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* How did a non application of these learning principles affect learning?

When these principles are neglected the learning process may not be effective. If the
students are not ready for learning or lack the motivation to learn they may not absorb the
knowledge imparted. They may have little interest in learning.

Principles of Learning in My Own Words.

1 Learning is teaching students with the things aligned to learning outcomes.
2 Learning is exploring and thinking out of the box teaching the students beyond
our understanding where they may able to use and expose it to the real life situations.
3 Learning is not to treat the students as an empty vessels waiting to be filled up
which it must exchange or sharing of ideas, thoughts that can be used for effective
4 Learnings is a process of practice where there is a reflections and learnings to
improve on teaching from the drop of failures and mistakes in preparing and
delivering the lessons.
5 Learning is interaction where it deals the students to engage active participation
during the class discussion to inculcate critical and thinking skills.
6 Learnings must aligned to the needs and interest of the students which brings the
students to be more focus and engage in education learning activities.
7 Learning is focusing to the positive reinforcement rather than negative
reinforcement to students which motivates the students to work hard and study more
to become successful someday.
8 A student must engage through collaboration or team work by interacting other
students sharing of ideas and brainstorming of thoughts without any conflict of it.
9 Learnings must focus to students where the teachers must focus to continually
improve their strategy when it comes to teaching to cater all different learning styles
and diversities.
10 Learnings must integrate different type of teaching approach that motivates the
students to develop high order critical thinking skills.

Behavior/s which Prove/s Observance of the Guiding Principle

1. Begin with the end in mind.
1. The resource Teacher began her lesson by reviewing the previous lesson.
2. The resource teacher introduces her/his lessons objectives.

3. Share lesson objective with students

Sharing objectives are the parts that the teacher is carefully spread out the lesson
4. Lesson objectives/Intended Learning Outcomes are Specific, Measurable,
Attainable, result-oriented and Time-bounded (SMART)
• Specific-teacher tackled the lesson specifically.
• Measurable- the lessons are just enough and not too logic.
• Attainable- it is interesting because of it is always connected to the modern
• Result-oriented- students are always showing their feedback and all are cooperating
to the teacher as well.
• Time-bounded- it was done for just in time limit.

Resource Teacher: Teacher’s Signature School:

Grade/Year Level: Subject Area: Date:

Guiding Principles Related to Lesson Objectives/Intended Learning Outcomes

Teaching Behavior/s which Prove/s Observance of the Guiding Principle
1. Begin with the end in mind.

The resource Teacher began her lesson by exercising her students to active their

2. lesson objective with students

After exercised she started to share the lesson objectives about clean and green
program and how to separate the waste into another.
3. Lesson objectives/Intended Learning Outcomes are Specific, Measurable,
Attainable, result-oriented and Time-bounded (SMART)
The resource teacher specifies the differences of wastes in practice. She did make a 2
different box which is biodegradable and recyclable and let her student pick wastes
and put it into different boxes. She tackled also of what they can prevent in this
particular practice and what is happening to our ozone layer nowadays.

Ask permission from your resource Teacher for you to copy his/her lesson objective
for the day’s lesson. Did his/her lesson objectives serve as guiding star in the sense
that the development of the lessons was guided by his/her lesson objectives/intended
learning outcomes?

Yes it is, because as I see from the objectives to the evaluation it is too interesting and
also measurable for the children in kindergarten, they just enjoy for it, at the same
time they did learn in terms of physical for the exercise mentally for the participation
when the teacher telling the story behavioral that every time they can see a people
older, they just simply bless in hand or to respect elders.

My Analysis

1. Why is it sound teaching practice for a teacher to “begin with the end in mind” and
to share his/her lesson objectives or intended learning outcomes with his/her students?
The teacher started her teaching in smooth voice while sharing the objectives but if
the student didn’t cooperate she has to show a slight of anger for the discipline, while
ending it whit a friendly sounds.
2. Did you find the lesson objective/s or intended learning outcome/s SMART?
Support your answer.
Yes it is, because it is followed from the curriculum basis and the teacher is teaching
sincere with a heart.
3. Do SMART objectives help the lesson become more focused?
As what I’ve observed, that is the most powerful basis why is this particular teacher
got the respect of the learners that’s why the students are cooperating to her always,
that help them to be focused in terms of listening in the lessons.

