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BLINDED • Incapacitated, can’t move, and can SQUEEZING

• Fails checks that require sight barely speak You can squeeze through a space one size
• Attack rolls against target have Creature automatically fails Str and Dex
• smaller than you. This counts as difficult
advantage saves. terrain, and you have disadvantage on
• Disadvantage on attack rolls • Attack rolls against target have attacks and Dexterity saving throws.
advantage Attackers have advantage to hit.
• Can’t target the charmer U NCONSCIOUS
• Charmer has advantage on ability • Incapacitated, can’t move, speak, or SURPRISE
checks to interact with the target sense Contest stealth by passive perception.
DEAFENED • Drops whatever it’s holding Those who fail spend first round being
• Fails Str and Dex saves surprised. If multiple creatures make
• Fails checks that require hearing
• Attack rolls against the creature have stealth check and some fail, those
FRIGHTENED advantage
• Creature has disadvantage on ability • Adjacent attackers automatically creatures are surprised for the first round
checks and attack rolls when source of of combat as well.
fear is within line of sight
• Creature can’t willingly move closer to EXHAUSTION ACTIONS IN COMBAT
source of fear 1: Disadvantage on ability checks
2: Speed halved
3: Disadvantage attacks and saves
• Not actually a “condition” 4: Half HP • Cast a spell
• Speed = 0 5: Speed reduced to 0 • Dash
• Ends if creature is removed from reach, 6: Death • Disengage
or if grappler is incapacitated • Dodge
• Can’t take actions or reactions DYING • Hide
INVISIBLE When you drop to 0 HP you gain 1 level • Ready
• Impossible to see of fatigue*. You are not unconscious, just • Improvise
• Unseen attacker, unseen target rules expending all effort and focus on • Search
apply remaining so. Can scream/gasp out words • Use an object/item (1 free)
PARALYZED etc. On death, you may perform a miracle SPECIAL ACTIONS
• Incapacitated, can’t move or talk of sorts (e.g. curse the monster, free • Aim* (requires concentration)
• Fails Str and Dex saves critical hit, or channel your soul into your • Disarm (size matters)
• Attack rolls against creature have weapon to make it forever magical)*. • Distract (disadvantage on save)
advantage • Goad* (performance or must attack)
• Any attack from within 5 feet is a FALLING • Grapple
critical hit 1d6/10 ft fallen, land prone. Can make • Grapple Climb (for small creatures)
PETRIFIED acrobatics check Contested by distance • Overrun (or BA)
fallen to land upright and okay*. • Shove (size matters)
• Turned into an inanimate substance
• Throw* (ranged attack)
• Incapacitated, can’t move, speak, or
sense anything • Tumble (or BA)
• Resistance to all damage DC 10 or half of the damage taken, or
• Fails Str and Dex saves incapacitated, or distracted.
• Attack rolls against the creature have OVEREXERTION*
advantage Can take an extra non-attack, non-spell
SUFFOCATING action at the cost of one level of
• Immune to new poisons and diseases You can hold your breath for a number of
• Weight increases by factor of 10 temporary exhaustion whenever you wish.
rounds equal to your Constitution Remove one level of temporary
POISONED modifier, minimum one*. If you run out
• Disadvantage on attack rolls and ability of breath or are being choked, you can exhaustion per Short Rest, and all on
checks Long Rest. When you roll a critical hit,
survive a number of rounds equal to your you may exert for free.
PRONE Constitution modifier, minimum one. At
• Can crawl at half speed the start of your next turn, you are dying,
• Disadvantage on attacks drop to 0 HP, and can’t be stabilized or STUNTS*
• Adjacent enemies have advantage on regain HP until breath. Players can attempt to bend the rules by
attacks, otherwise have disadvantage doing a ‘stunt’. DC = 10 + 5 per rule that
RESTRAINED is broken, using whatever skill relevant.
COVER On failure, they fail their stunt, their turn
• Speed = 0 Draw a line from attacker to all corners of
• Attack rolls against creature have target. If 1–2 lines are blocked, target has ends, and…
advantage, creature has disadvantage on 1/2 cover, +2 AC and Dex saves. If 3–4 - Op. attack against them and/or
attacks - Fall prone
are blocked, then target has 3/4 cover, +5
• Disadvantage on Dex saves AC and Dex saves.
