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Josh Cataldo
2nd Hour
Ms. Anderson
The Family Tree
Father of Parthenopaeus
Athamas = Themisto could be either
Hippomenes or Meleager

Peneius Leucon Erythrius Ptous Schoeneus

Andreus = Euippe Hippomenes = Atalanta = Meleager

Eteocles Parthenopaeus
● Huntress
● Hate the feeling of men
● Daughter of Schoeneus
● Kills the Calydonian boar
● Only marries if beaten in a race
● Marry to Hippomenes
● Loved Atalanta
● Could be the father of
● Helped Atalanta take down the
Calydonian boar
● Mentioned as an Argonaut
● Married to Atalanta
● Beat Atalanta in the race
● Other known name Melanion
● Got golden apples from
● Might of been the father of
Growth of Atalanta
● Atalanta’s father didn’t want a girl, so he decide
to leave her on the mountainside to die
● A she-bear saved and nursed Atalanta to
become a daring little girl
● Hunters found Atalanta and took her to live with
● Later, two Centaurs caught Atalanta at a
distance and pursed her
● She was not scared, she took out her bow and
shot them, both falling to the ground wounded
Calydonian boar
● The boar was sent by Artemis to Calydon to
punish King Oeneus
● King Oeneus forgot her when he was
sacrificing the gods of first fruit
● It destroyed the land, killed the cattle, and
killed the men that try to kill it
● Oeneus called for help and Atalanta and
others came to help
● Atalanta wounded it and Meleager killed it
The race of golden apple

● Atalanta said if anybody could beat her in a race that she would
marry them
● Many men tried but failed
● Guy named Hippomenes got three golden apples for praying to
● Hippomenes used the apples to destracted Atalanta from the
race and he won and they got married
The lions
● Atalanta and Hippomenes
had sex in one of the
● Zeus was affronted by it
● Zeus turned them into lions
● Forever they life as lions
What I Feel
What I feel for Atalanta is that she
was cheated into marriage by
Hippomenes, by not having a fair
race and being drawn to someone
by using apples to win. At least
play fair and try to beat her, don’t
The parent ascribed the kid about their actions to
their mind.
P.180 One of the poems ascribed to Hesiod.
Indeed it would seem passing the bounds of the
probable even in mythological stories to suppose
that there were two maidens living at the same
time who loved adventure as much as the most
P.180 dauntless hero. That kid was dauntless against those bullies.
Some of the heroes resented her presence and
P.181 felt it beneath them to go hunting with a woman. I was presence in class today.
They felt themselves insulted and were furiously
P.182 angry at having the prize go to a girl. I furiously was mad at my friend.

P.184 Melanion scudding to finish before Atalanta. The kid ran scudding to get the soccer ball.

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