Mother Tynnetta Muhammad S Notebook

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Mother Tynnetta Muhammad s Notebook

“Guide for Study”


Journey: a journey into the Mind of God


Questions made into lessons

Q.)What is the most precious commodity that we have?

ANS.-Thought! Thought is what binds us to the nature of the laws out of which we are created.

Q.) What makes you a mother?

ANS.- Because you have the responsibility of raising your children, taking care of your home duties; the cooking, the sewing,
the taking care of our husbands and learning civilized behavior both at home and abroad that makes us common to each
other... .

Q.) How many humans are in that state? How much cattle, livestock weighs? What does the whole State of Michigan
weigh? What does that have to do with why we are here on a farm?

ANS. - We’re in this kind of country setting, because we have to go back to the farms to survive. We have to go back to
agriculture, is that right? We’ve been so proud; we can’t get our hands dirty anymore, but we want food and we want it easy.
We can go to the grocery store and buy our poison food, but here, we see an example of how Allah guided the Honorable
Minister Louis Farrakhan to seed the land here with navy beans, so here our diet is going back to the basics. So we’ve got the
navy bean and then the wheat for bread; and we were told that we have some pure milk coming from the cows taste.

We’re getting a picture, as the Honorable Elijah Muhammad said, that we have to prepare for our survival. We must prepare
for our survival, he said, by learning to survive in the wilderness and that we should have programs for camping. How do you
survive with very little? So when The Call comes, you can’t take anything with you but what is in your brain and your little
knapsack. We have a lot of training [to do]—boot camp, military camp, yes—for the defense of our nation. I don’t want to
take up anymore time, but I wanted to talk to you like my Brothers and Sisters and share with you my appreciation to
Almighty God Allah for blessing us to be here in the State of Michigan with the Honorable Minister Farrakhan and his family
for showing us the way.

Q.)What if there’s a great power surge and all electronic devices stop? We would have to depend upon what?

ANS. -The art of feeling and hearing to convey our messages.

Q.)Have we cleaned up this vehicle to be able to hear those high frequencies of sound?

ANS. - These high frequencies of sound are emitted from a light, a form of electricity. The use of electricity is one of the
great mysteries that Master Fard Muhammad shared with the Honorable Elijah Muhammad upon His departure which still at
that time remained a mystery. These electronic impulses that permeate our atmosphere are connected to our orbits in space,
such as the sun. As the sun is the center of our galaxy and its energy or light waves are able to strike nine planets full of life
that are rotating on this sphere, we become more conscious that we are part and parcel of every element of matter; every
element that makes up the atomic weights and energy fields and its chemical composition.

Should we not purify this vessel so that when we pray, which is our subject, we are cognizant of the natural, physical,
biological and electronically charged atomic law? How much more powerful will our prayers be if we become more

ANS. -We are more conscious when that energy, like a crystal, amplifies our thoughts. They have an effect on the cells of our
bodies. They have an effect upon the blood coursing through our veins. Light and blood travel at the same speed. The blood
circulating through our body takes about eight minutes, and it takes light approximately eight minutes from the sun to strike
the earth.

We are the inhabitants of the earth and we are connected to the cosmos. We are connected to every element in the universe.

Q.) What will it take to remove the rust from the rusty locks to allow us to be able to communicate more clearly with
the voice of God within and his angelic hosts?

ANS. - Many years prior to his departure in 1975, he explained to some of his companions some amazing details that would
take place at the close of the present world Judgment that would specifically come to pass in the U.S.A. One of these
messages had to do with the work of the small baby planes on board the Great Mother's Wheel. He stated that at the close of
this present world, pamphlets would be dropped over the cities of America written in all the languages of the many people of
various nationalities now residing in the United States that would be instructing them to evacuate this area and return to their
native land. The time that they would be given is approximately a ten-day period. Might this action be connected to the same
period in which he described to some of us that during the Final Hour he would be seen together with Master Fard
Muhammad making a whistle stop tour 15 minutes apart on a fast-moving train to the various cities around America?

This information should be carefully studied by our readers within the light of what is taking place within the Nation of Islam
as directed by the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan's final warning he has given to the United States government. The
Honorable Elijah Muhammad explained to us that there were scientists on the Wheel who were capable of tuning in to our
thoughts and monitoring our actions and our movements everywhere we may be.

Q.) What is the link between The Master, the water glass which he displayed in public lectures, the radio in the head
and the Crystal Skull?

ANS. - Master Fard Muhammad demonstrated back in the early 1930s to audiences that through the water, poured into a
crystal glass container, He could pull up images of His family back home, and had witnesses from the audience to come
forward as witnesses to His powers of mental telepathy. Master Fard Muhammad also stated to His audience that they would
one day be able to do the same thing.

Principles for reflection

A True Woman of God

“Mother Tynnetta’s presence has raised the frequency of the island.” I can attest to Mother Tynnetta’s constant search for
knowledge and her willingness to always share that knowledge with us. She always encourages us to study from the source
out of which all knowledge comes, Allah, God through the scriptures of the Holy Qur’an, and the Supreme Wisdom Book.
No matter what body of knowledge we are studying, she, by the Grace of Allah has been able to prove how that knowledge
bears witness to the Teachings of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad. Her presence always raises the frequency of our
thinking by exhorting us to study the revealed word of Allah, God. I thank Allah for Mother Tynnetta Muhammad’s
wonderful example of a Muslim and her beautiful demonstration of “Motherhood” to all she encounters. Allah has truly made
lasting friendships and a home away from home for us in Bimini as a result of Mother Tynnetta’s constant search for
knowledge and her desire to share that knowledge with us.

Aims of Mother Tynnetta Muhammad

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad once said of me in the company of his Laborers the following words:

“My wife goes up into the mountains and goes down into the jungles and speaks several
different languages.”

I wondered within myself why he was saying those things publicly to a few of his inner circle of Laborers and family
members. While doing those things, I was virtually alone except with my children and a few selected persons outside of the
Nation of Islam. I have also climbed most of the pyramids in Mexico and Central America, as well as the pyramid zones of
Egypt—not as a tourist but as an investigator of his Divine Teachings. I didn’t realize until recently that I would continue
doing this investigative work, which would take me to journeys in the mountains and villages of Mexico’s sacred valley, as
well as other foreign lands.

It has long been my desire since coming into the Nation of Islam to present the Body of Knowledge of the Supreme Wisdom
Teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad as a thesis to Muhammad’s University of Islam to be studied by others to
raise universal spiritual consciousness.

Being guided to Islam when a teenager of 16 years of age in the city of Detroit, Michigan, as a senior at Central High School,
I began my states and stations of the journey seeking to know myself and God as the foundation of our work today,
everywhere on this planet. Today, our work in the Nation is based upon the meeting of the many minds that are caught up
into this stream of consciousness guiding us into the thinking and the Mind of God. This journey is to unite us with the source
of all spiritual consciousness, which is God Himself.

It is in Surah 74, verse 30 where the Number 19 is revealed. The complexities of the Number 19 as a mathematical code in
the Holy Qur’an are revealed in letters, numbers, words and chapters. This mathematical code was discovered through the
use of computer technology by scientists and scholarly colleague, the late Dr. Rashad Khalifah. It is this study from the Holy
Qur’an based on the mathematical number 19 that has given rise to the title of my column entitled, “Unveiling the Number
19.” This discovery is being applied to a new Cultural Revolution and spiritual dialogue in Search of the Messiah.

For many years, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad had prepared me to make a serious study of his life and that of our Nation
from the perspective of the Holy Qur’an and the history of Prophet Muhammad, Peace be upon him (PBUH).

He also stated that the Holy Qur’an was the root of Muhammad and when one reads the Qur’an, one is talking directly to God
Himself. He further explained that the Holy Qur’an was revealed in such a way as being instructed to Muhammad (PBUH)
with God as his teacher, telling him what the people would say (in arguments) and what he, Muhammad, (PBUH) would say
to them in reply.

The last words that the Honorable Elijah Muhammad shared with me in Mercy Hospital in Chicago, Illinois, while I was at
his bedside in 1975 prior to his slipping into the coma, when I inquired about who the conspirators were, he advised me in
these words: “To take refuge in Allah.” All my life, I have taken hold to these words and have ever sought Allah’s guidance
and help throughout my everyday life.

Prior to the Honorable Elijah Muhammad’s departure, he established a Residence in the neighboring country of Mexico in
1974, and left me with certain guidelines and instructions, which were verified one year later in my discovery of an old copy
of “Early Instructions to the Laborers,” along with our Lessons that belonged to him, that I found pressed between the leaves
of one of his books. From that day forward, I have connected his personal words of instructions with the study of our
Supreme Wisdom Lessons, Holy Qur’an and Bible as the source of my investigative studies. Other proofs have surfaced
which substantiate my claim along with others that he is very much alive, operating from a higher state of spiritual
consciousness and being. I have lived these past 30 years knowing this Truth and seeking the scientific evidence to prove it.

It was exactly 40 years ago when I first visited Mexico and toured the South of this country, its great monuments, temples
and pyramids. The most astounding site of all was my visit to the Archeological Park of Palenque and the famous Tomb of
Pacal Votan, and felt the majesty of a lost civilization, somehow linked with Egypt, African Kingdoms, the Eastern
Mediterranean and the Aegean Sea area.

The seven Manzils or portions of the Holy Qur’an

It was in the year 1980, on the first day of December, observed at that time as our Nation’s Ramadan, when I began reading
the Holy Qur’an through once a week, following the method instructed by the Holy Prophet to some of his companions as the
recommended way to read all of the chapters in one week’s time. This method is called the Seven Manzils, or portions, of the
Holy Qur’an, which divides the chapters into daily reading. As in my case, I began this method of reading on a Monday,
December 1 and ended the seventh Manzil on a Sunday.

My reading the seven Manzils or portions of the Holy Qur’an weekly also commenced in 1980 at the time of our December
observance of Ramadan, beginning on Monday and ending on Sunday. The Holy Qur’an is revealed in 114 Surahs with
sections in each chapter up to Surah 80. Beginning with Surah 80 to the end, there are no more sections.

On the first day, one reads 3 chapters, (Surahs 2-4); on the second day, one reads five chapters, (Surahs 5-9), then Surahs 10-
16 on the third day, making seven chapters, followed by nine chapters, (Surahs 17-25) on the fourth day. On the fifth day,
one reads 11 chapters, (Surahs 26-36). On Saturday, one reads 13 chapters, (Surahs 37-49), and finally on Sunday, one
completes reading all the rest of the chapters, beginning with Surah 50-114. I have continued this manner of reading the Holy
Qur’an weekly for the last 26 years.

My life-long Search for Knowledge

As I entered Cuba and returned, as well as to the Bahamas, I knew that I would learn more and come into direct contact with
more information about a subject I have been studying for over 30 years, in my life-long Search for Knowledge proving the
Honorable Elijah Muhammad’s Divine Teachings in every aspect of The Supreme Wisdom taught to him from his Master
Teacher, W. Fard Muhammad.

April 1974 to February 1975

In 1974, when the Honorable Elijah Muhammad left America with the members of our small family to establish a residence
in the Sacred Valley of Mexico, located 40 miles South of Mexico City, he guided me with personalized instructions relating
to a future time. This took place from April 1974 to February 1975. I was left alone with my young family in the wilderness,
trying to survive, from death threats to being nearly penniless, fleeing from persecution coming from within the house and
the family who dominated all the Nation’s affairs at that time. However, I was not totally alone. I carried his words in my
heart, with his presence and that of Almighty God Allah guiding me and my children every step of the way.

From Chicago to Mexico, then to Egypt, the Middle East and the Mediterranean and Aegean Seas, I was traveling in search
of knowledge, carrying my young family with me, knowing that fierce opposition and betrayal were following close on my
tracks. When the Honorable Elijah Muhammad revealed what he revealed to me in Mexico, which included the death plot
against his life, as it was unfolding in Chicago, he also stated that that death plot also was focused on me.

While in Mercy Hospital in Chicago weeks prior to his being taken, he reiterated the dangers I was in and when I asked him
what was I to do, he told me to take refuge in Allah! These words have accompanied me and have brought me great comfort
throughout this period of 31 years. As I look back over the past many years, looking and searching for signs of him to be
made manifest in every journey and every passing day, I feel that the time and the hour is near.

I thank Almighty God Allah for the kindness, generosity, help and support of my Brother, the Honorable Minister Louis
Farrakhan, along with Brother Minister Jabril Muhammad who has ever been a source of great comfort to me and my family
throughout this extended period of the absence of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad.

Let the Cultural Revolution Begin

In amazement, I reflected upon the words of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan made in Phoenix, Arizona, in 1983
which is stated in part at the top of my column: “Let the Cultural Revolution Begin, and let the city of Phoenix (symbolic of
the Phoenix bird in flight arising from its dead ashes being reborn), be the one that shows the way in the Music, Drama and
Dance.” This commonality of expression combined with world travel has now embraced a global reality as I continue my
work in this spirit everywhere I go.

A strong connection to Egypt and Africa

Since my early childhood, I always felt a strong connection to Egypt and Africa along the banks of the Nile. I found myself
often communicating with the great monuments (temples and pyramids), often speaking directly to the great Sphinx inquiring
about the great mystery of life.

The Sun

That the Sun is so powerful that nearly all ancient cultures worshipped her image as a God and made sacrifices to her power
to maintain and regenerate and sustain life among the living.

Our Sun is also a star, a star with such magnetic power and attraction that it produced in its sphere nine planets which rotate
around her by the law of attraction, electromagnetic energy and the force of gravity that keeps us rotating at the same speed
of 1,037 1/3 miles per hour around her solar disk.

The Sun symbolizes the procreation, regeneration and birthing process, and in this sense the projected work of the woman or
the female in her relationship to God.

“Teach the sisters about the Sun”

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad told me in the second part of that dream that he wanted me to teach the sisters about the
Sun. When I awakened, I was a little puzzled because I wasn't sure if he meant in our physical sun that lights up our solar
system of nine planets that connects us to the billions of stars in our Milky Way Galaxy; or was he referring to the word son,
s-o-n, as in offspring, as in the Son of Man, or both. I recalled that in the 1970s he began to tell some of his Laborers many
experiences he had while he was being taught by Master W. Fard Muhammad in the 1930s. Upon one of those occasions, he
asked the Savior to teach him about the Sun. He stated that to his surprise, he became agitated or angry and told him that if he
were to question him again about the Sun, he would not return to teach him anymore, at which point he departed for a short

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad didn't know what to think but within a short time, the Master returned and began teaching
him something about the Sun but only a little. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad in explaining this incident to us elaborated
by saying what he thought the Savior may have thought about his student. I am paraphrasing his words but his comment was
as follows: “Oh, well, poor fellow, in so many words, I am supposed to be God and why should I be so upset about teaching
him on this subject.” This dream I had took place in the early 1980s, a little before 1984 when a whole month was set aside in
October as a tribute to the Honorable Elijah Muhammad by the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan while he was in
Phoenix, Arizona. I remember when the Women's Week approached at the end of that month and we, the Sisterhood, had our
Sunday broadcast, I chose this subject; “The Sun,” and proceeded in the best manner that I knew to explain that part of my
dream that I received from the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. I wondered quietly within myself why he would give me such a
subject in which he had such difficulty in questioning Master W. Fard Muhammad.

Let us deal briefly with the Sun of our Solar Galactic System as the powerful source of the gravitational and attracting force
on our nine planets the light of which causes all of them to rotate at the same speed of 1,037 1/3 miles per hour around the
Sun. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad has taught us that these planets all have life on them representing different
civilizations and worlds that have come to birth in the circle of the Sun. They form a family referred to in our lesson as the
Big Ten. What gives life to the Sun and what is the fuel that lights up her regenerating power? It is a symbol of the Divine
Creator and is represented in our Universal Flag of Islam. It is red in color and covers the whole sphere of our flag extending
in all directions giving life to our nine planets; but what is the source of her light, energy and life source? The Honorable
Elijah Muhammad has stated and emphasized in his book, “How to Eat to Live,” that the Sun in Arabic is feminine and is
represented as she. The word feminine in syllables encompasses in her suffix the number nine.

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad further explains that this number nine is connected to the nine months that it takes for the
woman to give birth to her child, whether male or female. The crescent moon in our flag must progress through various
stages until it becomes a full moon and then in her rotation becomes once again a sliver of light as the crescent new moon
reflecting the light of the Sun in all of her movements around the earth. In reference to the moon on page 13 of the Flag of
Islam by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, he refers to the woman's menstrual cycle as the biological connection to the
female and her 28-day monthly cycle. The Star is also referred to as “She” and produces the material in her star formation

that is responsible for creating the molecular material of our DNA and genetic coding. Thus, if we analyze deeply the root of
the Sun, Moon, Star and Planets, they are all figuratively feminine in nature and represents “she.”

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad told us about a brother who was invited to dinner as his guest and during dinner began
asking him about the origin of the woman or the female trying to connect her to the moon's history. The Honorable Elijah
Muhammad replied, Brother, as far back as the man goes, the woman was there. Seeking to understand further the brother
repeated the question about the woman's origin, to which the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, gave the same answer. He has
furthermore taught us that when God was fashioning Himself out of darkness or the dark womb of space, he proclaimed this
production to the second part of Himself as the female aspect of his own creation. She is referred to as co-creator and co-
producer in his own self-creation. Thus, she is called the twin of Himself. So as he looked at His creation, he honored the
entire universe after her.

Whether we understand this subject given to me to teach the sisters by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad as Sun or son, s-o-n,
they both refer to the female and her exquisite power of production in giving birth to life and all its forms and in the creation
of new civilizations and worlds. When the female or woman comes to recognize the power she has in the God head to be his
help meet, in the creation of the heavens and the earth she will become more spiritually aware and conscious of her great role
in the New World Order that God is now bringing about in the universal change of worlds.

All his or her own

Mother Tynnetta Muhammad encouraged and continues to encourage us to study and read the Holy Qur'an; to master our
Lessons, to practice our telepathy; to be open minded; to study star systems; history, peoples, cultures, to be fit both
physically and righteously; to help one another to heal; to be fearless—because this is all his or her own.

An agenda of ideas

The Mxodus Team: presented an agenda of ideas of how we could help in community development based on the model of the
Nine Ministries presented to us by the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan.

The part that Brother Jabril Muhammad has played in solidifying our Faith

In 1977, one year following that first meeting, he was divinely guided to rebuild the Divine Work and Teachings of the
Honorable Elijah Muhammad which is the second sequel in the Resurrection of our dead nation that is leading us to the
threshold of the new life of the Hereafter. Brother Jabril Muhammad first approached the Honorable Minister Farrakhan in
Hollywood prior to 1977 with his inspirational book covering the most important aspect of the life of Jesus and the
resurrection that he was divinely guided to write by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. The second person that he was
spiritually guided to contact before 1977 was myself, who with my four children, were located on the West Coast of
California in the Oakland Bay area. The unfolding of events that brought the three of us together culminated in October 1977
in Chicago, Illinois, at the home of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan and his family on Damen Avenue. Further details
of how this meeting came about will be discussed at a later time; but it is from those initial unfolding events when I
recognized my duty to help my brother, the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, in the overall mission of my husband's
Divine Work in every way possible with the certain knowledge that He Lives!

During this period of time, I became aware that I was always in tune with the thinking of my brother in many ways within the
timeline of events occurring in his own life. I was so programmed as his sister to be a witness of his Great Mission to help the
Honorable Elijah Muhammad to get us safely across the river to the other side of our liberation struggle. As I complete my
memoirs and tell my story, it will include not only my witnessing of my extraordinary brother but will also include the part
that Brother Jabril Muhammad has played in solidifying our Faith on the basis of our great friendship and dedication to the
Divine Teaching and Work of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad with a further bearing of witness that he lives!

During this period of time, I became aware that I was always in tune with the thinking of my brother in many ways within the
timeline of events occurring in his own life. I was so programmed as his sister to be a witness of his Great Mission to help the
Honorable Elijah Muhammad to get us safely across the river to the other side of our liberation struggle. As I complete my
memoirs and tell my story, it will include not only my witnessing of my extraordinary brother but will also include the part

that Brother Jabril Muhammad has played in solidifying our Faith on the basis of our great friendship and dedication to the
Divine Teaching and Work of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad with a further bearing of witness that he lives!

Mother Muhammad and her earlier history

I entered into this Classroom of God following my graduation from high school at the age of 16 in Detroit, Michigan, where I
was born. I did not know what the future would hold, or that I was being chosen to serve as wife of the Honorable Elijah
Muhammad and give birth to four of our children. All of my life, I have searched for Higher Knowledge and Wisdom from
the most ancient and remote times. I grew up in a Christian background of both Baptist and Congregational upbringing. I was
also exposed to the Catholic Church and that of the Bahai Teachings, along with other Faith traditions, including Indian and
Eastern philosophies.

Then, in my senior year in high school, I discovered that nothing touched me more deeply nor was more rewarding in my
Search for Knowledge than when I was guided to the Path of Islam and embraced the Divine Teachings of the Honorable
Elijah Muhammad. This is what I was looking for all my life!

Being chosen as one of seven commencement speakers at the centennial graduation of Central High School in 1958, each of
us was assigned a letter to develop our theme from the spelling of the name Central. My assigned letter was “R” and my
subject was Religion. In my speech, I included an excerpt from a passage from Gabril Gibran’s classic book “The Prophet”—
in which I quoted the poetic phrase: “Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of life yearning
for itself. They come through you, but are not from you.” Thus, I entered into a stage of my life that would unfold a new
reality in the course of time that would prove why we are born and why we must die in order to live again with God into

And so it is that the Spirit of God has come upon me to begin to tell my story as a Witness Bearer to my Lord, 30 years after
my husband’s Departure, just prior to his Return!

The age of 19

I have reflected on my long years of experiences which took me back to the age of 19 when I was on a very different type of
journey in which being with child, as a young wife of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, I was a secret to myself as well as to

In sharing a part of the mystery of my life, I will begin with my rebirth in the Nation of Islam as a follower of the Honorable
Elijah Muhammad and the course of my life at the age of 19 when I was found with child, by Divine Decree, and screened
myself from family and friends to an Eastern place. In my life experience as a chosen wife of the Honorable Elijah
Muhammad, I did not know what my destiny would be, but I ultimately traveled as far East as I could go to the State of
Florida to the city of Jacksonville, where many of my childhood memories were connected to my family summer trips when
school had ended and we visited with other family members and friends.

Audrey Muhammad interviews Mother Tynnetta Muhammad

Audrey Muhammad (AM): Can you tell us a little about your upbringing and your introduction to Islam?

Mother Tynnetta Muhammad (MTM): I was born in Detroit and exposed early to many cultural groups and programs. I
had a well-rounded upbringing in art classes and dance, including ballet, tap and folk dancing. I grew up in a modest
Christian background of both Baptist and Congregational upbringing. I was also exposed to the Catholic Church and various
Indian and Eastern philosophies. During my senior year in high school, I came into the knowledge of “The Teachings” at age
16. I immediately started changing my dress and learned Arabic.

AM: You enjoy music. Do you think it is important for young girls to be involved in music? Which instruments do you

MTM: The Effect of music in the mother’s womb is a creative life force. Each body organ has its own hum or buzz. Our ears
can’t perceive those subtle sounds. Nature hums. Everything buzzes. Music and the arts should be a natural part of our lives
as we evolve.

(Mother Tynnetta also discussed the relationship between music, health and the influence of music in developing internal
organs. She said that the violin is at the top of her list and also the African harp, which gives a very soft, beautiful sound.
Mother Tynnetta was attracted to the piano because it gives the full range of the orchestra. She said, “The 88 keys bridge us
to the 88 constellations of stars in musical science.”)

AM: What did you learn about virtue from the Honorable Elijah Muhammad? What is the state of virtue of women
today? What changes do we need to make as women?

MTM: Women are being abused in society today and children are being raped and murdered. There are psychological
imbalances in male and female relationships because of the lack of respect. No virtue in a woman demonstrates the type of
leadership society is under. The female energy has to give back, to give balance. Women should be trained by all-women
teachers. Women need to be put back in our rightful place. Keeping that family together and the children virtuous is on the
woman. We need to re-educate the male. We, as women, have to be aware of how we act and dress, and the effects on the
society we are a part of.

AM: What things did you teach your daughter in her teen and young adult years? What did you share with your
sons? What values did you feel were important to teach them?

MTM: I believe it is important to give children a strong spiritual base. They must learn to nurture God. Honor and respect,
prayer and cleanliness. The mother’s eye has to be attentive, even of the father.

AM: Thank you.

A Vision-like dream

The Master [Master Fard Muhammad and the Honorable Elijah Muhammad appearing together as one in which I could not
clearly distinguish one from the other] was dressed in a new styled white suit, without a fez, as he walked across the front
part of the Sanctuary of Mosque Maryam moving towards the podium with a very determined and serious focus. In his right
hand he was carrying a book; and in his other hand, he held a document containing columns of printed information. When I
realized that I was so near this Brilliant Light emanating from His Person, I became uneasy and greatly startled so that I was
speechless. In a timing that seemed like several long seconds, I ventured to ask him if there was anything I could do to help.
He replied very sternly, without turning to me or in any other direction, replying “Yes.”

“I want you to get the deeds and the papers to the Smithsonian.”

The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan also appeared in this Vision-like dream and I said to him that “The Messenger is

When I awakened I was very shaken, particularly over the Master's words about the Smithsonian.

The Nation of Islam is all-wise and does everything right and exact.

Q.) What is the language that is prescribed in the above Lesson?

ANS. -According to our Nation's Supreme Wisdom writings of Lessons that is required for all enrolled students or new
converts, we are given rules and regulations to guide us through life. We read in Lesson No. 2, Question & Answer 1 the
following words: “The Nation of Islam is all-wise and does everything right and exact.”

It is the language of mathematics combined with the proper use of words and letters forming thoughts from which our
histories are written and recorded. Measurements taken from our earth's circumference, which is 25,000 miles is used by our
wise scientists of the East (Black Man) to record our histories or Koran to equal our home circumference. These repetitive
cycles are renewed in intervals until today. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad introduced to us the perimeters of a New
World of thought that would bring an end to this present cycle of 25,000-year intervals to write our history.

The 7,000th Millennium reign

Q.) What was Master W. F. Muhammad, the Great Mahdi objective and why did he care for a people who were unwanted,
despised and rejected by the entire world of humanity and appeared to be literally slain from the foundation of the world?

ANS. -A new, advanced technology is being revealed that will take its place from the mind of God, Himself. He teaches us
that we are being prepared to take on a new growth and a complete change in the order of things on earth and in our universe.
A new book or revelation is soon to be revealed by God, Himself, in establishing a new heaven and a new earth, and the
former things will pass away. These truths coming from God, Himself, is being revealed to a people who were classified as
being no people at all starting in Black Bottom Detroit, Michigan, in the 1930s by Master W. F. Muhammad, the Great

We have it written in our Supreme Wisdom Lesson No. 2, Question and Answer 38—“…That HE could make a Devil, which
is weak and wicked, and give the Devil power to rule the Earth for six thousand years and, then, destroy the Devil in one day
without falling a victim to the Devil's Civilization. Otherwise to show and prove that ALLAH is the God—always has been
and always will be.” Herein, might be the understanding that the Devil has only six ounces of brain power (6,000 years to
rule), while the Original Man exceeds this number by seven and a half ounces of brain power (coming into the 7,000th
Millennium reign) following Satan's rule and dominion.

To lay pressure upon their minds

In reviewing these paragraphs of instructions and the introductory note, I recalled the following words with great emphasis:
“THE FOLLOWING is the Original Rules of Instruction to the Laborers of Islam and the TITLE OF MUSLIM Given by
OUR SAVIOUR before HIS Departure, With a Footnote of a few words of Explanation to lay Pressure Upon their Minds of
their Many Errors in the Past and Present, that they may see the Light and Walk therein. I thank you. Elijah Muhammad”

Q.) What does it mean to lay pressure upon their minds of their many errors in the past and present? Do these words
apply to us today? What are our many errors in the past and present time?

ANS. - We will take notice that these instructions were given before the Saviour's departure in 1934. These words repeated
over and over again resounded in my thoughts—‘…to lay Pressure Upon their Minds of their Many Errors in the Past and
Present, that they may see the Light and Walk therein.' It is only when we avoid the errors of the past and learn the lesson of
our past failures that we can be cleared of repeating them again so that we can see the Light and Walk therein.

I noted that in the first paragraph of these instructions, we, as students, are told to study the assignment of Lesson #1 given to
Minister Elijah Muhammad until the student is able to memorize, by heart, all answers to, of said, Lesson #1. In the final
statement of paragraph #1, we are asked the following question with the answer being given by our Saviour, Allah. “Why is
Stress made to the Muslims to Copy, the Minister, Elijah Muhammad's Answers? The past History shows that the
ALMIGHTY ALLAH sends Prophets and Apostles for the people's Guide and Example, and through them HIS Mystery was
Revealed. And these who follow the Apostle would see the Light.”

Do the above words connect us to the same words written in the introductory note by Elijah Muhammad which reads: ‘…to
lay pressure upon their minds' or (Stress) ‘…that they may see the Light and Walk therein because through them (the
Apostles) HIS Mystery was revealed and those who follow the Apostle would see the Light.' In consideration of all the above
said, we have not been quickly obedient strictly to this law and to the Original Rules of Instructions given to us by our
Saviour, Allah. In 1975 when I read these early instructions found in his book, I was reminded of the Honorable Elijah
Muhammad's words that he shared with me while in Mexico prior to his departure in which he laid pressure upon my mind
and stressed the importance of our Lessons in Teaching the people of Mexico the same as was given to us to study in the

I came to see that this assignment was tantamount to our Teachings wherever we would go on our planet with all peoples and
nations. The Lessons are the universal key to unlocking and Revealing the mystery of God, and obedience and dutifulness to
the Apostle or Messenger of Allah in our midst is required for us to see the Light and Walk therein.

On Dolphins

Mother Muhammad shared a wonderful analogy: likening us, in heightened development, to the spirit of the dolphin. She
said (paraphrasing), we should be like them, as we move about at high levels of thought and frequency, no one (should)
bothers us—despite living among sharks, eels and other forms of life. The dolphin is expected to live and move about without
interference from the other creatures of the sea.

Some of the History of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad

Much of the Divine Teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad was collected from his lectures and private talks during
the ‘50s, ‘60s, and ‘70s and even traced back to the early ‘30s when he was taught directly from Master Fard Muhammad, the
Great Mahdi, and later public in books that have helped to guide our people and general public into a new education or a new
school of knowledge that has never been revealed before. It is the foundation of a new world thought.

I recalled in our Nation of Islam history in America that prior to the first world travel overseas of the Honorable Elijah
Muhammad to the East in 1959 that he addressed a large audience of some 10,000 people at the Uline Arena in Washington,

Seventeen years earlier in 1942, he had been arrested by an Executive Order in Washington, D.C., former president, Franklin
Demeanor Roosevelt and was sent to jail and then imprisoned for five years until released in 1947. He was confined for the
duration of America’s prosecution of the war in Germany and in the Pacific with the Japanese. He was released in 1947 from
the downtown Chicago jail, and was told that he could continue his teaching freely to his people without interference from
the United States government.

Following this period in the mid-1950s, his new residence was purchased through the efforts of a handful of Believers and
was located in Hyde Park on Woodlawn Avenue. There he settled into his divine work and mission in the mental resurrection
of his blind, deaf and dumb people, ex-slaves of America. From 1935 he fled from Detroit, Michigan, escaping a death plot.
Seven years later in 1942 came his arrest, his release five years later and subsequently the purchase of his residence in 1955.
In this period we calculate 20 years of his Divine work and 20 years more to his departure in 1975 under another death plot.

