IELTS Academic Writing Task 2

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Writing Task 2 (an essay)

There are parents who decide to stay home and look after their families, mostly mothers.
Some argue that the government should pay stay-at-home parents. To what extent to you
agree or disagree?

Many people think it’s the government’s responsibility to ensure a country has a healthy
lifestyle. Others believe it’s up to individuals to ensure a healthy lifestyle. Discuss and state
your opinion. Include relevant examples from your country.

The movement of people from agricultural areas to big cities caused problems in both places.
In your opinion, what is the reason for this problem? How can it be solved?

These days, people tend to easily buy new things and throw away the old ones, even though
they still can be used. Is this a positive or a negative development?

More and more people work today in the large cities. Which problems can it cause? How
should the governments encourage people to stay in the small regional towns?

International exchange programmes for teenage school students have more advantages than
disadvantages. To what extent do you agree? Give examples from your own experience.

Pollution and other environmental damage are inevitable results when a country is developing
and growing its wealth. To what extent you agree or disagree?

“The first car appeared on Britain’s road in 1888. By the year 2000 there may be as
many as 29 million vehicles on British roads. Alternative forms of transport should
be encouraged and international laws introduced to control car ownership and use.
What are your views?”

I think this is a situation essay because it is talking about a problem and is looking at a
possible solution.

Essay plan

Introduction paragraph
Here you should explain what is the problem, what is it’s reason and it’s consequences.
The problem is traffic congestion and a higher number of traffic accidents, the roads are
jammed and the environment suffers from increasing amounts of pollution.

First body paragraph – an explanation of the reasons for this situation

The reason is people are accustomed to using their own cars and that population growth
combined with higher living standards means that more and more people own cars.
Second body paragraph – a possible solution (alternative transport)
Explain what forms of public transport should be developed more and why the state they
are now is not sufficient to convince people use the public transport. How exactly can
government develop the public transport and how can it encourage people use it.
Third body paragraph – another possible solution (laws to control cars ownership)
Write about what kind of laws can be introduced world wide to limit the number of cars
per family / per company. Write whether or not you think it will work and why.

Conclusion paragraph
Summarize what was said before, do not add new information.
“Today a lot of different cultures and ethnic groups live together in one country. Why is
this so and do you think this is a positive or negative development?”

Essay plan 2

Introduction paragraph
In the introduction paragraph you should first explain about the situation, mention its
reason and consequences:
Example: Due to the highly developed technology, advanced communication channels
and massive amounts of information delivered by media about various countries, people
get more motivated to leave their home country and move somewhere else in the world.
In turn, this creates a situation where well-developed and thus desired countries are
getting filled of a mixture of cultures, all brought by immigrants. As beneficial as this
development is to the well-being of a country, it’s drawbacks shouldn’t be forgotten.

First body paragraph – 1 point against multicultural society

 People stick to their own ethnic group and don’t interact with other groups, thus
creating the opposite of united society.
Make that point, explain why this is so and why this is bad for the country. Then mention
the good sides of cultural mix to smoothly move on to the 2nd paragraph.

Second body paragraph – 1 point for multicultural society

 People from various cultures contribute in multiple different ways to development
because they bring with them different sets of skills, characteristic to their home country.
Make that point, explain why this is happening and why this is to the benefit of the new

Third body paragraph – 1 point for multicultural society

 People broaden each other’s horizons by exposing a larger audience to the traditions
of their own country.
Make that point, explain how this is happening and what are the benefits for the new

Summarize what was already said without adding new information, express your own

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