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A Detailed Lesson Plan

in Grade 9 – English

I. Objectives

a. Share prior knowledge about their roles in life.

b. Appreciate one’s role by discovering the self through analysis of a literary piece.
c. Explain the plan of the group for the preparation of the Community Service
Brochure to be made.

II. Subject Matter

Title: The Seven Ages of Man

Authors: William Shakespeare
Skills: Reading Lesson
Materials: Reading text,“The Seven Ages of Man”,
Reference: Grade 9 English Learner’s Material “A Journey Through Anglo-
American Literature”, Lesson 1 (Recognizing Roles in Life) ; pp.2 – 28.
Value: Appreciating the self by recognizing roles in life

III. Procedure


A. Preparatory Activities

A great afternoon class! Good afternoon Ma’am!

Everybody stand up and _______, please (Students will pray.)
lead the prayer.
To monitor the attendance this afternoon,
may I call on _______, to please report (Student will report the attendance.)
the attendance of the class.
Class, arrange your chairs and sit properly
because today we are going to discuss an
interesting topic.
B. Pre – Reading Phase

Task 1 -Letter Search Riddle Game

Do you know what a riddle is? Yes Ma’am!

What is a riddle? A riddle is a puzzling question to be
solved or guessed.
Who among you here loves riddles? (Students will raise their hands.)
Wow. That’s great.
Today, we will have a letter search riddle
game. I will divide you into groups of six.
Please sit by groups. (Students will sit by group.)
Now here are the mechanics.
I will distribute task cards with five
statements, what you need to do is to read
them closely and search for the missing
letter suggested by each statement – one
statement for each member. Afterwards,
the leader must put the letters together to
come up with the answer to this riddle:
“What is it in life that I have to perform?”
After you come up with the answer, raise
your hands. The first one to give the
correct answer will be the winner and will
receive a prize.
Yes Ma’am!
Are the mechanics clear?
(The teacher will distribute the activity (Students will perform the task.)
You may start now! (Students will present their answers.)
After a few minutes…
(Students will clap.)
Congratulations. Roles
Let us give the winner a Yes clap.
So what is it in life class that you need to
That is right. each one of us here have
roles to perform in our life.
(Students will raise their hands.)

Now who among you here knows Pia She is the third Filipina who won the title
Alonzo Wurtzbach? “Miss Universe”.
Who is she?

That’s right. She won the Miss Universe

When Pia was asked during the Q&A
portion, she shared a role that she wishes She said she would help in raising
to perform as Miss Universe. awareness especially of Filipinos about
Who among you here can still recall what HIV.
she had said during the pageant?
Exactly! That is the role Pia wants to

Task 2 – All for the Best

I know that, like Pia Wurtzbach you also

have the best plans for your life at home,
in school, in your career, and family
because of the roles you have to perform.

What could these roles be?

To find out, I will distribute Activity Sheets.
You must list your roles in your life by
accomplishing the chart:

me most
Showcases I like best
my talents
Role in
life that…

Reasons Puts me in a
Later on, I will call students to share what Yes Ma’am
they have written on the sheets.
Do you understand class?
(The students will do their seatwork.)
You may begin answering now. Yes Ma’am.

Are you done with the activity?

Okay, so ________, will you please come Student will share his/her output.
in front and share with your classmates
your roles in life? Student will share his/her output.
Very impressive.
Next, ________. (Students will raise their hands.)
That is nice. Student will share his/her output.
Who else wants to share his/her roles in
Okay ______, please come in front. There are similarities and differences.
Very good.

Class, what did you notice in the outputs Because each one of us have our own
your classmates have shared and in your characteristics.
own outputs? Because we are on the same age group.
That is true. Why do you think that some
of the roles you are performing are
Why do you think there are some
similarities in the roles you are

Today , we are going to read the poem of

William Shakespeare, “The Seven Ages of
Man” from the comedy, As You Like It.
1. Motive Question
As you read the poem, please be guided
by the question: Yes Ma’am!
“How do the roles of man differ based on
the persona’s description?”
I will give you 5 minutes only to read the
poem and ask questions afterwards.
Are you ready class? (The students will read the story.)
C. Reading Phase
At this moment, I am going to distribute Yes Ma’am!
copies of the poem. Yes Ma’am!
(The teacher will distribute the copies.)
Class, please read the poem carefully.
D. Post Reading Phase
Did you like the poem? The Seven Ages of Man
Did you understand the poem? William Shakespeare
1. Comprehension Check The different stages / ages in man’s life
Task – Meaningful Encounter Infant
Let us check if you have understood the School Boy
poem. Lover
What is the title of the poem? Soldier
Who is the author? Justice
What is it all about? Late Adulthood
What comprises the seven ages of man or Old Age/Second Childhood
stages in life of man according to the In every stages of man’s life, he plays
poem? many roles depending on his/her age.

