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Proposed Constitutional, Policy and

Legislative Amendments from NDC 1 and the

The Dialogue Reference Group (DRG) facilitated the holding of 47 County Dialogue
Conferences(CDC) across the country to deepen the dialogue after the National
Dialogue Conference(NDC 1) which was held in September 2018. Each of the CDCs
produced a report with the key issues that the CDCs articulated to the DRG and the
NDC1 focussed on seven main issues, and the CDC consultations were focussed on
these issues and have been reduced into a National Dialogue Consensus Agreement.
The NDCA signifies a unified statement of the reforms Kenyans want to see in
enhancing systems and structures of governance, elections, economic empowerment
and service delivery in the Country. It was arrived at after broad public dialogues and
participation across several counties and is a reflection of the will of the Kenyan
In this report I reconcile the agreed to proposals and I introduce draft legislative, policy
and constitutional amendments for discussion and final approval. The structure of this
presentation outlines each of the seven NDC issues, and then within issue identifies
the proposals emanating from the NDCA, and then I input relevant amendments.

Issues proposed for amendment.

Amendment Proposal 1: Separate County Elections from National Elections.
i. Amend Article 136(2)(a) by deleting the words “August, in” and replacing them
with the words “December, after”. This amendment ensures that National
Elections shall be held in December after every fifth year.
The clause will read “An election of the President shall be held on the same day
as a General Election of Members of Parliament, being the second Tuesday in
August in December after every fifth year”

ii. Amend Article 101(1) by deleting the words “August, in” and replacing them
with the words “December, after”. This amendment ensures that National
Elections shall be held in December after every fifth year.
The clause will read “The election of Members of Parliament shall be held on
the second Tuesday in August in December after every fifth year.”

iii. Amend Article 180(1) by replacing the word “in” after the word “August”, with
the word “after”, and striking out the words “same day as a General Election of
Members of Parliament, being”. This is to ensure County elections are

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separated from election of Members of the National Assembly and are

conducted after five years.
The clause will read “The County Governor shall be directly elected by the
voters registered in the County, on the same day as a General Election of
Members of Parliament, being the second Tuesday in August in after every fifth

iv. Amend Article 177(1)(a) by replacing the word “in” after the word “August”, with
the word “after”, and striking out the words “same day as a General Election of
Members of Parliament, being”. This is to ensure County elections County
elections are separated from election of Members of the National Assembly and
are conducted after five years.
The clause will read “A county assembly consists of members elected by
registered voters of the wards constituting a single member constituency, on
the same day as a general election of Members of Parliament being the second
Tuesday in August in after every fifth year”
The County Governor shall be directly elected by the voters registered in the
County, on the same day as a General Election of Members of Parliament,
being the second Tuesday in August in after every fifth year”

Amendment Proposal 2: Separate boundaries review functions from the

elections management and domicile it in a different body.
i. Amend Article 89(2) by replacing the words “Independent Electoral &
Boundaries” with the words …………………………….. (where do we house this
It shall read “The Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission
………………….. shall review the names and boundaries of constituencies at
intervals of not less than eight years, and not more than twelve years, but any
review shall be completed at least twelve months before a general election of
members of Parliament.”

ii. Amend Article 88(4)(c) by deleting it. It reads “The commission is responsible
for - (c) the delimitation of constituencies and wards.”

Amendment Proposal 3: Establish a training institute for IEBC staff knowing that
most of the staff at the body are engaged on a temporary basis.
This should be an operational issue at Secretariat level.

Amendment Proposal 4: IEBC officials who are found to have presided over an
election in which electoral offences were committed are held personally liable
and prosecuted.
Already provided for under Section 6 of the Election Offences Act, which prescribes a
penalty of a fine of not more than two million shillings, of imprisonment of not more
than five years or both.