In another 20 years added to 1975, we come to 1995 and the historical Million Man March. The sign of Egypt and its
symbolism are the prophetic signs of America’s rise and fall. We can begin our measurements from the Capitol Building and
the Rotunda to the Mall, the Washington Monument, the Reflecting Pool, to the Lincoln Memorial, to the White House and
on we go discovering that numbers and mathematics is the underlying scientific language utilized by all governments in their
document, their field and measurements of administrative buildings.

Message to the Blackman in America as an assignment

the preface of his book, “Message to the Blackman in America,” he states: “As we near the exhaustion of the Wisdom of this
world which has not been able to shed enough light on our path in search for that Supreme Wisdom to keep us from
stumbling and falling, we now seek the wisdom of Allah, the Best Knower and Guide in the Person of Master Fard
Muhammad (to Whom be praised forever). The reader will find that light in this book.” This entire book chapter per chapter
and word per word, should be studied carefully by all of us in order to appreciate the incoming New World Order or kingdom
of God to be established on earth. This assignment was given to students at Muhammad University of Islam as textbook
requirements for every graduate. The University of Islam is a school system designed by God himself and established by the
Honorable Elijah Muhammad since the 1930s.

The Meeting

When one's mind is totally focused on his or her journey to God, He takes over our brains, our minds and our actions to act in
accord with His Divine Will. We will then be guided to the ultimate Truth. We must accept from the beginning that we know

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nothing and that without divine help, we will never be rightly guided into that ultimate Truth. If one's goal is to unite with
Almighty God Allah in everything we do and think, we will be guided into the ways of peace and harmony leading into
gardens of Perpetual Abode beneath which rivers flow. We cannot question His way of Divine Guidance until we reach the
end of our spiritual journey which is in reality timeless. Between life and the abundance thereof, dying is an illusion and a
process in which life, in whatever form, is continuous and leads to immortality.

The Story of TA HA: A struggle between the forces of darkness and light

Ta Ha represents two mysterious letters of the Arabic alphabet which also serves as numbers and words of a prophetic code,
interpreted as meaning, “O man, listen to thy Lord; listen to the still small voice of God within.”

The narrative of the story centers on the Spiritual Commission of Prophet Moses being called by God in the Sacred Valley,
Tuwa, where he received the Divine Commandment to deliver his people from Pharaoh. He pleads for a Divine Helper, from
his family, his brother Aaron to help bear his tremendous task. Almighty God grants him his request and sends them both as
two Messengers with authority to Pharaoh pleading for the delivery of his enslaved people while at the same time warning
Pharaoh of the Divine Plagues and Calamities visiting the land due to his mistreatment of God’s People.

“Ta Ha” contains the numerical value letter per letter (T equals 20 and H equals 8). Combined together the result is 28, the
complete number of the Arabic alphabet.

Q.)What is the significance of this number 132 to the Ta Ha musical premiere on this Saviours’ Day?

ANS. - A most powerful observation occurred during our Saviours’ Day event this year that corresponded exactly to the
132nd birth date of Master W. Fard Muhammad. If we take the number 132 and read it as the fraction 1/32, this corresponds
to the sixth part of a whole note of music (1, , , 1/8, 1/16, 1/32, 1/64). In each one of these divisions of a musical note
produces an elevated frequency of sound from a whole note into its fractions. Surah 1, Al-Fatiha, is the opening chapter of
the Holy Qur’an containing seven oft-repeated verses of the prayer. This number seven contains the same number value and
frequency of a whole note of music.

Looking back at the fraction 1/32 part, we see also the number 32. Surah 32 of the Holy Qur’an is entitled the Adoration or
Sajdah, which opens with another set of initials of the mysterious alphabet, Alif Lam Mim, I Allah Am The Best Knower.
Alif Lam Mim first appears at the beginning of Surah 2 entitled, Al-Baqarah: The Cow. In the first four verses of Surah 32,
we find that the word is connected to musical notations: “I, Allah, am the Best Knower. The revelation of the Book, there is
no doubt in it, is from the Lord of the worlds. Or do they say: He has forged it? Nay, it is the Truth from thy Lord that thou
mayest warn a people to whom no Warner has come before thee that they may walk aright. Allah is He Who created the
heavens and the earth and what is between them in six periods, and He is established on the Throne of Power. You have not
besides Him a guardian or an intercessor. Will you not then mind?”


1.)Is it a coincidence that the recent discovery and identification of our DNA Code breaks down into a chemical,
physical structure of 64 triplets, which has a resonance field that can be likened to a whole note of music, (1, 1/2, , 1/8,
1/16, 1/32, 1/64)?

2.) Is this resonance field of music and our DNA also connected to color or light wave vibrations which all interact
from within the physical body and transmit a language that communicates to our exterior world and universe?

ANS. - We are using the mathematical and scientific approach with the youth of letters and numbers that we as students of
the Honorable Elijah Muhammad were taught. With the proper use and application of this language, we are being brought
stage by stage into higher levels or dimensions of understanding as we are giving birth to a new cultural expression and a new
way of life. Counting the letters of our DNA, the amazing result is, (D=4; N=14; A=1) =19. This Number 19 represents the
mathematical code of the Holy Qur'an's revelation and introduces us to a vigesimal system of counting by 20's, (0-19). The
resolution of 19 equals 10 and 10 resolves to 1 back to wholeness and the one God.

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Looking into the field of light and its light waves of color bands emitted through a glass or crystal prism, we are able to see
the basic six colors of refracted light.

Q.)Is it a coincidence that the collective wavelength of these colors (red, orange, yellow, green, blue and violet) added
together by measurement of their wavelength equals 1320?

ANS. -By dropping the zero, we link once again to the number 132 which is the number of years of Master W. Fard
Muhammad's birthday in this year 2009. This great discovery connects us to spiritual significance of light and color, to
musical notations and to our biochemical composition of our DNA. The great Master, W. Fard Muhammad is the
embodiment of this great light that has come into the world and the universe that has made himself known along with his
anointed servant, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, the exalted Christ in America along with his great helper, the Honorable
Minister Louis Farrakhan, now being revealed to all nations and civilizations since 1930, 79 years ago.

In the book: “Beginnings, the Sacred Design” by Bonnie Gaunt, we read on pages 85-86, the following words: “The rainbow
that reached across the sky was a beautiful sight to behold. It was a display of the colors of visible light—white light. The
colors were arranged in the order of the spectrum red followed by orange, yellow, green, blue and violet. Each of the colors
of white light are determined by the length of the light wave. The units commonly used for this measurement are the mill
micron which is denoted by the symbol uu, which equals one millioneth of a millimeter; and the Angstrom Unit (A.U.),
which is one-tenth millioneth of a millimeter. In the table below, I have converted these to inches. These numbers are derived
from the center of each color range giving the truest color. When these colors are combined in the precisely proper amounts,
all apparent color disappears and the result is white. When all the length of the light waves are added, the aggregate
is .00001320 of an inch. The number 132 is the addition of the letter-numbers for the word white in Hebrew. It is a number
that is basic to the number code of the creator as we shall see in the next chapter. ... It beautifully represents the Elohim, the
Creator. And not surprisingly its spectrum of color bears the number of his name.”

Thus we see how adding a zero to 132 (0), we discover the inner and outer workings of God as represented in musical
notations and color and light vibrations, added to the biochemical design of our cellular structure of the DNA, operates from
the same numbers repeated in cycles in the manifestation of the entire Divine Creation. Turning to page 116-117 of the same
book, we review the musical scale of a whole note of music that's a vibration of the 132nd part, vibrations per second of the
letter and musical note of C, which is an octave below middle C which vibrates at 264 vibrations per second and above
middle C, we have 528 vibrations per second and so on and so forth until we count seven octaves in musical notations on the
piano keyboard. “The laws of musical harmony were not invented by man, they were discovered. These laws reflect the
underlying harmony in all creation, just as the harmony of number was not man's invention but rather an intrinsic part of
creation. Those who recognize such harmonies are enriched with a sense of beauty of the Creator. The experience of beauty
either of sight or of sound touches an awareness deep within us that there is a unity and harmony in nature of which we are a
part. Our response to beauty is an intrinsic part of our being. It is an inherent response to our Creator.”

The origin of the frequency of Fourth Dimensional Time

In our previous articles, we have attempted to lay the scientific base for the discussion of the origin of the frequency of
Fourth Dimensional Time and its relativity to our work today. Einstein stated that time is the fourth dimension but could not
explain it, as he was also on the cutting edge of seeking to discover a one theory principle or formula for a Unified Force
Field that could explain everything in existence.

In honor of Master W[alla]ce Fard Muhammad's 132nd birth date this year, 2009, he has begun to touch upon this subject of
Fourth Dimensional Time as manifested in his person through the application of the mathematical language that we have
been taught.

Within our Supreme Wisdom book of Lessons, all numbers, letters and words combined give us the tools in unlocking the
Mystery of God and everything in the Divine Creation. Some of the key mathematical formulas we have discovered in the
number 132 is found in the Problem Book No. 31, which describes a lion walking back and forth in a cage at a certain rate of
speed clocked at 60 feet per minute. He found the door after 400 years trapped in captivity by his former slave masters. This
problem continues to state that with modern equipment (higher mental consciousness and technological abilities), he is
walking three thousand feet per minute and he has three thousand miles by two thousand miles to go yet. The question is
raised: How long will it take him to cover this territory of said numbers three thousand by two thousand miles at the above
written rate?

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We are introduced to the key figure reduced to a mile measured at five thousand, two hundred eighty (5,280) feet. This figure
(5,280) takes us back to musical notation. Middle C from the piano keyboard is half of (5,280) by dropping the zero. Two
thousand, six hundred forty feet (2,640) equals one half mile. When dropping the zero, Middle C equals 264. One octave
below Middle C is exactly the measurement of a quarter mile which is equal to 1,320. Dropping the zero it is 132 on the
musical scale of notation. We may now be able to see how the mathematics of Master Fard Muhammad's birthday coincides
with the opening of the door to understanding higher mathematics as applied to music, color and medicine for the healing of
the Nation

In continuation from last week's article on the significance of events that come to pass in the measurement of fourth
dimensional time beginning with the frequency of 1320 (132), we discovered that this is also equal to one-fourth of a mile
(1320). When this figure is multiplied by four, the result is 5,280. Within this number 5,280 is the key number of feet equal to
one mile that we read in Problem No. 31 which deals with the lion walking back and forth in a cage. We also discovered that
132 is the birth date in this year 2009 of Master W[alla]ce Fard Muhammad who was born on February 26, 1877.

In our calculation of the mathematical language in this present year, we as a people are walking at a faster rate of speed when
applying the letter, number and word code that the Master left us to study in the Supreme Wisdom sacred book of lessons.
We also discovered that the number 132 leads us to musical notations and color vibrations and the molecular biology made
up in our DNA that leads us to a deeper understanding of self. We also come to the understanding that these numbers when
applied properly will also lead us to the fulfillment of prophecy at the end of this present age.

We will continue our study of Problem No. 31 and ask the following question:

Q.) Who is the lion? What is the cage? And what is the key measurement given to us in this problem that is opening
the door of the cage allowing the lion to move more rapidly in the said territory where he was confined, measured at
two thousand by three thousand miles leading to our exodus?

ANS. - We will note geographically that the Southern border of the United States lies near our Southern neighbor Mexico
whose border measures 2,000 miles from Texas, to Arizona, to New Mexico, to California. This area in particular is on fire in
a warfare of violence and drug trafficking. Both sides of the border are being targeted by narcotic kingpins with the use of
high powered weaponry. On April 16, we witnessed the meeting of two presidents in Mexico, the host president Felipe
Calderon receiving the president of the United States, Barack Obama. I reflected upon the many prophetic words spoken by
the Honorable Elijah Muhammad concerning the future of these two countries which connect to what I had previously
reported in last week's article on the assignment he gave to Mr. Reies Lopez Tijerina in the 1960s.

Within 13 years from that time, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad made his own move across the border to the country of
Mexico in 1974. I did not realize at the time that I would be a part of his plan to reach out to our neighbors in the South to
make significant friendships and relationships for our nation in the near future. He explained to me what Allah (God)
intended for the future safety of our nation and people once we could find the exit door out of our cage. In reviewing how our
histories are recorded by the scientists to last every 25,000 years before its renewal, let us review the following information.
Our scientists write history on the basis of 25,000 miles equal to the circumference of our planet earth. These measurements
also take into consideration the movement of our two poles, North and South, and the change that takes place calculated also
at 25,000 to 26,000 years, which is the Great Year cycle in astronomy.

He also taught us that these same scientists had the capability of tuning in to the thinking of the population and measure the
results of their thoughts accumulated down the line of time to 25,000 years. It is very important as we go further that we
review some of these actual facts so that we can be in accord with the calculation of our history and the fulfillment of
prophecy in these contemporary times. According to Lesson No. 2, Question and Answer 1, we are given some of the above
measurements of the earth's circumference worth a mile equal to one year in the writing of our 25,000 year histories. It is
interesting to note that the above calculations in the prophetic calendar history of the Indigenous populations in Mexico,
particularly to the Olmec-Mayan Ancient People. They calculate the new year, or the new cycle, or new world in five cycles
of approximately 5,200 years. Their calculations bring us into the present time when a new cycle or new world is prophesied
to come in the year 2,012.

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We will note that in their calculations of the measurement of time, they are very close to the 5,280 feet in one mile; and if we
multiply 5,280 by five (the Mayan periodic cycles), the number result is 26,400. As we look at this number, we see the root
numbers 2,640 of one half of a mile. If we look deeper we see (264), which is equal to the measurement of middle C in
musical notation. Now, by practicing these mathematical formulas, we are entering into the resonance field of the New
Beginning announced by the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan on October 19, 2008 at Mosque Maryam and heard these
same words reiterated by both presidents when they met in Mexico as the beginning of a new era. Both men will end their
present time in office exactly in the year 2012, which brings in a new world cycle at the end of the present age.

The universal language of mathematics

As we have noted in this current series of articles focusing on the coming of Master W[alla]ce Fard Muhammad to America,
searching and finding his Lost-Found people of the Nation of Islam who are held in captivity, everything about Him and His
Mission can be studied and measured by the use of the universal language of mathematics. The root of our studies is
mathematics which is the true definition of Islam and has its roots in the universal order of things and in the study of
astronomy. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught us that the whole scope of the Master's teachings is astronomy. We of
the Lost-Found Nation of Islam in America, bottled up in a cage, have lost this universal knowledge of our origin and of all
things and have fallen from the top of civilization being ruled and mastered by others.

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad's words once again proves true, a people who do not know mathematics will always be
subject to a people who know mathematics. This is the Black man's dilemma and condition locked up in this Western
civilization and caged in North America. We are crippled and damaged mentally and physically and are not able to build and
supply our own needs in taking hold of the responsibility to build our own communities. We lack the discipline and the
training and thought process that will bring us back into a higher order of civilization. This year, 2009, is bringing about a
turning point in the elevation of our spiritual consciousness as events are rapidly coming to pass in America and the world
that is directing our thinking back to the foundation teachings and prophetic voice of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and
his representative, the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan who are working night and day with our people in the
resurrection of the mentally dead

While reading the Holy Qur'an in the year 1978, I mentally prefixed the number 19 to the number 75, giving me the date
1975, the year of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad's departure which marked the period that absented the Divine Light of the
Master and his Servant, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad from public view. This is exactly what would happen in a physical
solar eclipse. I then began to read the Holy Qur'an as calendar dates in our history counting the last century giving us the
contemporary history of the Nation of Islam coming to birth in America. This year, 2009, marks the 132nd birth date of
Master W[alla]ce Fard Muhammad, which gives us a study of the mathematical significance of his presence and
identification as the Great Mahdi in combination with the work of his servant, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad anointed as
his exalted Christ, the Messiah. This year they are manifesting more of their power in the fulfillment of prophecy coming in
rapid succession, ending an Old World going out as we stand on the threshold of the New World coming to birth.

When we take the numbers 132 as numbers, exhibited in his birth date this year and add a zero, 1320, we have measured as
stated previously one-fourth of a mile and corresponds to the telepathic numbers of Fourth Dimensional Time. When these
numbers are reversed, we get 2013, the calendar date that ends the present world order and begins a new era, a new sun or
world as calculated by the Mayan calendar to the affixed year, 2012-2013. This is why Black consciousness is rising in the
location of our Lost-Found families scattered throughout the Americas in Mexico, Central America and South America is
coming to the forefront of society.

I end this article by quoting from part of the footnote of 2610 … the name of the Messiah and Mahdi being associated with
the final triumph of Islam in the world, we are thus told that Islam will not only triumph in Arabia but in the whole of the
world at a later period in its history. If the total disappearance of the light of both the sun and the moon is meant, the
reference would be to the final disruption of the solar system, and the manifestation of the Greater Resurrection.

“Ta Ha” translates as meaning, “O man,”

The story of TA HA begins with a frequency of sound and a prophetic message. This sound leads to the awakening of
telepathy and the powers and ability to tune into the higher frequencies of sound emitted from the Divine world of thought
forms. These thought forms vibrate at a certain frequency that materializes matter from paralleled worlds of intergalactic
space time.

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This frequency of sound generates from an ancient system known by scientists of our world, which measures space time
through a mathematically coded and synchronized manifestation of all of our material forms that make up our physical
universe. This total system of vibratory thought forms emanates from one Divine source identified with the Divine Creator
and begins its ascension likened to a humming or ringing sound.

According to some of the Arabic lexicologists, “Ta Ha” translates as meaning, “O man,” and is also said to be one of the
names used by the Holy Prophet. The true root of the Divine Teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad is found in the
proper use of the mathematical language, which is also the true root of the Theology of Islam. Without this understanding, we
will fail in getting a thorough Knowledge of God and a thorough Knowledge of Self.

“Number 20” TA Ha

In our ongoing study of Ta Ha and its prophetic voice for our time, we will note that this Surah is placed as the 20th chapter
in the arrangement of the present Holy Qur’an. Every year of this 21st Century is prefixed by the number 20; marking 2,000
years of a timeline of Jesus’ history and a sign of the Presence of the Messiah in the Judgment of the World.

The number 20 also represents a vigesimal system (or Base 20) of counting from zero to 19 in mathematics. This counting
system was used by our ancient forefathers; among them are the Olmec and Mayan cultures of Mexico, who measured great
Cycles of Time using this mathematical system, which adds 10 more numbers to the decimal system currently in use by the
Western world.

In our Nation’s study, we are given 20 Actual Facts that lay the basis for our future Educational System, which also uses this
vigesimal system of counting, that point to a 20-year period at the end of the time that we have known.

This study [TA Ha] introduces us to a new frequency of sound descending from the cosmos, which is literally restructuring
our minds to a higher level of Spiritual Consciousness. This is opening up the crystal energies that are combined in exercises
of light and sound, which can transport us to the ends of the Earth and beyond.


Q.) What is Exodus (Xodus), and what is Mxodus? How do they merge in purpose and objectivity within the scope of
our mission in the resurrection of our people, which leads to “doing for self”? What is the inspiration behind Mxodus?

ANS. - Following approximately 3-1/2 to nearly 4 years since its inception, this retreat in Sedona was the first of its kind to
bring us up to date as to what our accomplishments have been. Quoting from one of the Mxodus pamphlets a brief story of
Mxodus is printed beginning with these words: “Mother Tynnetta Muhammad along with a small group of Believers have
come together utilizing their gifts and talents to introduce Project Mxodus, a new economic paradigm based upon the
application of Mathematics. Traveling South to Mexico, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad established a solid base of
friendship with our neighbors forging unity with the Black, Brown, and Red in the Western Hemisphere. Project Mxodus
derives its inspiration from The Honorable Elijah Muhammad’s program which promotes Universal Friendship in all Walks
of Life. A few brothers and sisters representing our diverse communities traveled to Mexico to investigate and research this
opportunity. Together we have direct contact with the farmers who grow, harvest, roast and package this premium coffee
which is presented to our Nation as an Estate Grown Organic Coffee from the Highlands of Chiapas, Mexico.

“The knowledge to correct the horror of our condition is among us. The potential force and power to cause us to rise
as a people is among us. The finance to fuel our rise is also among us.”

“A business agenda with spiritual motivation and healthful living in an environment of peace”


The word Exodus means exit, departure and a going out of one place for condition of mind into a new place or mental state of
consciousness. The word Exodus in the Bible is closely aligned with the history and covenant made by God with Abraham as
we read in the book of Genesis.

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In Exodus, we move to the mosaic covenant which stands at the door of redemption, deliverance and the revelation of the
law. Let us keep in mind that what we read in the Bible of Israel’s history in olden times is but a sign and a reflection of that
same history being fulfilled in modern times. The Black man’s over 400 years of bondage in America and the oppression
from Pharaoh and the Egyptians is being played out in our present lives in America. We must learn to read history, according
to the Divine Teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad in the past, present and future tense, being a perfect fulfillment
in the lives of people and nations in the present moment of time.

On Coffee

According to the Divine Teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, he stated to me in a conversation about coffee that
“The Saviour,” referring to Master Fard Muhammad, that coffee was good for us and gave us a heightened mental
illumination associated with the brain's ability to think. As we read in How To Eat To Live, coffee along with lemon water,
(lemonade) may be accompanied with our times of fasting. He never recommended black coffee but added that we should put
a little cream and sugar for taste.

In “How to Eat to Live,” coffee is one of the few beneficial beverages specified by the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad.

The caffeine in a daily cup of coffee can also improve our mental performance. It awakens the brain and increases our
alertness and attention in activities, which can help you better process information and thus facilitating relevant learning.
Have you ever been bogged down in tedious study? Coffee can motivate you and give you the energy to make the best of it.

The caffeine in coffee also acts as a stimulant to the brain, drawing our mind's focus to what is necessary to learn, leading to
fewer distractions. During a 1979 meeting of his laborers, the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan said that the Honorable
Elijah Muhammad once told them that drinking coffee after Fajr (early morning) prayer stimulates the creative imagination.

Historically, coffee has been used for medicinal purposes and in spiritual practices. Its origin as a plant, bean and finally as a
beverage dates back to 800 B.C. In the Americas, the use of coffee was not well known until only 300-400 years ago.
Unfortunately, the benefits of coffee are virtually misunderstood by most practitioners of health and nutrition today.

Research is rapidly revealing the health benefits of coffee, negating the notion that coffee should be avoided. But what must
be challenged is the chemicalized way in which coffee is grown, manufactured, decaffed and roasted. These are the offenders
and contaminators of good coffee that can have a harmful effect on our bodies and health. It is coffee from the pure coffee
bean with pure water that can offer health benefits that we may not have known.


Researchers from the University of Scranton, in an August 29, 2005 report, found that coffee is the number one source of
antioxidants in the American diet. Antioxidants are substances or nutrients in food that can prevent or slow oxidative damage
to the cells of our bodies. When our cells utilize oxygen, they naturally produce oxidants, which can cause damage to other
cells. Antioxidants act as oxidant scavengers and hence prevent and repair the damage inflicted by theses oxidants. While
fruits and vegetables are hailed as the richest source of antioxidants, the consumption of antioxidant-rich brewed coffee may
inhibit diseases caused by oxidative damage.

Scientific studies have examined the relationship between coffee consumption and an array of medical conditions. Coffee
appears to reduce the risk of Alzheimer's Disease, Parkinson's Disease, heart disease, diabetes mellitus Type 2, cirrhosis of
the liver and gout. Some health effects are due to the oils found in coffee, which are a good source of lecithin and other
unknown substances beneficial to the body. These oils contain the only vegetable lecithin that is available for use in the
human body. Lecithin is a substance the body uses to coat all brain, nerve and sex cells. It helps each cell connect with its
environment by relating its activities with outside conditions. The energy and vitality levels of our emotions, minds and
bodies change as a direct result of the amount of lecithin covering our brain and nerve cells. Without lecithin, consciousness
is impossible; there is stupor and then death.

Egg coffee

In a discussion with the Honorable Elijah Muhammad in the early 1970s concerning the controversy over the drinking of
coffee, he stated simply that the Savior (referring to Master Fard Muhammad) said that coffee was good for us. Of course we

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know that in its proper use and preparation, which we have learned from the Divine teachings of the Honorable Elijah
Muhammad, we have learned of its benefits in the making of “egg coffee” from this process of boiling the coffee grounds
with an egg shell combined in its brewing, we get a milder and more healthful blend than can be obtained in regular brewed
or percolated coffee.

The origin of God

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad teaches us that God's origin can be traced back to the origin of Darkness and the invisible
material in that darkness that became visible through the first sparkle of the atom of life. Everything that we see today in our
material universe, God included, came from that first sparkling of the atom that produced the first brain cell of thought. The
Honorable Elijah Muhammad has further taught us that to go beyond that we would have to calculate on how long it took for
darkness to produce that one atom of life. So we simply state that there was no beginning or ending to the origin of God.

Quoting from “Our Saviour Has Arrived,” on Page 39: “How came the Black God, Mr. Muhammad? He is Self-created. How
could Self create Self? Take your magnifying glass and start looking at these little atoms out here in front of you. You see
that they are egg-shaped and they are oblong. You crack them open and you will find everything in them that you find out
here. Then were there some of them (atoms out here?) Well, who created them? I want you to accept the Black God. You say,
‘There is no beginning or ending.' I admit that. But we do know that they had to have some kind of beginning. But how it
happened, we don't know. That's why we say that His beginning we don't know anything about.

Imagine, you close your eyes now: imagine the whole entire visibility of the Universe is gone from you. This is the way He
was born; in total darkness. There was no light anywhere. Out of the total orbit of the Universe of darkness there sparkled an
atom of life. Once upon a time; but don't ask me when it was. How could that atom of life make a record of its own creation?
It could not write its own creation, the record of it, because He was the First; there was no recorders around Him. He was
First to record His Ownself. How long was that? We can't tell; we weren't there. He was the only One in the whole entire
dark Universe. He had to wait until the atom of life produced brains to think what He needed. How long was that? I don't
know, Brothers. But He was a Black man, a Black man! Coming out of total darkness at that time, we all could say that we
are produced by a White God. But there was no light nor even any white anywhere: there was All Darkness. So God revealed
to me. In that darkness, which had no end to it there—that Darkness Created an atom of Life, and the Color had to be Black
as there was no light; therefore, it had to be the Color of the thing that Created it! All Praise is due to Allah!”

Turning to Page 43 of “Our Saviour Has Arrived,” the Honorable Elijah Muhammad continues to teach us of God and our
self-creation: “Just think it over: a little small atom of life rolling around in darkness. Think it over: Building itself up, just
turning in darkness, making its own self. Let's go into it. Do I have any proof of this? Yes, sir! He made Himself into total
darkness. He put His Ownself turning, turning on His Own Timetable in the black womb of the Universe. He started rotating.
He demands every life that comes into the Universe today to start turning first. “Over to Me, for I had that to do myself.”
“Now, I am going to see, that every life that comes into this Universe comes out of total darkness—every life!”

“The Word of God taken as a Meal”

The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan has prepared a meal for us. I hope that we take that meal very carefully, digest it,
and get the nutrients that are required to take us through a very dark period in our Nation’s history and that of the world.

The world of Islam

The world of Islam is universal in its ultimate goal and expression to establish a world of peace that conforms to the divine
principles of Almighty God Allah. The idea of peace is at the heart and root of the meaning of Islam. A Muslim holds as his
ultimate goal to perform the duties of a righteous Muslim by rendering total submission to the will of Almighty God. The
inner search for truth and the purification of self leads to the higher manifestation of God’s presence in every human being.
The states and stations of the spiritual journey is a lifetime pursuit and carries with it the goals of reaching the state of
consciousness when entire submission to the will of Allah is obtained.

He, Allah, is the Guide and His divine revelation contains the essence of the details of that journey returning to God. Thus,
through the contemplation of God’s divine words as revealed in the Holy Qur’an and as contained in all the divine scriptures,
brings the traveler to see with the Eye of Certainty His overall divine plan for all of fallen humanity.

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A day is equal to one thousand years

According to the Divine Scriptures of both Bible and Holy Qur'an, the measurement of a day is equal to one thousand years.
“And they ask thee to hasten on the chastisement, and Allah by no means fails in His promise. And surely a day with thy
Lord is as a thousand years of what you reckon.”

Among the many things that the Honorable Elijah Muhammad shared with me in that short space of time prior to his
departure was the importance of studying the World's Calendars and their systems of calculating time. I was unaware at the
time of the great significance and accuracy of the Mayan Calendar. There is a prophecy contained in this calculation of one
thousand years equaled to a day that is revealed in several places in the Holy Qur'an and speaks of this period as a setback to
the onward march or spread of Islam in the world. In several Hadiths or sayings of the Prophet, he states that there would be
three generations (approximately 300 years) where Islam would be on the right path after Him, but after that time, deviation
and corruption would manifest itself in the House of Islam and would not be broken until after a thousand years.

In reviewing the Footnote 1959 concerning this dire affair, Maulana Muhammad Ali quotes several places where this
prophecy is mentioned. One of them is found in a Hadith indicating that Islam would retain its purity for three centuries.
“The best of the generations is my generation, then those who follow them, then those who follow them, then after them, then
after them will come people who will pride themselves in abundance of wealth and love plumpness.” According to another
Hadith, this period is spoken of in these words: “There will come a people in which there is no good … a crooked way—they
are not of me, nor am I of them.” This condition would continue hampering the spread of Islam that would have its set-backs,
which would continue for a thousand years. After that, the advancement of Islam will again be as unhampered as it was in its
early stages in the time of the Prophet and immediately after him.

We may also read this prophecy in the hajj pilgrimage calculated in the number of days to complete the pilgrimage which
ends with the 10th day of the animal sacrifice at Mina, which also gives us a sign of the human sacrifice of life in the cause of
Islam. In addition to these ten days, which can be equaled to ten centuries, which is the equivalent of one thousand years with
the remaining two or three days called Tashriq in which pilgrims may remain after hajj. In these combinations of the number
of days, we have three days equal to 300 years added to one thousand years, which brings us to 1,300 years from the time of
Prophet Muhammad to the birth and coming of the Mahdi in our modern times.

The deep root meaning of Islam is mathematics and it can be proven in no limit of time. It is this precise calculation of time
that has brought us into the current events of our modern day. It is this period of time of one thousand years that has elapsed
in the set-back of Islam's universal call that is now being resurrected and rising in eminence once again. It is in the latter
period of this one thousand year set-back that has given birth to the Nation of Islam in America upon the coming of the Great
Mahdi, Master W. F. Muhammad, in 1930 and his raising of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad as the exalted Christ whose
extension of time we are now living in.

The last one thousand years of Satan's rule

The Divine Teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad are based upon the science of a New World Order of reality. His
Teacher, Master W. Fard Muhammad, came to America from the Holy City of Mecca in Arabia in the final period of the one
thousand year setback to Islam spread in the East. The spread of Islam was interfered with by the rise of the European nation
in their quest to expand their base of operation and dominance from Europe to envelope the entire globe. Thus, the members
of the Caucasian, European or White race were destined to conquer and rule all others on our planet for a brief period of time.
They were taught a new political scheme and religious orientation to be the chief opponent to God and his true religion Islam.
In this manner, they organized vehemently to force the entire world societies under their control. Both Bible and Holy Qur'an
refer to a day with God as being equal to a thousand years. Thus, a sixth day period in the creation of the heavens and the
earth is given in Genesis as the time that Satan and his world would come into prominence and be the leading force of
opposition to God and the righteous for 6,000 years (a day equals to a thousand years).

The last one thousand years of Satan's rule is calculated from the time of Prophet Muhammad's (Peace Be Upon Him) history
and the revelation of the Holy Qur'an in 610 A.D. extended to 300 years when Islam spread from Arabia to Jerusalem, North
Africa, the Middle East, India, and China in the Far East including the Iberian Peninsula (Spain and Portugal) in Southern
Europe. The only barrier to Islam's spread further West was the shore of the Atlantic Ocean. To keep Islam from further

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spreading in Europe, the Roman Papacy and the Vatican at that time organized the Crusades in their efforts to capture the
Holy Land from the so-called infidels or Saracens (Muslims) who were in control of Jerusalem and its holy places, including
the tomb of Jesus.

