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1. Explain about Baye’s Theorem?
2. Explain the axioms of probability and the theorem of total probability?
3. Explain the various terminologies associated with probability theory?
4. A class contains 9 boys and 3 girls.
(a) In how many ways can the teacher choose a committee of 4?
(b) How many of them will contain atleast one girl?
(c) How many of them will contain exactly one girl?

5. Explain in detail about cumulative distribution function (CDF)? Explain the properties of
6. Explain briefly about probability density function and its significance? Explain the
properties of PDF?
7. Explain the Gaussian distribution with a neat sketch of CDF and PDF?
8. (a)Explain condition distribution and state its properties
(b)What is conditional density .List its properties
9. A random variable X is having a CDF given by
FX (x) =0 for x<0
= kx2 for 0 ≤ x ≤ 10
= 100k for x > 10
Find a) k b) P(X≤ 5) c)P(5<X≤ 7))
10. A Rayleigh function is given by


1. Explain in detail about uniform random variable?

2. A random variable X has the probability, given as P(X= 0) = P(X =2) = P and P(X=1)
= 1-P and 0 ≤ P ≤ ½, for what value of P, variance of X is maximum?
3. A random variable X is defined by
X = -2 with a prob.1/3
= 3 with a prob.1/2
= 1 with a prob.1/6 Find the variance of Y = 2X+5
4. Show that (a) var(cx) =C2var(x) (b) var (X+Y) =var(X) +var(Y) (c) var (X-Y) =
var(X) + var(Y)
5. Define joint distribution and joint probability density function for the two random
variables X and Y.
6. (a) Let X and Y be random variable with the joint density function. f(x, y)= 2
Find marginal and conditional density functions.
(b) Distinguish between joint distribution and marginal distribution functions?
7. Distinguish between point conditioning and interval conditioning?
8. Let X and Y be jointly continuous random variables with joint density

Check whether X and Y are statistically independent or not

UNIT 3 & 4
1. Find the expected value and dispersion of the discrete random variable X whose
probability distribution is given below:
X 1 2 3 4 5
P(X= x) 0.1 0.1 0.3 0.3 0.2
2. Explain when random variables are called jointly Gaussian random variables, and also
list important properties of Gaussian random process?
3. Explain the classification of random process with neat sketches.
4. Define and explain autocorrelation and state its properties.
5. Define cross correlation and state its properties.
6. Briefly discuss about Poisson random process?
7. A random process is defined as

Where A is a constant and ‘ϴ’ is a random variable, uniformly distributed over (-π ,π).
Check X (t) for stationary.
8. Derive an expression for power spectral density?
9. What is the difference between a random variable and a random process. Define
autocorrelation function of a random process?
10. The autocorrelation function for a stationary Ergodic process with no periodic
components is
𝑅𝑋𝑋 (𝜏) = 25 +
1 + 6𝜏 2
Find the mean value and variance of X(t).
11. Derive the relationship between autocorrelation function and power density spectrum
of random process X (t)?
12. Derive the relationship between cross-correlation function and cross-power density
spectrum of random process X (t)& Y (t)?

1. Derive the relation between PSD of input and output of random process of an LTI
2. Describe about band pass, band limited and narrowband random process?
3. Find cross-correlation of input and output of a system?
4. Find mean, mean square and autocorrelation of system response?
5. Describe properties of band limited random process?
6. Prove the following relationships?
a) SXY(w)=SXX(w)H(w) b) SYX(w)=SXX(w)H(-w)

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