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Amendment Proposal 5: An independent audit and cleaning up of the voters’

register be undertaken by the end of 2nd year after every General Election
i. Amend Article 88(4)(b) by adding at the end of that clause the words, “by
commissioning an Independent audit of the voters register at the end of
every 2nd year after every General Election”
ii. Amend Section 8A (1) of the Elections Act no. 24 of 2011 by deleting the
words “at least six months before a general election” appearing immediately
after the words “at least” and replace it with the words “at the end of every
second year after every General Election”
The new clause shall read “The Commission may, at least six months before
a general election, at the end of every second year after every General
Election, engage a professional reputable firm to conduct an audit of the
Register of Voters.”
Amendment Proposal 6: All elections petitions should be terminated at the
Court of Appeal, and should be concluded within 6 months from the date of the
election, except the Presidential poll petition which is adjudicated at the
Supreme Court.
Already provided for under Section 85A of the Elections Act.
Amendment Proposal 7: Enforce Chapter 6 of the Constitution to ensure ethics
in politics
This is largely provided for in the Political Parties Act, through the Code of Conduct,
and hat is lacking is the goodwill to implement. We should push for implementation.
The Code of Conduct in the Political Parties Act requires political parties to:
o Promote good governance and eradicate electoral malpractices
o Respect and promote democratic processes
o Develop consensus building in issues of national importance
o Promote policies and practises towards inclusivity of special interest
groups and Article 27(6)
o Practice tolerance and inclusivity
o Respect and uphold the constitution
o Respect and uphold, human dignity, equity, social justice, inclusiveness
and non-discrimination
o Respect, uphold and promote leadership and integrity
o Shun violence
o Should not engage in or encourage intimidation of opponents or other
person or political party
o Avoid influence peddling, bribery, corruption,
o Shun illegal or illicit money
o Refuse to accept or use public resources/ use state resources for
partisan campaigns
o Should not advocate hatred that constitutes ethnic incitement, vilification
of others or incitement to cause harm
o Should not disrupt other persons/parties rally

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This is as far as political parties are concerned. We have the rules, what is lacking is
implementation. The Act provides for deregistration. To date despite blatant and
rampant violation of the Act and code none of the big culprits have been deregistered.
Grounds for deregistration are found in Section 21, and include unfair nomination
practices and contravention of the code
The roles and responsibilities of political parties as set out in the Article 91(1) of the
Constitution, are:
o To have the face of Kenya and to embrace inclusivity, gender, disabilities,
minorities, youth, marginalised
o To hold regular internal elections
o To carry out fair and democratic nomination processes
o Funding from the exchequer to political parties is to be used for Civic education,
promoting election of women, youth and marginalised.
o It’s funds should not be from a non-citizen, foreign government, inter-
governmental or non-governmental organisation.
o Should not be funded by an individual at more than 5% of its total budget.
o They have a duty to publish their source of funds
o Establish fair internal discipline mechanisms, and electoral dispute resolution
o Ensure compliance with Chapter 6.
o Keep a register of members

Amendment Proposal 8: Change how the IEBC commissioners are selected. The
Inter Parties model used during the IPPG of 1997 seems to gain currency. Most
Kenyans feel that the current way of getting commissioners does not work for
Kenya. It gives the country weak and exposed commissioners.
The Inter parties model expanded the Commission to 22 commissioners. The
Opposition nominated half of the Commissioners, and the Executive nominated the
rest. This position was agreed to out of goodwill and was not backed by any law. The
current Constitution limits the number of Commissioners to nine. We need to think
through this a bit more to find a harmonized approach to the Composition, mandate
and appointment of Commissioners.


Amendment Proposal 1: The Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission should be
restructured to serve as the Serious Crimes Unit with investigative and
prosecutorial powers, while regular corruption cases are dealt with by the
Directorate of Criminal Investigations and the Director of Public Prosecutions

i. Amend Article 79 by deleting the words “Independent Ethics and Anti-

Corruption” and replace with the words “a Serious Economic and Financial

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The clause shall read” Parliament shall enact legislation to establish an

Independent Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission, a Serious Economic and
Financial Crimes Commission, which shall be and have the status and powers
of a Commission under Chapter Fifteen, for purposes of ensuring compliance
with, and enforcement of the provisions of this chapter.”

