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Solution Study

Insights, Landscape, & Vendor Analysis

Solution Study

Table of Contents
1 Executive Summary 03

2 What is Mobile Marketing? 05

3 Mobile Marketing Maturity Model 08

4 Benefits of Mobile Marketing 11

5 Mobile Marketing Deployment Lifecycle 13

6 Vendor Selection Criteria 16

7 Mobile Marketing Solutions Landscape 20

8 Analyst Bottom Line 25

Action Plan 26

Our Solution Study Methodology 37

About 38
Solution Study

Executive Summary

Executive Summary
It has been said that “All Marketing is Digital Marketing,” and with
good reason! In the last decade, marketing has been transformed.
This Solution Study covers:
Marketing has moved from an environment in which traditional marketing,
brick and mortar storefronts, and Digital Marketing options all competed What is Mobile Marketing?
for the time, attention, and resources of the marketing department to
one in which Digital Marketing reigns supreme (with an occasional nod
in the direction of the storefront or traditional marketing channels, such
as direct mail and print advertising).
Benefits of Mobile Marketing

In our Digital Marketing Solution Study Series, we examine five

components of Digital Marketing. In this report, we will focus on the Mobile Marketing
growing practice area of Mobile Marketing.
Deployment Lifecycle

Vendor Selection Criteria

Mobile Marketing
Solutions Landscape

Action Plan

Solution Study

What is Mobile Marketing?


What is Mobile Marketing?

Demand Metric defines Mobile Marketing as: We will examine the landscape, vendors, and solutions for two categories
of Mobile Marketing – Mobile Application Development Frameworks and
Platforms, and Mobile Content Development & Management Platforms –
Strategies, processes, tools, and technologies
to enable marketers to incorporate Mobile Marketing within their broader
that support the development, deployment,
Digital Marketing Strategy.
management, and measurement of marketing
activities via mobile devices, primarily smart- Demand Metric believes that an effective Mobile Marketing strategy and
phones and tablets running iOS, Android, Kindle, deployment must be multi-channel, device agnostic, and provide Enter-
or Windows operating systems. prise system integration as well as web server application development
and management.

The introduction of the iPhone in 2007 and the iPad in 2010 changed Role in Digital Marketing
everything. Prior to this, the primary benefit of a cell phone was that it was
Demand Metric considers Mobile Marketing to be an integral part of Digital
Marketing as illustrated by the Digital Marketing Roles Matrix (next page).
Then in one (or two) sweeps, the mobile computing device landscape
Mobile Marketing processes and technologies are used primarily by
was born.
Product Marketing, which is responsible for developing and deploying
Today, anyone who hits a non-responsive website (a website not able to mobile apps.
detect a mobile device and provide an optimal viewing experience for
That said, several other roles contribute to developing these apps,
that device) is immediately frustrated and likely to quickly click away. For
including Strategic Comm, Demand Gen, Content Marketing, Social Media,
Modern Marketers, that’s a big problem that this report is designed to help
and Customer Experience.
you solve.

The insights and analysis presented in this report provide marketers

with a solid understanding of the current Mobile Marketing environment.
Roles Matrix


Revenue Accountability Budgeting & Planning WCM Thought Leadership Blog Revenue by Channel
Staffing & Channel Management Reviews & Coaching Marketing Automation Webinar Presentations Customer Lifetime Value, NPS
Management Conference Keynotes Return on Customer (ROC)
Reporting to CEO/Board Recruitment & Retention CRM

Brand Strategy Digital Marketing Budget WCM Data Sheets, Whitepapers Market Share, Profitability
Marketing Strategy Social Agency Management Content Marketing Platforms Case Studies/Testimonials Brand Equity
Mobile Marketing Strategy Communications Management Social Media Platforms Competitive Analysis Content Usage

Lead Generation & Events Advertising/Sponsorship Marketing Automation/Email Advertising/SEO Campaign ROI, Email Metrics
Inbound/Outbound Marketing Lead Generation Digital Asset Management Email Campaigns Marketing Qualified Leads
Generation Event/Survey Management Contribution to Pipeline
Sales Opportunity Management Tradeshows Webinars

Web Content Management Content Creation WCM, Blogging Platforms, MA Website and Blogs Content Views, Links Earned
Content Marketing Campaign Analysis Content Mktg & Distribution eBooks, Articles Content Conversion
Marketing Content Distribution Video Marketing Platforms Content Published
Content Scoring Videos