SURVIVAL STATS* Add or subtract for the following
Hunger, thirst, and fatigue must all be conditions
managed to avoid becoming exhausted. Conditions Bonus
Each day, they tick up unless they are Mattress +5
counteracted by food, water, and rest. Indoors +5
Dawn: +1 hunger and thirst Tent +0
Noon: +1 fatigue Sleeping Pad +0
Dusk: +1 hunger, thirst, and fatigue No Roof -5
If your stats ever go to 5 or 6, you gain a No Sleeping Pad -5
level of exhaustion. You can go to 0,
giving -1 exhaustion, though it requires INITIATIVE*
twice the rations/sleep to go from 1 to 0. Whoever acted first goes first. If unclear,
roll initiative. Add Dex and Int. They may
OVERLAND TRAVEL* pass turn to whoever they wish, though if
While traveling, their is a chance players you take damage you may ‘interrupt’ to
might get lost if not on a road or near a steal initiative. Everyone must go in a
river. At end of day, roll Int check. On round before next round.
failure, you are lost, on success, you are
on the right path, or if lost, find out you SKILLS & SAVES*
are lost. If lost, roll d6 at end of day. On 1 Use passive scores for passive actions,
or 2, lose ground, on 6 go in right and active rolls for active actions. If a
direction. player needs to make a non-combat save,
FAST PACE have a chance to respond.
30 m/d, 4 m/h, 400 ft/min
Can’t forage, -5 to passive perception, DC HELP & GROUP CHECKS*
15 Int or lost. Requires proficiency to take aid action. In
NORMAL PACE group checks, the best or worst player
24 m/d, 3 m/h, 300 ft/min makes the roll, no one else. Finding door,
Can forage, normal perception, DC 10 or the best player. Avoiding notice, the worst
lost. player.
18 m/d, 2 m/h, 200 ft/min ENCUMBRANCE*
Can forage, can be stealthy, Navigation Your regular carrying capacity equals 5
check made with advantage. times your Str score. You can carry up to
10 times your Str score, though half speed
HUNGER AND THIRST* and DC 20 Con (Athletics) check every
RATIONS hour or one level of exhaustion. Can push/
You require two rations of food and water drag up to 15 times your Str. Ignore armor
each day. Both food and water rations a n d y o u r p r i m a r y w e a p o n w h e n
each weigh 2 lbs. A waterskin can carry 2 calculating.
rations of water. (4 lbs/day)
Can forage while traveling. DC 10 • Goodberry heals for 1 hp per berry,
survival check, gain 1d4 rations on nothing else
success. If everyone fails, no water. • Regular dark-vision becomes dim-
Conditions Bonus vision, superior dark-vision becomes
Abundant/Scarce +/- 5 regular dark-vision
Plethora/Desert +/- 10 • Being blind gives half-speed


When you sleep, make a sleep check to AC - Atk. Bonus Min Attackers
remove levels of exhaustion and fatigue, 1–5 1
and then half of your spent Hit Dice. 6–12 2
Roll Fatigue Exhaustion 13–14 3
20 3 2 15–16 4
15–19 3 1 17–18 5
10–14 2 1 19 10
5–9 1 1 20 20
0–5 1 0
LYING/PERSUASION* MAGIC ITEMS • The guards are both called away to deal
with rowdy prisoners
-10: The truth Rarity Lvl Bonus Value • Find a source of free healing
-5: Probably true C >0 - 50–100g gp DOWNBEATS
0: Don’t know UC >0 - 101–500 gp • Villain shows up
5: Probably lying R >4 +1 501–5,000 gp • Lone guard shows up to go to privy
10: A lie VR >10 +2 5,001–50,000 gp • Terrible storm hits the night of the heist
TRUTH: INSIGHT + PERSUASION L >16 +3 50,000+ gp • Sewers overflow
10: A lie • The inn catches fire
15: Probably lying • The suspect wakes up
