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Indian Conference on Applied Mechanics (INCAM),

IIT Delhi, 13-15 July 2015

Experimental analysis of curved plate weld joint

Umesh K Yadav, Jaideep Singh†, Kashish pandita† and Shahan akhtar†

Department of Mechanical Engineering

M G M College of Engineering and Technology
Noida 110016, India

Assistant Professor,
† B Tech student,


In this paper, an experimental analysis is done with variations in thickness of the plates, welding techniques
and the radius of the curve. An experimental analysis is done to determine the best suitable welding
technique with alterations in the dimensions of the curved plates. Weld joints form an important part of
pressure vessels, ships buildings, water reactors, concrete slab plates, boilers are highly essential for
structural integrity of the system. Analysis is mainly based on the dimensions of skirt support of pressure
vessels. In this project tensile and compression tests are conducted to determine the most suitable type of
weld joint, i.e. single or double end weld joint and the welding technique, i.e. GTAW welding and electric arc
welding. The objective of this research project is to analyze welds on curved plated and determine their
strength, and create a similar catalogue for curved surfaces of certain cases.

1. Introduction

The curved plate welding can be of two types: side welding and end welding. In side welding when the weld is
subjected to any load then the shear strength is low but the ductility is high. For end welding the weld is subjected to
any load the tensile strength is high but ductility is low. As ships buildings, pressure vessels, water reactors, concrete
slab plates, boilers are fabricated from curved plates. To assemble such parts welding are commonly used. However
it is impossible to avoid the deformation produced by welding. Therefore they are highly essential for structural
integrity of the system. Since it is influenced by various factors like angle of weld, material of weld, thickness of weld,
thickness of weld plate, radius of the weld material etc. In this research paper the analysis is done on the basis of
study of the skirt support of the pressure vessels by conducting tests on the curved plates.Patil et al [1] done on FEA
based validation of Weld joints to determine effect of overlap length of weld. They did their complete analysis on the
ANSYS software. Some simplification with an appropriate idealization process including changing length of
overlapping plate, no. of sub steps during the analysis done. Patil.VG et. al [2] used single transverse fillet weld and
double transverse fillet weld for their analysis.ANSYS was used for the study with its parametric command files,
design variations were evaluated.Bindu et al [3] concluded in their paper that in single side weld as the increase in
overlapping angle there is increase in strength of weld joint and decrease in corresponding deformation. Ranjeet Patil[4] investigate the deformation and equivalent Von Mises stresses of thin plate based on plate welding with
varying overlapping length of plate.The analysis have done by the three dimensional Elastic Non-linear Finite
Element model is used to compute welding deformation and stresses of a plate. Experimental and numerical
simulation have done by S.T. Lie[5] in this paperAlternating Current Potential Drop (ACPD) technique has been
used to measure the eight crack depths along the weld toe and spaced at 10 mm interval. Hence, the 3D crack shape
can be obtained at particular cycles during the fatigue test and new formulation have been proposed for evaluating
the effective stress intensity factors it is found that the numerical results generally agree with the experimental results.
S.N.Pilare and D.V. Bhope [6] investigated the breaking strength of T welded joint by experimentally and Finite
element analysis,revealed the breaking stress inthe range of 568 MPa to 649.2 MPa, considering the stress
concentration factor.The FE analysis of T-welded joint for the same geometry revealed the maximum Von-misses
stress of 624.88 MPa .This investigation revealed that the stress in the weldment calculated by experimentation & FE
analysis are in close agreement, which validated the FE model of the T-welded joint. Woghiren and Brennan [7]
investigate a parametric stress analysis of various configurations of rack plate stiffened multi-planar welded KK joints

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Indian Conference on Applied Mechanics (INCAM)
IIT Delhi, 12-15 July 2015

using the finite element method.In this study different SCF location identified to serve as a guide to future reliability
based inspection planning for jack-up platforms.