4. Where the lesson objectives/intended learning outcomes in the cognitive,

psychomotor and affective domains? Support your answer.
Affective intended learning outcome every time the teacher did evaluate the learners,
they are always giving a feedback from the lesson and it is affective the way they
express it emotionally with matching action in every idea.
Cognitive- the learners are sometimes asking the teacher from the particular lesson
that they didn’t really understand as well. The teacher giving them a chance to
express their perception and they are also cooperating with her.
Psychomotor- the learners are actually net in classroom and few of them are slightly
malnourish but still they are practicing for avoiding that particular problem.
Practicing skills as well and in terms of mentally, as I observed the learners are
5. Is it necessary to have objectives always in the 3 domains-cognitive, psychomotor
and affective? Why or why not?
Yes it is really necessary because without any of these objectives the learners can be
lack of something that maybe they can just proceed into the next level but there is
always missing.

My Learning Portfolio

“A straight path never leads anywhere except to the objective”

My Learning Episode Overview

The K to 12 Law explicit the pedagogical approach for the K to 12 Curriculum. This
Episode revolves this around the pedagogical approach.
My Intended Learning Outcomes
In this Episode, I must be able to:
• Determine the teaching approach used by the Resource Teachers
• Identify instances where the pedagogical approaches of the K to 12 Curriculum
contained in the law are observed
My Performance Criteria
I will be rated through the following:
a. Quality of my observations and documentations,
b. Completeness and depth of my analysis,
c. Depth and clarity of my classroom observation-based reflections,
d. Completeness, organizations, clarity of my portfolio and
e. Time of submission of my portfolio
My Learning Essentials
R.A. 10533, the Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013, states: “The curriculum
shall use pedagogical approaches that are constructivist, inquiry-based, reflective,
collaborative, and integrative”. (Sec. 5 e) It shall be “learner-centered, inclusive, and
developmentally appropriate”. (Sec. 5 a)
The tables below contrast teacher-centered and learner-centered approach to teaching-
Table 3. Teacher centered approach vs. learner-centered approach
Teacher-centered Learner-centered
Subject matter-centered Learner-centered
Teacher-dominated Interactive
“Banking Approach” Constructivist
Disciplinal Integrated
Individualistic, competitive Collaborative
Indirect, guided Direct
Source: Corpuz, B. and G. Salandanan (2013) Principles of Teaching. Quezon City:
Lorimar Publishing
Table 4. Teacher centered approach vs. learner-centered approach
Teacher-centered Approach Learner-centered Approach
Knowledge is deposited by teacher in the minds of students (“banking system”);
teacher is the only expert and the only source of information Learners construct
knowledge by receiving information from teacher and integrating it with their
experiences and prior information (constructivist).
Emphasis is on subject matter for the test Emphasis is on using knowledge learned to
solve problems in real life contexts.
Teacher dominates class proceedings Students are actively involved in learning
Focus is on single discipline Makes use of interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary
Culture is individualistic and highly competitive Culture is cooperative, collaborative
and supportive
Only students are viewed as learners Teachers and learners learn together.

My Map
I will observe one Resource Teacher teach, analyze and reflect on my observations.
To realize my Target/Intended Learning Outcomes, I will follow the following steps:

My Learning Activities
I will observe one Resource Teacher with the use of an Observation Sheet for
greater focus. I will analyze my observations with the help of guide questions then
reflect on my observations and analysis.

Resource Teacher: Jessa Mae Jaganas Teacher’s Signature; School:

Upper Tambler II
Grade/Year Level: Subject Area: Date:
Teacher-centered Student-centered
Did teacher focus only on one discipline/subject? Did teacher connect lesson to other
What teaching-learning practice show that teaching approach was:
 teacher connecting the lesson from the past days to metaine the sequence; learner
does not miss the lesson anyway and construct new ideas.

b. inquiry-based-
 lesson must be enteresting that learners would be curius; learners can ask question
for the cralification and evaluation to their minds.

c. developmentally appropriate-learning activities fit the developmental stage of

 Teacher used visual aid in lecturing in Filipino specifically paraphrase‘’tayutay”
connected to the equivalent meaning in English subject; learners enjoyed the lesson
while gained knowledge.

d. reflective-
 Happiness while teaching the lesson and also showed the values; learners
participated in every task.

e.inclusive-no learner was excluded;teacher taught everybody.

