El Amor PDF

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At the end of this Reading subtask, you will be able to infer the intention and tone of the author
in a text.
To attain that, study the content proposed in this unit. Then, visit the link and read the
text Love: A Chemical Explosion in Your Brain and do the pedagogical activities next. At the
end, you will have the knowledge to develop the WHILE ONLINE READING.
Pedagogical activity 1:
Students must visit the link and read the text Love: A Chemical Explosion in Your Brain then,
determine the author’s stance and explain their answer using the information from the text,
finally upload the answer to the platform.
1. What is the text about?
R= This text is about scientific research studies that seek to verify the chemical effect that
love produces within our brain, finding similarity with the effect of drugs, in order to deny
that this is a feeling that occurs in the heart.

2. What is the author’s stance?

R= The author's position within this text is safe and convincing, since its purpose is always
to explain the results obtained in the studies developed in order to see the effects of the
chemical substances that are released in our brain when we are in love, comparing with
the effect of drugs to deny the belief that love is given in the heart as they make us believe
in circumstances like on Valentine's Day

3. Support your answer using the information from the text.

“Ortigue's team also discovered that falling in love affected the intellectual areas of the
brain and not just the pleasure and reward center of the brain where drug habits can
“So, if you celebrate Valentine's Day, remember that your feelings of love are really a
complicated chemical reaction that occurs in your brain, that if you like science, it is
actually something sexy.”
“The magazine reports that these love studies note something similar: that a brain about
love looks a lot like a brain about drugs.”

Title: Love: A Chemical Explosion in Your Brain

Link: http://learningenglish.voanews.com/a/health-lifestyle-love/3719576.htm

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