2. Experimental setup

The material considered in this research paper is Stainless Steel (S.S. 304). The dimensions of the plates are:-
 Radius:- 35 & 50mm
 Thickness:- 5 & 6mm
The curved plates were cut into 2 halves for performing the compression and tensile tests .The welding
techniques used during the analysis are single and double end weld joint and the welding types used are
 GTAW (Electrode used: 3mm Thoriated tungsten electrode and the filler material used 2mm S.S wire)
 Electric arc welding(1.5 mm S.S electrode used)

 Universal Testing Machine

Universal Testing Machine as shown in Figure 1 has a wide range of applications. A number of materials,
metals in different form and shapes can be tested for variety of tests like Tension, Compression,
Transverse, Bend, Shear, Brine Hardness etc. Special attachments are also available for testing of Flat
Belts, Chain Links, and Wire Ropes etc. the main components of UTM machine as shown in Fig 1 are:
Tension test is conducted by gripping the test specimen in the upper and middle cross head. Compression,
Bending, Transverse, Shear and Hardness tests are conducted between the middle and lower cross head
by using appropriate fixtures.The rapid adjustment of middle cross head facilities, easy fixing of tensile &
Compression specimens of different lengths. Hydraulic controls are through hand operated valves,
ergonomically placed for ease of control. Optionally valves can be controlled from electronic control system.
Adequate safeties for over load and over travel are incorporated and emergency switch is provided. The
UTM machine on which the testing is performed has a load bearing capacity of 400KN provided with a
digital display panel for indicating load and deformation.

Figure 1.Experimental Setup

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Indian Conference on Applied Mechanics (INCAM),
IIT Delhi, 13-15 July 2015
The Figure 2 shown depicts the top view of curved plates of radius 35mm and thickness 5mm welded for single
end weld. The plate was welded using filler material S.S wire having diameter of 2mm and 4 feet long.

Figure 2: Test Specimen of different dimensions curved plates

The welded plates of different dimensions ie: plates of thickness 5 & 6mm for radius 35 & 50mm. These all plates
have been welded keeping the voltage 240V and pressure of the gas around 10 bar. The curved plates have been
welded by electric arc welding method in which the S.S (Grade 304) electrode is used having diameter of 3.5mm. In
the above Figure 2 you can see curved plates of thickness 5mm & radius 35mm welded for single and double weld.
Thickness 6mm & radius 35mm welded for both single weld and double weld. Plates of thickness 6mm & radius
50mm have also been welded for single end and double end weld joint.
Failure of Test Specimen

It is seen that the weldment having size of 5.0 mm and 6.0 mm failed under the different load depending
upon tensile and compression test and also depend upon the type of welding used electric arc or TIG

Figure 3: Failure of Test Specimen

3. Tensile Testing of curved plate weld joint

3.1 TIG welded samples

As shown in table 3.1 load vs Elongatation value for sample having thickness of 5mm and radius 50 mm welded
using TIG welding for single end weld joint (SW).The work piece fractured at weld region sustaining a maximum
load of 37.8KN.With the corresponding elongation being 42mm.

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Indian Conference on Applied Mechanics (INCAM)
IIT Delhi, 12-15 July 2015

Table 3.1: Tensile test readings for T5R50-SW

Load(KN) Elongation(mm) Load(KN) Elongation(mm)

4 15 36 41
8 27.5 37.8 42
12 32.5 36 42
16 35 32 42
20 36.5 28 42
24 37.5 24 42
28 39 20 42
32 40

Figure 4: Load v/s Elongation for single welded work piece tensile test.

As shown in the Figure 4 the load increases constantly up to peak load of 36 KN and then it suddenly drops down
due to the fact that at the peak load the curved plate finally becomes flat and the load to fracture the work piece
decreases. The plate finally fractures at load of 20KN.As shown in table 3.2 load vs Elongatation value for sample
having thickness of 5mm and radius 50 mm welded using TIG welding for double end weld joint (DW).The work piece
fractured at weld region sustaining a maximum load of 24 KN. With the corresponding elongation being 38 mm.

