notes:
a. He booked marinabaysans for the infinity pool. Wanted to make sure that he had
access to the pool before booking
b. He noticed that they have added occasion type(Honey Moon, Anniversary
Celebration etc.) on the checkout page. He liked it
c. He uses laptop for this kind of purchase
d. He preferred to book on the hotel website as it was credible and cheaper
8. Challenges Pointed out:
a. When he tried booking the room again, his information entered just 10 min ago
was lost. No option to login to your account where your info such name, credit
card number is stored

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