The secret of Jesus' actual entombment

According to the Divine Teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, the Papacy or the extension of the Roman Empire,
wanted to claim the body of Jesus which was guarded and protected by the Muslims. We are further taught the secret of
Jesus' actual entombment being placed in a special glass tube or encasement reflecting light in four directions making it
impossible for anyone to know the exact spot where his body is laid. This reminds me of the adventurous novel and film by
Dan Brown titled, “The DaVinci Code” and of “Angels and Demons” which has caused so much controversy today in the
Vatican and among the Catholic Church on this subject surrounding Jesus and his Disciples.

The burning of great books

When Islam dominated and conquered Spain with the invasion of the Moors for 800 years beginning in 711 A.D., the
Catholic Church headed by the Papacy of Rome fought to subdue the Muslim control which ultimately led to the story of El
Cid (Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar) and the Reconquest of Spain under Catholic sovereignty. This period was followed by the
expulsion of Muslims and Jews en masse from Spain fleeing into other countries of the Islamic world including Egypt, North
Africa and Yemen in Saudi Arabia. This period was followed by the inquisition and the burning of great books, keeping them
out of circulation and thus dumbing the people. In 1492, came Christopher Columbus and his discovery of the Americas for
Europe and the Vatican. Though searching for the trade route to the East, which was hampered by the Muslim presence,
somehow as providence would have it, he was brought by the trade winds to the West Indies (so named from India), and the
Caribbean and the coastal shores of America. Here he encountered the native inhabitants also named Indians from the
thought that he had landed in India.

The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade

Shortly thereafter began the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade and the later conquest of the Western Hemisphere by Hernando
Cortez, the conquerer of Mexico and Central America, followed by later expeditions and conquests by Pizarro in Peru, South
America. It is the capture and enslavement of the Black original people, descendants of the Tribe of Shabazz from Africa to
the Americas that forced our scientists to prepare for our delivery which was consummated in the birth of Master Fard
Muhammad, the Great Mahdi, whose mission was to find and deliver us as the last stage in the fulfillment of prophecy to
restore our Lost and Found people back to our original place at the top of civilization. We were to be given a greater Divine
Knowledge of God and self than any other people had ever received before this time.

This current period of world history since the coming and finding of our lost members of the Tribe of Shabazz by the coming
of Master W. Fard Muhammad is taking place in the end of the one thousand years' setback to Islam's spread. Now, Islam is
continuing to shine its light of truth, freedom, justice and equality to capture the hearts of millions of people around the
world, particularly in the West, Satan's last stronghold. The Divine work and Mission of the Great Mahdi and his chosen
servant, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and his greatest help meet, the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, is bringing a
new era of enlightenment and unlimited progress that will continue to evolve into God's new world kingdom on earth.

True Islam

True Islam is not really comparable to other religions but it is the very nature in which God has called forth all life into
existence in our ever-expanding universe and in all human beings on this planet or elsewhere in our Milky Way Galaxy of
Stars. Thus, we read in the Holy Qur'an, Surah 30, verse 30, the following words: “So set they face for religion, being
upright, the nature made by Allah in which he has created men. There is no altering Allah's creation. That is the right
religion—but most people know not.” In the last several articles, we have discussed the meaning of “a day of thy Lord being
equal to a thousand years,” and its relativity to a “day out of time” as expressed in the Thirteenth Moon Calendar Change and
Peace Movement leading up to the year 2012-2013 A.D. This study is connected to the writing of the prophetic histories of
both Holy Qur'an and Bible revealed in our Asiatic Calendar History.

According to Lesson No. 2, Question and Answer 1, written in our Supreme Wisdom Book of Lessons, this history (Holy
Qur'an and Bible) is recorded by our Original People, who is Allah, the Supreme Being or (Black Man) of Asia. This present

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cycle of history or Koran will expire in the year twenty-five thousand; nine thousand eighty years from the date of this
writing. Where does this measurement come from? According to this same Lesson, “The Planet Earth is the Home of Islam
and is approximately twenty-five thousand miles in circumference. So the Wise Man of the East, (Black Man) makes history
or Koran to equal his home circumference—a year to every mile. And, thus, every time his history lasts twenty-five thousand
years, he renews it for another twenty-five thousand years.”

From the above teaching on our Asiatic Calendar History, we can better understand the prophetic words that to thy Lord a
day's measurement is a thousand years. So each mile of our earth's twenty-five thousand year circumference that is entered
into the book of records, each thousand year is reckoned as only a day with thy Lord. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad has
also taught us that there are actually 23 who do all of the writing of that long period with the 24th one being the Judge over
their writings which is compiled and placed in our Asiatic Calendar. This number of our scientists (24) is equal to our 24-
hour day and the period of twenty-five thousand years has been calculated by psychics and metaphysicians, as well as in bio-
physics as the amount of breath that the average person breathes in one full day. Thus, once again we may be able to see
better why the measurement of a day is equal to a thousand years in space-time.

Man as a container

It is man who contains the vital force-energy and power of our universal consciousness made up of the material of God,
Himself, and is equated to the very nature in which He, Allah, has created man to reflect His image from darkness into light.
We have fallen almost completely from our original orbit from the top of civilization and the cosmic sciences we once knew.
But we are gradually coming forth by the will and power of Master Fard Muhammad, the Great Mahdi, who found us in the
mud of civilization and is restoring and regenerating us back to full re-cooperation and health. He has given us, through his
children's Apostle and Servant, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, a full knowledge of God and ourselves by which we are
able to relate fully to the rest of the world of humanity as well as to other beings and civilizations yet to be known in our

The Question of Suffering

We need to be educated in the purpose of why White people brought us into slavery and why Allah (God) permitted them to
bring us into slavery. When we can see our experience from Allah's (God's) perspective, we can suffer a little longer because
we know the purpose. … Allah (God) never allows a people to come to greatness without struggle. Allah (God) never allows
a people to come to greatness without hardship. Allah (God) never allows a people to come to greatness lying on beds made
of ease.

We must ask Allah (God) in the right spirit, ‘Why did You allow us to be brought here? Why did You want us to suffer like
this? I know that education is the key, so if I only understood why, I would have the key to come out of suffering or endure it
better. In my suffering, I could develop character.' … Character is the sea on which knowledge floats. Regardless of how
much knowledge you have, your

The truest meaning of Jihad

Q.) Is it not written that we are the gods and the children of the Most High God?

ANS. -We must suffer severe trials and tribulations in our struggle, which is the truest meaning of Jihad, to overcome our
own shortcomings, barriers, impediments and superstitious thoughts in order to be elevated to higher states of mental and
spiritual consciousness. To see the reality of God is to be consumed in His Divine Light. His reality is beyond religion. His
reality is the science of knowing the in-dwelling spirit that exists in every human being; it is the essence of eternity and

The Holy Qur’an

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The Holy Qur’an was revealed piecemeal to the Prophet over a period of 23 and a half to nearly 24 years during his lifetime.
When revelation first came to him at the age of 40 in 610 A.D., he was in the Cave of Hira, a short distance from the Holy
City of Mecca. Up until the 13th year, he received portions of the revelations of the Holy Qur’an while in Mecca. The
chapters revealed in Mecca are classified as the Meccan Surahs. This period was completed at the time of Prophet
Muhammad’s flight, or Hijrah, from Mecca to Medina, in which he established the new capital of Islam. This occurred in 622
A.D. For the remaining 10 years, the revelations of the Holy Qur’an continued under varying circumstances that involved
growing new alliances with the idolatrous tribes and confederates from among the Jews and Christians.

This new era, known as the Medina period, marked the beginning of the Arab calendar. In the final stages of his life, Prophet
Muhammad returned to the Holy City of Mecca at the time of his Farewell Pilgrimage at the head of 144,000 faithful
followers. Though the enemies and all opposing forces were outraged and dismayed, it was by the Power and Will of
Almighty God Allah, Who assured the Final Victory, and so it is today.

“They desire to put out the light of Allah with their mouths, and Allah will allow nothing save the perfection of His
light, though the disbelievers are averse.” -Holy Qur’an, Surah 9, verse 32

The Holy Qur’an was revealed in portions as well as its final arrangement, by Divine Guidance. What the Honorable Minister
Louis Farrakhan experienced in 1985 in his communication with the Honorable Elijah Muhammad on the Great Mother’s
Wheel, marked the beginning of a revelation that will bring into existence a New Era of Peace and a New World Order after
the destruction of the present world of Satan. We are living in the latter-day fulfillment of these prophesies in the life of
Prophet Muhammad and the revelation of the Holy Qur’an.

Beginning from Minister Farrakhan’s Vision-Like Experience in 1985 to 2005, we have a timeline of 20 years. When adding
three-and-a-half to four more years (2008 to 2009), we will be passing through the Dark Years that the Honorable Minister
Farrakhan pointed to in his Saviours’ Day address on February 26. These years of darkness represent the persecution of the
righteous and the propaganda that will be spewed out of the mouth of the dragon to take away the woman (Messenger), the
Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, who is giving Birth to a New Nation.

In our Nation’s histories as taught to us by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, this 23 and a half to nearly 24 years in the
revelation of the Holy Qur’an represents our 23 and 24 Scientists who write the History of our Nation. This period will end
the world of the ancient wisdom that we have been following for trillions of years and a new revelation will come into being,
as the wisdom of this world is exhausted. At the head of this army is the Great Mahdi, and His hosts represent the Angels
following Him on White Horses. (Read the 19th Chapter of the Book of Revelation.)

May Allah bless and protect the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan for his courageous stand in confronting the enemy
boldly with this Great Truth that will bring to an end the world of Satan and usher in a New World Kingdom ruled by God

How to open and read the Holy Qur’an

One morning after arriving to work at his home in Hyde Park, at 4847 South Woodlawn, he invited me into the breakfast
nook where he began to show me how to open and read the Holy Qur’an for spiritual guidance. He took the Holy Qur’an into
his hands and with the recitation of the words, “Bismillah Irahman Irahim,” he placed the Holy Qur’an on his forehead and
then kissed the cover.

Afterwards, he turned the Qur’an to the back and again placed the Qur’an on his forehead while reciting the opening
“Bismillah” with a kiss, and then he opened the book to the passage before him with his eyes focusing on that particular verse
or chapter. He then stated that we could find answers to whatever questions or problems we may face by reading the Holy
Qur’an. Following this procedure, we should meditate on the Divine Word to find the right solution.

In this way he taught me the high reverence and respect for the Holy Qur’an and the Divine Word of God. I hold these
precious memories in my heart each and every day in practice and remembrance.

A study for the month of Ramadan

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Keep in mind that the whole scope of Master W. Fard Muhammad's teachings, according to the Honorable Elijah Muhammad
is astronomy, and that it takes these mathematical calculations to give us the more accurate spiritual answers. Here are some
of the key numbers for us to study in this month of Ramadan to better understand what we are about to experience, God

Returning back to the study of Surah 97, if we take these five verses and add them to 97 (975) is exactly equal to the date 975
A.D., the founding of Al-Azhar University in Egypt. By prefixing this number 975 with the number 19, we get the date 1975,
the date of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad's departure. Prefixing 97 by the number 18, we get 1897, the year of the birth of
the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. It was in reading of Surah 75 in 1978 that gave me the first keys to the number 19 before
my meeting with Dr. Rashad Khalifah in 1980 to learn about the Holy Qur'an's mathematically based 19 code. It was during
my reading of Surah 75 in 1978 when I prefixed the number 19 and immediately I saw that this was the benchmark date to
the mystery of his departure and that the whole of the Holy Qur'an would give us chapter by chapter the history of the Nation
of Islam coming to birth in America in a condensed form in one century the unfolding of the prophecy of Islam's one
thousand year setback.

A period of 23 years

We have come to the end of Ramadan, the ninth month of the Lunar year in the Arab Calendar, and we are still in the month
of September in the Western Gregorian Calendar, which is counted as the ninth month. During the last ten nights of our
observance of Ramadan, special blessings are bestowed upon the Believers which marks the beginning of the Night of
Majesty or Power when the Divine Word of God came down to Prophet Muhammad (Peace and Blessings of Allah Be Upon
Him) transmitted through the Angel Gabriel while Muhammad was in the Cave of Hira, some three miles distance from the
Holy City Mecca. Some believe that the Holy Qur'an was revealed to him all at once but the Holy Qur'an reveals that it was
transmitted to the Prophet (PBUH) in portions throughout a period of 23 years. Under divine guidance, it was finally
arranged in the form that we have it today.

Holy Qur'an, Surah 17, verses 106-108 reads as follows: “And it is a Qur'an We have made distinct, so that thou mayest read
it to the people by slow degrees, and We have revealed it in portions. Say: Believe in it or believe not. Surely those who are
given the knowledge before it, fall down prostrate on their faces, when it is recited to them, and say: Glory to our Lord!
Surely the promise of our Lord was to be fulfilled.”

The Holy Qur'an as a complete book was already known in its entirety to Almighty God Allah and a sign to the Angel
Gabriel through whom its Revelation was made known to Muhammad (PBUH) over the course of 23 years. The significance
of this number 23 lies in the fact that it represents the writings of the 23 Scientists with the 24th one acting as the judge who
recorded this portion of this scripture from the Mother of the Book which is the universe itself. There are exact and precise
measurements taken from our earth's circumference measuring a year to every mile of 25,000 year intervals, along with the
measurement of the poles which are inclined to the plane of its axis 23 and one-half degrees at either end. Added to the
science of telepathy, our scientists were able to tune in on the population and prophecy what they were thinking and the
results of their thinking down the line of time.

The Hereafter

The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad has taught us that in the Hereafter, we will be using less words and speech to express
ourselves because it won’t be necessary to try to explain everything. We will have a sense of knowing within. We will not be
argumentative over the Truth when we know it and act upon the moral principles of that Truth, we will avoid discord and
backbiting and offending one another. We will learn to resolve our differences in a peaceful manner with harmony for the
betterment of our society that will experience unlimited progress in the good things of life. Our hearts and genetic material
will be altered, and our cells will be renewed and changed into the way and actual nature of righteousness by Almighty God,

In that changed nature, the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad has taught us that we will no longer be able to sin. There will
be no more sickness, illness, or strife on the other side. There will be no hospitals or drugs, nor any kind of abusive
substances to destroy our bodies, minds and soul. We will only eat pure, uncontaminated foods and drinks, and we will not
contaminate our minds with foolishness.

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There will be no demons or Satan’s stalking the land, walking to and fro, and up and down seeking whomsoever they may

Believers, disbelievers and hypocrites

In continuing my narration on my recent journey to the East, (China and Mongolia) in the historical context of Ghengis Khan
and the Mongolian nation, I am drawing our attention to the Divine Teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and the
basis of our study, which takes us around the world even to China in search of knowledge. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad
taught us that the Holy Qur’an’s Revelation from Almighty God Allah, presents to us a context in arguments being posed by
the Believers and the Disbelievers based upon the understanding of the reality of God. It is a dialogue revealed by God
himself instructing the readers how to distinguish between truth and falsehood. This process ultimately brings about a
separation of the people into camps or groups of believers, disbelievers and hypocrites.

The Supreme Wisdom Sacred Book of Lessons brought to our Lost and Found Nation in America from Master Wallace Fard
Muhammad, operates upon these same divine principles of truth, which ultimately makes a distinction between these three
contending groups, the believers, the disbelievers and the hypocrites arguing over the reality of God as the basis of our study.
The methodology of Master W. Fard Muhammad’s instructions to us through the Honorable Elijah Muhammad is focused on
the proper use of language revealed in the past, present and future being perfect. Thus, it is a guide to the life of the Hereafter
coming from the revealed Word of God. We are instructed to use grammatical pronunciation of words and syllables in the
context of time; past, future, present and perfect tense. (Past, Present and Future being Perfect.)

The Divine Word/ The Divine Creator as ONE

Thus, in my travels and journey to the East as well as in the West, I have applied this methodology to my studies, which has
revealed many inner meanings to the study and application of the Divine Word. Any worlds of great wisdom, any inner truth
have linked all of us to the Divine Creator as ONE! I wish to share an example of how this methodology works, producing a
synthesis and synchronicity that unites East and West as one. While passing through the airport in Beijing on our way to
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, we stopped at a bookstore and purchased a large scriptive map, featuring the chronology of the ruling
dynasties of China that ruled up to the time of the last emperor, the boy king, “Puye” which our readers may recall were
featured in the award-winning film, “The Last Emperor.” In this chronology of dynasties, it points out the Yuan Dynasty
established by Kublai Khan that lasted for 104 years at the site of the Forbidden City then called Datu or Peking, now known
as Beijing.

Kublai Khan was the last of the ruling Khans in the East who imbibed much of the cultural likeness of Chinese culture and
developed a refined culture of learning, exhibiting arts and sciences, music, literature and poetry, theatre and great religious
tolerance for all faiths without the discrimination.

On our recent MXODUS Tour this past summer, which took us South to the states of Veracruz, Tabasco and Chiapas, we
visited, for the first time, the archeological site of Tajin, which exhibits unique temple structures with incredible platforms
and niches and sculptured facades, which are clearly oriental in form and remind me of temple structures that we had seen in
China and as well as other places in Asia. We will also note the sound and syllable consonance between the names Tajin and
Beijing and other similarities between the colorful oriental embroidered costumes and head gear of the famous Whirling
Voladores or Sacred Pole Dance in Papantla, Veracruz.

As we continue this study upon the basis of our Divine Teachings, we will discover more and more information that opens us
up to worlds and worlds of discovery, wisdom, understanding and a high civilization.

The Black Stone

Let’s talk about that Black Stone for a minute. All the people observing the pilgrimage during the time of Prophet
Muhammad (PBUH), while he was circumambulating The Kabbah, he came to the spot where the Black Stone was located.
In the rebuilding of The Kabbah, the final stage was to raise this precious, Sacred Black Stone into its place. It was Prophet
Muhammad in his earlier years who fulfilled the placing of the Black Stone in place during the period of the rebuilding of
The Kabbah. Now in this time, all nations from around the world visit Mecca with the great desire to kiss the Black Stone. At
this point, we are getting an expanded view of Arabia and what took place in the time of Muhammad (PBUH) to see its

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fulfillment in the West. This is a picture of what we experienced in Detroit at our Saviours’ Day celebration, with
representatives coming from all walks of life, scientists, scholars from Africa, from Asia and visitors who are helping to raise
the Lost-Found Nation of Islam into our proper place.

The Black Stone represents the coming together of three lost family members in the West, and, in reality, is made into three
broken pieces bound together by some kind of metallic or metal band.

As the pilgrims gather to kiss the Black Stone, one might ask: What might those three pieces represent? I will only give you
my interpretation, not “the” interpretation. As a student, I looked at what the Honorable Elijah Muhammad has done before
us—moving from Detroit to Chicago and then Chicago to the East Coast, and then he moved to the West Coast when God
commanded him to do so. It was very clear, he explained, that he would not move into any territory without God’s

When it was time, he moved out to the West Coast, and when he arrived to make his residence in Phoenix, Arizona, he
purchased a home. When he purchased that home, the very home that he lived in until he built the main house that is there in
Phoenix, Arizona today, he called it the “Indian House.” What was his function? Why was God guiding him like that? He had
to lay a base—foundation—with us, but at the same time that he was raising us up, he was also commissioned to unite us
with the Native American people.

There were those who are testimonial representatives from the Indian Nation, from the Mexican Nation, who live among us
today, who have another piece of the story to tell of how the Honorable Elijah Muhammad had met with Indian
representatives in the ’60s, while we were still asleep. While we were looking at him on one side, he was doing some other
work to fulfill this Great Mission of Unification. He was to meet with the elders, the tribal chiefs, and representatives in the
Hopi Land, Navajo Land and among the other tribes. Did you hear the representative from the Navajo Nation speaking at
Saviours’ Day this year?

Then the Honorable Elijah Muhammad went down to the border of Arizona and Mexico, all while we were sleeping. He was
making a link for us with the Native Americans and Mexican Peoples at the appointed time when he moved from America
and went to Mexico, and established a foundation and a residence to continue the Mission to include the Indian, the Mexican
and Latino representatives and people.

Now, today, we’re coming to join together three pieces of a puzzle: The Black man, the Indian and the Mexican—as One
Family. Those three families joined together represent the significance of the Black Stone. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad
stated that these three people would form the nucleus of a new government, because we were the three victims of the colonial
powers who came to conquer us.

The Indian was conquered. The Latino was conquered. Then you have the Spanish, the English, the Dutch, all of those
colonizers were and are properly called “Beasts” and “Devils” in the scriptures, and have conquered the entire world with
violence and bloodshed. Nobody would mistreat a people like that and call themselves a part of the human family. Until they
can accept the responsibility for what they’ve done and ask for forgiveness from God by putting on sack cloth and praying
and fasting, and then do something to help in the resurrection, they cannot be called members of the human family. They
have to right the wrong. We are a humble people, and “whatever good,” the Saviour said, “that any of them would do, they
would get their award.” That is justice, that is freedom and that is equality.


The Honorable Elijah Muhammad also stated that, upon his flight from the enemies that opposed him in the early days of
Islam in Detroit, Michigan in 1935, Chicago became the city of refuge, which would later become the headquarters of the
Muslim community or Nation. Thus, Chicago became likened to the City of Medina in relationship to Detroit as Mecca.

Watch the way he moved from Detroit to Chicago, where he planted the seed of the governmental structure of the Nation of
Islam. So we had a journey from Mecca to Medina, fulfilling the history of Prophet Muhammad of Arabia. Then, unseen to
us, he is being guided by the Master ever since the Master departed. He told us, “I hear from Him at least twice a year.” How
do you hear from a Master unless your ears are cleared so that you can hear and talk back to Him?


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Q.) I want to know just exactly what happens to a person when they're pronounced dead.

ANS. - If a person lives a righteous life and is a good person and if Allah can get to that person, that body, within 24, 36
hours, he can bring that person back to life, that he can be revived.”

That may not be for everybody because if you are on a certain level of consciousness while you live, you may be able to pass
through levels, or grades, or dimensions, where you still maintain consciousness because he also taught us that thought,
whatever you think, whatever your thoughts are, never die. Now, that's interesting. So where does the thought go; one might
ask? How do you retrieve that thought or what does that mean? The Honorable Elijah Muhammad was a scientist of God in
the making in our midst.

So his teachings were beyond the physical plane of this world. It was beyond the theological period that we're in. He was
beyond the political systems that dictate policies that bring us into war and we're in nuclear devastation and disasters. He was
preparing a small group of people while he was here to be able to receive in their mind and their thinking the thinking of God
and once you can get into that area of the thinking of God, then you become co-creators with the universe. This is science.
This is true science.

Everything you see today happening in the world, brothers and sisters, comes from the manifestation of the Teachings of the
Honorable Elijah Muhammad. He is the one that told us for decades and decades, getting this teaching from his Master
Teacher, who he identified to the public as being the one that the world had been looking for, not knowing that ultimately he
would take on the present person's spirit of that very same one that he was identifying that he would become so close to that
one that it would be like two arrows shot from the same bow and so they never miss.

So gradually the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan is coming into that scientific knowledge of what all these scriptures are
talking about and getting past the illusion and getting into the scientific analysis of the Divine Teachings of the Honorable
Elijah Muhammad. I did not expect that I would go this way, but apparently there are a lot of people out there thinking
something on this subject.

The Great Seal of the United States government

The Great Seal of the United States government which is printed on the American dollar contains many of the symbols used
in the ancient craft of Masonry. The highest degree afforded to the Masons or Shriners is 33 degrees. The first president of
the United States, George Washington, also printed on the front base of the one dollar bill was himself a 33rd degree mason
and master of the Grand Lodge located across the Potomac River in Arlington, VA. There in Arlington, VA, is constructed
the George Washington Memorial which houses many of the regalia of the secret society of masonry worn by George
Washington as a master craftsman. Within this monumental edifice there exists a room which is generally locked and
normally closed to the public, which is called “The Throne Room.” Inside this room there are 13 elegantly carved chairs
arranged in a circle set on a raised platform. On one side of this circle of ornate thrones is placed a long rectangular table with
the Bible on one end and a copy of the Holy Qur’an on the other end.

On one of the walls of this throne room, which faces the circle of 13 thrones, is a painted mural showing the dressed figures
of men pictured in Arab garb making their way to perform the pilgrimage right at the sacred shrine of the Kabba in the Holy
City of Mecca in Arabia. At least nine of the Founding Fathers who signed the Constitution of the United States Government
were masons, including Benjamin Franklin. Several of the United States’ presidents were openly recognized and sworn in as
members of the Masonic Secret Society or Order. In the Sacred Writings of our nation’s book of lessons, we are given a
question and answer on the subject of the Moslem son (Masons), their training and duties to be performed by these astute
gentlemen who are inducted into this secret society.

In our Nation’s book of Lessons called the Supreme Wisdom, this question and answer appears in Lesson No. 2, Question
and Answer 9:

Q.)What is the role of the Moslem sons or masons and the seniorities and rituals practiced at all universities in this country?
Why does Yale University boast that several of its members who joined the Secret Society of Skull and Bones were selected
as presidents of the United States which included outgoing President George Bush, Jr. and his father, George W. Bush, Sr.?

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What is the secret order that is behind the American government that has been maintained and passed down to our new
president, Barack Hussein Obama?

The One Dollar Bill

The All-Eye Seeing

According to legal documents reserved in the National Archives of the United States Government, the following information
is recorded concerning the reverse of the United States Great Seal which depicts (the All-Eye Seeing) above a truncated
pyramid. According to author Paul Foster Case in his book, “On the Great Seal of the United States,” he writes on page 5:
“The reverse has never been cut. On the ground that it ‘can hardly look otherwise than as a dull emblem of a Masonic
fraternity,' but the explicit directions of the acts of 1782 and 1884 and have never been obeyed. For more than a century, the
ignorance of the many and the bigoted prejudices of a powerful minority have combined to bring about the violation of two
laws as specific and mandatory as any on our statute books. To this day, the intention of the founders of our nation remains
but half fulfilled.”

The lesson code of the “Supreme Wisdom Lessons,” uses this term, “The All-Eye Seeing” in Lesson No. 2, Question and
Answer 37: “ALLAH is the God in the Earth and in the Heavens above, and is Just and True, and there is no unrighteousness
in HIM. But is not unseen. Is Seen and is Heard everywhere—for HE is the A L L – E Y E S E E I N G.”

Might it be that the unfinished pyramid over which hovers the “All-Seeing Eye” on the reverse side of The Great Seal of the
United States represent an unfinished work of “Divine Providence” with the Presence of the Almighty God Himself in
person, making his appearance at the end of the world that we have known? Is it possible that the cutting of the reverse side
of the seal as intended by the founding fathers and is stipulated in the law and acts of Congress of 1782 and 1884 could not
be completed until the Coming of God Himself? The Number 13 is repeated over and over again in the Great Seal's
symbolism, which includes the 13 step truncated pyramid leading to the open space above the pyramid showing the triangle
with the “All-Seeing Eye.”

The Number 19

Looking a little closer at the one dollar bill, we will find the Number 19 appearing in the number of clouds encircling the 13
stars. Within the 13 stars, we see the imprint of the Star of David. All of this symbolism is placed above the eagle's head or

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crest. A further explanation demonstrates that letter per letter and number per number printed on the one dollar bill comes to
the Number 19. Here is the proof, looking at the back of the one dollar bill carefully and we see in each corner the numeral
one over which appears the word one, spelled O-N-E. Counting letter per letter and number per number, the result is 16. If we
add the letters of the word O-N-E in the middle of the one dollar bill, we get three letters. When this three is added to the 16,
we get the Number 19. The Number 13 and the Number 19 are the two outstanding numbers in the encrypted design and
symbolism of the United States' Great Seal.

We will in future articles, be it the will of Allah, speak in more detail about the significance of these two numbers in the
destiny of America and the world in the establishment of the New World Order and Kingdom of God on earth. What is now
emerging in our examination of letters, numbers, words and symbolic language used by the rulers of this world is now
passing over to the people who were considered to be no people at all through the Divine Presence of Almighty God, Allah,
in the person of Master W. Fard Muhammad. We will note that the spelling of his name, letter per letter is equal to the
Number 19. This secret code embedded in the Great Seal and other documents of the United States Government corresponds
to the Master's coming and intervention in our affairs and his identification of his lost and found people chosen to complete
the prophecy and Divine Providence to become the heirs of a New World Kingdom and government.

The date inscribed at the bottom coarse stone of the unfinished pyramid written in Roman Numerals, 1776, refers to the July
4th declaration of America's Independence Day is also equal to the Number 13. This date July the 4th, 154 years after the
date 1776, which is 1930, marks the exact date of the appearance of Master W. F. Muhammad, the Finder of the Lost-Found
members of the Nation of Islam in America. Are we, the ex-slaves of America, the missing symbol or piece to be placed at
the top of the pyramid to complete and fulfill the biblical prophecy? The symbolism and sign of ancient Egypt appears over
and over again in the design of The Great Seal. This symbolism inculcating the Number 13 is printed on the one dollar bill
which contains both the truncated pyramid and the “All-Seeing Eye” on the reverse of the seal. The one dollar bill also shows
the obverse side of the seal showing the eagle and all the symbols of power and rulership encrypted in the Number 13.

The historical chronology of our Nation’s History

Thirty years represents a generation; thus, it has taken the birth of another generation of young people to fulfill the Prophecy
that will hopefully bring in a New World Order of Peace on our Planet, after a horrific period of violence and war. This
number 30 is extremely important in comprehending the timeline of events that was initiated in the first 30 years of the last
20th Century.

In the historical chronology of our Nation’s History, the year 1930 marked the first Public Appearance of the Great Mahdi,
Master Fard Muhammad, Who came under disguise, but Who was recognizable by the proper use and application of the
Mathematical Language. The most profound understanding of the Divine Teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad is
rooted in the science of Mathematics and is also coded in the Revelation of the Holy Qur’an. That is why “Elijah
Muhammad” is an enigma to the modern scholars of religion today, but the higher scientists recognize who he is and have
identified his Master Teacher.

If we take the two sets of numbers that make up the date 1930, we pronounce 19 and 30. When these two numbers are
multiplied, the result is 570, (19 times 30).
These numbers correspond to the exact date and year of the birth of Prophet Muhammad more than 1,400 years ago in the
Holy City of Mecca in Arabia. Master W.F. Muhammad, The Great Mahdi, was also born in the Holy City of Mecca, in the
year 1877, in answer to the prophecy that such a One would be born into the world, at the end of the time, a descendant from
the line of the Prophet, bearing his name and would be heralded as The Great Mahdi, who would set down tyrants and
establish a Rule of Justice and usher in a new Millennium of Peace. It is this Great One who made His first Appearance in
America in 1930 at the age of 53, while His chosen disciple, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad was 33 years old, with a 20-
year difference in their ages.

Within a three-and-a-half to nearly four-year period, the Nation of Islam was founded, and the Divine Work and Mission of
the Honorable Elijah Muhammad was initiated after receiving direct contact and Teachings from the Master prior to His
departure in 1934. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad was left in charge with the Spiritual Resurrection of his mentally dead
people, and he was given by the Master a manual of Sacred Writings called the “Supreme Wisdom Lessons” to teach and
train others into God’s Marvelous Light.

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“The past history shows that the Almighty Allah sends Prophets and Apostles for the
people’s guide and example, and through them His Mystery was revealed. And these who
follow the Apostle would see the Light.” (Supreme Wisdom Manual of Instructions to the
first converts to Islam in America).

