Reader Response 9.26.2019

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Name: Angelo U. Payod Section: K01 Date: September 26, 2019 Score: /30

Title of Reading Selection: Breakthrough in Construction of Computers for Mimicking Human Brain
Direction: Write a one-paragraph (approximately 10 sentences) summary of the reading selection. It should include the title of the reading selection, the author’s name, author’s thesis, and
supporting points.
Examined to bridge the gap between human brain and computer, SpiNNaker was built to mimic the brain's neural networks. It is said that it has the potential to overcome the capabilities of
supercomputers. Dr. Sacha Van Albada (2018) stated that SpiNNaker can support detailed biological models of the cortex, the outer layer of the brain that receives and processes information
from the senses delivering results very similar to those from an equivalent supercomputer software simulation. Professor Markus Diesmann (2018) added that there is a huge gap between the
energy consumption of the brain and today's supercomputers. Neuromorphic (brain-inspired) computing allows the investigation of how close we can get to the energy efficiency of the brain
using electronics. (Source:

Direction: Write a one-paragraph (approximately 10 sentences) response to the reading selection. It should include your reaction to the author’s thesis, and assessment of author’s achievement of
the text’s purpose, clarity, and objectivity.
At first glance, I thought the article is going to be painful to read and that there will be lots of jargon words, but I was wrong. Upon reading and scrolling through the starting paragraphs, I was
hooked as I notice the clarity of the sentences which explained the main purpose and objective of SpiNNaker carefully in such a good flow. By reading the article, you’ll realize how far the
technology has advanced. I guess time will come for computers to overcome the capabilities of humanity. By using the internet to search for those unfamiliar and jargon words that I’ve
encountered, I understood the message of the text easier and faster. All in all, it was a good read and I found it very informative despite being a technical and complex topic.

This reader response will be evaluated based on the criteria below:
Criteria 4-6 Points 1-3 Points Score
Comprehension Summary demonstrates understanding of main idea and supporting Summary contains inaccurate information.

Critical Reading Response demonstrates sound reasoning in reacting to author’s thesis Response contains one or more logical fallacies.
and in justifying analysis and assessment of the text’s communicative

Clarity Ideas in sentences are clearly stated. Ideas in sentences are not clearly stated.
Completeness Important Ideas and specific information from the text are included Lacks ideas/information from text which is necessary to prove reader’s
reaction/rhetorical analysis.

Conventions Writing displays correct grammar, spelling, and mechanics. Writing displays incorrect grammar, spelling, and mechanics.

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