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Globalization and Jingoism always coexist".

The sudden increase in the exchange of people, knowledge, trade and capital in
the last two decades, has created an inter-connected web comprising countries
across the globe. Interestingly, as countries embrace globalisation and open up
to each other, the desire to aggressively protect their own national interests,
captured by the term ‘jingoism’, also gains currency.

The 21st century is a century of movement and fluidity. Globalisation, aided by

technological innovation, has redefined the idea of borders and identities. As
more people move transcend borders and interact with people from different
nationalities, they gain a new perspective on the world. Globalisation includes an
inter-linking of trades, culture, political and social views and benefits countries as
they adopt the best practices from all over the world to improve their own
country. Access to international markets, rise in tourism, forex reserves, financial
support, security are just some of the advantages of embracing globalisation.
However, globalisation also stokes fears of losing out in the face of competition
from other countries, which, in turn, fuels jingoistic feelings in the people. There
is a sense of insecurity in such countries, which begins to reflect in their foreign
policy marked by ‘protectionism’. In their attempt to safeguard their national
interests and shield the country’s industries, people(especially the unemployed)
and resources, they tend to adopt measures such as higher tariffs on imported
goods, incentives to firms who employ natives, restricting influx of migrants and
so on. A good example of this is the US, under Donald Trump, who is pandering
to jingoistic feelings through measures such as cubs on H-1B visa, outsourcing
jobs and migration, to name a few.

The more the countries open up, the more strong jingoism becomes. It’s up to
the individual country to strike a balance between these two.

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