ii. Amend Article 248(2) by adding a new sub-clause(l) which shall read to include
amongst Chapter fifteen commissions “the Serious Economic and Financial
Crimes Commission”

iii. Amend Article 252(3) to include a new sub-clause (e) which shall read “The
following commissions and independent offices have power to issue summons
to a witness to assist for the purposes of its investigation- (e) the Serious
Economic and Financial Crimes Commission”

Amendment Proposal 2: The National Assembly must immediately pass a

Conflict of Interest Act which will stop public officers, state officers, political
leaders, their spouses, children and representatives from doing business with
the government at national and county levels. This injunction should also apply
to elected officials who previously were practicing law, who should be barred
from personally representing clients in court during their tenure in office. Their
law firms should however not be stopped from providing services to their
clients. Any officials who breach this Act should face punitive measures that
include being required to permanently quit politics to go and do business.

This might be challenged as infringing on the individual rights of those affected as it

amounts to discrimination of certain professionals (lawyers) from continuing to carry
on their trade and practice. If it is to be just and fair, then it should apply to all members
of Parliament, County Government and the County Assemblies. They may seek to be
paid a non-practicing allowance.
Draft Bill Attached.

Amendment Proposal 3: Article 99 (3) must be repealed to remove the lacuna

that allows politicians to vie for elective office even when they are faced with
integrity, corruption or criminal cases in courts of law. The IEBC should be
empowered to bar through vetting any individuals with such integrity questions
until they have been cleared and found not culpable.

Delete Article 99(3) which is a clause that permits persons with cases in Court to vie
for elective posts, as long there is still an avenue for appeal, or the matter is
incomplete. It reads “A person is not disqualified under clause(2) unless all possibility
of appeal or review of the relevant sentence or decision has been exhausted.”

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Amendment Proposal 1: Initiate constitutional reforms to provide for an
executive that includes the President, Deputy President, Prime Minister and two
Deputy Prime Ministers.

i. Amend Article 130 (1) by inserting the words “Prime Minister, and two Deputy
Prime Ministers” immediately after the words “Deputy President”.
It will read “The national executive of the Republic comprises the President, the
Deputy President, the Prime Minister, two Deputy Prime Ministers and the
rest of Cabinet.”

ii. Amend Article 152(1) by renaming (c) (e). and renaming (d) (f). Inserting a new
clause 152(1)(c) which reads” the Prime Minister”. Inserting a new clause
152(1)(d) which reads “the Deputy Prime Ministers”.
The clause will read “The Cabinet consists of (a) the President (b) the Deputy
President (c) the Attorney General; and the Prime Minister. (d) not fewer than
fourteen and not more than twenty two Cabinet Secretaries Two Deputy Prime
Ministers (e) the Attorney General; and (f) not fewer than fourteen and not
more than twenty two Cabinet Secretaries.

iii. Amend Article 152(2) by inserting the words “the Prime Minister, two Deputy
Prime Minster’s and” immediately after the word appoint.
The new clause shall read “The President shall nominate and with the approval
of the National Assembly appoint the Prime Minister, two Deputy Prime
Ministers and Cabinet Secretaries.

iv. Amend Article 152(3) by inserting the words “Prime Minister, Deputy Prime
Minster and” immediately before the words “Cabinet Secretary”.
The new clause shall read “A Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister or
Cabinet Secretary shall not be a Member of Parliament.”

v. Amend Article 152(4) by inserting the words “Prime Minister, Deputy Prime
Minster and” immediately before the words “Cabinet Secretary”.
The new clause shall read “ Each person appointed as a Prime Minister,
Deputy Prime Minister and Cabinet Secretary (a) assumes office by swearing
or affirming faithfulness to the people and the Republic of Kenya and obedience
to this Constitution, before the President in accordance with the Third Schedule;
and (b) may resign by delivering a written statement of resignation to the

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vi. Amend Article 152(5)(a) and (b) by inserting the words “Prime Minister, Deputy
Prime Minster and” immediately before the words “Cabinet Secretary” in each
of the clauses (a) and (b).
The new clause shall read, “The President may (a) re-assign a Prime Minister,
Deputy Prime Minister and a Cabinet Secretary; (b) may dismiss a Prime
Minister, Deputy Prime Minister and a Cabinet Secretary;

vii. Amend Article 152 by numbering the current 152 as 152(1).