Table 3.2: Tensile test reading for T5R50-DW.

Load(KN) Elongation(mm) Load(KN) Elongation(mm)

3 7.5 24 38
6 19 21 38.5
9 27 18 38.5
12 31 15 38.5
15 34 14 38.6
18 35.5 14.8 39.9
21 37 14 40.1

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IIT Delhi, 13-15 July 2015

Figure 5: Load v/s Elongation graph double welded work piece tensile test.

As shown in the Figure 5 the curve first increases up to peak load of 24KN and finally drops down and then again
rise to finally fracture. The main reason for such behavior is that at peak load the curviness of the plate
disappears and the plate becomes flat leading to plastic deformation of the plate hence resulting in the sudden
drop of load, after the load drops down the plate doesn’t fracture and load increases to fracture the flat plate now.
The plate now having a flat shape sustains a maximum load of 14.8KN before fracture. The flat plate finally
fractures at load of 14KN
As shown in table 3.3 load vs Elongatation value for sample having having thickness of 6mm and radius 35mm
welded using TIG welding for single end weld joint. The work piece fractured at weld region sustaining a
maximum load of 13 KN with the corresponding elongation being 13.50 mm. the sample broke at very less load
and saw the weld bead come out in the form of chip. This was mainly due to the poor welding carried out and the
lack of presence of filler material.
Table 3.3: Tensile test reading for T6R35-SW

Load(KN) Elongation(mm) Load(KN) Elongation(mm)

2 2 13 13.5
4 3.9 12 15.5
6 6.5 10 15.7
8 9 8 15.75
10 11 6 15.85
12 12.8

Figure 6: Load v/s Elongation for single welded work piece tensile test.

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Indian Conference on Applied Mechanics (INCAM)
IIT Delhi, 12-15 July 2015

In the above Figure 6 the load increases in almost a straight line reaching a maximum load of 13 KN. As
the load goes on increasing the curviness of the plate goes on decreasing and the plate almost becomes
of flat orientation and the flat plate bears a maximum load of 12 KN and finally fractures at 6 KN.

3.2 Electric Arc Welded Sample

As shown in table 3.4 load vs Elongatation value for sample having thickness of 5mm and radius 35mm
welded using electric arc welding for double end weld joint. The work piece fractured at weld region
sustaining a maximum load of 18 KN with the corresponding elongation being 23.5 mm.

Table 3.4: Tensile test reading for T5R35-DW

Load(KN) Elongation(mm) Load(KN) Elongation(mm)
2 1.6 16 22.5
4 3.9 18 23.5
6 7.2 16 23.8
8 14 14 23.8
10 18 12 23.8
12 19.5 11 23.8
14 21

Figure 7: Load v/s Elongation for double welded work piece tensile test.

In the above Figure the load increases in almost a straight line reaching a maximum load of 18 KN. After
reaching the peak load the load suddenly drops down due the fact that the weld region finally starts to crack
and final fracture occurs at load of 11 KN. In The Figure 7 shows that in the starting when the load was
being applied the elongation was slow as the resisting force by the curved region was appreciable but as
the load continued to increase there was a sudden jump in the load and the elongation of the curved plate
was very fast this can be attributed to the fact that the weld strength started to give up and hence the
elongation which occurred was very high on application of less load
The sample having thickness of 6mm and radius 35mm welded using electric arc welding for double end
weld joint. The work piece fractured at weld region sustaining a maximum load of 63 KN with the
corresponding elongation being 36 mm.

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IIT Delhi, 13-15 July 2015

Figure 8: Load v/s Elongation for double welded work piece tensile test.
As shown In the Figure 8 the load increases reaching a maximum load of 66 KN. The reason for this behavior of the
curve is that in the starting of the curve as the load increases the curviness of the curved plate decreases but in some
portions of the curve there is a sudden jump in the load because the load required there to make the curve flat is less.
The plastic deformation is achieved at maximum load and the plate becomes almost flat. This flat plate now bears a
maximum load of 63 KN and then finally breaks at 43 KN.