20: Not sure
WEAPON UPGRADES* • The interrogated victim dies
Re-balance the weapon • The key falls down the well
25: Probably true
+1 AB 100x cost U • The burgled merchant is close friends
30: The truth
+2 AB 500x cost R with the thieves guild
+3 AB 1000x cost VR • An ally turns on them
Campfire, Campfire 1d10 +1 DMG 100x cost U ALL RACES
Lightning 2d10 +2 DMG 500x cost R
Falling rubble, Vat of acid 4d10 +3 DMG 1000x cost VR
• Dwarves, Stone*, Hill, Sun*, Fiero*,
Heavy rocks, Wade thru Lava 10d10 ARMOR Winter*, Duergar
Crashing fort, Lava 18d10 +1 AC 100x cost R • Dragonborn, Chromatic, Metallic
+2 AC 500x cost VR • Elves, Valerian, Sun*, Moon*, Gocai,
PRICES +3 AC 1000x cost L Sea, Drow, Eladrin
$1 = 1 cp = .1 sp = .01 gp • Gnomes, Brighteye, Wildfoot, Sverf-
Taxi 3 cp/mile WHEN • Half-Elves
Unskilled Labor 2 cp/day • In the hands of enemies • Halflings, Stout, Lightfoot, Ghostwise,
Skilled Labor 2 gp/day • Story element Darkling*
Messenger 2 cp/mile • Vehicles for secrets and clues • Half-Orcs
Ship’s Passage 1 cp/mile • Character specific • Humans, Common, Synthia*
GOODS • Random locations RARE
Ale 4 cp TYPES • Aarakokra, Eagle*, Falcon*, Macaw*,
Wine 4 sp • Currency, Art (not just paintings), Owl*, Condor*
Terrible Inn 7 cp Jewelry, Trinkets • Aasimar, Protector, Scourge, Fallen
Typical Inn 5 sp • Amulets, armor, cloaks, oils, potions, • Bugbears
Expensive Inn 3 gp rings, rods, scrolls, staffs, wands, and • Centaur
Terrible Meal 3 cp weapons. • Cogmen*, Vedalken Design, Gnomish
Typical Meal 1 sp • Affects: HP, AC, damage, ability score, Design
Expensive Meal 1 gp resistances, skills, spells, summons, • Fairies*, Mosswing, Snapdragon, Lily-
WEAPONS* conditions, mind
Small, Simple .5–2 gp • Cursed/Drawback Items • Firbolgs
Small, Complex 10–25 gp • Genasi
Large, Simple .2–5 gp TRAPS, HAZARDS & TERRAIN • Goblins
Large, Complex 10–75 gp • Goliaths
• Presence: Pressure plate, tripwire,
ARMOR* entrance, removal of an item. • Grung
Simple 5–30 gp • Hobgoblins
• Effect: Damage, exhaustion, condition,
Medium 45–200 gp curse, movement/teleportation, illusion, • Kalashtar
Complex 400–1,500 gp charms, ability modifiers, monsters, HP, • Kenku
AC, AB • Kobolds
• Lizardfolk
Roll a different die depending on UPBEATS • Ratfolk*
settlement size. Metropolis: d20, City: • Stumble upon secret • Simic Hybrid
d10, Town: d8, Village: d6, Hamlet: d4. • Find treasure • Tabaxi
On above minimum, desired item present. • Adversary mistakes them for ally • Tieflings
Rarity Min. Roll • Enemy of characters switches sides • Tortles
Common 1 • Environment only negatively effects • Triton
Uncommon 5 monsters, not players • Vedalken
Rare 8 • Minions flee • Warforged, Juggernaut, Skirmisher,
Very Rare 15 • Monster’s weapon shatters Envoy
Legendary 20 • Leader messes up summoning • Yuan-ti, Painted Hood*, Silver Fang

CR Prof. AC HP AB DPR DC Drain levels, immune to mind effects, poison, or disease,
0 2 13 6 3 1 13 vulnerable to holy attacks.
1/8 2 13 35 3 3 13 PARAGON*
1/4 2 13 49 3 5 13 Double HP, extra turn in initiative per health-bar, abilities/style/
1/2 2 13 70 3 8 13 equipment might change on first death, two-turn setups, player
1 2 13 85 3 14 13
2 2 13 100 3 20 13 triggers, auras.
3 2 13 115 4 26 13
4 2 14 130 5 32 14 EXPERIENCE AWARDS*
5 3 15 145 6 38 15 Award half XP for incomplete achievement, and 50% more or
6 3 15 160 6 44 15 less XP for an easier or more difficult encounter.