In little books of testimonies

In each step of the journey, people are being guided to bring into reality their deepest thoughts and convictions. Each and
every one of us, believe it or not, is being recorded. Every thought we think, every action that we do, is being written and
recorded in little books of testimonies.

When I asked the Honorable Elijah Muhammad was that just a spiritual explanation that the angels would come and we
would each be given little books in our hand? He said, “No, Sister, that’s literal.” He said, “There are angels who know every
move that every new convert makes.

The self-accusing spirit rises up in judgment

Minister Farrakhan said in his address in Detroit, you may think that you’re getting away with this or that, and he said until
that day when the self-accusing spirit rises up in judgment, it behooves us, Brothers and Sisters, to act with love and kindness
to each other. Without acting with love and kindness, then you become brute beasts.

“Titles Are Not Important; But Your Function and Your Work in The Name of Allah is Everything ”

Q.) What does it mean to do or to participate in deliberate dialogue? What are we deliberating, and what is dialogue?

ANS. - If you break that word up, the first three letters [dia] means day in the Spanish language. Every day we should be
deliberating and having a dialogue. In the following letters, [logue], you hear the word log, which means that you keep a
registry of what happens to you every day (dia), like a diary.

Q.) Our principle study is to dialogue with whom?

ANS. - With Allah, so that Allah, alone, can take over your thinking, your action, your vision. Everything must be The Mind
of God. This is not a very simple assignment, because it takes discipline. It takes discipline to be able to go from that Point A
—Allah, Atone, Allah—to Point B, and then to Point C, to move in a progression of a study that takes you through the
alphabet. Twenty-six (26) Letters in the English Alphabet.

Q.) Who is this dialogue all about?

ANS. - We are the Children of God, and we are The Gods of a New World Order being Guided by The One Great Supreme
God Who is over us all.

There are no “Big I’s” and “Little You’s.”

I want to apologize to my Creator for my faults and my errors in the past and the present. In order to get into The Mind of
God, you have to be willing to submit, and to submit means He knows all about you, so you can’t get away with anything
with Almighty God Allah. When we become whole, united and One with Allah, you know what happens? You, as an
individual, no longer exist. So in reality, there are no “Big I’s” and “Little You’s.”

The 12th Problem

Everybody should know the 12th Problem—it talks about the weight of the State of Michigan and about the people that
populate that state; that we are called “The Human.”

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Q.) How many humans are in that state? How much cattle, livestock weighs? What does the whole State of Michigan
weigh? What does that have to do with why we are here on a farm?

ANS. - We’re in this kind of country setting, because we have to go back to the farms to survive. We have to go back to
agriculture, is that right? We’ve been so proud; we can’t get our hands dirty anymore, but we want food and we want it easy.
We can go to the grocery store and buy our poison food, but here, we see an example of how Allah guided the Honorable
Minister Louis Farrakhan to seed the land here with navy beans, so here our diet is going back to the basics. So we’ve got the
navy bean and then the wheat for bread; and we were told that we have some pure milk coming from the cows taste.

We’re getting a picture, as the Honorable Elijah Muhammad said, that we have to prepare for our survival. We must prepare
for our survival, he said, by learning to survive in the wilderness and that we should have programs for camping. How do you
survive with very little? So when The Call comes, you can’t take anything with you but what is in your brain and your little
knapsack. We have a lot of training [to do]—boot camp, military camp, yes—for the defense of our nation. I don’t want to
take up anymore time, but I wanted to talk to you like my Brothers and Sisters and share with you my appreciation to
Almighty God Allah for blessing us to be here in the State of Michigan with the Honorable Minister Farrakhan and his family
for showing us the way.

The ambiance and the culture of learning

Now, as I close, the importance of the Lessons and why, throughout all these years, I was reviewing my own history since the
departure of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad in 1975, how have I been so focused on the Supreme Wisdom and the
Lessons? Everybody, probably wherever I have visited, I always am on that same theme, “The Importance of the Lessons.”
Because, Brothers and Sisters, if you take a look at this little history of Jesus and review it, when he was a little boy in Egypt
where he fled with his mother, he went to school. He was reflecting the ambiance and the culture of learning, which the
Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan put before us as a study. I want you, us, to express and develop a culture of learning.

Well, that vision that he shared with us was not isolated. Where is that rooted? In The God. When He came, we were called
students, and then all of a sudden, as we grew to reject and feel that [being a student] was for the past, then we became
officials, and as officials we didn’t need to study that; that is only for the new converts coming in. Is that true? So when you
come in, any new convert has to do what? Recite the Lessons. As soon as they get into the classroom, they’re expecting some
more of this Supreme Wisdom. ‘Oh, wow, this is some wisdom we’ve never heard before!’ Right, but all of a sudden, the
atmosphere changes and you come up before captains and lieutenants giving orders and destroying ultimately the spirit for
learning; and any learned person that comes in, you try to find a way to boycott his service. True?

So, instead of developing a Culture of Learning as it was in the beginning, 77 years ago in 1930, we have developed a culture
of death. So, we’re walking side-by-side with our enemy, as he has developed a culture of death. So, that’s why I’m so happy
that Allah (God) has given us another chance, The Last Chance, to do it right.

And that is why I started with myself and talking about titles. Who am I? Who are you? Nothing without Allah. Allah has to
be The Guide. Allah has to be The Mind. All

The “Radio in the Head

Now, anytime you say glass, we’re talking about crystal; some kind of industrial crystal or natural, white quartz crystal,
which is used in the manufacturing in the modern, industrial world that we live in today. It’s the use of crystal chips that are
put in the transmission or radio waves. It is the use of crystal in your watches that you wear everyday. It is the use of crystal
that makes the computer industry, now striving towards a more perfect computer, which will contain crystalline matter.

Now what about the human being? Do we contain crystalline structures within our body? Yes. Even the blood drops contain
crystalline matter, and our thoughts produced from this brain works by electric impulses and this electric impulse creates
what Master Fard Muhammad taught the early Muslims in the 1930s, the “Radio in the Head.”

So the Radio in the Head is transmitting electric impulses that go through the waves of the atmosphere, and one can send
their thoughts through the waves of the atmosphere and contact anyone without a telephone. One can send a telegram—with
this method of communication, you don’t have to send a telegram or your email notes. Just imagine if all of that ceases to be.

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Q.)What if there’s a great power surge and all electronic devices stop? We would have to depend upon what?

ANS. -The art of feeling and hearing to convey our messages.

“The Power of Prayer,”

The information that we are sharing from the lecture entitled, “The Power of Prayer,” is really a teaching on the Power of
Thought dealing with the science of electricity transmission (sending and receiving).

A ring, a bell-like sound, in your ear

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad told us that you will hear a ring, a bell-like sound, in your ear. He said, that that will be a
sign that either he would be trying to get in contact with you or one of the scientists that will be trying to get in touch with
you. He further stated that two of us will be walking together, doing normal things, in the mall shopping and he said that that
message will come through the ear, through the power of hearing. One will hear it and the other will not; and in that time, the
message will be the communication of thought coming from these high-born scientists and you will have to follow the
instructions of what that voice is telling you to do.


Q.)Have we cleaned up this vehicle to be able to hear those high frequencies of sound?

ANS. - These high frequencies of sound are emitted from a light, a form of electricity. The use of electricity is one of the
great mysteries that Master Fard Muhammad shared with the Honorable Elijah Muhammad upon His departure which still at
that time remained a mystery. These electronic impulses that permeate our atmosphere are connected to our orbits in space,
such as the sun. As the sun is the center of our galaxy and its energy or light waves are able to strike nine planets full of life
that are rotating on this sphere, we become more conscious that we are part and parcel of every element of matter; every
element that makes up the atomic weights and energy fields and its chemical composition.

“We are connected to every element in the universe”

Should we not purify this vessel so that when we pray, which is our subject, we are cognizant of the natural, physical,
biological and electronically charged atomic law? How much more powerful will our prayers be if we become more

ANS. -We are more conscious when that energy, like a crystal, amplifies our thoughts. They have an effect on the cells of our
bodies. They have an effect upon the blood coursing through our veins. Light and blood travel at the same speed. The blood
circulating through our body takes about eight minutes, and it takes light approximately eight minutes from the sun to strike
the earth.

We are the inhabitants of the earth and we are connected to the cosmos. We are connected to every element in the universe.

“Time travel”

While in meditation one morning on the outskirts of the city on a hillside overlooking the roadway, I had an unusual
experience of what I would term “time travel.”

At this junction of the Nile River to far away Mexico’s Sacred Valley to the mountains of Tepozteco overlooking the town of
Tepoztlan. Above the mountain stands the small pyramid complex of Tepozteco. This was the exact location where one year
later the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan had this vision-like experience, being transported to the Great Mother’s Wheel
to commune with the Honorable Elijah Muhammad.

Once I identified this location, I was then transported to an area of a higher mountain range which I identified as somewhere
in the Himalayan Mountains near Tibet. It was there when a man suddenly appeared from the side of the mountain facing me,

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dressed in oriental garb. While looking in my direction, he spoke these words; “You are related to the Kublia Khan.” I was
amazed at his words and when the meditation had ended, I was left somewhat perplexed in a type of culture shock and was
unable to verbalize my experience with anyone until sometime later. It was at this point when I initiated my research into
Mongolian history and its connection to China.

The Brain

The brain is a mathematically precise instrument that records all of our life experiences tracing back to trillions and trillions
of years into the distant past and projects information and imagery into an unending future time. Scientists have told us that
modern man uses less than 10 percent of our brain power to think and to solve our everyday problems. The Honorable Elijah
Muhammad has taught us that the brain was created to think right, to which I might add, and is mathematically precise in all
of its functions to remember and record all things. Through the precision of mathematics and its proper application, we can
tune into the thinking of others, when necessary, and thus prescribe the circle of our activity. Everything in life is structured
or based upon the principles of mathematics (Islam) and can be proven in no limit of time. Tantamount to the function of the
brain is the mind from which creation originates.


We will note that these three letters (DNA) when added together equal the number 19. The letter D equals 4; the letter
N equals 14; and the letter A equals the number one.

It is fascinating that the first revelation of the Holy Qur’an numbers 19 verses and describes God’s counsel of warriors
identified as “The Braves” of his army. This statement equates that all chosen messengers of God are appointed as heralds of
good news and are identified as warrior kings or rulers who are born or chosen from a clot of blood which is determined by
the decree of Almighty God Allah. The nature of all creation is set in battle array, even Christ at the time of his return is
described in the 19th chapter of Revelation as a warrior, appearing on a horse coming from out of the heavens with an army
following behind him all set in battle array.

The Great Mahdi, Master Wallace Fard Muhammad, is present in America and the world to deliver his people from the midst
of their enemies as the champion of war, also set in battle array with his angelic hosts. All chosen prophets or messengers are
warriors who are raised to fight the disobedience of God’s enemies. The Holy Qur’an states in several places that Allah has
chosen messengers from among men that are mentioned as well as messengers who have not been mentioned by name but
who are characteristically recognized by their works.

This class of messengers also includes the angels who are described in scripture as the warriors and fighters by God’s

On “Spirit”

There can be no spirit (energy and the breath of life) without its transmutation into matter to carry its power and force. Thus,
it is written that God breathed into the man He made and he became a living soul, (being).

As we expand our spiritual consciousness, there is a world of sound and color and beauty that is indescribable to our normal

Time is a sequencing which brings us in touch with our true selves and our mission, goals and objectives in life to accomplish
as we try to remember what we have oft times forgotten (though recorded in our subconscious mind) of how we began our
journey in the essence of sperm and ovum in our mother's womb, (the fetus or essence of divine remembrance).

Before we came here in this present state:


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Where did we come from? How do we understand the reality of our preexistence? What is it that we have forgotten? Did we
not come from Allah in the beginning, and do we not return to Allah in the end? Are we thus immortal, and if so, what makes
us immortal? Is there life after death?

As we dive into life experiences, we learn about the wonders of our planet and of our universe and our divine creation from
the mind and the thought of Almighty God Allah which covers the sphere of eternity. As long as we are mentally awakened
and travel with universal consciousness, we are learning more and more about our immortality.

I wondered if the Saviour’s path had ever taken him to meet with the famous physicist and scientist, Albert Einstein, who had
visited with Henry Ford for a short period of time in Detroit, Michigan, during the 30s. I also wondered if the Saviour had
ever met with Henry Ford, founder of the Automobile Industry that put America on wheels beginning with the Model-T Ford.


These words formed an equation or formula in my mind. As a single mother of five, the sacrifice to go to Mexico (especially
this trip) was significant, to say the least. But at that moment, I got a glimpse of what we were truly engaged in and the heart
of the work and our involvement.

MATERIAL has been defined as the substance of which a thing is made or composed; anything that serves as crude or raw
matter to be used or developed. MATERIAL also means a group of ideas, facts, data, etc., that may provide the basis for or
be incorporated into some integrated work. MATERIAL can mean a person considered as having qualities suited to a
particular sphere of activity. In law, MATERIAL has been defined as something (or someone) pertinent or essential; likely to
influence the determination of a case; being of real importance or consequence; being relevant to a subject under
consideration; specifically: being something (or someone) to be taken into consideration by a reasonable person in acting or
making a decision. Lastly, MATERIAL is something (or someone) used for or made the object of consideration or study: as
in “evidence” and is of sufficient importance or relevance as to have possible significant influence on an outcome.

The word material is derived from the word MATTER which is the substance composing our universe and our very beings.
According to the scientist Lee Smolin, “Fully 70 percent of the matter density in the universe appears to be in the form of
dark energy. Twenty-six percent is dark matter. Only 4 percent is ordinary matter. So less than 1 part in 20 is made out of
matter we have observed experimentally or described in the standard model of particle physics. Of the other 96 percent, apart
from the properties just mentioned, we [the Enemy speaking] know absolutely nothing.” [Note: This can be said of the
current educational system as well. The schools “know absolutely nothing” about how to truly educate a person and tap the
vast resources of the human mind.]

And there is an interesting connection between MATTER and MATER. MATER, in many languages, means “Mother.”
According to Sri Ramakrishna, darkness is the Ultimate Mother: “My Mother is the principle of consciousness. She is
Akhanda Satchidananda; indivisible Reality, Awareness, and Bliss. The night sky between the stars is perfectly black. The
waters of the ocean depths are the same; The infinite is always mysteriously dark.” On this trip, as with all of the tours I have
been on, we would work and study into the night (dark). There are other names related to MATER with similar meanings,
one such name being MAYA, the name given to the original people of Mexico. The ancient Maya were great artists and
architects and also made great discoveries in the field of mathematics and astronomy (basis of new education) and were
considered to be great experts in these fields. The name MAYA has also been defined as Queen and goddess. In fact, Queen
Māyā was the birth mother of the historical Gautama Buddha and the first woman ordained by the Buddha. Another
derivation MAIA meaning “mother or great one,” in Greek mythology is the name of a goddess, the eldest of the Pleiades,
the name given to the seven daughters of Atlas and Pleione and in astronomy, is the brightest star in the Pleiades. MAIA was
said to be “the most beautiful. Being shy, she lived quietly and alone in a cave on Mount Cyllene, in Arcadia.”


Everything comes into existence through the process of thought. Within the word thought, we may be able to recognize the
name, “Thoth, the ancient Egyptian god of writing of letters and numbers which was deciphered in the language of
hieroglyphics and put in symbolic terms.

Q.) What is the guiding principle of thought that it manifests all that comes into existence? What is the source or origin of

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ANS. - It is produced from an energy or frequency of the divine mind of an Almighty God whose proper name is Allah. We
may trace back in time to 76 trillion years, 66 trillion years, and to 6 trillion years and further back into the darkness of space,
we are there in an instance of time through thought.

Q.) Is there a beginning and ending to this process? Where did we begin and where are we going?

ANS.- The previous questions have been proposed as a part of our own self-awareness auditing the process that brings all
things into existence in an unending cycle of birth, rebirth and change. The progenitor of thought is God Himself and the root
of the Divine Teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad who was taught by God Himself, who came to us after trillions
and trillions of years of evolution and change in the person of Master W. F. Muhammad.

The Great Mother's Wheel

“If it is to be shown by Actual Tests that a force of two hundred fifty pounds is required to maintain this rate of downhill
speed, what horse-power must the Engine deliver at the Wheel? Thirty-three thousand pounds equals one Horse-Power?

Food for thought

Might this emphasis on the Engine Power at the wheels refer to the mechanics of the operation of the Great Mother's Wheel
and her companion planes numbering 1500 of which we are taught would be engaged in the final hour to help us in our
survival as part of a divine plan being executed by Almighty God Allah's Command? This is only food for thought that I am
sharing with fellow students who are traveling with us in our “University on Wheels.”

Q.) What will it take to remove the rust from the rusty locks to allow us to be able to communicate more clearly with
the voice of God within and his angelic hosts?

ANS. - Many years prior to his departure in 1975, he explained to some of his companions some amazing details that would
take place at the close of the present world Judgment that would specifically come to pass in the U.S.A. One of these
messages had to do with the work of the small baby planes on board the Great Mother's Wheel. He stated that at the close of
this present world, pamphlets would be dropped over the cities of America written in all the languages of the many people of
various nationalities now residing in the United States that would be instructing them to evacuate this area and return to their
native land. The time that they would be given is approximately a ten-day period. Might this action be connected to the same
period in which he described to some of us that during the Final Hour he would be seen together with Master Fard
Muhammad making a whistle stop tour 15 minutes apart on a fast-moving train to the various cities around America?

This information should be carefully studied by our readers within the light of what is taking place within the Nation of Islam
as directed by the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan's final warning he has given to the United States government. The
Honorable Elijah Muhammad explained to us that there were scientists on the Wheel who were capable of tuning in to our
thoughts and monitoring our actions and our movements everywhere we may be.

“Thought is immortal and never dies”

If we see or think into nothingness your mind and your thought will automatically pick up photographically a picture. You
hardly can think a thought without seeing light. What we call the spirit is contained in the mind. And it is the light that goes
on in your mind to give you life to travel on your journey through your thoughts. The average thought we are taught in the
“Supreme Wisdom Lessons” travels at 24 billion miles per second.

A.)Why are we given those dimensions and those measurements?

ANS.-It is because we too have to go back in our thinking because we can remember everything that has ever happened in
our lives. But as we grow older what happened is the rust starts accumulating on the rusty locks they call it of our brain cells.

As long as we can think we can be redeemed .The most important part of the redemption of you is yourself. “As A Man
Thinketh So Is He”.

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Thought is consciousness

Thought is consciousness and energy operating simultaneously in parallel or multi-dimensional worlds. Thought is the most
important and precious commodity we possess. How we communicate or project our thoughts bring about the law of
cause and effect that is set into motion in our everyday lives, because—be and cause is directly connected to God’s
divine law, which we had never been fully taught before.

By not understanding this divine law of God’s own Self-creation, anything can come between us and the person or reality of
God that we say we worship, and distort that reality or the message.

On the other hand, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad has stated that what we call spirit or soul is the breath of life, the
essence of our being. Our thoughts carry the image or images of what we think, which is ultimately made manifest in time.

The world of thought and ideas are transferred from one to another through the lives of those who come after us, from
generation to generation, until it achieves expression of perfection into infinity. Therefore, there is no death for the righteous.

Everything comes into existence through the process of thought

Within the word thought, we may be able to recognize the name, “Thoth, the ancient Egyptian god of writing of letters and
numbers which was deciphered in the language of hieroglyphics and put in symbolic terms.

A.)What is the guiding principle of thought that it manifests all that comes into existence?
B.) What is the source or origin of thought?
C.) Is there a beginning and ending to this process?
D.) Where did we begin and where are we going?

Thought is produced from an energy or frequency of the divine mind of an Almighty God whose proper name is Allah. We
may trace back in time to 76 trillion years, 66 trillion years, and to 6 trillion years and further back into the darkness of space,
we are there in an instance of time through thought.

The previous questions have been proposed as a part of our own self-awareness auditing the process that brings all things into
existence in an unending cycle of birth, rebirth and change. The progenitor of thought is God Himself and the root of the
Divine Teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad who was taught by God Himself, who came to us after trillions and
trillions of years of evolution and change in the person of Master W. F. Muhammad.

The root of the Divine Teachings of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad is found in the Holy Qur’an itself, as well as the
root of Muhammad’s History. The root language to perceive this reality is revealed through mathematics, which is coded in
the utterance of the Divine Word composed of letters, numbers and thought forms, which are frequencies in the revelation of
God’s Knowledge and Truth to us all.

Thought never dies

It has a life of its own, independent of matter and we are the repositories. Telepathic projection or remote viewing will be
granted to the righteous, that we may be able to tune in to the higher frequencies of thought and enter into heaven at once
while we live.

Q.)What is thought and were does it lodge? What holds thought and where does it abide?

ANS.- “Thought never dies. If thought never dies, then it must proceed from consciousness and what is consciousness but the
ever-living substance that originates from the originator or the divine creator to whom in essence we all return.” Nothing
happens by chance. Everything that takes place in our lives comes by the activation of our DNA material and genetic coding,
interacting with all of the events that come into being after our birth. We meet each other in our life’s journey by God’s will
and permission. Our essence for spirit journeys in a cycle of time from cosmic dust to sperm mixed with ovum until we
manifest in this life. We live as if it were an eternity.

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When we think a thought, are we conscious of where that thought comes from? Does it originate from intelligence in
the vastness of space?

ANS. -The Divine Teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad brings to consciousness God's Power and Force in every
living being who has the capacity to think through darkness until we materialize something that is tangible and real. This is
the reason why no one can argue successfully with the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and win because he was taught the
Reality of God Who Came Himself, in Person, and not by a spook from some imaginary existence outside of the World of
Thought. We, of the Black Original Nation, are Co-Creators with the Almighty Supreme Being in His Divine Creation of the
vast extent of the entire Universal Worlds.

“The Human Brain”

The brain is a mathematically precise instrument that records all of our life experiences tracing back to trillions and trillions
of years into the distant past and projects information and imagery into an unending future time. Scientists have told us that
modern man uses less than 10 percent of our brain power to think and to solve our everyday problems. The Honorable Elijah
Muhammad has taught us that the brain was created to think right, to which I might add, and is mathematically precise in all
of its functions to remember and record all things. Through the precision of mathematics and its proper application, we can
tune into the thinking of others, when necessary, and thus prescribe the circle of our activity. Everything in life is structured
or based upon the principles of mathematics (Islam) and can be proven in no limit of time. Tantamount to the function of the
brain is the mind from which creation originates.

The human brain can store more information then all of the libraries in the world. And one final quote we are talking about
this universe is that everything we know of the universe and everything we know from subatomic particles to distant galaxies.
And everything we feel from love for our children to fear enemy nations is experienced and modeled in our brains. Without
the brains nothing (listen to this) not quarks, not black holes, nor love or hatred would exist for us. So it is all in our minds.

Your God is in you!

Your God is in you and this marvelous mind, this marvelous capacity of the brain stores everything from the Beginning of
Time. It has been known that even the babies as he develops the brain cells; he is connected to a whole world of newness of
energy that connects him that he the baby can remember everything since the beginning of time

The Secret Government of the United States

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad made a reference to a break-in on our temple grounds in Detroit, Michigan where the
drawings of this awesome Mother's Wheel was exhibited. He further states that it was in the hands of the FBI who have been
studying this phenomenon and its advance technology ever since. He stated that they are aware of the Mechanics of the
Mother's Wheel and are seeking, through their military apparatus and Agenda, to find a place in outer space on the moon or
elsewhere to launch an attack with their bomb targeting this great wheel in the sky, which they cannot do. In this regard, he
stated that there are scientists on board who can tune in on the thinking of the people, and as Jesus did with this telepathic
ability, he could move quickly in the opposite direction, away from the Jews' plan to kill him. The Secret Government of the
United States is basically run by the military who are planning, night and day, for this ultimate war in the air. The Honorable
Minister Farrakhan was informed by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad in his Vision-like Experience on board the Great
Mother's Wheel, that the president and his Joint Chiefs of Staff (War Department) were planning a war somewhere on our

Let us stop for a moment and reflect over the foundation of the United States Government and its institutions which have all
been put on alert about this present and ominous future event. They are keeping this knowledge as “Top Secret” from the
American citizens and the world while they are persecuting and targeting the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan and the
Nation of Islam in the same way that the Roman elite and the Jews conspired night and day on how they would take Jesus
and kill him. This is taking place today in their rage to kill “The Messenger” and the Message that it may not unstop our ears
and our hearts in knowing the truth that we might be free.

Teach the Sisters about the Sun

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It is precisely this subject in particular, the Sun, and other Star Systems which were discussed by the Russian scientists and
the Spiritual shamans in our journey. These encounters with the scientific and spiritual communities blended together has
opened up the portals for greater understanding of mass communication systems that are now being put in place for such
studies and investigations. New and Peaceful use of energies are now emerging from the cosmologists on a universal scale
evolving humanity to a highly defined telepathic technology leading us to an awakening universal consciousness in which we
are all interacting participants. We are on the cutting edge of the dawn and recognition of a unified force field that has always
existed and is now being accessed, in part, through the Harmonics of the Discovery of the Law of Time and an Evolving New
Vibrant World Culture of Peace now being developed and applied by many world scientists with dramatic results.

What the world will eventually come to learn in the course of our history is that there is a
Greater Power and Force that is operating in the air above the power and might of military
force of a New World Order more powerful than nuclear bombs.

The Venus Transit

According to World Prophecy as recorded by our Original Scientists around the world particularly focusing on Mayan
Prophecies, the double appearance of the Venus Transit within an eight-year interval forebodes the return of the god-man
scientist and hero of all Meso-American culture known as Quetzalcoatl or the Feathered Serpent. It is written that he traveled
to the Americas from the East approximately 2,000 years ago and established the basis of a new civilization based on the arts
and sciences rooted in mathematics and astronomy.

The Venus Transit symbolizes the return of the goddess (the second self or twin of God). Beginning on June 3rd and
continuing through June 4th, we are experiencing a full moon along with a lunar eclipse in accompaniment to the Venus
Transit that occurs on June 5th, consummating on June 6th. This masterful event will not occur again for more than 100
years. This period signals the rebirth or the awakening of the essential divine feminine in both the male and the female. The
planets, Mars and Venus, will appear in a quadrature formation during the Venus Transit.

Venus will intervene between the sun and the earth, appearing as a small black dot on her surface. As a precaution, do not
stare directly at the sun. Take all safety measures in viewing this phenomenon as one would take during a solar eclipse to
avoid damaging the eyes. The Venus Transit is a major astronomical event which portends some of the signs of the last days
of this present world which is on its way out of dominion and power. We are now giving way to a new spiritual Sun of
Divine Power and Authority of Almighty God Allah, Who is bringing in an everlasting Kingdom and World Paradise.

The Venus Transit will be most vividly viewed over the Hawaiian islands and in other countries, including Mexico and parts
of the United States. The planet Venus is the second nearest planet to the sun following Mercury and is called the planet of
love and beauty, and is revered as the twin planet to earth. Venus is named by the Romans as the goddess of love and beauty.
In our Supreme Wisdom Lessons, Problem No. 19, Venus is named with her measurements of 67 million, two hundred
thousand miles from the sun, with a diameter of 7,000 miles.

According to the Olmec-Mayan and Toltec Prophecies prevalent in Meso-America, this double Transit of Venus within an
eight-year period, was first initiated in 2004, represents a sign of the Return of the Christ-like figure of Meso-America named
Quetzalcoatl, the Feathered Serpent, which has a double meaning. When Quetzalcoatl departed from Mexico for the first time
after his initial arrival from the East, he traveled to the Gulf of Mexico and departed on a craft wreathing with serpents which
contained the burnt or cremated ashes of his body which were scattered into the sea, or as some writers state, were carried to
his home planet of Venus. He vowed that he would one day return.

The phenomenon of Venus, as a planet, is also characterized as the Dawning of the Morning Star. Surah 113 entitled, “The
Lord of the Dawn,” contains a possible connection to the prophecies of the returning Venus Transit as the morning star and
dawn of a new day.

On June 5th through June 6th will occur an alignment of the planet Jupiter, numbered 20 in our Nation’s Supreme Wisdom
Teachings in the Problem Book, with the Star System of the Pleiades. Do these astronomical events point to a major shift in
spiritual consciousness being brought about by the Return of the Great Master Fard Muhammad’s Second Coming, to be
accompanied by his Exalted Servant, the Christ, the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad, reappearing as the second of the two

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coming at the end of the world we have known? For our readers who wish to receive a more comprehensive history of this
occurrence, I recommend the reading of my book, The Comer by Night, published in 1986, 26 years ago.

The Power of Prayer

“Allah is the light of the heavens and the earth. A likeness of His light is as a pillar on which is a lamp—the lamp is in a
glass, the glass is as it were a brightly shining star—lit from a blessed olive-tree, neither eastern nor western, the oil whereof
gives light, though fire touch it not—light upon light. Allah guides to His light whom He pleases. And Allah sets forth
parables for men, and Allah is Knower of all things—(It is) in houses which Allah has permitted to be exalted and His name
to be remembered therein.” -Holy Qur’an, Surah 24, verses 35-36

What I proposed in Cleveland, Ohio, I will now share with our readers who believe in the power of prayer beginning with the
“Fajr” or Morning Prayer. We begin by stating our intention silently, standing upright, offering our two rakahs of the
morning prayer service. We stand at attention to the Lord of all the worlds, submitting ourselves to Him and Him alone. We
must then visualize this single bright light that is pulsating and radiating in all four directions, as we are drawn into this light
as described in the verse of Light quoted above in Surah 24. We then bow our heads with our hands placed over our
abdomen, and recite Al-Fatihah only. (The Fard portion of the prayer.)

The next position is bowing to the knees, reciting Allah-u-Akbar, then standing upright again in preparation for prostration;
and then kneeling, prostrating again, then rising upright to recite the second rakah of the morning prayer.

In the second rakah of the Morning Prayer Service when reaching the kneeling position, recite your salaams to the right and
left; then take the position of Duha, with hands upright, while in the kneeling position, then silently call for blessings and
healing for the Honorable Minister Farrakhan, and call for peace and blessings upon his family, and peace and blessings for
all the families of the Believers.

We are to repeat this morning prayer service everyday of the week leading up to our Saviours’ Day event in Detroit, MI,
February 25, 2007. Following the prayer service, read at your leisure any portion of the Holy Qur’an.

A crystal diamond in the sky

Recently, I was invited to Cleveland, Ohio, and that is when the triggering of some higher frequencies began to manifest
themselves and we observed during those sessions on a Saturday afternoon, leading into Sunday, how we could perform a
group collective prayer for the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan that would be on one and the same frequency; and that
one and the same frequency to be prayed simultaneously at the same hour.

We chose the Fajr, or the Dawn Prayer. When conducting our Morning Prayer, we should visualize the light that the
Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan saw in September of the year 2001, which appeared like a crystal diamond in the sky.
There were other witnesses of this sighting. I don’t know if you are aware of this experience that has taken place since his
vision of 1985. It took place, once again in the Mexican Village of Tepoztlán at midday, around 1:30 in the afternoon.

This enormous, bright light appeared brighter than the sun. Not only did it light up the sky, but remained stationary for
several minutes, making a pulsating movement going up and down, and sideways while two objects came out of it
simultaneously. One went to the right and the other to the left. Then suddenly this bright light appeared to be communicating
with the Minister. As it began to pulsate, we observed a tear falling from one of the eyes of the Honorable Minister
Farrakhan. It was a sign to him, perhaps, of the future preparation to see the Honorable Elijah Muhammad face to face.

Being unaware of the future struggle that he would have to overcome in his physical pain and agony and hospitalization and
surgery to be ultimately renewed throughout all the cells of his body through the sign of this powerful light, as we visualize
this light on the outside, bring this light inside and begin to reflect the divine light of Almighty God Allah. As we prepare this
vehicle, this light, eating properly, thinking properly, behaving properly, being in an upright state, to begin our prayer.