60 TIG-T5R50-SW

50 TIG-T5R35-DW
40 EAW-T5R35-DW



0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Figure 9: Combined Load v/s Elongation for tensile test.

As shown in the Figure 9 it is observed that at some points the elongation for the TIG welded samples and the
Electric Arc Welded samples is nearly the same with a very minor difference. If the manufacture chooses to minimize
his cost of production and at the same time maintain the longevity of his equipment (ie: skirt support or pressure
vessel) he can refer the above data for elongation at different load and accordingly choose the method and technique
of welding along with the plate dimensions.

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Indian Conference on Applied Mechanics (INCAM)
IIT Delhi, 12-15 July 2015

4. Compression testing of curved plate weld joint

4.1 TIG welded samples

As shown in the table 4.1 the load vs deformation for the sample having thickness of 5mm and radius
50mm welded using TIG welding for double end weld joint. The work piece observed no fracture rather it
became fully flat and sustained a load of 41.50 KN with the corresponding deformation being 40 mm. the
initial height of the curved plate is 55mm from the topmost surface.

Table 4.1: Compression test reading for T5R50-DW.

Load(KN) Deformation(mm) Load(KN) Deformation(mm)

5 23.8 30 39
10 31 35 39.5
15 33 40 39.9
20 37 41.5 40
25 38.5

Figure 10: Load v/s deformation for double welded compression test.

In the above Figure the compressive load that the welded curved plates can bear without failure is 41.5
KN. There is sudden increase in the load and at some there is slow increase in the load due to that the
sudden and slow load increase is the fact that when the load application starts then the curved portion of
the welded plates begins to deform, at some points there is sudden deformation and at some there is
slow deformation, hence the graph which is obtained has such a trait.
The sample is having thickness of 5mm and radius 35mm welded using TIG welding for double end weld
joint. The work piece have observed no fracture rather it became fully flat and sustained a load of 34 KN
with the corresponding deformation being 23.7 mm. the initial height of the curved plate is 55mm from
the top most surface.

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IIT Delhi, 13-15 July 2015

Figure 11: Load v/s Deformation for double weld compression test.
In the Figure 11 there is no sudden and slow increase in load, rather there is constantly increasing load along with
deformation. On the application of compressive load on the welded curved plates the curved portion deforms slowly
with the applied load, hence the graph which is obtained has such an attribute.
4.2 Electric Arc Welded Sample

The compression test conducted for the sample having thickness of 5mm and radius 35mm welded using electric arc
welding for single end weld joint. The work piece observed fracture at a load of 3 KN with the corresponding
deformation being 11.7 mm. the initial height of the curved plate is 39.5 mm from the topmost surface.

Table 4.2: Compression test reading for T5R35-SW

Load(N) Deformation(mm) Load(N) Deformation(mm)
100 0.72 1000 2.9
200 2 1200 3.9
300 2 1500 4.6
400 2.1 2000 5.8
500 2.1 2500 8.7
700 2.7 3000 11.7

Figure 12: Load v/s Deformation for single Figure 13: Load v/s Deformation for double
Weld compression test. (SW-T5) Weld compression test. (DW-T6)
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Indian Conference on Applied Mechanics (INCAM)
IIT Delhi, 12-15 July 2015

There is observed a very fluctuating nature of curve in Figure 12 due to the abnormalities observed in the
welded work piece. This work sample observed a very low compressive force due to poor welding and
presence of blow holes and side cuts as the welding defects. As shown in the Figure 12 there is sudden
increase and slow increase of load this is mainly due to the fact that at some point the resisting force of the
curved welded portion was high and at some point the resisting force was less.
The sample having thickness of 6mm and radius 35mm welded using electric arc welding for double end
weld joint. It is observed that fracture at a load of 1.5 KN with the corresponding deformation being 8.1
mm as shown in Figure 13. the initial height of the curved plate was 42.1 mm from the topmost surface.
There was a slow increase in load and deformation from 100 to 500 N because of the high
resisting/springing action of the curved portion. As the springing force reduced the load increased all of a
sudden from 500 to 1000 N. After load of 1000 N the springing action came back into effect and
deformation caused was at slow rate. Compare the single and double welded compression test the rate of
deformation in double weld is low as single weld.