7 3 15 175 6 50 15 Type Level of Challenge
8 3 16 190 7 56 16 1 2 3-5 6-8 9
9 4 16 205 7 62 16
10 4 17 220 7 68 16 Encounter 50 100 250 750 1200
11 4 17 235 8 74 17 Random Fight 5 10 25 75 120
12 4 17 250 8 80 17 Discovery 25 50 125 375 600
13 5 18 265 8 86 18
14 5 18 280 8 92 18 QUICK QUEST & RUMOR BUILDER
15 5 18 195 8 98 18 NPC Job What Condition
16 5 18 310 9 104 18 Bureaucrat Protect Assassins Leave no trace
17 6 19 325 10 110 19 Diplomat Thwart Plan BBEG
18 6 19 340 10 116 19
19 6 19 355 10 122 19 Alchemist Hide Antidote Plague
20 6 19 400 10 128 19 Bounty hunter Discover Fate Lost
Priest Expose Corrupt prince Now evil ally
Cryptic figure Destroy Evil artifact Old enemy
MONSTER TYPES Mage Investigate Phenomenon First
ABERRANT Smuggler Rescue Pirates Sanctioned
Bizarre anatomy, inflict madness, telekinesis, telepathy, Merchant Recover Exotic goods Burning
tentacles that cast spells, saves against magic. Baron Escort Food & water Parasites
ANIMAL Ex-adventurer Explore Ruins Vampires
Additional movement type, charge, increased sense, overrun, Elf Kill Master Full moon
trample. Noblewoman Capture Slaves Faulty info
CELESTIAL Duchess Steal Good artifact Shift blame
Blinding, healing, magic resistance, support spells, light. Farmer’s wife Investigate Mystery Trap
CONSTRUCT Monster slayer Prevent Religion figure Disaster
It can’t be bargained with. It can’t be reasoned with. It doesn’t Astrologer Decipher Militia W/ apprentice
feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop. Councilor Burn Heirloom Capital
DRAGON Guard Hunt down Robber Deadline
Breath a damage type, fly, immunity to a damage type, inflict Druid Slander Competition Publicly
fear, saves against magic, shape change. Prostitute Incriminate Nobleman Imposter
Leatherworker Get rid of Ancient tome Awake evil
ELEMENTAL Carpenter Drive off Wilderness Moral dilemma
Body shape modification, damaging aura, fly or burrow, Shoe Maker Rile Dragon Start war
vulnerability to opposite element, summon minor elementals.
Amphibious, cast charm and dancing lights, create illusions,
increased senses, invisibility, read minds, shape-change. PERSONALITY
Haughty, determined, cryptic, cunning, guarded, wary, angry,
arrogant, charming, frightened, terrifying, stuffy, shady,
Banishment, fly, immunity to fire, summon minor devils,
miserable, confused, excited, hateful, simpering, weary, sweet
telepathy, teleportation.
Eye patch, missing tooth, beer-belly, heavy beard, wispy
Damage resistance, massive damage, innate spellcasting.
mustache, water eyes, balding, grizzled, tattooed, huge earring,
HUMANOID muscled, overweight, underweight, spectacled, sick, hairy,
Bull rush, cleave, disarm, dodge, flank, grapple, inspire, shield bulbous nose, deep scar, food-filled teeth.
bash, two-weapon fighting, whirlwind attack.