The veil concerning God’s Reality

These Teachings remove the veil concerning God’s Reality that has never been taught before. The world has evolved for
thousands, millions and even trillions of years with this most important Knowledge being withheld from the general public

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and the countless civilizations that have ruled our Planet. Only through the Divine Teachings of the Honorable Elijah
Muhammad have we broken through this Veil of Secrecy concerning the Reality of God.

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad further has taught us the finer details of this Great Truth. For trillions of years, this Secret
of God was held within a circle of 12 Scientists. Since the deportation of the Moon from this part we call Earth, 66 trillion
years ago, another 12 Scientists were added to keep up the calculations of our histories written to last in 25,000-year cycles.
This number is equal to the circumference of our Planet at the equator added to the measurement of our poles.

Why is this so important? And how does it relate to the development of a Spiritual Head or Department of any university? It
is because we now bring to the world’s theologians and spiritual leaders what has been hidden from their scientists for
thousands of years concerning the Reality of God.

Master W. Fard Muhammad comes against all that preceded us in the eons of time. In his book, "Our Saviour Has Arrived,"
the Honorable Elijah Muhammad states, "that no education of this world of the white race will be accepted into the New
World. For in the New World, you have a new education and government.

"The God of the New World is a New God. He is not the God Who Ruled from the Beginning but He Has the Same Idea of
that rule as the God In the Beginning Had to create Something new. As you notice, the effect of thoughts or your thinking at
times has such deep effects on the brain that it affects the surface of your face, skin, and body. Your eyes are also affected by
that tremendous thought or way of thinking that you have as it acts upon your brain."

It will be a day of great joy and happiness to see in the very near future all of our great spiritual minds around the Planet
come together in recognition of this Greatest of Divine Truths on the Reality of God. Many have received visions and are
very advanced thinkers spiritually, but none has met and been taught by God in Person as the Honorable Elijah Muhammad.

Great respect is rendered to all spiritual people and communities who are practicing the principles of their faith in their
everyday lives. May we, as a joint body, sit together in counsel one day to discuss the Reality of God and come to know Him
as He is!

God in Person

This knowledge of the Reality of God has been kept a secret for all these ages of man on our Planet until the Coming of the
Great Mahdi, Master Fard Muhammad, who was identified by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad as God in Person. This
Person is the Vessel that contains the Reality of God's Spirit which is passed down through a Divine Circle of Scientists who
are all sons of men from the beginning, and thus is derived the term, “Son of man.” As we prepare to enter into an entirely
New World Order of Spiritual awakening and consciousness, a whole new planetary civilization and universe is coming into
being through the medium of ever-advancing technology, and School of Thought producing worlds within worlds of
planetary beings and civilizations outside of our own. In this universal process and evolution that has been hidden until today,
the covering of the heavens is being removed for us to perceive higher and higher worlds of reality; but the spooky way of
our thinking must be removed. The Coming of Master Wallace Fard Muhammad, the Great Mahdi, God in Person, to
America in the early Twentieth Century was the sign of God's Intervention in our affairs by unveiling this Great Truth of
God's True Identity while Fashioning a whole New World of Thought.

Master W. Fard Muhammad first made Himself Known to a people who were thought to be no people at all, who were slain
from the foundation of this world, and are the descendants of slave parents who were stolen from their native land and people
and brought across the Atlantic Ocean on a westerly course. They were tortured and murdered physically and mentally and
confined to bondage, as we are today, by the last manifestation of the Races, biogenetically produced to take over the rule of
our planet conquering all of its Original Inhabitants and other life species for a limited period of time.

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad is the first begotten of our dead nation who recognized the Supreme Being in our midst
and identified Him as being the answer to the Coming of God at the end of the world. It is for this reason that he and those
who follow his example and Divine Teachings are persecuted and rejected by the rulers of this world whose end has come.
Master Fard Muhammad entered America under disguise, and by so doing broke the chains and hold of Yacob's Civilization
or Satan's world over his people. The making of the White race and their being given power to rule over the nations and
societies of humanity has now ended and can be compared to the nursery rhyme of Humpty Dumpty, who sat on a wall and

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had a great fall. And all the king's horses and all the king's men, with all their military power, cannot put Humpty Dumpty
back together again. His world has been shaken to the very foundation of the time that he was given to rule.

The present war that is being fought on land and sea against the darker peoples and all inhabitants everywhere on our planet
is their attempt to get a stronghold to return to the Holy Land is their great battle of deception which began ever since he was
cast out of Arabia for his mischief-making, lying, stealing and causing the righteous people to fight and to kill one another.

Reading in “Our Saviour Has Arrived,” by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad in Chapter 4 entitled, “The Hidden Truth,” he
states on page 11: “We should know the truth of the seriousness of the time that we are now living in. The truth will save our
lives if we believe it. America is at war with the darker people (Brown, Yellow, and every race regardless of color) today, but
she refuses to tell you the truth of this war that is now taking many lives. This is hiding the truth.”

Throughout European history and religious institutions, including the Vatican, there have
always been an elite group who have maintained secrecy in the ruling order of their days.
What is being uncovered in our current research on the Origins of these secret societies is
the part that rulers and military personnel are always involved in keeping the public
ignorant to all the above truths.

“How to Give Birth to a God”

In our universe, we observe the 12 zodiacal signs of antiquity, often referred to as the Gospel of the Stars. The Honorable
Elijah Muhammad taught us that our history is written in the stars. In ancient Egypt, the zodiacal signs began with Virgo, the
Virgin, lying down in a prone position with a branch in one hand and a righteous seed in the other.

The zodiacal signs end with Leo, the Lion, represented in scripture as the symbol for the Tribe of Judah, the ruler and the
king. In Egypt, the Sphinx symbolizes the zodiacal sign beginning with the sign of the Virgo at the head and the body of a
lion, with the face of a female and the body of a lion. This also represents in scriptural language the sign of Mary, the Mother
of Jesus, having given birth to a righteous offspring or seed, who will rule the world with a rod of iron.

This also can be understood through the Teachings of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan in his tape series, “How to
Give Birth to a God.”

The process by which God gave birth to Himself

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad from Mosque Maryam in 1972 delivered masterful Teaching on The Theology of Time and
spoke to us about God’s use of fractions, working somewhat like subatomic particles of an atom rotating in the darkness,
building itself up into units or whole numbers.

This is the process by which God gave birth to Himself and the whole of His Divine Creation through a mathematical
structure. This is the mathematical language by which we count today using fractions and units, tens and hundreds, then
thousands and millions, ever expanding into the Infinity of Time. This is how God came to Be and generated His One Self
into the creation of all the worlds.

Truth is Stranger than Fiction

I once asked the Honorable Elijah Muhammad about the value and application of the White man’s studies in science and
technology that is surfacing in the world today, and he answered me in these words: “The more we know about the White
man’s studies in these fields of knowledge, the more advanced we will be in the Hereafter.”

His words along with the subsequent discoveries he is making in every field of science, caused me to reflect upon Yakub’s
history and the scientific studies that he engaged in while studying in the laboratories and schools of his day. Though Yakub
had a strong premonition of the work he would do as a child, while playing with two pieces of steel—one with magnetic in it
attracting the piece that didn’t have magnetic in it—he ultimately discovered while looking through a microscope, the secret
of two people lying dormant in the life-germ itself. It was through the study of the life germ that he altered the genetic

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material lying dormant in the Original Man and people. Thus through a special method of birth control, practiced in a
specially chosen environment, he gave birth to every race and people that has come to populate our planet today. This
experiment began with the Original Black Man and People, and it is our responsibility and challenge to perfect the evolution
of our species for the whole of humanity. There is a saying that Truth is Stranger than Fiction!

Six ounces of brain power/ seven and a half ounces of brain power

We have it written in our Supreme Wisdom Lesson No. 2, Question and Answer 38—“…That HE could make a Devil, which
is weak and wicked, and give the Devil power to rule the Earth for six thousand years and, then, destroy the Devil in one day
without falling a victim to the Devil's Civilization. Otherwise to show and prove that ALLAH is the God—always has been
and always will be.” Herein, might be the understanding that the Devil has only six ounces of brain power (6,000 years to
rule), while the Original Man exceeds this number by seven and a half ounces of brain power (coming into the 7,000th
Millennium reign) following Satan's rule and dominion.

“The world of telepathy”

“Traveling through a 4th dimensional portal where time is measured by telepathy and art, not money, avarice and

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad has taught us about the frequency of tuning in or telepathy. Our scientists have the ability
to tune into and read the thoughts of others and project their effect coming down the line of time.

The law of synchronicity [the frequency of telepathy]

All the things that happened to us are a result of the frequency of thought. Nothing happens by chance but according to the
synchronicity and law of time when telepathy manifests exact events that are now taking place around the world.

When I am in contact with (the spirit world), thoughts or information will be transmitted continually at all times.
This sounds like the world of telepathy between thoughts sent and thoughts received. We are taught that the chosen servants
of God see things that others do not see and hear things that others do not hear. They perceive what others perceive not
depending upon their mental state of spiritual consciousness. Whatever mental state exists in the spirit world, it is
consciousness directed by energy from a perpetual school of thought that surrounds us. It is a projection of our own

Whatever your thoughts can conceive, it is known by spirit and transmitted by the living word, as we read in John Chapter 1:
"In the beginning there was the word and the word was God and the word is God and from God was everything made that
was made."

This indicates that, surrounding us in the field of matter, thought form is the pervasive energy or electromagnetic sphere that
brings matter into existence. This structure of thinking is multidimensional.

Our brain operates as the system or generator that brings our thoughts into reality. It is through our minds, housed in the
brain, which taps into these parallel worlds of reality simultaneously. Thus, we can see, feel and hear things that are not yet
manifested to our physical senses. That is the way God was in the beginning. He had the vision that none could comprehend
but he himself.

It is written in the Holy Qur’an, Surah 6, verse 104: "Vision comprehends Him not, and He comprehends (all) vision ..."

Knowing the mind of God and its reality is the greatest knowledge that any human being can conceive. Once we are there in
the bosom of God, we experience eternal peace. Thought is immortal and never dies.

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad explained to us that there were scientists on the Wheel who were capable of tuning into
our thoughts and monitoring our actions and our movements everywhere we may be.

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Q.)What will it take to remove the rust from the rusty locks to allow us to be able to communicate more clearly with
the voice of God within and his angelic hosts?

ANS.-Our scientists numbering 24 were able to tune into the population to hear what we were thinking and measured this
thinking (cause and effect), all the way down to 25,000 year cycles of readings recorded into the future of prophetic history.

-Tune into each other’s thoughts-

Mary, the mother of Jesus and Joseph knew the art of how to tune into the frequency of thought without telephone wires or
other artificial means. Some of us would be able to do the same within 20 or 30 years or so from the time that he spoke those
words in 1972.

Using the example of Jesus and his mother and the role that Joseph played in the secret birth of Jesus, the Honorable Elijah
Muhammad projected that, within 20 or 30 years or so from the date of his lecture series on “The Theology of Time”
presented in 1972, some of us would be able to tune into each other’s thoughts, even as they were capable of doing more than
2,000 years ago. In processing this information, I added three years from that date to the time of his 1975 departure, which
brings us to a full 30-year period of his absence

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad has also stated that one out of every 100 persons in the East have the ability to send and
receive the thoughts of others. The process of this sounding frequency, he stated, is based on Righteous Living and the Power
of Love. He also privately taught me that tuning in is based on getting to a quiet place; then concentrating and focusing on the
person you wish to contact. He also said that sending a message is easier than receiving a message.

All I can do is share honestly some of the signs and impressions that have been shown to me which gives credibility to the
Honorable Elijah Muhammad’s words from “The Theology of Time” lecture series in 1972, in which he speaks about
telepathy and the sign for us to study in Jesus’ history when he was taught to tune in by the scientist who visited him.

He then made a reference to the Mother’s Wheel and stated that if we concentrated hard enough, we might be able to hear the
sound of the motors on the Wheel. He also stated that as Mary and Joseph communicated with each other in this way during a
time of trouble, that counting forward 20 to 30 or so years from the date of his lecture series, some of us would be able to do
the same.

In one of the parables of Jesus in the New Testament, we are told that two would be at the mill, one would be taken and the
other would be left; two would be in the bed, one would be taken and the other would be left. The Honorable Elijah
Muhammad explained this phenomenon in this way, that two would be out shopping or walking together and a sound,
likened to a high pitched frequency or bell, would ring in our ears indicating that contact was being made by one of the
angels or scientists or from himself, trying to get in touch with us to guide us when the time comes where to go.

I am not by any stretch of the imagination going overboard. I am simply sharing with you what the Honorable Elijah
Muhammad has taught us about these things, and we can believe it or let it go.

According to the 12th Problem of The Supreme Wisdom Lessons given to all students or new converts to study when we join
the Nation, we are instructed to hurry and to lose no more time. In the imperative voice, we are told: “Don’t tell her that
there was no one to teach for three hundred and seventy-seven years. She already knows and is trying to forget it.
Now she will teach you quickly any course you may desire.”

This comes as a quickening of the spirit, to tune into the guide or the teacher, even as Jesus was taught to tune in through a
series of questions and answers in the form of lessons. He was taught by the prophet or wise man who visited him how to
protect himself from his enemies who sought to kill him. I made a reference to this in previous articles in this series to
demonstrate how contact would be made as the time draws near!

The subject of telepathy

My studies involved a daily series of communications about our astral or light bodies and our ability to tune in. These
frequencies of thought brought me further into the world of the telepath.

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The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad has taught us on the subject of telepathy. First of all, he stated that the Divine
Creation itself was built on love. Love is defined in the Webster’s dictionary as a strong affection for another rising out of
kinship or personal ties (maternal for a child). According to the Holy Qur’an, Surah 49, verse 13, we read: O mankind, surely
We have created you from a male and a female, and made you tribes and families that you may know each other. Surely the
noblest of you with Allah is the most dutiful of you. Surely Allah is Knowing, Aware.” This implies that the Divine Creation
of Allah constitutes the first love to which we are attracted to by nature in the creation of family relations and societies based
on the love of God and his creatures. Love is the fundamental creative essence of everything.

The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad, speaking on The Theology of Time lecture series in 1972, gives us the example of
Mary and Jesus and his father, Joseph, all having the ability to tune into the frequency of thought. He further stated that
telepathy is easy to practice when one is righteous. Marriage or any true relationship cannot exist without love. Love is the
ingredient that is the most valuable key in communication with our family members and communities at large. The
Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan has focused on this subject for more than a year utilizing the theme, “Your
Righteousness Will Sustain You.” The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad also stated in the Theology of Time that within 30
years or so, some of us would begin to practice the art of tuning in to these finer frequencies of thought. This further explains
his words that thought never dies. It is our thoughts that enable us to live into eternity. From these words of the Honorable
Elijah Muhammad and a careful study of his conduct, I derived the theme: “Entering into the World of the Telepath.”
Telepathy is a practiced reality which can be achieved by everyone who has love in their hearts.

“How to tune in”

When I first entered the Nation of Islam in the latter part of the 1950s and came to live in Chicago, one of the first subjects I
asked of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad was to teach me how to tune in. He responded by telling me it was very easy
to do, and that I should find a quiet place in the house and concentrate on sending my thoughts out to whosoever I
wished to contact. He also stated that the most difficult part of the process was to receive an answer back. Following his
instructions as closely as possible before and after his departure, until now, more and more information has come to me that I
am now able to share, in part, with our readers.

Divinely Forbidden flesh (the hog)

“The hog was made, Allah taught me, for medical purposes, to cure the White man's many diseases, since he had been
grafted out of the Black man and he attracted germs and diseases easily that were possibly incurable. At that time, the Arab
medical scientists did not have anything that would kill most, or probably, all of his diseases. So they made a medicine for
him—that is the hog. The hog contains medicine for him. The hog contains, Allah said to me, 999 poisonous germs. This is
what makes up the hog.”

…How To Eat To Live Book 1 p.98

The Prophet Moses 4,000 years ago, taught the members of the White race not to eat or touch its carcass.

In Deuteronomy 14, verse 8, it mentions this Divinely Forbidden flesh (the hog) in these words: “… of the flesh shall you
not eat, nor touch their dead carcass.”

The depopulation of masses of people

Ever since the White or Caucasian Race or people have been on our planet numbering one to eleven of the Original or
Aboriginal Nation, he has sought to reduce our numbers through very wicked and diabolical schemes which have already
ravished and reduced our population worldwide through war and aggression, bloodshed, violence, disease and mischief-
making beyond our wildest imagination.

Now, today with his end in sight, the medical profession, combined with the pharmaceutical industry in high tech
laboratories, are working night and day in producing deadly and poisonous drugs and vaccines to threaten all of us with death

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and destruction. This is operating behind the scenes in these new viruses or airborne influenza which are invading the space
all around us. The atmosphere that we breathe daily is polluted. The food and the water is contaminated. The ground in which
our food is being produced is saturated with chemicals that are bringing about the depopulation of masses of people
throughout the world who are being given these foods and the water saturated with poison.

Yakub, the father of the White race

The father of the White race, named Yakub, saw the initial stages of what he was about to produce at the age of six while
playing with two pieces of steel, the one with magnetic in it attracting the piece that did not have this magnetic attraction in it.
This is the law in physics, unalike attracts and alike repels, which Yakub used in his future work in making a people to rule
his own original nation. Thus, the power of attraction that would be exerted upon the original people had magnetic power in
it and became the essence of the White man's fiery nature or temperament in opposing divine law and the rule of God.

After he was made or grafted from the brown germ of the Original Man, he was made weak and wicked and was no longer
original. He was furthermore taught an abundance of tricks to master and rule over the Original Nation, attracting them under
his power of being unlike the original people to force his rule for a 6,000 year period.

Two thousand of those years were lost in the caves and hillsides of Europe where he became a savage, crawling around like
the beasts in the caves, having no guidance or Divine Light of civilization until the coming of Moses.

He taught them the first rudiments of civilization—how to stand upright and build a home for himself and how to cook their
meals with fire instead of eating their meat raw. The Jews were the first to emerge from this state and condition of savagery
following Moses and have still (mostly Orthodox Jews) remained faithful to Moses' teachings and dietary instruction, and are
very close to the Muslims' dietary laws and principles of living. The main food that was forbidden to them as well as to the
Christians and other members of the White race was the prohibition against eating and touching the carcass of the hog which
they have broken and ignored. Thus kosher food is good for us and the Honorable Elijah Muhammad ordered his meat from
the kosher markets in Chicago's Hyde Park area, and ordered kosher meat when he came to Mexico in 1974.

Only by following the Divine Law can we find favor with Allah.

The hog we are taught was not made for human consumption

“The hog we are taught was not made for human consumption. It was grafted from a cat, a rat and a dog.”

“The hog was made by our scientists to help shortly after the White race was run across the Arabian Desert to the hillsides of
Europe to help clean up their environment and is a filthy animal and extremely poisonous.”

“It was made, teaches the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, as a medicine to kill the poisons in our body.”

In Book II of “How to Eat to Live,” the Honorable Elijah Muhammad writes that the hog is a medicine and not food.
“Medical scientists and our own doctors are fast learning, since I have been writing this article on HOW TO EAT TO LIVE
and are now cooperating with me and agreeing with me that the hog is a poison that we should not eat, though they may be
eating it themselves. But, they have to knowledge the truth. Some of them are intelligent enough now, for the last few years,
to start getting away from eating it. Who wants to eat the combination of these fleshes: cat, rat, and dog? This is what the hog
is made of—the dog, cat and rat and the Bible teaches you that he is from a mouse.

Read Isaiah 66:17, “They that sanctify themselves and purify themselves in the garden behind one tree in the midst, eating
swine's flesh, and the abomination, and the mouse, shall be consumed together, saith the Lord.'”

The Hog is called Khanzier

Prior to the publication of books I and II of “How to Eat to Live” by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad in the 1960s, in 1956
and 1957, he published some of his first writings on the subject of the hog (pig) in his two volumes entitled, “The Supreme
Wisdom.” Quoting from Volume II we read in Chapter 11 under the title: “The Forbidden Food,” the following words:
Medical Science on Hog—“The Hog is called Khanzier in the Arabic language, which means: I see (Khan) and very foul

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(zier). This animal is indeed so foul, ugly and filthy that it is known to the medical profession that eating it decreases the
mental power. There is a small opening on the inside of his front leg out of which flows a mass of corruption. The medical
science says of this: ‘The opening is an outlet of a sewer.'” (See Monitor of Health, by Dr. J.H. Kellogg, M.D., pages 117-

Legion possessed by Demons (Devils)

There are three places in the New Testament of the Bible which introduces us to an unusual parable demonstrated by Jesus
showing forth his extraordinary power of God's Divine Spirit. Jesus is described as traveling to a province or location near
Galilee, called the country of the Gerasines. There he met a man coming out of the tombs named Legion who is possessed by
Demons (Devils). This narrative is recorded in the first three Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke.

In the Book of Mark, Chapter 5, we read that this tormented man seeing Jesus afar off ran and worshipped him recognizing
that he was the Son of the Most High God and Jesus said unto him: “Come out of the man, thou unclean spirit.” … Verse 11:
“Now there was there near unto the mountain a great herd of swine feeding and all the demons besought him (Jesus) saying,
Send us into the swine that we may enter into them and forthwith Jesus gave them leave. And the unclean spirits went out and
entered into the swine; and the herd ran violently down a steep place into the sea (they were about two thousand and were
choked in the sea).”

In Books I and II of “How To Eat To Live,” the Honorable Elijah Muhammad devotes a whole chapter numbered 32 in Book
II and pages 72-75 in Book I, giving the reader a full explanation of the meaning of this parable of Jesus and the significance
of the casting out of the demons into the swine. This tormented man was ultimately healed and sat at the feet of Jesus instead
of being naked was fully clothed and in his right mind.

Quoting from Book I of “How To Eat To Live,” pages 74-75: “The Thing you must understand in this parable of Jesus is
that, actually, the visible swine could not have gone crazy and choked in the sea or lake, because the spirit of the devil was
sent in them. The true meaning that you should understand is the swine that was choked to death in the sea after the spirit of
the devil was taken out of the man represents the believers among the so-called American Negroes, and the swine that ran
into the lake and perished represents the disbelievers among the so-called American Negroes who refuse to accept the truth.
They are so obsessed with the evil doings of the devils they will not accept their own salvation and will be choked into hell-
fire with the devils.”

The hog is a grafted animal

Elsewhere the Honorable Elijah Muhammad writes that the hog is a grafted animal made from a rat, a cat, and a dog for
medical purposes. They use this hog in much of their medical preparation even to the German 606 (606 poisonous germs). It
was not intended to be eaten. By using deceit they have succeeded in getting you to eat the swine as food though it is full of
microscopic worms that bring disease and death to the eater. Thus, the parable of the man with the possessed demons is a
perfect illustration of the condition of our people who have been under the rule of our open enemies.

Recently, a story was published in the Mexican newspapers showing top officials and laborers eating the swine in many of its
forms to encourage the pork industry to continue selling this forbidden flesh to the Mexican people because of the economic
downhill decline to the raisers and sellers of this forbidden animal. After considering the above story of the man possessed of
demons, whom Jesus cured by sending this evil spirit into the swine that were drowned in the sea, we can see from this story
the diabolical aim of Satan and his bag of tricks injuring and bringing death to the original people around the world.

A virus such as the outbreak identified as H1N1 Influenza or Swine Flu should be enough to awaken our people to the
absurdity of wanting to eat or to touch the carcass of such a filthy animal. The story coverage of the slaughtering of over
300,000 hogs in Cairo, Egypt, should be enough for the hog eaters to abandon this prohibited flesh. Quoting from the
Mexican newspaper, The News, we read: “Officials Pig Out on Pork to Ease Swine Flu Fears. Two hundred government
employees downed heaps of pork rinds and fried tortilla wrapped meat Thursday at a Labor Secretariat garden party meant to
encourage Mexicans to put the pig back in the taco. … The pork party was part of an Agriculture Secretariat publicity
campaign to convince Mexicans it's safe to eat the meat despite swine flu fears. Although experts say the virus isn't
transmitted through meat, plummeting sales have cost the pork industry $2.5 billion pesos ($188 million) since the outbreak,
according to the Mexican Confederation of Pork Farmers. Labor Secretary Javier Lozano said the pig out was held to
demonstrate to Mexico and the world that it is perfectly safe and very delicious and nutritious to eat pork.”

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The Jews were much more advanced than their pig-eating brothers of the Caucasian race

In further writing of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, he speaks of our relationship with the Orthodox Jews drawing
parallels between their way of preparation and eating kosher food and why it is safe for us as Muslims to eat their food. The
Orthodox Jews are following the law of Moses by not eating the prohibited hog. This is one of the reasons why the Jews were
much more advanced than their pig-eating brothers of the Caucasian race who remained confined to the caves and hillsides of
Europe for a longer period of time.

Moses double mission

Let us attempt to go to the root of the present global conflict between nations and governments. According to the Divine
Teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, Moses was given a double mission in civilizing the members of the
Caucasian or White Race who were confined to the caves and hillsides of Europe 4,000 years ago. After their exile from
Arabia 2,000 years earlier, they were made to walk 2,200 miles across the Arabian Desert under military escort because of
causing trouble in the Holy Land. Those who made it to Europe remained there without any guidance for 2,000 years until
the scientists of our nation called, or summoned, Moses with instructions to bring them back into a civilized state or

We are taught in our Supreme Wisdom book of Lessons, some of the details of this period which was extremely difficult for
Moses working with savages. He had to build a fire around him to protect himself from their attacks. He was taught what to
teach them of some of the forgotten Tricknollegy of their father Yakub. While being grafted on the island of Pelan (Modern
day Patmos) in the Aegean Sea during a 600 year period before they returned to the Holy Land in Arabia.

While they were there for a six-month period, they began practicing the deception of lies and tricks among the Original
People causing them to fight and to kill one another. Finally, when the king recognized who was causing this mischief-
making among them, they were gathered together and marched across the desert into Europe. A part of their race escaped by
hiding out in some of the homes of the Original People in Arabia and ultimately made their way into the hills of what we call
Central Asia or Eurasia and lived among the Original People in those parts of our planet. They did not go into the caves of
Western Europe and took on the characteristics of the tribes living in that area of our planet. They were protected by the
tribes in that entire area all the way into the Caucasus Mountains in Russia where they co-mingled with the people there and
are recognized in the history as the Sythians and other Nomadic Tribes that lived around the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea.

The two branches of the Caucasian

Among the two branches of the Caucasian Race,


The Jews, who followed and strictly obeyed Moses Divine Law, were able to get out of their condition faster than the other
members of their race. Somehow a small group made their way into Egypt and under the name Israel as we read in the Bible
were delivered by Moses and settled in the Holy Land where they lived among the original inhabitants of Palestine who were
Original People.


The other members of their race had controlled and ruled the body politics of America, Great Britain and Europe to this very
day and under the elders of Zion and other organized groups. They are guiding the politics of Western civilization into war
and into politics of biological, genetically engineered weapons of destruction being used today in a global genocide warfare.

Jacob [Israel]

Jacob in the Bible is named Israel in the book of Genesis when he struggles or wrestles all night long with the angels until the
crack of dawn to receive the blessing to be made the dominant rulers over the Original People of God.

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They have accomplished their mission in bringing America and her Western allies into the final conflict or battle identified as
Armageddon in the Valley of Meggido in Palestine.

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad writing on the subject of the future of the Orthodox Jews, the strict followers of the Divine
Laws of Moses, are distinguished among their other brethren and is why the Honorable Elijah Muhammad holds out that they
may make an agreement with the Muslims in the future New World Order that will follow the present world of mischief,
violence and bloodshed.

The hog contains 999 poisonous germs

My final statement concerning the prohibition against the hog and the swine is revealed in how to eat to live Book I on page
98. This is a reminder to Christian, Muslims and Jews why it is so dangerous to eat its flesh or to touch its carcass and what is
behind the manipulation of genes in the influenza of H1N1 and other viruses that are yet to come.

“The hog was made, Allah taught me, for medical purposes, to cure the White man's many diseases, since he had been
grafted out of the Black man and he attracted germs and diseases easily that were possibly incurable. At that time, the Arab
medical scientists did not have anything that would kill most, or probably, all of his diseases. So they made a medicine for
him—that is the hog. The hog contains medicine for him. The hog contains, Allah said to me, 999 poisonous germs. This is
what makes up the hog.”

“There is no life after physical death”

Nature teaches us that when the body ceases to function, there is no life. Sleep is the companion to death. When we awaken
from sleep, we are of times transported to scenes of other worldliness behind the veil seen as in a dream or a vision. Are we
promised this after death? First of all, we have to define what kind of death we are talking about. When we are literally,
physically dead, we cannot come back to tell the living what has taken place. That is for each one of us to experience in our
journey to God. In that state, thought ceases to exist, except to the extent that we have passed on our thoughts to others before
the actual expiration of the body. Those thoughts are transmitted to the living, taking on a self-generating life of their own.
Thus, death is a state of non-existence lacking the ability to direct activity or motion to the living.

According to Webster’s dictionary, death is the act or fact of dying; permanent cessation of life in a person, animal or plant,
in which all vital functions cease permanently. Thus, we use the expression “dead as a doornail.” To be dead is to be lifeless,
no longer living, having died, without life and inanimate.

According to the Divine Teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, there is no life after physical death. That which we
call soul is merely the breath of life. When the body can no longer breathe in air or the breath of life into our lungs, we cease
to be among the living. He has further taught us, in a series of Lessons containing questions and answers, that the dead is
never known to return from the grave. “All the history of Islam never revealed anything that any man had ever been able to
come back from a physical death. But, there is a chance for mental death, because the Lost-Found, (referring to our spiritually
dead people in America), was once dead mentally and many of them revived from it. But they were not physically dead—
only mentally dead.”

Now, there are states of mental consciousness that can extend our lives and give us a chance to survive the normal death rate
into greater years of longevity. This knowledge of higher states of consciousness on the physical and mental plane can
reverse the decay of degenerate health, extending our lives into hundreds of years, reaching 1,000 years as in the example of
Methuselah mentioned in the Book of Genesis of our Bible.

In the context of the Lessons that speak on this subject of death, the student is asked the following question: “What brings
rain, hail, snow and earthquakes?” This lesson teaches us that the majority of people spoken of as the 85 percent have a
spooky belief in a Mystery God who brings all of the above phenomenon into existence. But only 10 percent know that when
man dies, he will never come back and tell the living whether he lied or not, because the dead are never known to return from
the grave. Therefore, by the above description, the living can also be declared as dead, if they are not mentally awakened to
truth. The mental resurrection of our dead people is what is referred to in the following verse of the Holy Qur’an: “And the
Hour is coming, there is no doubt about it; and Allah will raise up those who are in the grave.”(referring to mental death)—
Surah 22, verse 7

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All of our histories, teaches the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, are written in a book. This book contains writings gathered by
a special circle of Divine Scientists, who record what we think down the line of time. This reading of our minds is placed in a
book of writings called our Asiatic Calendar and revealed in portions every 25,000 years, lasting up to our present time.
Therefore, we can truly say that thought never dies, for we are the carriers of those thoughts that manifest in our very lives
and in all major world events. Each of us could be categorized as a living book.

The Mother's Wheel

I wish to raise the following questions:

A.) What exactly is the Mother's Wheel, and why did the Honorable Elijah Muhammad reveal so many details about its make
and its function right down to the present hour of this present world?

