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topic:- Allergy

Presented by- arijit bose

class:- xii b
roll no.:- Guidence By:-


Mrs. Sumita Banik


SL Topic

1. Acknowledgement
2. certification
3. introduction
4. Pictures of some
5. Medical reports
of patients
6. questionnaire

7. conclusion

8. bibliography
I acknowledge deep sense of gratitude to my
respected biology teacher and guide Mrs. S Banik
(PGT Bio) for her valuable guidance and
I am grateful to Dr. Suman Lata, respected
Principal ma'am for her constant encouragement
in this regard.

This is to certify that ARIJIT BOSE of class XII
has successfully completed the project work on
Biology for class XII Practical Examination of
the central board of secondary education in ear
2019-2020.It is to further certify that this project
is the individual work of the candidate.

Mrs. Sumita Banik Dr. Suman Lata

(PGT Biology) (Principal)

House dust mite and pet allergies occur because of a reaction to tiny
airborne particles within the home. Symptoms can include a runny or
blocked nose, itchy, red or watering eyes and wheezing. If you have
asthma. Regular use of medication can improve symptoms but
avoidance of the cause can also be important, especially with pet

What is the exact cause of house dust mite and pet

Tiny particles found in the air inside the home that cause allergic
symptoms are called aero-allergens. These particles can include the
faeces of house dust mites, and animal saliva, skin and urine.(Mould
spores are another type of aero-allergen present in some homes,
especially those with damp problems).
Allergens are substances that cause an allergic response in certain
sensitive people. They commonly cause problems with nasal ,eye and
respiratory symptoms. These include rhinitis, conjunctivitis and
wheezing. They can aggravate conditions such as asthma. Aero-
allergens rarely cause severe allergic reactions such as anaphylaxis.
They are, however, some of the most common causes of allergies in

How common are allergies to house dust mite and

Allergies to house dust mite and pets are common. Also, in some
countries, particularly in the developed world, atopic diseases affect up
to 1 in 3 of the population (atopic diseases include asthma, eczema and
hay fever). About 1 in 2 adults with asthma, and about 8 in 10 children
in asthma, have allergic components to their disease.

What are the symptoms of house dust mite and pet

Symptoms of house dust mite and pet allergies include-
Rhinitis- This is an inflammation of the lining of the nose. Typically,
you may have a runny nose, nasal stuffiness, sneezing, itching or a
combination of these.
Conjunctivitis- Generally, this would mean watery, itchy eyes-
sometimes with redness.
Wheezing- Such allergies can irritate the lungs. This may cause
narrowing of the airways, leading to noisy breathing called wheezing.
People with asthma frequently wheeze and allergies can cause this same
symptom. People with asthma may wheeze more if they have allergies
Other symptoms include- cough which is often dry and irritating. Sore
throat. Loss of sense of smell and headache can happen, but less

House dust mite allergy

House dust mites are present in all homes in the UK. They are microscopic
insects that live off human skin scales and form part of the dust in our homes.
The climate and conditions inside our houses are ideal for their survival. They
prefer bedrooms- in particular beds and bedding. This is where we shed skin cells
for them to feed on, where we sweat, providing them with water, and where the
warmth sustains them and allows breeding.
The allergen that triggers the immune system and cause allergic problems is
found mainly in the faeces of the house dust mites. These droppings are very dry,
they fragment easily and the fine particles disperse into air. The particles settle
quickly into our pillows, mattresses, duvets, carpets and are difficult to eradicate.
This means it is difficult to remove the source of the problems and prevent
allergic symptoms.

Avoidance of house dust mite
It is impossible to keep your home permanently clear of the mites,
however it can be minimised to a large extent.
By keeping the houses clean, be clear of rugs and carpets specially from
bedroom, avoid soft furnishing in bedroom, hard floors such as wood
are preferable.
Use dust tight covers for mattresses, duvets and pillows. use feathers
rather than synthetic pillows. Wet dust or clean room floors regularly.
Use a vacuum cleaner with a good filter. Try to keep humidity low. Let
bedding air after use. Regularly ventilate the bedroom. Keep soft toys to
a minimum.
Chemical treatments can be used to kill the mites however this is only
recommended only for carpets, as there are certain drawbacks that
include the time taken to apply the products properly, effectiveness, It is
possible that carpets can be stained and that inhaling these products may
be harmful...

Allergy to pets
Animal allergens are the second most common cause of allergic reactions. The
allergens that trigger the allergic response are found in animal saliva, skin and
urine. When animals groom themselves, they lick and the saliva coats the skin,
fur or feathers. The skin cells covered in saliva are shed (this is called animal
dander) along with loose hairs and fur.
Even so called hairless breeds of cats and dogs can cause problems. Additionally,
pets can have flaky skin complaints, like eczema and so can spread large
amounts of dander.
These allergen particles are microscopic and so easily airborne and thus easily
inhaled. This leads to typical respiratory symptoms like rhinitis and allergic

Avoidance of pet allergy

Vacuum regularly, if possible with a vacuum cleaner which has a good filter,
wash pet bedding frequently.
Do not allow pets to lick your hands or face.

What are the treatment options?

Some general points-
 Cigarette smoke makes all allergic conditions worse. It aggravates
already inflamed skin and membranes in the respiratory tract. Nobody
should smoke near an allergy sufferer.
 Babies exposed early on to allergens and smoke are more likely to
develop allergic diseases.
 Treatment with medication- use of nasal spray, eye drops or
antihistamine tablets will often ease or clear symptoms.

 Avoiding the cause of allergy.
treatment is used mainly when other methods are failed and the case
is severe.
It is done using a series of injections to desensitise the immune
system. The allergen the patient is allergic to is administered in tiny
quantities, via an injection. The amount used is too small to provoke
the allergic reaction itself , but enough to teach the immune system
not to react. Increasing doses of allergen are given at regular
This process is very time consuming and expensive and carries a
degree of risk. For this reason its needs to be carefully supervised by
a specialist and performed in a hospital outpatient setting

Some medicines and
nasal sprays


it is hereby concluded from the project
that allergies are common amongst
youngsters nowadays due to changing
atmosphere and increased pollution
day by day. this mainly occurs in small
children and teenagers because of
their incapability to adapt themselves
in adverse conditions.
the only precaution is to stay away
from the cause of allergy and also by
taking regular supplements.


 NCERT Textbook class XII


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