Figure 14: Load v/s Deformation for double Figure 15: Load v/s Deformation for single
Weld compression test. (DW-T6-R50) Weld compression test. (SW-T6-R50)

The sample having thickness of 6mm and radius 50 mm welded using electric arc welding for double end
weld joint as shown in Figure 14. It is observed no fracture and rather became flat at a load of 3 KN with the
corresponding deformation being 22.1 mm. the initial height of the curved plate was 52.3 mm from the
topmost surface. In the curve (Fig. 14) there is spontaneous increase in load due to the low resisting force
of the welded curved plates. As a result of which the curved plates sees a much faster deformation during
the initial application of load. The spontaneous increase of load is till 2000 N afterwards the load increases
gradually and in this region the deformation caused is with a slow rate.
As shown in figure.15 the sample having thickness of 6mm and radius 50 mm welded using electric arc
welding for single end weld joint. It is observed fracture at a load of 1.2 KN with the corresponding
deformation being 7.42 mm. the initial height of the curved plate was 50 mm. There is a gradual increase in
the load up to 300N, after that there is a sudden increase in the load up to 400N, this mainly happens
because of low resisting force of the curved portion of the welded plates at some points. From 400N
onwards the curve increases gradually and at certain points the sudden increase of graph is seen due to
the same reason as explained in the above mentioned lines.
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IIT Delhi, 13-15 July 2015

Table 5.13: Compression test reading for T6R50-SW

Load(N) Deformation(mm) Load(N) Deformation(mm)

100 1.12 500 5.52
200 2.12 700 6.72
300 2.72 1000 6.82
400 2.92 1200 7.42




T5- R35- SW
Load (N)



0 5 10 15 20 25


Figure 16: Combined Load v/s Deformation for compression test.

As shown in the Figure 16 it is observed that at some points the deformation for the TIG welded samples
and the Electric Arc Welded samples is nearly the same but the load bearing capacity of the TIG welded
samples is much more in comparison with the arc welded samples. Up to certain load i.e.: 3KN the load
bearing capacity of the electric arc welded samples diminishes and they fracture but the TIG welded
samples rather have a very high compressive strength and can sustain load up to nearly 40KN.

5. Conclusion
We will find the best technique of welding and the best dimensions of the plate which are suitable as per the
load requirement subjected by the manufacturer. whereas in combined basis we will find out which type of
welding along with dimensions and technique of welding is best suited in terms of low cost of production
and longevity of life of the equipment ie: skirt support and pressure vessels.
For load up to 20 KN the plate of thickness 5mm, radius 35mm, welding type TIG welding and double side
weld is preferred. For load up to 35 KN plate of thickness 6mm, radius 35mm, electric arc welding method
and double end weld is preferred over the TIG welded plate as the elongation difference between the two is
hardly 2mm which is not too exorbitant.
For load up to 65 KN plate of thickness 5mm, radius 35mm, TIG welding method and double end weld
should be used.

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Indian Conference on Applied Mechanics (INCAM)
IIT Delhi, 12-15 July 2015
For load up to 20 KN it is best to use plate of thickness 5mm, radius 35mm and double side welded plate as
deformation is least as compared to other plates. For load up to 35 KN it is best to use plate of thickness
5mm, radius 35mm and double side welded plate. It is very astonishing to see that plate of radius 50mm
and of same thickness and welding technique offers less resistance to the compressive load and undergoes
huge deformation. The compressive strength of electric arc welded samples was extremely poor as
compared to TIG welded samples but on the contrary the tensile strength of the electric arc welded samples
is appreciable as they sustained a maximum tensile load of 63 KN.

6. References

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