B.)Why did government agents break into our temple grounds in Detroit, Michigan, and steal many secret documents of the
Nation's early history founded by Master W. Fard Muhammad? And how are they using this material to advance their own

C.)Does this early break-in on their part have any connection with the Honorable Minister Farrakhan's recent experience on
the Wheel? Is there a connection to the recent findings of Nation of Islam documents contained in a box in Detroit, Michigan,
in late August of this year? Why is the Smithsonian Institute expressing an interest in exhibiting some of these documents?


As we search for truth and the answers to these questions in a world of wicked conspiracies and falsehood, only Allah Knows
the answers and can Reveal what He will reveal at the proper time. Let all Muslims keep steadfast in our way of devotion and
not be found deviating from the Straight Path of Truth regardless to whom or what!

Ezekiel Vision

So we call this body of knowledge “The Lessons” as the “Supreme Wisdom”. This means as I use this analogy, it is like a
wheel within a wheel of a vision that takes us back I use this prophet as an example because this prophet is Ezekiel are you
familiar with Ezekiel? And one of the signs that Ezekiel came within revealing Himself as the Son of Man which is
mentioned about 90 plus times in this particular chapter Son of Man go to the rebellious House of Israel. Son of Man I want
you to prophesize against Jerusalem. I want you to prophesize against Terre and all of though ancient cities of Palestine. And
this was during the period when the Children of Israel were exiled and taken into bondage in Babylon. So he is one of those
prophets that was risen up during that particular period of time.

I think most of you are familiar with the vision of Ezekiel in which he was by a particular river called the river of Shabar and
when he was at that river the heavens opened and Ezekiel was able to see like a whirlwind coming out of the north. This
dazzling bright appearance of a sign of God that was too strengthen him in his mission during the whole course of his
teaching and warning to the rebellious house of Israel who were held captive in Babylon.

Now what is very interesting as you read the 1st chapter down to the 26th verse. It describes clearly that the appearance of this
wheel contain a firmament and firmament is something that is solid or mass or material. And that is firmament was over the
heads of these Cherubim or these four living creatures that all had interestingly enough symbols of a beast or cattle or ox and
eagle or a bird and a lion but they all had the appearance of the face of a man. And up under their wings if you believe angels
fly with wings, that was symbolic but up under their wings were also the appearance of their hands.

I am not going to go to much deeper in Ezekiel because I have a limited period of time. But the reason I bring Ezekiel Vision
in is because when Master Fard Muhammad came in the likeness and appearances of a man. He pointed to the heavens and
he described to the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and taught him the measurements and every detail of this craft that is called
the Mother’s plane and the Mother’s ship.

The life of the Hereafter

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Q.) What is the reality of The Life of The Hereafter?

ANS. - Entering into The Life of The Hereafter is the purification of the heart and the mind and the renewal of our thinking
into the Thinking and Mind of God. In the future of The Hereafter, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad has taught us that we
will all be Gods and children of the Most High. In preparation for The Life of The Hereafter, one must blot out all attraction
to the dying world of our slave-masters and be committed to truth and justice for all of our poor people dying in the streets
for the lack of knowledge. We must take on a New Mind and a New Way of Thinking to protect and to heal our severely
wounded people. The Life of The Hereafter is promised to us by Allah for those who remain faithful to the end. We’re on the
threshold of the Birth of a New Civilization which is placing the women of our nation and of the world in an exceedingly
important and necessary role to give birth to righteous offspring that will rule in The Life of The Hereafter.

Q.) What is the understanding of God in Person and the Second Coming of Christ?

ANS. - The Second Coming of God represents the Coming to Birth of the God Within. The transformation to be brought
about is initiated with the reformation of our women. The process of this renewal must precede the birth of offspring through
a righteous seed. It is very much similar to the description of the woman in the New Testament out of which Jesus cast seven


Such a world has been described by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad concerning the life of the Hereafter. He had an
experience in September of 1971 in which he saw himself stepping off one rotating sphere, seemingly suspended in space, on
to another sphere. While in that experience, he saw a new type of vegetation, a new grass, new trees of vibrant colors, though
similar to what we see today. He also recognized human beings who were dressed in neat fitting garments who were focused
on their work in going from place to place.

He said that dream occurred around the same time in which he was shown in a dream a New Book with raised lettering on the
cover of which he could only recognize the Arabic letter "lam." He has also taught us that 3/4 of the teachings he received
from Master Fard Muhammad was pertaining to the Hereafter or the life to come. He was well into the future or a New
World of Thought Forms, even up to the day of his departure.

Our ability to tap into these extraordinary worlds is evolving within us gradually even as we speak. We cease to exist as long
as we do not dare to climb the mountain to its highest peak or dream the thoughts that others before us have dreamed, which
have now come true. We must not limit ourselves to enter into any world of thought that beckons at our door for expression.
It is the evolution of tomorrow which is the totality of today.”


In the preface of my book, “The Comer by Night,” 2nd Edition, we read the following: “…It was also in Flagstaff, Arizona,
where the ninth planet, Pluto, was discovered and publicized in March 1930. The Lowell Observatory was created from the
mind of a man named Perzival Lowell who dedicated a large part of his life to the study of the planet Mars with the belief
that intelligent beings resided there. In 1877, the year of Master Fard Muhammad’s birth, Mars came closest to earth in about
100 years, and as a consequence, many new features were discovered which included the discovery of its two moons, Phobos
and Diemos, by an American astronomer named Asath Hall.”

The early history of Mars being observed from earth prior to the advent of the telescope, points to its earliest association
among the ancients as the planet of war (so named by the Romans). Even earlier observations by the Chaldeans identified
Mars as the God of Battle. The Persians called it the Celestial Warrior and the Greeks rendered Mars as a formidable sign in
the heavens corresponding in many ways to earth’s evolution and destiny. What struck me about Sedona’s red sandstone
monumental mountain shape was a sense of belonging somehow to the red planet Mars. When the name “Mars” is reversed,
we see the word “Ram; we may recall in the first article printed in this series that we featured a photograph with a remarkable
rock formation that appeared as a ram’s head. Thus, figuratively this is equivalent to Mars spelled backwards. This is among
the many proofs that our entire planet earth carries cosmic information that is related not only to Mars but to our entire
universe which gave us birth.

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As I walked over these vortexes of highly energetically charged terrain, I reflected on the reddish color and tone on the
surface of the planet Mars and the connection to Master W. Fard Muhammad’s Teachings to the Honorable Elijah
Muhammad back in the early 1930s about Mars and the people and civilization that lives there. Quoting from the book, “The
Race for Mars, the Greatest Space Race is On,” by Peter Haining, we read on page 10 the following words: “Observers of the
planet have rightly declared that it is a geologist’s paradise. There are many features which, though they are also to be seen
on earth, are found here on a vast scale which is made all the more awesome because of Mars’ size. Reddish-ochre desert
strewn with rocks and boulders dominate the scene and these have been compared to our Sahara Desert, though they are
infinitely more chilly. There are also huge volcanoes which tower to heights almost three times that of Mount Everest, and
there are signs that they have been active for a very long period of time—and may well continue to be so today.”

It is little wonder that we were guided to Sedona to experience such an elevation of spiritual consciousness in the process of
receiving information while we were attending the Mxodus Project Business Meeting. It was not a coincidence that at the
same time of our meeting, the shuttle landing took place on Mars with its Phoenix Land Rover making many new
discoveries, particularly finding the evidence of water in ice crystals on the surface of the planet. Earlier findings reported by
the Viking Explorer I and II in the latter ‘70s, photographed the famous image of the face and monument on Mars in a place
mapped and named Cydonia (Sedona), on this faraway planet in space as the fourth planet orbiting around the Sun. Our own
planet being located near it and numbered as the third orbit in space around the sun.

The making of the Moon

Tracing our Nation's history back to 66 trillion years, we discover that in the course of the making of the Moon, one of our
scientists in his zeal to force all the people living on our planet at that time to speak the same dialect of the spoken language
was determined to prove his wisdom in opposition to the other scientists. He decided to detonate a part of our planet
separating it away from the other part through high explosives. In so doing, he destroyed a part of our population and
produced the satellite we now call the Moon. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad stated this scientist had the idea of murder in
his mind brought about through dissatisfaction. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad further stated that he produced a wonder in
our heavens which actually changed the rotation of planet earth around our sun. This change inclined the axis point of our
earth to a slanted position to the plane of our orbit from the North Pole to the South Pole. This angle of measurement is 23½
degrees on both ends. The moon was thrust upward in this explosion 12,000 miles high and our earth fell 36,000 miles out of
its original pocket around the sun leaving a base or platform for a selection of 24 scientists to write and record the histories of
our nation to last for continual cycles of 25,000 years each up until today. All of these calculations are rooted in the science
of astronomy.

If we subtract 36,000 from 12,000, the mathematical result is 24,000. Herein lies the root of the 24 scientists and the
relationship between that figure and the circumference of our planet at 24,896 miles or 25,000 miles which our scientists
measure in the writings of our Asiatic Calendar as a year to every mile. Included in these calculations is the measurement of
our two poles from North to South, from which is derived the “Great Year” cycle in astronomy. This measurement is called
the precession of the equinoxes which takes approximately 26,000 years for our planet and solar system to make a complete
circle through all 12 zodiacal signs in our sphere of motion. In addition to the above calculations, we are taught by the
Honorable Elijah Muhammad that our scientists numbering 24 were able to tune into the population to hear what we were
thinking and measured this thinking (cause and effect), all the way down to 25,000 year cycles of readings recorded into the
future of prophetic history. At the end of each 25,000 year cycle, we had a change or renewal in our civilization and rule
dominated by another god's wisdom who sat in the circle of the gods. This idea or thinking of the people has come all the
way down the timeline from 6,600 trillion years wherein another scientist was born with a determined idea to make a people
unlike the Original Man and Nation who would be able to rule over us with a different mind and nature for a period of 6,000

Mother Asia

From the Divine Teachings of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught to him from his Master Teacher, W. F.
Muhammad, the Indigenous people of the Americas, identified as Indian in our Supreme Wisdom Lessons, are also original
and number two million, added to our 17 million, making a total population of 19 million in North America and
4,400,000,000 all over the planet earth. Both people have their origin in Asia, going back to the beginning of time when our
entire planet was named Asia, and all our inhabitants were of Asiatic origin. The breaking up of Asia into the seven

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continents that we know today was a later development but each group of our original inhabitants who later migrated to these
seven regions maintained their mother culture to the best of their ability from Mother Asia.

The History of 13 tribes

We are further taught by the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad that in the beginning there were 13 tribes until one of our
original scientists, 66 trillion years ago, desired that we all speak the same dialect or language. He broke away from the circle
of the god-scientists and attempted to destroy all of us by placing high explosive dynamite into the earth which detonated one
part of our planet away from the other part giving birth to our present moon. The chain reaction to this powerful explosion
thrust the part we now call moon upward 12,000 miles high, while the part we now call earth went downward 36,000 miles
away from its original pocket or orbit.

1.) What is the meaning behind this high science of mathematics and astronomy in describing these events which occurred in
the far distant past for us to learn today?

One of the tribes of the original 13 got lost with many people being destroyed or killed in that powerful explosion.

The making of the moon

In the making of the moon, the 12 remaining tribes established the base for our numbering system rooted in the number 12
that we use in our measurements today with the ruler having 12 inches equal to one foot, and 36 inches equal to one yard.
The difference between 12 and 36 is 24 which give us the present hour of our earth’s day cycle in her daily rotation around
the sun. These measurements or calculations also laid the base for our present numbering of 12 zodiacal signs or
constellations of stars through which we travel in space. This measurement parallels our circle of 12 major scientists who
kept the secret of the reality of God away from the public until today.

12 major scientists/12 minor scientists

These measurements originating from our moon history also gives rise to the 12 minor scientists which in combination with
the 12 major scientists results in the 24 scientists, 23 of which do all of the writing of our nation’s history to last in periodic
cycles of 25,000 years each before its renewal. This number, as we have learned from the Teachings of the Honorable Elijah
Muhammad, is equal to the circumference of our planet at the equator and is intercepted by the plane of our earth’s axis
measured at our poles, each end being 23 1/2 degrees. Our earth’s movement at the poles goes in a retrograde motion known
in astronomy as the “precession of the equinoxes”. This is also known as the “Great Year Cycle” when our earth, sun and
moon complete a full rotation through the 12 zodiacal signs every 25,000 to 26,000 years.

The Gospel of the Stars

It is on the basis of this high science of mathematics and astronomy which determines how our spiritual histories and
prophecies are recorded and stored in continual periods to advance our civilizations on our planet. We have now come to a
period in these repetitive cycles when a new changeover of worlds or renewals is about to take place. The Native Americans
(Indians) of Asiatic origin are now coming forward to unite with their Asiatic Black family as one and the hidden truths are
now being revealed from their ancient writings and prophecies. The heavens are having her covering removed revealing the
Gospel of the Stars. Presently the world’s attention is focusing on these testimonies with an old world ending and a new
world beginning. The most accurate calendar in the world today, which corresponds to our nation’s Asiatic Calendar History,
is the Mayan Calendar recognized by scientists the world over as being more precise in its calculations than their own
Western or Gregorian Calendar that most people follow today.

The Mayan Calendar time returns to the base of the frequency of the number 13 throughout its calculation in conjunction
with the sun, moon and stars and other planets. This also involves calculations based upon the numerical system introduced
by the Olmecs counting 0 to 19. With hindsight, we can understand better why the number 13 has always been viewed by the
Western world as being unlucky. This number seals her fateful doom because of her destruction and exploitation of the
Indigenous populations and the hiding of their great wisdom. Among the Indian population of America, particularly among
the tribes of the southwest United States and of Mexico and Central America, joined to others in the northeast corner of the

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United States, are revealing the processes of their great histories that brings an end to the present day rulers pointing out
disasters and calamities which are curtailing America and the world on all its sides.

Only with the coming of God in Person under the title of the Great Mahdi, Master W. F. Muhammad, could have the power
to find and restore us in reawakening our god consciousness in bringing a totally new world order and school of thought that
has never been before in the creation of the heavens and the earth. So now we rise as the despicable and despised of all our
original people like the phoenix bird rising from its own ashes to live again in a purified world of peace and righteousness.

Planet Pluto

When He [Master Fard Muhammad] came in 1930 He also acknowledged the discovery of a planet, a new planet that was
discovered by the scientist in March of that year. They acknowledged or announced it; the discovery of Pluto. Planet Pluto is
the ninth planet out from the Sun. So if Pluto represents in the Greek mythology as the god of the underworld (that is what
they call it). The Honorable Elijah Muhammad uses the word “A little fool” Pluto was like a little fool. So if the Planet Pluto
is ninth place out from the sun and that ends the circle of the solar system with our sun and its nine planets. And if we are
able to calculate our thoughts which we are given in the Supreme Wisdom [24 billion miles per second] a time travel if I can
put it that way.

A.)Time travel on this way (left to right) how many seconds will it take to travel to the far away Planet Pluto?
B.) And it gives ten seconds (how many trips can you make in ten seconds) to the far away planet Pluto?
C.) What was the idea of Master Fard Muhammad putting all of these kinds of measurements and calculations in the body of
material that we call “The Supreme Wisdom”?

If you have a mind and you have a thought can you align that mind and that thought to the mind and the thinking of

ANS.- The Honorable Minister Farrakhan released to us a study guide called “The Rising Above Emotion Into The
Thinking Of God.” And He explores how the brain works. And if we look at our body (The Nine Systems of our Body) then
the tenth system of that body that makes everything work is where? Ok its right here (points to the head or brain) it is right
here in our minds. And the mind is the control center like a computer.

“The discovery of Planet Pluto in 1930”

The recent launching of NASA’s Space Shuttle to the far away Planet Pluto, or Platoon as it is so named in our Lessons
beginning in Problem Number 24. It is the ninth planet in our solar system and is located 4,600,000,000 miles away from the
Sun. The space shuttle was launched on January 19 2006 this year.

If Master Fard Muhammad’s Announced Visit to America corresponded with the discovery of Planet Pluto in 1930, named
after the Greek god of the underworld, might this final exploratory mission of the United States Government’s space program
correspond to the Saviour’s Return and the Birth of a New Nation from among the spiritual dead who are stylized as the
blind, deaf and dumb?

Wright-Patterson Air Force

I had requested before coming to arrange a visit to the Wright-Patterson Air Field from a Research Center and National
Museum of the United States Air Force. On Saturday afternoon following our meeting with the sisterhood, we arranged a one
and half-hour tour. It was amazing for us to find the extraordinary display of all of the United States government’s
technology in aerial space, engineering, the use of aircraft that was all organized since the beginning of the last century with
the initial plane and flying apparatus that the Wright Brothers developed and their legacy with today’s Stealth and Precision
Technology ever advancing into this present hour. They have more than 300 air crafts on display, walking through three huge
galleries covering World War I, World War II and the present preparation for entry into another war.

The National Museum of the United States Air Force and Wright-Patterson Military Base is the first and oldest museum of its
kind in the entire world. They maintain a huge research center within its premises which is categorized as off base for

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visitors. On July 6, 1931, Wilbur Wright Field was renamed Patterson Field after Lt. Frank Patterson who had been killed
there in the crash of a DH4 while flight testing the synchronization of machine gun and propeller. In 1948, the fields became
one installation, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. Since the early 1900s, this Air Force base is the place where weapons
systems of the future are conceived, tested and modified, and tested again until worthy of acceptance as part of the military
history of this country.

Recently, Wright-Patterson Air Force base has become very well known among UFO researchers and theorists due to its
connection with the Roswell incident of July 1947. This is one of the locations, alongside the Groom Lake Area 51
Installation in Nevada where wreckage from a crashed UFO, as well as alien bodies were shipped. Wreckage from the crash
was shipped directly to Ohio aboard a B-29 after the mysterious crash and placed in the infamous Hanger 18.

From 1947 to 1969, the Air Force investigated Unidentified Flying Objects under Project Blue Book. The project was
headquartered at Wright-Patterson Air Force base and was terminated on December 17, 1969. Of a total of 12,618 sightings
reported to Project Blue Book, 701 remain “unidentified.” Some believe Wright-Patterson to be a Top Secret UFO
monitoring and research station, which considering its past programs doesn’t seem unreasonable at all. Senator Barry
Goldwater was denied access into a building at Wright-Patterson Air Force base because it was classified Above Top Secret.

“I am reminded of the Teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad that America’s program of more and more
technologically advanced weapons are being programmed to attack the great Mother Ship in a battle in the sky.”

“The “Star Wars” is not a movie—it is being launched by Satan to make his last stand and attempt to fight against the
Power of God in both the heavens and the earth. Most certainly Satan cannot win in this Final War above our heads
in the sky. There is a mighty, powerful weapon of unknown steel which has been harnessed to strike and confound
anyone who dares to believe that they could come up against her mighty power. “

Q.) What might the study of crystals and the Crystal Skull discoveries being unveiled have to do with future
technological advancements? Why did one of the recent shuttles launched from NASA go into space in order to create
crystals in an experiment within the last two years? What are they preparing for and what is the advanced technology
that was used by ancient civilizations that Allah (God) has allowed them to peak into the heavens and into the earth
below to advance their attempt to come into direct contact with the Great Mother’s Wheel and her civilization?

Hangar 18

It was stated that there existed in Hangar 18 some of the pieces of steel that was carried from Roswell, New Mexico, to a
place called Hangar 18. The other side of the investigations being conducted by our government on UFO phenomenon is
located in the State of Nevada at site 51. There are many other clandestine locations throughout the country, both in the
Eastern seaboard area as well as the Western area, including the State of California, Arizona and New Mexico.

From the secret files of the Blue Book and the Majestic 12 operating under the United States government, the sightings of
unidentified spacecraft in the air space over our heads is increasing and the military Top Secret investigations have increased
in a frenzy to prepare their weapons of war to attack this great force.

“The crash of a 100 ft. in diameter saucer with 16 dead aliens aboard near Aztec, New Mexico, in 1948 had its remains sent
to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. Wright-Patterson has become a haven for UFO folklore and stories, mainly due to its
history with the controversial subject of alien landings, sightings, and government conspiracy.”—Information recorded online
on the Wright-Patterson Air Force Base activities.

I close with this final quote on sightings of activities from Site 51 in Groom Lake, Nevada:

“It has been revealed that various areas of 1) Top Military Secret in High Altitude Stealth Recognizance; 2) Covert Assault
Transport; 3) Stealth Helicopter; and 4) Cloaking Technology.”


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Ongoing research at Groom Lake, Nevada, publicly known as Area 51, discloses some of the most recent developments.
“Every weekday morning, at least 500 people arrive at the guarded terminal owned by EG&G on the northwest side of
McCarran Airport in Las Vegas, Nevada, here they board one of a small fleet of unmarked Boeing 737-200s. Using three
digit numbers prefixed by the word ‘Janet’ as their call signs, the 737s fly off north every half hour. Their destination is
Groom Lake, Nevada, an installation so secret its existence is denied by the government agencies and contractors have
connections there...”

Current research of America’s military bases is engaging many questions from the American public and the world
over as to the purpose of these Top Secret investigations. Information acquired from the activities at Site 51
Installation, Groom Lake, Nevada, reveals that Groom Lake has hosted flight testing of the Lockheed U-2, the SR-71
Blackbird, the S-117 Stealth Fighter, Northrop’s B-2 Stealth Bomber, the mysterious Aurora Project, and possibly
even alien spacecraft.

“The error of NASA’s Space Program”

“The aim and purpose of America’s Space Program beginning in the 1960’s with the landing on the Moon in 1969, was to
prepare for war against the Great Mother Ship and its companion wheels harnessing an entire New Civilization and an
Advanced Technology that is not of this world.”

“It is the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan who was taken on board this Great Mother Ship to receive a Universal
Message from the Honorable Elijah Muhammad in 1985 pertaining to the end time. As incredible as it may seem this
communication contains the beginning and the ending of Universal War with the sign of Fire In The Sky which will
ultimately be seen with the cutting of a shortage in gravity, in the atoms over our heads that will burst into flames over
America, just as we witnessed the frightful explosion of the Space Shuttle. We have the last Warner in our midst before these
things come to pass in our Brother and Servant of the Most High God, the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan”

When I first came to this part of Mexico in 1974, I read an unusual article in the Daily News that pointed to a project
underway in a mountainous area, 40 miles south of Mexico City, in which the Mexican government was involved in granting
permission to a special group of guardians who had been contacted by others who wanted to secure a landing and
experimental base for their space craft. This story has insisted up to this very day, with credible photographs and verifiable
video footage of some of these crafts and objects identified as “Ships of Light” by photographer Carlos Diaz of Tepoztlán.
This individual has met with the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan upon several occasions.
During one of those meetings in Tepoztlán, a group of witnesses literally observed an extremely bright object, appearing like
a diamond or crystal in the sky in broad daylight, out of which exited two other smaller objects moving in opposite directions
before disappearing around a curtain of the mountain in front of us. The larger bright object remained a minute or so longer,
blinked or pulsated several times, before disappearing straight up in front of us. Within a few days afterward, I was inspired
and guided to publish The Cultural Links News Journal bearing the Crystal Logo on the cover, which will also appear on my
website later this year.

Every week of this New Year, further sightings over Mexico are being reported, appearing to the eyewitnesses in clusters of
various formations. There is a heightening of expectation here and around our Planet that something unusual is taking place
in Mexico, which is speeding up the molecular energy of our mental perception that is producing a great shift in spiritual
consciousness. In the midst of these extraordinary happenings is emerging a deeper awareness for many people of the Divine
Presence and Teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad affixed to the controversial “Vision-Like Experience” of the
Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan on board the Great Mother’s Wheel and his direct contact with the Honorable Elijah

With all the foregoing conclusions presented, I raise this question to our readers for their response: “Is Minister
Farrakhan’s Vision-Like Experience on the Mother’s Wheel believable? Are we witnessing a new science and
technology that is being revealed moving us onward, one step beyond into another world?”

“The Imminent Return of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and the Messiah”

Within the spiritual context of this discussion, we have focused on some of these prophetic signs that point to the Imminent
Return of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and the Messiah he represents. Regarding this subject, the Greatest Sign is
contained in the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan’s Vision-Like Experience on board the Great “Mother’s Wheel,” and

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his contact with the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. This is not an easy subject to deal with, especially among a disbelieving
people. We could be presented with all the signs imaginable, even the dead could be made to speak, but the vast majority of
our people would continue to walk with doubt and disbelief up to the end.

In the ever-advancing space program of the United States Government, the majority of American citizens are at a loss as to
its primary objective and goal. Yet, through the Divine Teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, every aspect of its
purpose has been clearly defined, beginning with the Lunar Apollo Landing in 1969, to the present moment with precise
accuracy. Because every effort by the media and the United States Government and her combined agencies has been
programmed to oppose this Truthful Teaching, great opposition has arisen in our path.

The opponent’s plan is to attempt to condemn Truth with falsehood and to isolate the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, the
Nation of Islam and the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan as hate-mongers, when just the opposite is true. In their
arguments, they cannot condemn the Nation of Islam’s Teachings as false, regardless to what they may say. The real war
going on, dear readers, is a war between God and Satan. Through the use of “Tricknollegy” and fraud, Satan desires to take
as many of us as he can down with him at the end of his world of genocide and corruption.

On January 19 of this year, NASA’s Space Agency launched their space shuttle and probe to reach the far away Planet, Pluto,
at a distance of some four billion, 600 million miles from the sun. This is the 9th and last planet in our Solar System and
Milky Way Galaxy of Stars. In one of our Nation’s studies referred to as the Problem Book, Pluto is referred to as Platoon in
Problem Number 24. Therein, we are given her diameter and other measurements that terminate with the words: “All of these
are absolute facts and they stand true, figure for figure, by the Study of the Son of Man and not a Spook, (“W.D. Fard”).

This Planet was first discovered and announced in March 1930 by an amateur astronomer from Lowell’s Observatory in
Flagstaff, Arizona, within four months of the Master’s Announced Presence in the same year on July 4, on Independence
Day. Now, nearly 76 years later, we are witnessing the announced space shuttle probe by the United States Government’s
space program to reach this Planet within nine years, as a sign of the end of their journey and career into outer space. This
Space Launch represents a part of the fulfillment of Prophecy that God would allow Satan to peep into the heavens to see the
Power and Majesty of the Divine Creator and His Divine Creation before his end.

Studying these figures, number per number and letter per letter, we discover the Mathematical Codes and Language of the
Universe to be precise, and further discover that the God we have been looking for all of our lives has Appeared among us as
the Son of Man, not as a Spook as Satan would have us believe. This is just another sign among even greater signs that are
manifesting God’s Imminent Return, Presence and Intervention in our Affairs at the end of the world and the Time that we
have known!

“The beginning of the end of America”

When America made and designed the first Atomic and Nuclear bomb and exploded it over the devastated populations of
Japan's cities of Nagasaki and Hiroshima, which ended World War II, that very act was the beginning of the end of America.
All her greatest scientists known at the time, including Albert Einstein, contributed to this greatest holocaust in known
history. Ever since the explosion and making of the atomic bomb in Los Alamos, New Mexico, there have been increasing
sightings of what the military and the government are calling UFOs (Unidentified Flying Objects) near military installations
of the United States government and throughout the world. One would think that with this activity taking place in our
airspace above, that this would be the greatest concern of the United States government would. However, within living
memory, the era of the atomic bomb explosion in 1945, certainly haunt the thinking of the President and the present world's
military that such an act would visit America taking a toll in the Western Hemisphere.

Nursery rhymes

A.) London Bridges falling down.” London Bridges falling down, falling down, falling down, falling down (Note: The
famous street in London named Downing Street), London Bridges falling down, my fair lady.”
B.) Humpty Dumpty” (Note: The word dump), “Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall; Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. All
the king's horses and all the king's men couldn't put Humpty Dumpty back together again.”

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C.) We may also recall the story of Jack and Jill who went up a hill to fetch a pail of water. Jack fell down and broke
his crown, and Jill came tumbling after.

All of these nursery rhymes, fairytales and myths written in early European history and English Literature point to the
impending doom of her Empire built upon the blood and murder of the original Black nation. All over our planet earth, their
last stronghold in the West was in the conquest of the Western Hemisphere ruling from their capitol in Washington, D.C. in
the wilderness of North America. Keeping in mind all of the above literary tales, when decoded, returns to the subject of
President Reagan's fear of an Alien Invasion which capitalized a great deal of his attention while in the White House.

Was he fearful of an alien invasion from outer space or rather an alien presence homegrown whom we identify with
the original indigenous populations of our Planet Earth who know their origin or genealogies traced to the stars? Is
this the hidden Truth about his “Star Wars” strategy which imposes a search, in appearance, to outer space
exploration of other galaxies with the possibility of extraterrestrial life teeming in our cosmos and universe?

The Dog Star System of Sirius

Q.) What is the importance of this dog shape for Mexico and what is its significance for us today?

ANS.- The dog is classified as canine and has similar letters and sound value to the name Canaan (canine), which represents
the land of Palestine in the Middle East and is the region promised to the Israelites as the Promised Land under the Divine
Guidance of Moses' brother Aaron and their successor Joshua (of the Messiah). The Dog Star System of Sirius, which is
located in the Big Dog Constellation, corresponds to the dog shape of Mexico's land and territory. They are watchers from the
Star System that are set in battle array to prevent the Super Power from using their weapons of mass destruction against
innocent people and societies. Such contacts are now being received in Mexico with warnings to the United States
government and its facilities at NASA to end their experimentation to make war with God and His Christ. If they fail to do
so, they will be interfered with through the electromagnetic waves that will interrupt all of their communication systems.

“The Constellation of Canis Major”

As our recent study has been on the Sirius Dog Star located in the Constellation of Canis Major and have noted its shape
compared to the map of Mexico, we discover that the Yucatan Peninsula formed the head of the dog facing eastward,
crossing the Gulf of Mexico into the Caribbean Sea and beyond into the Mediterranean Sea annexing Europe and Africa.

In ancient times when the continents were joined as one, this part of Mexico along its eastern shoreline, fits perfectly into the
West Coast of Africa. This would explain why the civilizations of Africa and the building of the pyramids occur on both of
these continents. The Star System Sirius is the most prominent history in Africa today and coincides with that of Mexico.
Both civilizations exhibit a high knowledge of mathematics and astronomy and higher technology than we know today. We
know from the Divine Teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad that some of our original people were separated from
the high culture in Egypt by their father Shabazz, 50,000 years ago. He conferred with the other 11 council members on his
idea to produce a new man and people that would be strong and capable of living in the jungle and master and conquer the
beasts living in that environment. He was advised to take his family and leave Egypt to carry out his experiment in the
Eastern part of the continent then known as Asia (East Africa).

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad has taught us that this was the beginning of tribal life in what we know as Africa today.
We, members of the ancient tribe of Shabazz, are on our way back to be raised to the top of civilization as we were in the
beginning when we were the makers of the vast universe, Sun, Moon, Stars and planets grown from the beginning being
made pure and not tampered with in any form.

The Sirius Star System and the Secret Teachings of the Ancient Dogons of Central Africa

While traveling with the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan as part of a 24-member delegation on his World Friendship
Tour III (1997-1998), our first stop after disembarking in Europe was the country of Mali in Central Africa. The Honorable
Minister Farrakhan and his delegation were hosted by then president Alpha Oumar Konare' in the capital of Bamako. Mali is
the home to the more than 1,000-year University of Timbuktu and is also home to the mysterious Dogon Tribe who disclosed
in the last century in 1931 evidence of their sacred ceremonies and teachings originating with visitors from the Dog Star

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System of Sirius. In this remote desert-like environment, they have handed down from generation to generation their
genealogical link to this distant star system which is also related to the beliefs and teachings of ancient Egypt. Millennium of
years prior to the age of modern astronomy and modern telescopes and observatories, they tell about the visit of their
ancestral gods and scientists and teachers named Nommos.