 Teacher pronounced the words loudly the even at the back can heard; learners are
all in mood after doing their everyday tasks specifically in cleaning the classroom
areas which all of them had their task.
f.collaborative-students worked together.
- Teacher assigned a secretary for the list of all effort in working of the learners;
learners divided into group particularly in cleaners of every areas to practice them to
collaborate to the groupings.
g.integrative-lesson was multidisciplinary- e.g. In Science, Math concepts were
 The Filipino lesson is also the more values they had gained like in constructing
sentence that even if you want to say something negative to other you can just
paraphrase it into smooth words that other cannot feel hurt to what you said on the

My Analysis
1. Based on your observations, as a whole was instruction teacher-centered or student-
 Both of the practice is really effective, which there is sometimes that the teacher
has to change and improve her/his strategy to catch the interest of the learners.
Without any of the instruction center maybe the learners can feel bored.
2. Were there instances when the students could have been involved in class
proceedings but were not? Give example/s.
 Sometimes cannot proceed in participating to the lesson of teacher when he/she
feels bored, sleepy and maybe she/he experiences financial and food problems.
3. What are possible consequences of teaching purely subject matter for mastery and
for the test?
 The consequences of teaching purely are can lead you to be professional in and out
of you personality while for the test, sometimes the learners can experience of failing
but if the teacher will guide the learner maybe the learner won’t take it as a negative
experience but he/she maybe take it as a challenge or an inspiration to study well next
time and to avoid failed again.

4. If you were to reteach the class, would you be teacher-centered or student-

centered? Why?
 If I can reteach them, I’m going to teach them as learner centered because they are
the reason why there is a teacher and I have base on their learning ability on how they
would be capable of to my lessons.
5. If you abide the pedagogical approaches that the K to 12 Law states, will you be
more teacher-centered or student-centered in approach? Explain your answer.
 in terms of k to 12 curriculum I must to follow and I have to choose teacher center
approach because as a teacher we have to do our task and the teacher must be the
ruler of the class so that I have to share what learning deserve for them.
Teacher-centered Student-centered
Did teacher lecture all the time?

-The teacher is not lecturing all the time because she also has to give sometime for the
students to think like giving them tasks.
Were students involve in the teaching-learning process? How? Or were they passive
recipients of instructions?

- The learners are involved in these particular process trough giving them tasks,
giving them knowledge which really useful and measuring them on how and what did
they learnt from the particular lesson.

Was the emphasis mastery for the lesson for the test? Prove.

-The emphasis of the lesson is probably trough test and also when they are using it in
real life. When theteacher giving test to the learner particulary in reading practice she
did know if how the student master reading. Was the emphasis the students’
application of the lesson in real life? Give proofs.

-Resource teacher lesson about how the relation of human in mother earth. The
application of it in real life is that ‘’ all human must to care the environment impact if
we don’t, we can maybe destroy it.’’ Avoid burning trash and recycle the recyclable
Was class atmosphere competitive? Why?

-The atmosphere is one of the biggest part of learning and as I observed in this
particular classroom is too competitive beacause it has a suitable chairs for children,
good air condition and has a educational post around the room . Was class atmosphere
collaborative? Why?

-Yes the room is comptable for the learners as I saw they had a alphabet posts in the
fron suitable blackboard and well manage things inside the classroom.

Between teacher student-centered approaches, the latter must be more

pedagogically sound because even the R.A. 10533, the Enhanced Basic education Act
of 2013, mandates it for K to 12. Write your reflections about it. Or is it better to use
both approaches?

-teacher is the source of learning that’s we have to respect them as our second parents,
they consume their time in order to teach the learners, without them we couldn’t learn
and maybe there is no professional nowadays they teach us values, discipline and
knowledge because that is their mission to guide us from their expertise.

-learner is the center of curriculum, we are always involved about gaining knowledge,
we are the constructivist we have to unlock the knowledge inside of our minds
teachers just integrating us with prior information. Learners are must be cooperative,
collaborative and well disciplined.