viii. Amend 152 further by inserting a new Article 152(2) which provides for
qualifications of a Cabinet Minister as follows:

The new Article will read “A person is not qualified to be appointed a Cabinet
Secretary if that person: -
(a) does not satisfy the requirements of Chapter 6 of the Constitution.
(b) is not a holder of a Degree from a recognized University.”

ix. Amend Article 153(1) by inserting the words “Prime Minister, Deputy Prime
Minster and” immediately before the words “Cabinet Secretary”.
The new clause shall read “A decision by the Prime Minister, Deputy Prime
Minister and the Cabinet shall be in writing.”

x. Amend Article 153(2) by inserting the words “The Prime Minister, Deputy Prime
Minsters and” immediately before the words “Cabinet Secretaries”. Amend
153(2) further by inserting the words “and Parliament” immediately after the
word “President”.
The new clause shall read “The Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Ministers and
Cabinet Secretaries are accountable individually and collectively to the
President for the exercise of their powers and the performance of their

Amendment Proposal 2: Initiate constitutional reforms to dignify the opposition

by enabling the runners up in the Presidential election to serve as the Leader of
Official Opposition in the National Assembly while the running mate becomes
the Leader of Official Opposition in the Senate. The offices of the leader of
official opposition should be adequately facilitated to perform oversight over
the national government.

i. Amend Article 97(1) by inserting a new clause as Article 97(1)(f) which reads
“The runner-up in the Presidential Election, not being an Independent
Candidate who shall occupy the position of Official Leader of the Opposition
in the National Assembly”
The new clause shall read; “the National Assembly consists of – (f) The
runner-up in the Presidential Election, not being an Independent Candidate

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who shall occupy the position of Official Leader of the Opposition in the
National Assembly”

ii. Amend Article 98(1) by inserting a new clause as Article 98(1)(g) which
reads “The running mate of the runner-up in the Presidential Election who
shall occupy the position of Official Leader of Opposition in the Senate”

The new clause shall read “The Senate consists of – (g) “The running mate
of the runner-up in the Presidential Election who shall occupy the position
of Official Leader of Opposition in the Senate”

Amendment Proposal 3: Amend the constitution to reduce the number of

Members of National Assembly to 209, comprising of members elected from 150
constituencies, 47 Women Representatives, and 12 Special members. The
provisions under this proposal will be structured to fulfill the gender, youth and
persons with disabilities representation requirements.

i. Amend Article 97(1)(a) by deleting the words “two hundred and ninety” and
replacing them with the words “one hundred and fifty”
The new clause shall read “The National Assembly shall consist of – (a) two
hundred and ninety, one hundred and fifty members, each elected by the
registered voters of a single member constituency.”

ii. Amend Article 89(1) by deleting the words “two hundred and ninety” and
replacing them with the words “one hundred and fifty”.
The new clause shall read “There shall be two hundred and ninety, one
hundred and fifty constituencies for the purposes of the election of the
members of the National Assembly, provided for in Article 97(1).

Amendment Proposal 4: Amend the constitution to provide that the runners up

in the gubernatorial polls are facilitated to assume the position of Leader of
Official Opposition in the counties with adequate resources to oversight the
County governments. This facilitation should include a secretariat and advisors.
i. Amend Article 177(1) by inserting a new clause as Article 177(1)(e) which
reads “The runner-up in the Gubernatorial Election, not being an
Independent Candidate who shall occupy the position of Official Leader of
the Opposition in the County Assembly”
The new clause shall read “A County Assembly consists of – (e) The runner-
up in the Gubernatorial Election, not being an Independent Candidate who
shall occupy the position of Official Leader of the Opposition in the County

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Amendment Proposal 5: The two thirds gender rule be strictly enforced in all
elective and appointive bodies and political parties. The persons on the party
lists for nominations should be elected.

i. Amend Article 97 by inserting a new Article 97(1)(e) which shall read “the
number of special seat members necessary to ensure that no more than two-
thirds of the membership of the assembly are of the same gender.”

ii. Insert a new Article 97(3) which shall provide that “The members contemplated
in in clause (1)(e) shall be elected by political parties in proportion to the seats
received in that election by each political party under paragraph (a) and (b)”.

iii. Insert a new Article 97(4) which shall provide that “The filling of special seats
under clause (1)(e) shall be determined after a declaration of elected members
from each constituency.

iv. Amend Article 90(1) to insert “(e)” just after the words “Articles 97(1)(c)”. Amend
Article 90(1) to insert “and (f)” just after the wording “Articles 98(1)(f) and
deleting the word and appearing just before (d)”.