They identify them as traveling in a fiery spaceship and the appearance of a new star called the Tenth Moon which has only
been recently identified by astronomers as the Tenth Moon orbiting the planet Saturn. They were also taught about the giant
planet Jupiter and other closer planets in our solar system. They were instructed about the invisible stars B and C which rotate
around Sirius A, which were also only recently discovered by astronomers in 1977 and 1995. Again, they also relay through
oral traditions and drawings that their teachings were brought to them by beings from that Star System who arrived in fiery
air born ships which anchored on our planet and are described as the teachers of the ancient sciences of our universe. This
ancient wisdom also included the knowledge of the retrograde orbit of our Tenth Moon circling the planet Saturn named
Phoebe, the rings of Jupiter and its connection to earth. They were informed about the orbit of the planet Venus and Mars.
They were initiated into the ancient cosmology of the stars pertaining to the mechanics of our universe. Nothing in this
tradition presents a spook or mystery god of origin.

The Dog Star Sirius as we have studied outshines all other known stars in our canopy of stars located in the Canis Major
Constellation (Big Dog). Since ancient times the Sirius Star System is also related to the Egyptian mysteries taught by the
divine couple or pair Isis and Osiris. They are noted in ancient Egyptian lore as the sacred marriage that connects the
constellations of Sirius and Orion with Sirius B representing the goddess sister Nefitus. It appears that the Dogon people and
their associated tribes in Mali departed from ancient Egypt as we have been taught with their father Chavazz, 50,000 years
ago and retained some of the ancient wisdom of their forefathers.

Author, Robert Temple, in his book, “The Sirius Mystery,” writes in the first chapter and opening paragraph the following
words, “How could the ancient and secret traditions of an African tribe contain highly precise astrophysical information
about invisible stars in the Sirius Star System? Some of it has only been discovered very recently by modern scientists, half a
century after it was recorded by anthropologists studying the tribe. … In 1995, the French astronomers Daniel Benest and
J.L. Dudent published the result of years of study in the Journal, Astronomy and Astrophysics, stating that a small, red, dwarf
star Sirius C seems to exist in the system of the star Sirius. They have detected a perturbation which cannot be explained by
any other means.”

In another part of his book on page 32, he explains the appearance of this phenomenal scientific information disclosed by the
Dogon Tribe. “Is there any clue in the traditions as to where any sleeping Nommos might be? There is in the Dogon tradition.
For the Dogon differentiates very clearly between the fiery, roaring landing craft which they describe as bringing the
Nommos to Earth, and the new star which appeared in the sky while they were here, which would seem to be a reference to
their larger base parked in orbit. This is called the ‘Star of the Tenth Moon.' The Dogon do three drawings of it showing it in
separate stages which seem to imply that it could be expanded and contracted as a sphere at will.”

As remarkable as the above information may be, we have to compare this knowledge to the coming of the Great Mahdi to
America in 1930, named W. Fard Muhammad, who also taught us through the Divine Teachings of the Honorable Elijah
Muhammad about civilizations on other planets and pointed out the discovery of the planet Pluto, also newly discovered in
1930 at the time of his first public appearance. He also pointed out the appearance of two stars in the southeast corner of the
heavens, a blue and a red star, as a sign of universal change in the civilization on our planet. He also pointed out the presence
of the Great Mother's Wheel and the advanced civilization on board this manmade planet. He also taught that we would come
into the knowledge of a new educational system that would teach us advanced mathematics and astronomy and the mechanics
of the universe showing us how our ancient people built great monuments on earth aligned to the stars.

I end with this question:

Q.)Are we being revisited at this time at the end of the present world order of Satan by beings who are under the
command of the Great Mahdi and His Christ, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, who are trying to get in touch with
us telepathically assigned as the Great Angelic Hosts now descending from every part of our earth and universe?

Q.)Is this phenomenon one unit creation as the new heaven and the new earth being revealed to the righteous, the
extension of which teaches the Holy Qur'an is as wide as the heavens and the earth?

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I have often wondered why Hollywood, in particular, and the city of Los Angeles, California, have played a major role in the
development and direction of America, from her highly strategic research facilities, her famous universities, top secret
scientific investigations, as well as being the center of the entertainment world with her exceptional and legendary stardom.
In the history of the Nation of Islam in America, the Great Master Himself, the Great Mahdi, W. Fard Muhammad, is also
connected to the Hollywood scene and the State of California during his visits to America in preparation to make his first
public appearance to his Lost-Found people and nation on July, 4, 1930,.The Honorable Elijah Muhammad has stated that the
Great Master attended UCLA (The University of California) and stayed with a family while living there.

The Master also told the Honorable Elijah Muhammad about some of Hollywood's famous stars which included Clark Gable,
and Fred Astaire. He also pointed out that there were scientists working in the movie industry in Hollywood that were
helping to project the future events in films to prepare the public for many events that we now see coming to pass today. I
might add that in the area of science fiction, and the use of advanced technology, and the subject of UFOs and alien
invasions, and their presence among us today has also dominated movie-making themes and their producers. Steven
Spielberg and his movie, “ET” is a perfect example, followed by “Close Encounters of the Third Kind,” “The Day The Earth
Stood Still,” “War of the Worlds,” “Independence Day,” and others.

Let us not forget the famous actor Orson Welles' radio broadcast on the night of October 30, 1938, in which he described the
invasion of the planet from the people on Mars. This broadcast prompted panic and hysteria among masses of people in the
United States with reserves in the military being alerted to such an invasion. This article in the magazine on “UFO Universe”
reported that another episode though unconfirmed occurred during the presidency of Ronald Reagan speculating that he had a
special screening in the White House of the movie, “ET” with director Steven Spielberg with a few invited guests with a
discussion that ensued afterwards in which he stated that only a handful of people know the truth about this subject.


As we conclude this present report on President Reagan's involvement in the investigation of America's top secret disclosures
in the great cover up of the military on the subject of UFOs and so-called aliens, we will find that America's secret race to the
moon, Mars, and the far flung galaxies of our universe is intimately involved. When the Great Mahdi, Master W. Fard
Muhammad, visited America for the first time, he pointed out to the Honorable Elijah Muhammad a mechanical Wheel-like
object in the sky that was built like a manmade planet created for the destruction of the present world order of Satan as well
as representing a whole new world order and civilization that would live forever. Ever since this information was shared with
the United States Government back in the early 1930s, starting with President Herbert Hoover, there has been developed a
program of intense study and investigation by the United States Government to destroy this object and its superior
mechanical technology monitored by the FBI who entered the Holy Temple grounds of the Nation of Islam and literally stole
documents, literature and diagrams of the great Mother's Wheel or plane in the early 1930s.

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad spoke about the FBI holding these drawings that he made himself when he was arrested by
the FBI who discussed the making of this mighty Wheel-like object. In the article on Ronald Reagan's obsession with an alien
invasion appearing in the UFO Universe magazine published in September 1988, writer, A. Hobni also mentioned another
speech given by the former president in May of that same year in Chicago where he spoke once again of the possibility of a
threat by … “a power from another planet,” the media dubbed it … “the space invader's speech.” This remark was made
following a speech that the president made to the National Strategy Forum in Chicago's Palmer House Hotel in response to a
question raised concerning the most pressing issue in international relations, he is quoted to have stated: “I've often wondered
what if all of us in the world discovered that we were threatened by an outer power from outer space from another planet.”
Stating further, he continued, … “that this would erase all the differences and that the citizens of the world would come
together to fight that particular threat.” In addition to the above data and information, which there is more, I was recently sent
a copy of a transcript of a purported presidential briefing held at Camp David, Maryland, with President Ronald Reagan, with
members of his elite core of advisors, FBI and CIA directors, Secretary of State and the military that reads like a scene out of
the movie, “Independence Day,” when the president was briefed about the so-called alien presence in the U.S.A. at Site 51 in
the state of Nevada.

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A part of the information that was revealed at this press conference were the ongoing investigations that were initiated at the
saucer crash site in Roswell, New Mexico, in 1947, and the Top Secret documentation that has been filed. Betwixt and
between the great cover up instigated by the military authorities and facilities at Roswell Army Air Field and Los Alamos
National Laboratories, Dayton, Ohio's home base of the Air Force Foreign Technology Installations are involved along with
the Wright Field Air Base all interacting with Sandia Army Base in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The disclosures pointed to
the disinformation operation begun in the 1950s with George Adamski and UFO briefings going as far back as Presidents
Truman, Eisenhower and Nixon, President Kennedy and later President Johnson, and then, Presidents Ford and Carter all had
access to these reports.

This briefing also referred to the cooperation between the military and the movie industry and filmmaking themes on UFOs
such as “The Day the Earth Stood Still,” and “Close Encounters of the Third Kind.” At this briefing there was presented
evidence of an elaborate plan concerning the exchange of technology with these alien invaders coming from star systems of
other galaxies. They exhibited an advance technology in physics, space travel, surmounting sound and light barriers that were
at least 1,000 years in advance of their own.

I close with the following excerpt from the Honorable Elijah Muhammad who explained all this phenomenon in his book:
“The Fall of America,” chapter 58 entitled, “The Mother Plane” (pages 236-242). “The Mother Plane was made to destroy
this world of evil and to show the wisdom and mighty power of the God Who came to destroy an old world and set up a new
world. … There are planes in various nations today, but this is the Mother of them all. Why? Because this type of plane was
used before the making of this world. Why should God make such a sign of his power to destroy a nation? Because this is the
final destruction of that people who have opposed God in his purpose and aim for justice and righteousness. … In the 1930's,
Canadian newspapers reported that they saw the Wheel (Mother Plane). It came down out of the sky. They admitted that it
looked like a Great City, and that something came down from it; it appeared to be a tube, but the tube-like thing went back up
again. (Pg. 240) … There is no known equal of the Mother Plane. This is the reason why she is called the Mother Plane. The
Mother Plane is made for the purpose of destroying the present world. She has no equal. … The Mother Plane is capable of
staying out of the earth's gravity for a whole year. She is capable of producing her own sphere of oxygen and hydrogen as any
other planet is able to do. The Mother Plane carries the same type of bomb on her that our Black scientists dropped on the
planet earth to bring up mountains out of the earth after the planet earth was created.” (Pg. 241) “O wheel, said the prophet
Ezekiel. She was so high up in the sky that she looked dreadful. She is capable of staying away from you who plan the
destruction of her. She is capable of confusing you who would try to reach her with your means of destruction.” (Pg. 242)
“There are scientists on the Mother Plane who know what you are thinking about before the thought materializes” (Holy
Qur'an, Chapter 50:16). Therefore, it is impossible to try to attack the Mother Plane. She can attack you but you cannot attack

Finally, the Mother Plane can hide behind other stars and make herself invisible to the eye because she does not have to wait
on a power from the earth. She can produce her own power to go wherever she desires to go in space. America is preparing
for the final battle in the sky though she will not be the winner. Yet, her desire is to bring as many of us down with her in her
final destruction. The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan has brought us the final proof of all that we need to survive and to
be united as one with Almighty God Allah and His Christ.

Star histories

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad explained to us from the Master’s Teachings, that we are so ancient and go back so far
distant into the past that we at this time in history are no longer recognizable as the original people who began in the creation
of the heavens and the earth and are the original scientists who experimented on our planet after it was formed and are the
stellar Gods that are spoken of by many ancient cultures all around the world whose ancestors descended from the stars. We
are that ancient people that all Indigenous people on our planet refer to in their star histories who descended onto the earth.
We are at the root and foundation of those teachings. We must wake up and know ourselves and know that as we were in the
beginning, the creative power and force of God, so too will we return and reclaim all that has been lost and restore and revive
a whole new galactic system and be the Gods that we once were.

Hollow Earth

In one’s search for knowledge that one should continue even as far away as China. I was told that if you drill a hole in the
ground you would come out in China on the far side of our planet; this seems to imply that one would have to enter into the

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space of an inner earth and to do so indicates that at some point our earth is hollow on the inside to permit us to do so. What I
am discovering in my own travels and investigative studies is that there is some truth to these sayings filled with
metaphorical meanings. As we continue our cross-cultural travels throughout our planet, we are now entering into the
possibility that there may well be an inner earth civilization that we have not yet become acquainted with.

Our present position of the earth’s orbit fell 36,000 miles downward with this powerful explosion that possibly produced a
hole or entrance into the interior core of our planet making it hollow.

Is it possible that the concept of a (Hollow Earth) be derived from the beginning of our moon history 66 trillion years ago
when one of our scientists planted powerful explosives of dynamite into our earth which separated a large part of our terrain
into outer space going 12,000 miles upward?

Did some inhabitants from that time period onward escape into the bowels and inner chambers where they continued living
and evolving a highly advanced technological society and civilization superior to our own on the surface of our planet?

Could this experiment be behind the saying that if you drill a hole in the earth, you would come out on the other side in

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught us that in the beginning there were 13 tribes and one got lost, while many were
destroyed in the powerful explosion that took place. According to the early Greek philosophers has come a saying, above as
below. The Holy Qur’an speaks of the creation of the earth and other spheres like unto the earth existing or floating in orbit.
The idea of destroying the original people of the Tribe of Shabazz was picked up in the mind and determined idea of Yakub,
6,600 years ago when he produced or grafted the present White or Caucasian race from the Brown germ of the original Black
man and people. But this ending cycle in our Asiatic Calendar is the last attempt to get rid of us by the warring gods.

Our Father, Shabazz, 50,000 years ago also experimented on us to make us physically powerful and strong to overcome and
survive in any hostile environment and to conquer the wild beasts by living a jungle life, and this is true of us in America
today. With the coming of Master W. Fard Muhammad, who has a superior mind and a superior way of thinking far in
advance of anyone’s thinking in the past, present or future worlds. Thus His Teachings to the Honorable Elijah Muhammad
and to His lost people and nation is called “The Supreme Wisdom” and is unequalled to anyone’s thinking or thoughts that
can be perceived. Beginning with our Moon History, the writing of thoughts and the people’s thinking has been put into a
book of writing called our Asiatic Calendar History from which scriptures of Bible and Holy Qur’an have been revealed to
Messengers and Prophets for the people’s benefit in fulfillment of Divine Prophecies that will ultimately end the present
world cycle of Satan’s world and mischief making, death and destruction.

A Lesson in History

In reading some of the world’s great literature pinpointing this tragic disaster, I was reminded of the story of Atlantis which,
recorded as myth, but nevertheless appears in the writings of Plato’s two dialogues, “Timaeus” and “Critias,” dating from the
5th Century B.C. According to the narrative, an Egyptian Priest of Sais informs the Greeks that there once existed a large
Island Continent in the Atlantic Ocean which was destroyed by massive volcanic eruptions some 9,000 years prior to their
time. The Egyptian Priest alluded to the Greeks as being but children and that many previous destructions had taken place
over the millennium of time in recorded history.

This picture describes America as well as legendary Atlantis, whether believed to be fable, myth or reality; the story recorded
in Plato’s Dialogues is the same, then as now. Was the Egyptian Priest telling the Greeks of their beginning and also of their
end that would come to pass in the latter days of this world?

Story of Legendary Atlantis

Exhibiting the map once again of Cuba, we will note the shape and form of a dolphin or porpoise, with its face dipping to the
westernmost side of the island. The dolphin is associated with having a brain with a solar capacity of communicating with the
brain waves of humans and is very hospitable and friendly with the human species. We have seen this demonstrated in many
feature films and scientific documentaries.

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One might find it interesting to note that Cuba’s fauna is marked with the lack of poisonous species that would be harmful to
human health and about 900 species of mostly edible fish abound, along with more than 8,000 species of flora.

Adding to all the above that makes Paradise Island, recent discoveries of ancient ruins have been reported off Cuba’s western
sea coast in an estimated depth between 1,900 to 2,500 feet, first sighted by a Canadian exploration team of the Cuban-based
company Advanced Digital Communication (ADC), who is working in conjunction with the Cuban Government and its
Exploratory Mission to search the surrounding seas off her coast.

A series of articles on this discovery were first printed by the BBC, the Canadian Press and National Geographic magazine,
starting in 2001, 2002 and most recently as of March 2005. Focusing on this extraordinary site reveals evidence through solar
digital imaging of what appears to be a huge megalithic expanse of an urban area built with colossal blocks of stones scaled
to an underwater city, exhibiting pyramids and temples of an ancient past civilization peering up from its watery grave.

Geologist and geophysicist Dr. Manuel Iturralde, director of research for the Cuban Museum of Natural History, is the
consultant for this project, and is amazed at such a striking discovery, near the Gulf of Mexico, the Yucatan Peninsula and
Veracruz. In consulting with the director of the Anthropology Department at the University of Veracruz, Dr. Robert Ramirez,
it appears that this discovery links with the many stories transmitted by the Mayans and others about missing pieces of their
lost homeland. It is further believed that this portion of western Cuba is a Gateway to Atlantis, called Atlanticu, in the
Indigenous language, and was once connected to the Yucatan, the Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico.

On the other side of the geographic chain, there are the Bahama Islands, with Bimini taking the lead in being the Gateway to
the Bahamas and the Caribbean, a short distance from Cuba on its northeastern side. Bimini is only a half-hour flying
distance from Florida, and only 50 miles from Miami. Putting together all these pieces of unsolved mysteries, we are left in
wonderment at the Story of Legendary Atlantis as recorded in the writings of Plato, a student of Socrates, in two Dialogues
entitled “Timaeus” and “Critias,” written in the 5th Century B.C., wherein he describes the existence of a Lost Continent and
people of Atlantis. According to the Legend or Myth, in one terrible day and night, Atlantis was totally destroyed and sunk
beneath the Atlantic Ocean, from which the Atlantic Ocean presently derives its name.

I was accompanied by a few Sisters from the Ft. Lauderdale-Miami area. It was my birthday present—and what a birthday
present it turned out to be. We were traveling on an investigative expedition in search of the evidence viewed on television
showing underwater scenes of divers on the Bimini Road being investigated as man-made megalithic stones of the lost
continent of Atlantis.

these several years of research, we have become one with our family in the Bahamas, and have met with the principal
representatives on the island, including the Historian of the Bahamas and the appointed Guardian of the Atlantis Mysteries. I
had heard about the Atlantis Paradise Island Resort in Nassau, but I didn’t know for certain that I would be close enough to
visit. But on this journey, Atlantis was beckoning me on. The day before our departure to Cuba, the time had come and a few
members of our delegation, including my three sons, took a few hours in the afternoon to visit this unique resort.

We made our way through the maze of dazzling casinos to the entrance of “The Dig” to begin our tour. Their brochure read:
“Inside The Dig, you can discover the ruins of ancient Atlantis, history’s most legendary continent. A labyrinth of splendid
chambers and twisting streets, The Dig provides a unique excursion into a wondrous civilization. The remarkably well-
preserved artifacts and hieroglyphs provide evidence that Atlanteans possessed great technological and artistic prowess.
Presenting an ever-changing spectacle of sights, sounds and sensations, The Dig tells a tale of the lost continent that is no
longer long ago and far away. But here. And now.”

As we landed in Cuba, rushing through my mind was the memory of Atlantis and what it might mean for us today. Towards
the end of our nine-day state visit, I asked several ladies of our host team about the reported discovery of ruins off the coast
of Cuba that I had read about in the U.S. They confirmed that this was true, and that I would, in a future visit, be able to make
contact with those who were in charge of this scientific exploration. When I returned home, I began my initial research on
this subject, with help from the Editorial Department of The Final Call, which resulted in the report of our findings published
in my last article of our newspaper.

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If this was not stunning enough, I recently reviewed a book in my home library that speaks about the discoveries made in
1968, 1969 and 1970 of an aerial photographed region of the Bahamas revealing the outlines of a submerged pyramid
between Bimini and the largest island in the chain, San Andros, all located within the Bermuda Triangle. Geographically, this
area of the Bermuda Triangle begins from the beautiful island of Bermuda down to the Florida Straits and coastline to Puerto
Rico and the Bahamas, with Cuba at her side, while crisscrossing the Gulf of Mexico into the Yucatan Peninsula, Quintana
Roo and Belize, where more discoveries are yet to be found.

More information on this discovery of the submerged pyramid is contained in the archives of the University of Miami,
Museum of Science, along with the work of Dr. Ray Brown, who in his underwater digs and explorations as marine biologist
entered this Temple Pyramid and found therein an inner chamber that exposed sculptured metallic hands grasping a circular
quartz crystal stone. It was such an awesome find that, in his report, he stated that he received a telepathic warning not to
return to that place and to advise others the same.

The Mystery of Atlantis continues to reveal itself as a warning to us today that technological advancement unchecked or not
tempered with humility will carry us into the abysm of hell.


As I continue this series connected to the search of what has been identified as the legendary existence of an ancient
civilization and continent called, “Atlantis,” I am reminded of a painting shown to me by the late Sister Ethel Sharrieff, the
eldest daughter of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, who also had a home in Nassau, Bahamas. The painting showed rapidly
rising floodwaters from a sea covering beautiful, stately edifices and drowning the populace who appeared in Greek tunic-
styled clothing, apparently from ancient times.

When I asked her about the significance of this painting, she told me that the Saviour, Master Fard Muhammad, gave it to her
and that it depicted a period of destruction that would come to the present world.


How many of us are aware that colossal stones are visible off the coast of the island of Bimini in the Bahamas called, The
Bimini Road, which is purportedly connected to the lost continent of Atlantis? They were first reported by undersea divers in
1968, believed to be the signs of Atlantis rising as foretold by Edgar Cayce, an enigmatic psychic known for giving
thousands of life-readings to individuals concerning the legendary lost continent of Atlantis until his death in 1945. He
predicted the rising of portions of this lost landmass that would appear in 1968 off the coast of Bimini.

In our last article on this subject, we reported the discovery of a submerged pyramid in the same area nearer to the largest
island in the Bahamas near Bimini, called San Andros. We may recall that in Mr. Cayce’s diving mission, he discovered a
room inside of this pyramid that contained metallic hands holding a circular crystal stone. He managed to take hold of this
quartz crystal and took it with him. It was not until 1979 that it began to be displayed in various venues. Reportedly, there
were many unusual psychic experiences that took place among those who examined it.

To the students of the Teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, we might begin to see parallels between our teachings
and the new discoveries of ancient civilizations that have disappeared beneath the seas or buried under the sands of the

Another reflective thought that I have now perceived in this research is the possible link of Atlantis and its destruction to the
world of Yakub and his experiment on the island of Pelan, or modern-day Patmos, in the Aegean Sea. The characteristics of
some of the people of the leaders of the Atlantean civilization, as told by Plato in his two dialogues of “Timaeus” and
“Critias,” are described as having a mentality to experiment on human beings. Some of whom were transformed into half-
man, half-beast creatures. Even the dates of the final destruction of Atlantis, as given by Plato, occurred 9,000 to 10,000
years before Plato’s time.

I will share a little background knowledge about Edgar Cayce and his work during his lifetime. He is known as a clairvoyant
and medical diagnostician, a seer and devoted proponent of the Bible. He is also known as the “sleeping prophet.” He was
born on a farm in Hopkinsville, Kentucky on March 18, 1877. At the age of six or seven, he told his parents that he was able
to see and talk to visions. He only completed a seventh-grade education, after which he had to seek his own earning.

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He gave these life-readings of the Atlanteans to over 1,000 people who mentally had maintained a link to this ancient
continent of Atlantis. All of them were born in America and these life-readings were given over a period of approximately 20
years prior to his death. The warning he gave concerning the Atlantean civilization is that, if we did not heed the warning of
their experimental growth in technology, a similar destruction could take place in America.

In June 1954, the University of Chicago held him in high esteem when a Ph.D. candidate based his thesis on a study of Mr.
Cayce’s life’s work and referred to him as a religious seer. He was also acknowledged in the children’s comic book, “House
of Mystery,” the title of America’s most mysterious man.

If we piece together all of the above information, it leaves tantalizing evidence that may ultimately prove the existence of the
legendary Atlantis lying in a seabed off the shores of America that may truly be on the rise. From the island of Bermuda,
down the coast of Florida to the island of Puerto Rico and the Bahamas, now stretching across the coast of Cuba into the Gulf
of Mexico and the coastal peninsula of Mexico’s Yucatan, may lay a mystery to be revealed.

Q.) Is this description and geographic location of Atlantis recorded in our Nation’s Lessons of the Supreme Wisdom? What
does this information tell us about our present World Order, its beginning and its ending? What part does the Apostle John,
who was also exiled to this island of the Aegean Sea, have in connection to the prophetic picture he received in 22 Chapters
of Revelation concerning Yacob’s people and civilization?

ANS.- According to our Nation’s Book of Supreme Wisdom Lessons, Lesson Number 2, Question and Answer 27, the
Island of Patmos or Pelan in the Aegean Sea is named as the exact location where Yacob was exiled with his followers in the
manufacturing of the Devil and White Race. Interestingly enough in this same lesson, there is a reference to the book of
Revelation, Chapter 1, verse 9 (Note: The numbers here when placed together as one number read 19), where John received
the prophetic picture of the end time of Yacob’s work and civilization. Quoting from the 1st Chapter, 9th verse, of the book
of Revelation, we read: “I, John, who also am your brother, and companion in tribulation and in the kingdom and patience of
Jesus Christ, was in the isle that is called Patmos for the word of God and for the Testimony of Jesus Christ. I was in the
Spirit on the Lord’s day and heard behind me a great voice as of a trumpet. …” We may also note that this 9th verse, in this
context of the first book of Revelation, may stand for the 9,000th year history initiating Yacob’s work.

Q.) Why are we given a more ancient root name of Patmos, which is Pelan, where John received his Revelation? Might the
name Pelan also signify Atlan, Atlantis, a more ancient root connected to the linguistics of the early people of Meso-
America? Could this connection possibly be the missing link to what is hidden in the history island of Patmos or Pelan?

ANS.- The disappearance of Atlantis beneath the ocean’s seabed is dated to a timeline close to the period in which Yacob
was born and learned of his future by playing with two pieces of steel in which he discovered one piece had magnetic in it
and the other piece did not. Let us take note that the year 9,000 B.C. incorporates the last 6,000 years of Yacob’s work giving
birth to the White race as the dominant power of the present World Order. This 9,000-year period comes, as the Honorable
Elijah Muhammad has taught as a vacuum in our history, which may mean the absence or disappearance of one land mass
and the rising of another as we are experiencing today in earth changes and global warming. The remaining land mass could
be broken up into small islands scattered in the Mediterranean and possibly the Aegean Sea area extending as far away as the
West Indies in the Caribbean Sea nearest to the Bahamas and elsewhere. In this intriguing background of ancient civilizations
whose remains are buried under the oceans and under deserts and sands and in remote mountain peaks that the Honorable
Minister Louis Farrakhan is addressing a contemporary world who has lost the Knowledge of their origins and are being
beckoned into a New World kingdom of Peace and Righteousness in which Almighty God, Allah, will restore all things that
will live forever!

Q.) What forces lie behind what has been termed global warming and earth changes? What is the foundation science of these
reoccurring geological cycles that have been recorded in earth’s history over thousands and millions of years? What has man
and his civilization contributed to this unchanging phenomenon? Are we, as humans, responsible for what is happening on
our planet; and if so, what can we do, if anything, to alter our destiny?

ANS.- According to the Divine Teachings of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad, ancient records of our Nation’s
histories tell us that within a circle of divine scientists or gods numbering 12, the secret workings of God’s Power and Force
is dominated by these 12 scientists who pass their knowledge down from father to son. This particular circle of god-scientists

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was formed 66 trillion years ago after one of our scientists placed high explosives in the earth and detonated one part away
from the other creating our present Moon. Ever since that period or time of our recorded history, the moon has exerted an
attracting power on the waters of our earth which she lost in that great explosion. Our nation’s Supreme Wisdom Lessons tell
us that the earth is covered under approximately three-fourths water on its surface. … “The Sun and Moon—having
Attracting Power on our Planet, while our Planet—making the terrific speed of 1,037 1/3 miles on its way around the Sun.”
All of our lessons are based upon science and actual facts with mathematics being the language of expression taking us into
higher and higher dimensions of thought and reality.

Q.) Were these physical laws of the nature of our planetary and solar system with its power of attraction one to the other
known by Yacob when he was playing with two pieces of steel and discovered the law of unlike attracts and alike repels?
Does this lay the base of magnetism and forces of attraction through gravity and its effect on our sun and moon? What would
the experimentation on high explosions teach us on the laws of physics and how particles of space are attracted one to

ANS.- Their motions were like billiard balls striking one another through the friction of particles that was exploded in the
making of the moon. Our Lessons further teach us that … “The Sun draws this water up into the Earth’s rotation, which is
called gravitation, in a fine mist that the naked eye can hardly detect. But as this mist ascends higher, and increasing with
other mists of water in different currents of the atmosphere, until when she becomes heavier than gravitation.

Then she distills back to the Earth in the form of drops of water or drops of ice, which depends on how heavy the mist was, in
the current of the air it was in.” Besides this motion taking place in our atmosphere daily producing snow or ice and other
climatic conditions, this water is never drawn above six miles from the Earth’s surface by the Sun and moon due to the
velocity of earth’s high speeds rotating around the sun at 1,037 1/3 miles per hour. Finally, earthquakes are caused by the Son
of man by experimenting on high explosives.

In fact, that all the above is caused by the Son of man. Certainly Yacob, being a god-scientist himself was acquainted with
these laws of physics and was able to utilize this knowledge in the making of a people, the White race, with an attracting
power over the Original people and nations of earth that remained after that terrific explosion 66 trillion years ago. Let us
keep in mind that our histories deal with the Creation of the heavens and the earth going into billions and trillions of years
traced all the way back to our Star histories and planetary life that has evolved within billions of galaxies within the known
Universe. From the time of that great explosion that took place 66 trillion years ago in the making of the moon, the axis tilt of
our planetary orbit is the cause of earth changes, climatic and seasonal changes that we experience which has caused
cataclysmic and reoccurring periods of destruction on our planet.

The story of Atlantis

In the story of Atlantis as told to the Greeks from the Egyptian priests at Sais, in ancient Egypt, the civilization of Atlantis
had a highly developed culture and technology that led to their experimentation on weapons of mass destruction harnessing
rays from the sun to activate highly charged crystals used to produce death rays in the form of lasers to destroy other
surrounding people and nations whom they deemed to be their enemies. This military arm of the Atlanteans separated the
people into two groups of those who are identified as the sons of darkness versus the sons of light representing the law of the
one God working for peace, harmony and maintaining balance.

This type of description characterizing the two groups developed in the Atlantean civilization producing 30 percent
dissatisfied and approximately 70 percent satisfied. This percentage of dissatisfaction was present in the time of Yacob who
took this experimentation into its final stages as we are experiencing today in world society with the White Man’s cruel
ambition for world power and dominion, threatening the safety and security of all mankind in the mad rush to stockpile
nuclear weapons of mass destruction.

“Tameus and Critias”

Many world scientists engaged in the location for Atlantis have not all agreed on the exact location. The story of Atlantis first
surfaced in the writings of the Greek philosopher Plato, who in the fifth century B.C. described its people and civilization, as
recorded in two of his dialogues, “Tameus and Critias.” This information was given to him by a student named Solon, who
had learned from the Egyptian priest of Sais, who recited to him this wondrous history. The location was stated to be from the

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Pillars of Hercules (present Rock of Gibraltar), between Spain and Morocco, stretching out into the Atlantic Ocean to the
Greater Antilles, at the entrance of the West Indies.

The opening chapter, “The Legend of Atlantis,” of Edgar Cayce’s book on Atlantis (which was edited by his son, Hugh Lynn
Cayce), tells of a report on July 19, 1967 by the Norfolk Ledger-Star newspaper of the findings of a Minoan City buried
under 30 feet of volcanic ash on the island of Thera in the Aegean Sea. That report should strike home to those who are
students of the Divine Teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad as the area in which an experiment took place on the
island of Pelan, today called Patmos.