Life is really like a stage where we are the

players. Each of us have roles which we
should perform effectively .
How do the roles of man differ based on It made me appreciate myself even better.
the persona’s description? It made me realize that I should perform
What is compared to the “stage” in the first all of my roles in life effectively.
two lines?
How are the two related?

How does the poem make you feel about

the importance of recognizing and
performing a role in life effectively?

That is great to hear class! It seems that

you have been able to understand the

2. Group Activity


At this moment, you should be able to (The students will sit by group.)
think of the many ways in which a person
have already contributed, is contributing (Representatives will get the task and
and will be contributing to your community read it aloud.)
and to the world.
I will assign you five tasks to work on.
(The teacher will divide the class into five
Please sit by group.

May I request one representative from

each group to come in front, get the task
and share it to the class.

Group 1 Involvement
Think of a club, organization, center or
even a key person .By writing a short
story, enumerate the ways it has
contributed to your community.

Group 2 Tableau
Form a tableau depicting how a club,
organization, center or even a key person
is contributing to your community.

Group 3 Letter to a Role Model

Choose a club, organization, center or
even a key person and write a letter to
him/her/them. Explain in your letter how
he/she/they will contribute to the
community or to the world in the future.

Group 4 Leading Light

Think of a club, organization, center or
even a key person. Identify the trait/
quality/ attitude that helped him/her/them
perform their roles in life.

Group 5 Personal heroes

Brainstorm and make a list of people
whom you admire because they serve as
positive influences on your generation.
Draw objects you associate with each
person. Cooperate with your group.
Be guided by these criteria. Avoid unnecessary noises.
_______, please read the criteria. Finish task on time.

Content - 50%
Style - 30% Yes Ma’am.
Presentation - 20%
Total - 100
% (The students will present their outputs.)

As you work on these task, what are

the rules you should follow?

You are only given 5 minutes to do

these tasks.
Are the instructions clear?
After 5 minutes…
Are you ready for the presentation? Yes Ma’am
(After all the groups have presented As a student, I will be able to perform my
their outputs, the teacher will give roles effectively by doing it whole-
comments based on the presentation of heartedly and by aiming and believing in
the students.) myself that I will be able to accomplish it.

Everyone have done a great job!Let us

give ourselves then a round of

E. Generalization

What is it in life that you need to perform?

Do you think everyone have roles in life?
As a student, how can you perform your
roles in life effectively?

That is impressive class! We all have roles

to perform in every stages of our life. Our
roles may be similar or different. We need
to keep in mind that performing our roles
will create an effect on other’s lives. What
makes a community strong is its people. It
is the willingness to create positive impact
on somebody’s life that makes us


As evidence of your understanding and learning about roles in life, you have to
try your hand on your major output for this lesson – making a Community Services

Directions: Form five big groups and work on the preparation of a Community Services
Brouchure. Consider clubs, organizations, or key persons as people who performed
extraordinary roles in life.

(Bear in mind that a brochure presents factual information and details)

With your group, discuss the answer to the following questions:

1. What is the brochure all about?

2. What is the purpose of the brochure?
3. Who is the target audience?
4. What are the information / features contained in the brochure ?
5. Which of the following methods (description, enumeration,
comparison/contrast, or exemplification) were used in the presentation of
the information?
6. What makes the brochure interesting?
7. What help/support/advantages does the brochure offer?

You are only given 5 minutes to discuss with your groups.

Students output in evaluation will be rated based on the following criteria:


Focus &Content - 40%

Clarity - 20%
Language Mechanics -10%
Organization of Plan -20%
Supports - 10%
Total - 100%

V. Assignment

In your notebook, keep a record of all of the following questions:

1. What new and special methods have you learned about recognizing your roles in
2. What approach to/attitude in life do you think can help you chart your course in life?
3. How will it help you become a better person?
Use the chart below to answer the questions:


Prepared by:


Student Teacher

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