The clause shall read “Elections for the seats in Parliament provided for under
Articls 97(1)(b)(c) and (e) and 98(1)(b), (c) and (d) and (f), and for the members
of county assemblies under 177(1)(b) and (c), shall be on the basis of
proportional representation by use of party lists.

v. Amend Article 97(1)(c) by deleting the word “nominated” and replacing it with
the word “elected”. This is to ensure that those who take up the special seats
have a popular mandate. The elections should be supervised by IEBC and the
of names of successful candidates for the party lists be published before the
general elections are held.

The new clause shall read “twelve members nominated elected by

parliamentary political parties according to their proportion of members of the
National Assembly in accordance with Article 90, to represent special interests
including the youth, persons with disabilities and workers.”

vi. Amend Article 98(1) by inserting a new clause Article 98(1)(f) which shall
provide that the Senate shall also consist of “the number of special seat
members necessary to ensure that no more than two-thirds of the membership
of the assembly are of the same gender.”

vii. Insert a new article, Article 98(4) which shall provide that “The members
contemplated in in clause (1)(f) shall be elected by political parties in proportion

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to the seats received in that election by each political party under paragraph

viii. Insert a new article, Article 98(5) which shall provide that “The filling of special
seats under clause (1)(f) shall be determined after a declaration of elected
members from each constituency.

ix. Amend Article 90(2)(a) by deleting the word “nominates” appearing therein and
replace it with the word “elects”.

The new clause will read “each political party participating in a general election
nominates elects and submits a list of all the persons who would stand elected
if the party were to be entitled to all the seats provided for under clause(1),
within the time provided by national legislation.”

x. Amend Article 98(1)(b) by deleting the word “nominated” and replacing it with
the word “elected”
The new clause shall read “sixteen women members who shall be nominated
elected by political parties according to the proportion of members of the Senate
elected under clause (a) in accordance with Article 90.”

Amendment Proposal 6: A National Ethics and Civic Education Commission

(NECEC) should be established to provide education and empowerment of the
citizens of Kenya on socio-political and civic matters. The Commission should
be fully funded by the exchequer.

i. Amend Article 248(2)(k) just after clause (j), to read “the National Ethics
and Civic Education Commission.”

ii. Insert a new Article 10A immediately after Article 10 which provides:

10A (1) There is established a National Ethics Cohesion and Civic

Education Commission

10 A (2) A person is not eligible for appointment as a member of the

Commission if that person –
(a) Does not satisfy the requirements of Chapter 6 of the Constitution,
(b) Has been known to engage in activities that undermine cohesion.

10A (3) Parliament shall enact legislation to establish the Commission

which shall be and have the status and powers of a Commission under
chapter fifteen, for purposes of ensuring compliance with and enforcement
of the provisions of Article 10.

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Amendment Proposal 1: Merge the Kenya Police Service and the Administration
Police Service
i. Delete Article 243(2)
ii. It reads “The National Police Service Consists of _ (a) The Kenya Police
Service (b) the Administration Police Service”
Amendment Proposal 1: A National Transitional Justice Authority should be
established immediately to oversee the implementation of the
recommendations of the Truth Justice and Reconciliation Commission (TJRC)
and the Commission of Inquiry into the Illegal / Irregular Allocation of Public
Land (Ndung’u Commission). It should also address the grievances and
violations against Kenyans since 2008 including the 2013 and 2017 election
violence. This is necessary for the country to experience full healing,
forgiveness and reconciliation.

Draft Bill Attached.

