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Name: ______________________________ MATH04

Program / Year: _______________Score: _______ 1ST QUARTER SY 2018–2019
Section: ________ Date: ___________ Signature: __________________

Part I. True or False. (3 points each)

Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if not. Erasures are not allowed.
1. The two fixed points of an ellipse and hyperbola are called foci.
2. The eccentricity of hyperbola is less than 1.
3. The eccentricity of ellipse is less than 0.
4. The latus rectum is the chord that passes through the focus and is perpendicular to the major axis.
5. The conjugate axis is the perpendicular bisector of the transverse axis.

Part II. Multiple Choice. (3 points each)

Write the letter of the correct answer. Erasures are not allowed.
Find the area of the ellipse having the length of its semi major axis equal to 3 units and semi minor axis equal to 2 units.
a. 6𝜋 units b. 6𝜋 sq. units c. 6 sq. units d. 𝜋 units
1. Which of the following is a possible eccentricity of the ellipse?
a. 1.2 b. 0 c. -0.85 d. 0.8
2. What is the length of the latus rectum of an ellipse having its semi minor axis equal to 2 and semi major axis
equal to 3?
a. 8/5 units b. 2.5 units c. 3 units d. 2. 667 units
3. Which of the following is a possible eccentricity of the hyperbola?
a. 0 b. 0.95 c. 1.7 d. -2
4. If the plane cuts the two nappes of a cone, the conic is
a. Circle b. Parabola c. Ellipse d. Hyperbola

Part III. Do as indicated. (10 points each)

𝑥2 𝑦2
1. Sketch the ellipse + = 1 completely.
25 16

2. Find an equation of the ellipse satisfying the given conditions. (odd – a, c, e; even – b, d, f)
a. foci: (0, ±2), Vertices : (0, ±3)
b. covertices: (0, ±3), distance between foci: 8
c. e = , foci: (0, ±2)

d. vertices (-1, 3) and (5, 3), length of minor axis is 4

e. covertices: (-5, 0) and (1,0), LR = 9/2
f. vertex (8, -1), focus (6, -1), e = 3/5
𝑥2 𝑦2
1. Sketch the hyeprbola + = 1 completely.
16 9

2. Find an equation of the hyperbola satisfying the given conditions. (odd – a, c, e; even – b, d, f)
a. foci (0, ±5), Vertex (0, 2)
b. foci (±10,0), e = 5/2
c. asymptotes y = ±3x/4, focus (0, −10)
d. center (-2, 2), vertex (4, 2) focus (6, 2)
e. vertices (1, -1) and (7, -1), focus (-1, -1)
f. foci (4, 0) and (-6,0), e = 5/2

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