Name: Angelo U. Payod Section: K01 Date: October 24, 2019 Score: / Title of Reading Selection: Being Fashionable Is Not Expensive

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Name: Angelo U. Payod Section: K01 Date: October 24, 2019 Score: /30

Title of Reading Selection: Being Fashionable is not Expensive

Direction: Write a one-paragraph (approximately 10 sentences) summary of the reading selection. It should include the title of the reading selection, the author’s name, author’s thesis, and
supporting points.
Fashion is a big factor in expressing ourselves. It is a popular trend, especially in styles of clothing and ornaments or manners of behavior. We all have our own style in fashion. Renzo Cua (2019)
states that fashion doesn’t really require you to spend a lot of cash just to convince others to like you because there are lots of ways to achieve our desired fashion, and one of them is by
purchasing alternative cheaper version of the outfit. The author also stated that he admires people who manages to carry out cheap fashion and still look good; He labeled them practically
modish. (Source:

Direction: Write a one-paragraph (approximately 10 sentences) response to the reading selection. It should include your reaction to the author’s thesis, and assessment of author’s achievement of
the text’s purpose, clarity, and objectivity.
Upon reading the article, I can say that it was a good read. I like how the author maintained the consistency of the text while discussing the topic and connecting with the readers. As a student,
I am also a fond of cheap and practical way of looking good and presentable because it has lots of benefits, and one of them is to save money for more important things. I found it very relatable
and motivational at the same time. The author didn’t use unfamiliar words and the paragraphs were well constructed which helped ease up my understanding of the main focus of the thesis.

This reader response will be evaluated based on the criteria below:
Criteria 4-6 Points 1-3 Points Score
Comprehension Summary demonstrates understanding of main idea and supporting Summary contains inaccurate information.

Critical Reading Response demonstrates sound reasoning in reacting to author’s thesis Response contains one or more logical fallacies.
and in justifying analysis and assessment of the text’s communicative

Clarity Ideas in sentences are clearly stated. Ideas in sentences are not clearly stated.
Completeness Important Ideas and specific information from the text are included Lacks ideas/information from text which is necessary to prove reader’s
reaction/rhetorical analysis.

Conventions Writing displays correct grammar, spelling, and mechanics. Writing displays incorrect grammar, spelling, and mechanics.

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