Merge, rename and redefine operations of existing commissions for enhanced
service delivery as below

Salaries and Revenue Commission:

Do away with this Commission and replace it with a new commission renamed
Salaries and Revenue Allocation Commission which shall merge the duties of
SRC and CRA.

Delete Article 230. This is the section that establishes the SRC.
Delete Article 248(2) (h). This is the section that outlines the Constitutional

Commission for Revenue Allocation:

Do away with this Commission and replace it with a new commission renamed
Salaries and Revenue Allocation Commission which shall merge the duties of
SRC and CRA.

i. Amend article 215(1) by deleting the words Commission for Revenue Allocation
and replacing with the words Salaries and Revenue Allocation Commission.
This is the section that establishes the CRA. We are renaming it the SRAC.

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ii. Amend Article 216(1) by deleting the words Commission for Revenue Allocation
and replacing with the words Salaries and Revenue Allocation Commission.
This provides the functions of the CRA. We are renaming it SRAC.
iii. Amend Article 217(2)(b) by deleting the words “Commission on” appearing just
before the word “Revenue” and Replacing it with the words “Salaries and” to
read Salaries and Review Allocation .
iv. Amend Article 216 by inserting article 216(2B) immediately after clause 216(2)
which reads as follows:
The Commission shall also:
(a) set and regularly review the remuneration and benefits of all State Officers;
(b) advise the national and county governments on the remuneration and
benefits of all public officers. (This imports the previous functions of the SRC
into the functions of the newly created SRAC)
v. Amend Article 216 by inserting a new Article (3B) which reads as follows:
The Commission in performing its functions shall take the following principles
into account:
(a) the need to ensure that the total public compensation bill is fiscally
(b) the need to ensure that the public service is able to attract and retain the
skills required to execute their functions;
(c) the need to recognize productivity and performance;
(d) transparency and fairness
(This imports the previous principles governing the SRC into the principles of
the newly created SRAC)
NB. We need to rethink the composition. The CRA was dominated by
politicians, while the SRC was dominated by various sector in public service.

National Land Commission

i. Amend Article 67(1) by deleting the words “National Land Commission” and replacing
them with the words “National Transitional Justice Commission”. This is the section
that establishes the NLC.
Amend Article 248(2)(b) by deleting the words “National Land Commission” and
replacing them with the words “National Transitional Justice Commission”. This is the
section that lists the Constitutional Commissions

Commissions under Article 59(4)

The KHREC is permitted under Article 59(4) to restructure the Commission into two or
more Commissions. They have since established the CAJ and NGEC. The proposal is
to have only one commission the KHREC, and for these two to run as specialized
departments within KHREC. The KHREC is also renamed “The Public Defender”

Delete Article 59(4)

Amend Article 59(1) by deleting the words “Kenya National Human Rights and Equality
Commission” with the words “Commission of the Public Defender”


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Secure their budget at 2% of the National Revenue

i. Amend Article 171 by inserting a new Article 171 A which provides that
ii. 171 A (1) For every financial year, the equitable share of the revenue raised nationally
that is allocated to the Judiciary shall be not less than two per cent of all revenue
collected by the national government.
iii. 171 A (2) The amount referred to in clause (2) shall be calculated on the basis of the
most recent audited accounts of revenue received, as approved by the National


Amendment Proposal 1:The Treasury should raise the funds transferred to the
counties to a minimum of 30%, noting that the 15% currently being transferred
is the barest minimum provided for in the Constitution.

Amend Article 203(2) by deleting the words “fifteen” appearing before the word
“per” and replacing it with the words “thirty”.
The new clause shall read “For every financial year, the equitable share of the
revenue raised nationally that is allocated to county governments shall be not
less than fifteen thirty percent of all revenue collected by the national
Amendment Proposal 2: The National Government Coordination Act should be
repealed so as to scrap the Provincial Administration.
Move for repeal of the Act.
Amendment Proposal 3: The applicable laws should be amended to remove
Members of the National Assembly from the management of the Constituency
Development Fund so that the elected representatives concentrate on their
legislative and oversight mandates.

Repeal the National Government Constituency Development Fund.


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