OOZE Missing both little fingers, nervous twitch, massive jewelry,
Acid damage, acid resistance, envelop characters, body shape burned hand, branded, missing ear, bruised, no teeth, pet bird,
modification, immune to magic, reach, split when hit. filthy, demented, always sketching
Cast entangle and wall of thorns, dominate minds with spores, Possessed, disguised, plagued, swirling stone in eye, iron arm,
envelop characters, immobilize with vines, poison damage. iron jaw, sharpened teeth, blood filled eye, broken limbs

Temple Wizard’s Vault Ritual ancient sacrifice HUMAN STARTS
Prison Volcano Source of evil As Has Khe Zash Gl Ig Iv Kos
Dwarven dam Chambers War machines Miv Pav Ser Dar Even Gor Rand Sto
Twisted castle Noble society Devoured inhabitants Tam Barer Keth Mum Mar Burg Al Hel
Decaying hills Catacombs Blighted Wrayt S Eag Eath Joan Answ L Ot
Laboratory Caverns Collapsing Ced At Tal Ham Jasm Mail Yash Row
Floating island Elemental Lords Home to wyvern HUMAN MALE ENDS
Meteorite Ancient dead aliens Overgrown Eir Eid Eed El Ar An Or Ef
Giant machine Always moving Devours cities Al Vin Orn Dur Stag Elm Ur Us
Tombs Ice sheet Undead inhabitants
Giant orb Sanctuary in Astral Sea Deceased lich
Er Ey A E Il Elia Ya Ed
Celestial castle Mountaintop Unreachable
Eue Ild Oane Yne Orna Ie Ala Erri
Pyramid Twisted king’s legacy Eternal damnation
Library Endless maze Forbidden knowledge DWARF STARTS
Theatre Random location Plays leak into reality Adr Alber Ba Bar Gar Kildr Kath Dies
Natural caves Beneath old tree Blood filled Eld Gurd Har Morg Or Rur Mar Vis
Basement Below inn Long forgotten Jen Torg Tak Thor End Ris Em Gunn
Wizards vault Beneath city rubble Sentient DWARF MALE ENDS
Crashed airship Deep in the woods Illusional Ik Ich Ern End Tor Nor In Rak
Gen Sik Gran Linn Vok Brek Dal Gar
Armory Water supply Ber Tin Hild Dryn A Eth Runn Ellen
Barracks Statues Loda Dis Ja Lin Ra Tyrd De Rasa
Kitchen Teleports ELF STARTS
Pantry Elevator Ad All Aram Berri Car Enial Gann Im
Laboratory Stairs Per Sorvi Var Adr An Beth Bir Jelen
Crypt Ladder Key Lesh Mer Mia Naiv Quel Sar Shan
Guardroom Machinery ELF MALE ENDS
Kennel Pillars An Ar Il Rian Ric Is Dan Arai
Menagerie Pedestals Meral Cian En Rion Ialis Ior Nan Kas
Library Pillars ELF FEMALE ENDS
Living quarters Pools Rie Aea Striana Inua Rynna Ilia Na Neth
Museum Fall-ins Leth Iel Lee Qui Astra Ia Ania Ynn
Privy Chimneys Al An C Cor Eld Er Finn Gar
Throne room Steam vents Lin Mer Os Per Ros An Cal Cor
Temple Corpse Kith Lav Ned Pae Seraph T V Chen
Torture room Tools
Treasury Maps/Map-art
Ton Der Ade Rin Don Rich Nan Ret
Waste room Fountains
Al Born Coe By Fire Yas Dal Yle
Workshop Books
Summoning chamber Monsters Dry Ree Lie Ora Emia Ian Ri Inia
Ina Aena Ani Erna Lyse La Da Aela
ROOM EFFECTS Are Bala Bhar Don Gh Hesk Med Meh
Unholy circle Steals life Dripping acid Nad Pand Patr Sham Shed Ak Bir Farid
Skull glyph Aura of rage Thick fog Fla Ka Ko Mish Thav Uad Eder Hener
Summoning circle Constant minions Earthquake DRAGONBORN MALE ENDS
Obelisk Radiates arcane power Hallucinogens Han Asar Ash Aar Esch An Rash En
Flaming cauldron Spurts fire On fire Arr Jed Rin Gar Zar Dinn Hun Rek
Gargoyle Spits poison Bloodlust
Stone Basilisk Petrifies viewers Uneven time
Ra Ir Eh Ann Ilar Rinn Ann La
Warrior statue Swings axe No healing
Ra A Ina Va Hit Ederei Ere Eila
Dragon head Breathes fire Magic wards
Bloody stone lips Psychic damage aura Icy floors MISC STARTS
Sunbeam Deal extra damage Freezing mist Alu Stos Fa Ravay Leo Stok Vic El
Delicate urns Poison gas Lots of oil Yeng Car Ric Ar Guir Es My Pey
Steel rods High static electricity Weather MISC ENDS
Orel Aadi Ina Ceryn Vyn Ahn Aver Eiros
Kain Retor Ella Lannan Aella Vyre Pet Ikos

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