 Between teacher-centered and

My Learning Portfolio
1. With a graphical organizer, present the pedagogical approaches to the K to 12
Curriculum as stated in R.A. 10533. Give the main features of each approach.
Serving a useful purpose

Bring learners
into equal
Always ask an
information that’s
not really clear
Work jointly on an
activity as a team
to produce something Understandable and specific

2. A student-centered approach is very interactive. Research on at least 3 teaching

learning activities/techniques that can be used at the beginning or end of a lesson. Put
them here.

1. Select activity partner this can create collaboration to the pupils.

2. star teacher oof the day this help teach each other
3. Answer the quizzes or give quizzes the more the student expose to the quizzes, the
more they learn.

My Learning Episode Overview

This Learning Episode is about the guiding principles in the selection and use of the
teaching method. It comes after the FS student has been introduced to methods of
My Intended Learning Outcomes
In this Episode, I must be able to identify the application of some guiding principles
in the selection and use of teaching strategies.
My Performance Criteria
I will be rated through the following:
f. Quality of my observations and documentations,
g. Completeness and depth of my analysis,
h. Depth and clarity of my classroom observation-based reflections,
i. Completeness, organizations, clarity of my portfolio and
j. Time of submission of my portfolio.

My Learning Essentials

My Map
I will observe at least 3 Resource Teachers, analyze and reflect on my observations.
To reach my Target, I will follow the following steps:
My Learning Activities
I will observe one class by using an Observation Sheet for greater focus then
analyze my observations with the help of guide questions. I will write down my
reflections on my observations and experiences.

Resource Teacher: Teacher’s Signature School:

Grade/Year Level: Subject Area: Date:
Guiding Principles in the Selection and
Use of Strategies Teaching Behavior of the Resource Teacher that Applies the

1. The more senses that are involved, the more, and the better the learning.
Teacher used story book to open the curiousities of the learners into the particular
2. Learning is an active process.
The teacher teached them a values to respect elders and exercise maintaine the
learners health.
3. A non-threatening atmosphere enhances learning. Teaching learners a basic lesson
again and again every school day to master the particular lesson without threatening.
4. Emotion has the power to increase retention and learning.
Teacher show a little anger to get the attention of learners afterwards motivating
5. Good teaching goes beyond recall of information.
Teacher always recalling the lesson past day for a brief words before they proceed in
the another topic.
6. Learning is meaningful when it is connected to student’s everyday life.
Teacher connected the lesson into the hobbies of a children nowadays like in a
cartoon movie caracter, batman, superman etc.
7. An integrated teaching approach is far more effective than teaching isolated bits of
information. The teacher teach the general term of the lesson just for the children to
have an idea to the lesson, its better to broad than specific which much easy to forget.

My Analysis
1. Did you find the Teacher adhering to all the principles of teaching-learning? Was
there any principle that was violated? Explain your answer.

o As I observed the resource teacher did her best by adhering all aspect of the
principle but no one is perfect maybe sometimes she violates it but she did it for a
good reason. Sometimes human have to lie in order sacrifice something for the good
of others.
o It is actually yes because as I saw on that particular class, there are something that
you can how they learnt and how they applied it.

2. Which principle of teaching was not applied, hence not observed? If not applied
can you of an instance where it could have been applied?

o I don’t know because of a lack of time that have been given to us that’s why I don’t
have an idea about this question.

My Learning Portfolio
Are the pedagogical approaches to K to 12 as stipulated in Enhanced Basic Education

Act of 2013 based on these principles of teaching-learning? (Refer to R.A. 10533,

Sec. 4 for the pedagogical approaches). Come up with a table like this.
Pedagogical Approach to K to 12

1. Constructivist Principle of Teaching

1. Good teaching goes beyond recall of information.

2. Learning is meaningful when it is connected to student’s everyday lives.

2. Inquiry-based
1. Learning is an active process.

2. The more senses that are involved, the more and the better the learning.

3. Developmentally appropriate 1. A non-threatening atmosphere enhances learning.

2. Emotion has the power to increase retention and learning

4. Reflective 1. The more senses that are involved, the more and the better the
2. Emotion has the power to increase retention and learning

5. Inclusive 1. An integrated teaching approach is far more effective than teaching

isolated bits of information.
2. The more senses that are involved, the more, and the better the learning.

6. Collaborative 1. Learning is an active process.

2. A non-threatening atmosphere enhances learning.

7. Integrative 1. Learning is meaningful when it is connected to student’s everyday

2. An integrated teaching approach is far more effective than teaching isolated bits of

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