In another interesting geological survey of the ocean’s water in that area is the discovery of lava crystalline structures, which
decomposes considerably in 15,000 years, proving that the area below must have been above the water within that period.

In all of his readings to individuals in America about Atlantis, Mr. Cayce is given as a warning to Americans that the
tendency towards destruction is inherent in their nature. His son Hugh wrote in his book on the writings of his father: “When
we look at individuals who seem to have once been citizens of a country strikingly similar to 20th century America, we often
may recognize personal as well as national faults. This is the first step toward salvation, as is illustrated in the parable of the
prodigal son, Luke 15:11-32. Faults, once recognized, may be corrected, and America may yet be spared the fate that
overtook Atlantis.”

In concluding this series on the Cuban Initiative, I find it fascinating that the state visit of the Honorable Minister Farrakhan
and his delegation to Cuba would initiate my further probing and ongoing investigation of what appears to be a discovery of
an underwater, urban city off the coastal waters of Cuba.

A.) Might this discovery be a part of an extension of a vast landmass that may be linked to the lost continent of
Atlantis as they continue to probe the ruins in the deep blue sea?

We are piecing together the fabric of a mystery that appears to be interwoven in the memory and sub-consciousness of many
societies on our planet who refer to previous destructions of floods, a great Deluge, fiery volcanic eruptions, artic ice ages,
which could be the result of global warming. These records have been left for us to study in manuscripts and sacred literature
and divine scriptures, as well in oral traditions, all bearing witness to many previous destructions that have visited our planet.

Cuba is located 90 miles from the coastline of the United States. If we multiply 90 by 4, we have measured 360 degrees of a
complete circle around our planet, going from West to East to North and South. The Cuban model and experience provides us
with a great example, leading us step by step into new fields of knowledge and enlightenment about ourselves and others.
From this intellectual endeavor, shared with family members of our Original Nation, a new world civilization is coming to
birth as we come forth by day in the general resurrection of our people, awakening and arising as a new sun and a new day.
Atlantis symbolically is arising in the realm of universal thought and consciousness.

I wish to thank President Fidel Castro, who engaged in a private audience with the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan and a
few members of our delegation with enthusiasm and zeal as he opened the discussion on the subject of the search for
knowledge about our wonderful earth and universe, which will lead man and mankind to a new age of immortality.

The Bermuda Triangle

Prior to our arrival on San Andros Island in the Bahamas, we had already been informed about the existence of a military
naval base that was located on the north side of the island where undisclosed experimentation was taking place on weapons
of war beneath the surface of the sea. This testing site is situated on the tongue of the Atlantic Ocean which drops to a depth
of 6,000 feet. One of our sisters did the research on what was required to visit the base and learned that security checks were
required by anyone visiting the base. Furthermore, once being cleared would be fl own in from their airbase in West Palm
Beach, Florida. Needless to say, time did not permit us to go through this procedure, however, our host Anna Mae, who is
also employed at the Ministry of Education on the island, informed us that a few weeks earlier to our visit, there was an open
house in which visitors were welcomed with their names placed on the guest list. As it turned out, we were within a short
driving distance from the base while touring the island and decided to drive there to make some inquiries.

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Upon our arrival, there was a large sign outside of the checkpoint which read, “Naval Undersea Warfare Center—
Detachment Atlantic Undersea Test and Evaluation Center.” When we approached the entrance, one of the attending officers
dressed in fatigues admitted us through the gate and courteously inquired about the purpose of our visit. I explained my
background as a writer and journalist and publisher of a magazine called Cultural Links. He asked us to drive into the outside
parking lot and he would give us further contact information. Shortly thereafter, he approached our car and asked for a
telephone contact that could be given to the proper personnel for clearance. Needless to say, this never happened but our
observations up to that point verified some of the information we had been given through viewing a documentary on the
History Channel which exposed the existence of this base in the Bahamas and went further to connect a UFO operation and
exchange of technology from unknown sources of so-called

“Extraterrestrials.” Another illuminating point of interest for us was uncovered regarding the location of the base within the
region known as “The Bermuda Triangle” and the uncovering of signs leading to the re-emergence of the ancient island
civilization called “Atlantis.” Combining all three of these investigations, we continued our quest for knowledge and began to
link these operations with the devastating earthquake in Haiti on January 20th of this year and wondered if these underwater
tests on weapons of war might have affected the earthquake disaster. Within three more months from that date on April 20,
the Gulf oil spill off the coast of Louisiana exploded some 5,000 feet deep in the Gulf of Mexico spewing the oil without
stoppage for nearly five months until today.

One of the emerging patterns of activity taking place on the Military Naval Base on San Andros, as reported in the
documentary viewed on the History Channel is the alleged program indicating some type of inter-exchange of technology
from so-called “Extraterrestrial Beings.” Further information also reported connects this location to ongoing research
pertaining to the ancient Island Civilization of Atlantis revealed by the American psychic Edgar Casey. It is published in one
of his readings that the re-emergence of this ancient civilization would appear in the latter days in this area of the Bahamas.
In the township of St. Nicholes on the northern tip of St. Andros resides a couple who is dedicated to this research on the
findings and rediscovery of sunken Atlantis. Other psychics have reported seeing in the depths of these waters, identified as
the tongue of the Atlantic Ocean, spaceships or saucers piloted by robotic-type entities as seen through the crystal portals of
their craft.

It has long been speculated since the recording of an incident of a crashed UFO in Roswell, New Mexico in 1947, that the
United States government guided by branches of the CIA Intelligence Agencies and the military have been gathering
information on UFO phenomenon and were exposed to advanced technology of a new civilization heretofore unknown.
Continual sightings of UFOs have been reported near military installations. None of the purported centers of UFO
investigation is named as the Wright Patterson Military Base in Dayton, Ohio, with subsequent covert operations exhibited at
Site 51 in the Nevada Desert. Whether there exists such an exchange of technology from more advanced beings with the
United States government and military remains to be proven.

However, records of the Nation of Islam's early history in the 1930s, as reported in Detroit, Michigan, shows evidence that a
break-in of our temple properties ended up with the confiscating of drawings and literature pertaining to the advanced
technology of the operations of our Great “Mother's Wheel” and her contents of 1,500 in numbers of baby planes has been
diligently studied, along with our Nation's Sacred Book or Supreme Wisdom writings of Lessons. It would not be surprising
to learn that some of these archives in possession of the United States intelligence forces and the Executive branch of the
United States government have laid the base for their scientific research and studies of such phenomenon that they identify as
UFO, Top Secret investigation files.
Promoting a war in Afghanistan, Iraq, and the Persian Gulf and other parts of the Middle East for the protection of Israel and
the United States' interests is a pretext to cover-up the reality of their real scientific investigations with experimentation and
testing of weapons into advanced technology and mechanics exhibited by the phenomenon of the Great “Mother's Wheel.”
We are at the present time coming into contact with higher and superior consciousnesses which are operating telepathically in
conjunction with the mechanics of “The Wheel,” to raise the vibration of our planetary populous as we make our transition
from the present world order of Satan into the New World Order of God and His Christ. Our open enemy and opponent of
God, that Old Serpent and Devil, is making haste to learn the utmost of the Secrets of God's Power that he may extend his life
into the kingdom of God on land and on sea.
This arch deceiver that has deceived the whole world is most certainly in battle array to destroy the remnants of the seed of
the woman and the nations who are making this truthful testimony Seismic underground or undersea testing of Strategic
Weapons of War, combined with weather related electromagnetic testing by HAARP (The High Frequency Active Auroral
Research Program), as well as other highly activated programs of the military, is being permitted by God to ultimately
manifest God's victory in the final great war in the sky which is now taking place called Armageddon. God's opponents are

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testing and manufacturing their full arsenal of weapons to destroy mass populations bringing them into the pit of hell. “And
they had as king over them. He is the angel of the bottomless pit (BP): British Petroleum oil spill, whose name in the Hebrew
Tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek Tongue hath his name Apollyon.” –Revelations 9, verse 11.

Note: The BP oil disaster carries the same letters applied to the words, bottomless pit.

The development of Christian Theology

In reviewing early church history and the development of Christian Theology, many changes were introduced to the history
of Jesus, his birth, his ministry and his death, which greatly altered his truth about Jesus and his relationship to his disciples
and the people of Palestine, many of whom became his followers. During the Middle Ages, about 1000 A.D. to the start of
the Renaissance in the 1500s, a number of myths were born centering around knighthood, chivalry, romantic love, Robin
Hood, Richard the Lionhearted, the “nobility” of the Crusades—which was really an attack on the Muslims, in the name of
Christian love, introducing the warrior monks, the Knights Templar and the Knights Hospitallar. During the development of
these political powers among them, the Templar Order was founded after the first Crusade which took place in Jerusalem in
1127 A.D. It has been implied that through the Knights Templar that they were literally the guardians of the Holy Grail. They
were officially formed as an organization at the sight of the Al Aqsa mosque, or Temple Mount, at the sight of King
Solomon’s temple. From there it has been rumored that their secret teachings were handed down to present-day Masonic
orders, some of which formed the foundation of teachings held secret by the Founding Fathers of this country.

With the impact of the Great Warrior, Salah al-Din and his contact with the Knights Templar, it is believed that the secret
teaching of Islam was instituted in secret orders from that time on through the Knights Templar and other secret orders.
Approximately 300 years after the death of Jesus is when Christianity became the state religion of Rome under the emperor
Constantine. The Nicene Creed was promulgated in 325 A.D. This indicates that the Teaching of Jesus lost its purity and
many unknown doctrines crept into the simple faith that Jesus taught. It is interesting to note that the Holy Prophet
Muhammad, may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, also stated that “three generations after me will no longer be
of me.” Three generations is also interpreted as three centuries or 300 years.

The same fate that befell the world of Christianity 300 years after the death of Jesus also befell the Islamic world 300 years
after the demise of the Prophet (PBUH). Both worlds, having lost their purity, set the stage for the coming Messiah at the end
of the world, who would unite all the faithful of all the world’s religions as one. The movie industry, (Hollywood) is helping
to unmask and reveal many of the secrets of time mixing truth with falsehood. They are doing their part in awakening
consciousness among masses of people that are searching to discern fact from fiction.

The real purpose of the Crusades

According to documents reportedly discovered in the Paris National Library in 1975, the organization of the Priory of Sion
was established as a secret society in Europe in 1099. This period corresponds to the time of the Crusades. The first Crusade
was lead by Pope Urban II in 1096.

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad shared with us secret knowledge concerning the real purpose of the Crusades. According
to his table talks, the Crusades were organized in order to take possession of the body of Jesus that was buried in the old City
of Jerusalem.

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad also taught us that Jesus’ body was embalmed by the Egyptians to last 10,000 years, and
that he was put in a glass tube in such a way that you would never know where the body actually rests because the refraction
of light would emanate in four different directions. His body is guarded by Muslims, and one must pay a large amount of
money to view him.

The use of a symbolic language

After having read “The Da Vinci Code” book and viewed the film approximately one week prior to attending the museum
exhibit, I reflected on the significance of the five rows engraved on its mother of pearl movable rings engraved with the 26
letters of the English alphabet. This, added to the 10-digit code of numbers that composes the initial sequencing of the
famous Fibonacci mathematical system, that is viewed in the early part of the film, along with a cryptic word message,
becomes solidified in revealing the secret code.

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For all students of the Divine Teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, we have been introduced to a similar code
made up of the 26 letters and the 10 numbers of the Mathematical Language, combined with words in speaking the language
in its proper terms so that we speak well. This assignment is placed in Problem No. 13 and Revealed by our Master Teacher,
W. Fard Muhammad in a series of Questions and Answers taught to the students in a mathematical way.

In order for the present world order and its rulers to maintain their dominion over the peoples and nations of the earth,
particularly the Black, Original and Indigenous cultures and civilizations, the rulers had to hide the True Knowledge of our
Origin by putting us mentally asleep through the use of a symbolic language rooted in tricknollegy in a coded mathematical
language, which was kept as a secret and only taught in their secret societies. Through the use of letters, numbers and words
of ancient alphabets, particularly as concealed in the Greek, Hebrew and Arabic letters which were interchangeable with their
number values, they were able to cryptically hide the truth from the public through symbolic language.

This exhibit is a must-see for anyone who wishes to study the true genius of artist, painter and inventor Leonardo Da Vinci.
He was born in the town of Vinci, Italy during the Renaissance period. Born out of wedlock in 1452, he was considered to be
“illegitimate” and could not take his father’s name or be formerly educated, and is known simply as Leonardo Da Vinci or
“from Vinci.” It has been chronicled that Leonardo Da Vinci was a member of a secret society and that this spiritual
knowledge helped inspire some of his greatest works.

A study of his personal diaries also reveals that he preserved this knowledge in a form of backward writing in two different
languages, Greek and Latin, called “Mirror Writing,” which details some of these teachings handed down by a Master. This
information is detailed in the current publication of The Sun, June 5, 2006.

The Sacredness of Women

In closing, the “sacred feminine” which is at the center of this film, The Da Vinci Code, is awakening consciousness of
women all over the world about the sacredness of the female in relationship to God. The women and girls who are members
of the Nation of Islam in America, who hold sacred their training as Muslim girls, we have begun the process of
transformation in the creation of a New World Order operating from the Mind of God. There are 14 questions and answers of
Lesson No. 1 that ends with the discussion of Training Units for our women and girls on the Number 14. I don’t believe it’s a
coincidence that this year Mother’s Day was celebrated on May 14. As stated before, the Number 19, as revealed in Chapter
19 of the Holy Qur’an, points to the model of Mary who represents a sign of all women and mothers in whom the Secret of
God resides. From both the film and the book, the Sacredness of Women prevails.


The book of Genesis in the Bible gives us this prophetic picture in the story of Isaac and his two sons, Jacob (Yacob) and his
brother Esau (Isa in the Arabic spells Jesus). When Isaac, their father was growing old and his sight was dim, he called for his
eldest son Esau to give him his blessing. Jacob learned from his mother Rebekah what the father was about to do and guided
her son to disguise himself in taking the place of his brother through deception to receive the blessing instead. Under disguise
and deception, Jacob pretended to be his brother and slipped up on Issac by lying about his identity by telling him that he was
Esau and not Jacob. Erringly, Issac gave the blessing to Jacob and not to Esau. When Esau learned of this tragedy, he came
running to his father and pleaded with him to also give him the blessing.

In verses 35 through 36, we read the tragic story. Genesis 27:35-36, 38-40: “And he said, Thy brother came with subtilty,
and have taken away thy blessing. And he said, ‘Is not he rightly named Jacob?' for he hath supplanted me these two times:
he took away my birthright; and, behold, now he hath taken away my blessing. And he said, Hast thou not reserved a blessing
for me? And Esau said unto his father, Hast thou but one blessing, my father? Bless me, even me also, O my father. And
Esau lifted up his voice, and wept. And Isaac his father answered and said unto him, Behold, thy dwelling shall be the fatness
of the earth and of the dew of heaven from above; and by thy sword shalt thou live, and shalt serve thy brother; and it shall
come to pass when thou shalt have the dominion, that thou shalt break his yoke from off thy neck.”


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What is it to examine (the thought) or (the thinking of God)?

From the Problem Book #30:

“The Uncle of W.D. Fard mind travels 24 billion miles per second, which is considered the average speed of thought per

How many round trips will he make in 10 seconds to the far Planet Platoon?” (4,600,000,000 miles from the Sun)]

The Coming of Master Fard Muhammad comes to make all things new. The God who created us had no material to use to
begin a creation. He had only Himself. Therefore out of darkness and the thoughtless and invisible, He brought out the visible
vision and thought and idea.

He [God] made a brain which had the power to cover the sphere of our thinking and to produce from that thought what image
or vision that the brain cells could conceive.

Do we have that same potential?

[Mother Tynnetta Muhammad wants us to reflect on ourselves potentially in our relationship to our Maker and Creator. Look
closely at the next point of truth.]

“We are related to God in the area of our ability to think and to use our thoughts to materialize our vision.”

[What does Mother Tynnetta Muhammad want us to understand in the principle she is giving to us here in the above
statement of truth?]

“The wisdom, idea and way of thinking of Master Fard Muhammad (To Whom Praises are Due Forever) is superior
to any way of believing today.”

Does the above statement say that He [Master Fard Muhammad] has a superior way of believing today, which means that His
thought was so powerful in His thinking of God and going into the mind and the thinking of the First God that He broke
through the veil of darkness in the beginning of space and He now has the idea and the thought of re-creating (listen
carefully) an entire New Universe, an entire New World? And you and I have the same potential to be able to materialize and
bring into existences something all together new?

“We are the people who were given this first revelation (startling) revelation of God presences in man and in woman
and in you.”

“The rebellious Children of Israel,” is what Black people are called in the scriptures. Not the Jewish Nation that we are
familiar with but we are like a parallel to what we see or read in the scriptures about the rebellious House of Israel.

In my presentation: I want to follow my mind and my thinking until your mind and your thinking will go into the mind and
the thinking of God Himself.

Does that sound a little complicated? How does He [God] do this?

He goes to the root of all things as our Original Father did in the beginning when He built the universe out of nothing. He is
as one sitting (listen to this) out in space with no material of space to make something all together new.

How does He do it?

He makes a New Mind for us and a new way of thinking. He teaches us a different education, one that we have never had
before. So we can throw out and do away with the old textbooks that have been trying to understand the nature of life. The
Biology and science (I don’t mean that we throw it away) it is useful in the right and proper application.

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First the idea is to clear our minds of everything that has to do with this world. And in clearing the mind of everything that
has to do with this world you will then have to rely upon your own thinking, your own mind to bring into reality what is
inside of you.

[What is the process of clearing our minds of everything that has to do with this world? What does Mother Muhammad mean
by; you will then have to rely upon your own thinking, your own mind to bring into reality what is inside of you? Would
what would come from the inside of us constitute a brand new world?]

He gives us an education on the wisdom, knowledge and understanding of Gods and not of prophets but of the Gods of the
prophets of the past. He builds our minds according to way Gods thinks and not the way or the thinking of servants or the
prophets of God. The prophets of the past were inspired and their inspiration was true but it is limited when God Himself
takes over the rule of His kingdom.

[Who are the Gods of the prophets of the past? What is Mother Tynnetta Muhammad saying here: He builds our minds
according to way Gods thinks?]


“When we put all of the Actual Facts together we can prove that God came to us out of the beginning of that movement or
motion with an exact and precise movement in time to be able to make Himself known at this particular end of our journey.”

The Secret Knowledge of All Things Is Centered In The Reality Of God Himself - “For He Is The All-Eye Seeing”!

We, as individuals, are not the greatest, but that the Almighty God, Alone, is the Greatest in whom yet we have our

What is a book? You are a book. I am a book. We are a book. We are a reading and a testimony of the Reality of God in self.
So as we search to find ourselves, we are going to end up discovering Almighty God Allah Himself.

The greatest secret that has been kept for trillions of years is the Reality of God who is not a spirit or a spook that is
unknown, but rather is known by the wise scientists on our planet earth and elsewhere in our Galactic Community as the
Supreme Being in Human form possessing Power and Authority over all of the Divine Creation.

Master W. Fard Muhammad in His Person, He declared that man is God and God is man; and we need not look for another!
By His Coming and Presence among us, He broke up the need for the continuation of the circle of 12 Scientists and brought
to the world in His sublime Presence, the Reality of God face to face.

“Message To The BlackMan”, which should be our primary text for education and qualifications into nationhood.

The Black Man, the Original Father, was temporarily put to sleep so that all others who came from his loins could rule and
conquer with their ideas for a short period of time. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad's writing on our Original People states
that we had a complete fall 50,000 years ago in Africa.

It is the standard of Greek culture and civilization that has laid the Foundation of the Western World’s ideals and philosophy.

The White Race did not begin on the basis of nothing. He built his world on the basis of what he found by the Black wisdom
and civilizations that preceded him.

“If one wishes to comprehend any nation, it is crucial to have knowledge of that nation’s history and culture.”

Behind every phenomenon that takes place in the nature of all created things, there are scientific explanations. Nothing
happens by chance, nor are there coincidences.

All of these Lessons and Problems are calculating the time that it will take certain events to take place in our lifetime.

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When we speak about the Supreme Wisdom Teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, we are referring to the workings
and manifestation of a “Perfect Wisdom” embodied in the actual presence of God Himself, in Person, making Himself known
who is working among us today to bring everything and all life to perfection.

I repeat with full confidence that only when people are able to turn aside their prejudices and re-evaluate the Divine teachings
of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad through Master Fard Muhammad and their reminder the Honorable Minister Louis
Farrakhan will we be able to avoid the pitfalls of Satan’s misleading world of hypocrisy and deception.

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad has stated that his University of Islam is a product and process of entering into a New
World of Thought.

The more we know of the science and material of self and others, the more we will grow into the likeness of God and reflect
His image in higher states of mental and spiritual consciousness. Thus, we become molded and fashioned into the Oneness of
God and the Oneness of Humanity.

All great men must have a record kept of their work.

So often today’s villains become tomorrow’s heroes in the fullness of time.

The forces of darkness must pass away like the fleeing shadows of night, to give way to the light of a new day. The
Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught us that in the darkness there is a force that is operating to bring up objects into view that
have already been called into existence.

There are many who make mockery of the Mathematical Codes because they do not recognize the power of the inner
communication one receives that puts us in Attunement and Harmony with God, Himself.

Remembering The God within is our inner connection to the Consciousness of the Divine Word Uttered at the Beginning of
Time. With that reference point of zero (nothing), we are each an evolving Word of God, trying to remember what makes us
tick. We are the sounding board of God’s Revelation, awakening to His Remembrance.

Every part of one’s journey in life corresponds to the Law of Synchronicity or a pattern of a Synchronic Divine Order.

The Divine Teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad gives us the Basis or Foundation and the Platform to connect with
every religious or scientific School of Thought on our Planet. The Root of his Teachings from the Master is Mathematics,
Astronomy and the Science of everything in life, love, peace and happiness. His Divine Teachings also provide us with an
Economic Program of Prosperity, which furnishes our needs and provides us with the materials to build a Nation of our own
on some of this Earth that we can call our own!

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad’s mind was always in the ever-present future dawning from the past knowledge, but ever
evolving into worlds of new reality.

Black history is taking you back to the foundation and the root of God Himself.

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad has taught us that the knowledge of the Black nation and of the human family of the planet
Earth can be traced back to the rich Nile Valley cultures of Egypt and the Arabian Peninsula at the time when we all emerged
from one mother culture spreading out and establishing centers of high civilization everywhere on our planet.

Light travels at 186,000 miles per second, sound travels at the rate of 1,120 feet per second and the average thought travels at
24,000,000,000 miles per second. Crystal amplifies our thinking process and vibrates messages at milliseconds of degrees
traveling faster than the speed of light. The capacity of the Crystal Skull is an amplifier of our thoughts traveling at
24,000,000,000 miles per second increasing the vibratory rate.

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad gave us the science behind every law of the universe.

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad had stated that he (the devil) had to use the platform of the material that was already in
existence by our original nation in order to make for himself a different world altogether from the original creation.

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The Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught us a thorough knowledge of ourselves and others so that we would no longer be
subject to the rules and domination of others. For that reason, he had to teach us the root of how all life on earth and in our
universe came to be.

As we visualize this light on the outside, bring this light inside and begin to reflect the divine light of Almighty God Allah.
As we prepare this vehicle, this light, eating properly, thinking properly, behaving properly, being in an upright state, to
begin our prayer.

I relate to the Mathematical Language, as well as the spoken word, and when you combine numbers and letters and words,
and make sentences, you are speaking to the heart of the way that Almighty God Allah created Himself in the darkness of
space, coming out of nothing.

Prayer is a healing, and that if we continue to stay in that mentality where we are praying constantly, thanking God, being
grateful, remaining in unity, that we, too, can be redeemed from the chastisement and confusion, and follow Allah’s (God’s)
Divine Guidance.

As the Honorable Elijah Muhammad said it: “When you see one, you see the other,” meaning that he became so close to The
Master, that he walks like The Master. He thinks like The Master, and all the time he was a student inside of the classroom of
Master Fard Muhammad.

Very few talk about the civilization that is on that man-made planet, and what kind of communications they might be using as
the Honorable Elijah Muhammad said, that represents Scientists who are able to tune in on us and pick up our thoughts,
dodging in and out of the sights of the common people.

Error in trying is better than not doing anything at all.

When one is blazing a trail in the wilderness, we must be strong and forge ahead to the goal regardless to the difficulties.

When we came into the Nation of Islam, we carried with us all of the baggage of the arch deceiver and we are hard to lead in
the right direction, but easy to lead into the wrong direction.

As the Honorable Elijah Muhammad said it: “When you see one, you see the other,” meaning that he became so close to The
Master, that he walks like The Master. He thinks like The Master, and all the time he was a student inside of the classroom of
Master Fard Muhammad.

God cannot claim us until we begin to think, to walk and to act like Him, that we can be brought back into the Family of The

You are so Powerful and so Great, that you have no idea of The Great Gift of God that is sitting inside of you—the Potential
To Change The World.

We may come to realize that nothing ever happens by chance and that nothing in our lives occurs as a coincidence. Each one
of us is prepared from birth to see in advance aspects of our future destiny.

Nothing happens by chance; everything happens in the timing frequency of the fulfillment of prophecy which we only bear
witness to when Allah allows it to happen.

Nothing that happens is a coincidence. Our universe, itself, is a complex Telepathic Thought Field that incorporates
everything in Creation. All the forces of physics, including electromagnetic energy, makes up all the constituent parts of
atoms and subatomic particles in a Whole force field producing our DNA and all the genetic materials of life.

Nothing happens by chance; everything of our present and future has long been prepared and we are walking into the
footsteps of those who went before us written from the most ancient times.

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Every life has meaning, for every life serves a purpose. That purpose has its ultimate origin in the mind and will of the All-
Wise Creator and Sustainer of the universe, from Whom everyone and everything gets his (her) or its meaning and

Truth is something that never remains at a distance where falsehood is concerned, but is always present and manifests at the
proper time.

Books help you to identify your true self.

The methodology of Master W. Fard Muhammad’s instructions to us through the Honorable Elijah Muhammad is focused on
the proper use of language revealed in the past, present and future being perfect. Thus, it is a guide to the life of the Hereafter
coming from the revealed Word of God.

All our studies, both domestically and abroad, are rooted in the study of the Divine Teachings of the Honorable Elijah
Muhammad, which is the Supreme Wisdom.

To all of the musicians that are here, what we do not sometimes understand is how divine revelation introduces sometimes
new forms of art, culture, and music … On this stage you have those playing some Chinese instruments and other instruments
of the world because all of the journey was to unite human beings regardless of race or color or ethnicity through culture,
through art.

Genius finds its way to us in many forms. Music is a form that has allowed God to visit with the human family through what
He gifted human beings with in music. There is no way that you could listen to the music of Mozart, music of Bach and
Beethoven, Handel, Brahms. There’s no way that you could listen to Stevie Wonder and the great artists that have made life
worth living for us except that you know how God visits humanity through the gifted ones that He places among us to ease
the burden of life’s journey.

We are now looking within to find the key of this harmonic conversion that comes to us as the still, small voice of God
within. Through this process, we are being transformed and elevated to a new spiritual awakening as we enter into other
dimensions of thought.

Water plays a significant role to the brain giving consciousness to the mind, which reflects through this medium of water, our
collective journey through life.

It is our purpose in life to discover (explore) the infinite frontier that is the Mind of God. If we have the proper attitude, life
with all its trials and tribulations, joys and expectations, is a research expedition into the Mind of God.

In our immaturity, it is hard not to equate challenges and struggle with punishment (rejection by God), but the truth is that
there is a certain beauty in growth (struggle) because it is through accepting the challenge of change (dynamics/struggle) that
God's Plan (His Masterful Design for our lives) is revealed to us. And as we grow to appreciate God's Plan and His
Orchestration of things, we begin to grasp in small ways the Magnitude and Magnificence of God's Majestic Mind.

The Nation of Islam is a training ground in preparation for the Life of the Hereafter. The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad
shared with us that Master Fard Muhammad’s Teachings to him covered three-fourths of the material pertaining to the Life of
the Hereafter and three-fourths of his work directed to the woman.

“Nation of Islam's” birth in America, which initiated a process of joining the “so-called” American Negroes, as we were
referred to at that time, back to a full knowledge of God, ourselves, and our proper relationships to the whole of humanity.

According to the Divine Teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, some of his followers would link up with the angels
and scientists telepathically and are being separated into groups to be guided into the next stage of our journey to meet with
God Himself.

The mind of the woman is the same as the mind of God. How about that? I want our beautiful black brothers to understand
who is sitting across from you. You are sitting across from the Mothers of Civilization; the Originators of Civilizations as the

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Co-Creator and Co-Producer with God Himself that made it possible for many men and women to be born and to be

Whatever is disturbing you or me, all of us together, it is the outcome of having been under the domination and rule of our
former slave masters. That is not being a racist. That's identifying the problem psychologically of why we're so damaged and
why we can't seem to move beyond a straight line. To come back to ourselves again is the basis of what the Honorable Elijah
Muhammad teaches.

We have to go back to the Original essence of civilization as it originated and how it began to evolve into all of the countries
of the world today. … We're coming to the end of the old world paradigm, whether we're talking about governments,
societies, or whatever, and we have to come up with new thoughts, new thinking that goes beyond the systems that are in
place today which have really enslaved most of mankind and society.

To God be the Glory and Long Live the Spirit of the Million Man March and the Holy Day of Atonement into a living reality
for all the 4,400,000,000 of our world citizens around the globe.

No matter how poor you may appear to be, Allah gives you resources from the earth that you can make something out of

Home: in the word hospitable/hospitality is the word hospital. There in her home was graciousness, rest and healing through
food and good manners.

Venus is the planet of love and beauty which is synonymous with the return of the Sacredness of the Female, which will
restore equilibrium back to the Divine Family of God.

Lying behind the Divine Teachings of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad is a Universal Message of Salvation for the
whole of humanity. Within its heartbeat is ignited the deepest spiritual flame of knowledge and wisdom that takes us to the
Origin of God and of all created things. This Supreme Wisdom of God connects us to every school of thought and religious
society throughout the world.
I remember being told how he used the medium of water to draw images of others into view like magical interludes of the
hearts communicating with hearts over long distances.

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad shared with us upon several occasions How the Master danced in a circle back home with
his companions singing the words of a song “Take me, Take me to America, to the shores of Tennessee, where I pray my
Allah to take the devils into the sea.”

This is our challenge today as students of the Divine Teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad,” To be a God is not
easy.” It requires the utmost attention to study in every detail and methodology which is an unending process that is
continually evolving us into something new.

When we begin to see Allah and Allah alone in everything we do, we have come to a most important stage in our spiritual
development in which the self is obliterated along with the ego, and we find ourselves eternally in the Presence of the Person
of Almighty God Allah.

The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad has taught us that this planet is the home planet of the Supreme Being who is the
Ruler over us all. We are constantly experimenting on everything in the Divine Creation searching for perfection. We are
always experimenting on everything in creation, and somewhat like children, we love pulling things apart and separating
them in order to study every minute particle of its composition.

Other civilizations that exist on other planets have reached the extent of their evolutions and are satisfied with the worlds they
have created.

The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught us that the tree in the midst of the Garden of Eden whose fruit appeared to be
good for food represents the workings of the atom itself. The world of physical reality is the outward manifestation of the
spiritual world. This has nothing to do with religion. Religion is an organized system of belief that is not necessarily based

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upon science. True religious consciousness is not separate from science but go hand in hand to prove all things and to hold
fast to that which is good.

“The Mystery of Atlantis continues to reveal itself as a warning to us today that technological advancement unchecked or not
tempered with humility will carry us into the abysm of hell.”


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