Online Community Management Community Development WCM Posts, Tweets, Photos User Engagement
Community &
Social Listening Social Channel Management Social Media Platforms Forums, Chats, Comments Sentiment Analysis
Social Media Social Reputation Management Social Channels & Networks
Social Engagement Articles, Community News Campaign ROI

External Communications Influencer Identification Media Contact Database News Content/Press Releases Mentions/Impressions
Public Relations Media Relations Relationship Cultivation News Distribution & Monitoring Thought Leadership Content Audience Growth & Engagement
Analyst Relations Content Creation/Distribution Analytics & Reporting Rich Social Media Content Sentiment Analysis

New Product Development Product Launch WCM New Features/Ideas for R&D Avg. Revenue Per User
Mobile App Development Product Positioning Mobile Development Platforms Gamification Avg. Order Value
Marketing Video Production/Development Competitive Analysis Video Production Platforms Competitive Analysis Conversion Rate, Renewal Rate

Interactive Experience Customer Experience Customer Profile Management Buyer Personas Customer Satisfaction Index
Customer Satisfaction Customer Journey Mapping Customer Support, Twitter Customer Journey Map Customer Lifetime Value
Experience Customer Advocacy Customer Persona Creation Survey & Social Channels Proposals, Presentations Net Promoter Score (NPS)

Mobile Marketing Maturity Model

A modern marketing organization that desires to align itself for Mobile Our Maturity Model shows the progression of an organization from Stage 1
Marketing must focus on eight core areas, which are: (Undefined) to Stage 4 (World Class) in each of these areas.

Orientation: Covers how well defined the organization’s strategies Level of Commitment
and processes for Mobile Marketing are addressed. The strength of the commitment and the focus on excellence in Mo-
bile Marketing initiatives and campaigns drives other best practices.
Leadership: Covers the strength of the leadership commitment to
Mobile Marketing. Planning
Mobile Marketers create strategies, goals, and KPIs for
Development Focus: Covers how the organization handles the every point of their Mobile Marketing effort.
mobile development process.

Technology & Interoperability: Covers the strength of interoperability Processes

Mobile Marketers develop measurable processes for
between mobile and other marketing-related Enterprise systems. each phase to ensure progress and success.

Customer Engagement: Covers the progress of mobile content

creation and engagement.
World Class Organizations ensure that sufficient resources (time, talent,
tools, money) exist for each initiative, campaign, and phase of their plan.
Budget & Staff: Covers how well resourced the organization is in
time, money, and talent dedicated to Mobile Marketing.
Management & Policy: Covers how strong policies and plans for World Class companies effectively manage the change,
progress, and results of Mobile Marketing efforts.
mobile devices and app lifecycle management are addressed.

Metrics: Covers the strength of the analytics to monitor, track, and

measure Mobile Marketing efforts within the organization. This Demand Metric Maturity Model can be used in combination with the
vendor landscape analysis and charts in the Mobile Marketing Solutions
Landscape section of this report to enable a modern marketing organi-
zation to move forward in maturity for both MADPs and MCDPs.
Maturity Model

STAGE 4 - World-Class
STAGE 3 - Mature
STAGE 2 - Progressive
Mobile STAGE 1 - Undefined
Marketing Defined, integrated strategy for Mobile
Marketing exists across the Enterprise;
Defined, integrated strategy and
Campaigns are tracked & measured by
Defined strategy and processes exist processes exist for Mobile Marketing
level of engagement & revenue impact
No defined strategy or process for for Mobile Marketing in uncoordinated across an Enterprise.
Mobile Marketing pockets in an organization

Views mobile as strategic function;

Long-tern commitment; willing participant; Fully funds; Organization aligned
Views mobile as new marketing Resources for growth around mobile as a marketing
Leadership Skeptical of value of Mobile Marketing; channel; Allocates budget & staff “spear point”
Willing to fund isolated projects and/ resources
or test pilot

End-to-end platform development,

Robust platform for native, web & deployment & engagement; Applica-
Basic design, develop & deploy tools hybrid development with focus on
Development Ad hoc app development; Focuses
tion Generator for write once deploy
for native, web & hybrid development; customization, interaction & app devel- everywhere
Focus on device & software used; Relies Focus on visual & audio customer opment integration
on point tools experience

Uses MBaaS for shared infrastruc-

Enterprise interoperability includes full ture for app execution; Mobile opti-
Technology & Support for app lifecycle management, security, synchronization & deployment mized APIs for public and Enterprise
Interoperability Templates for fast development; multiple plug-ins for customization; connectors
No interoperability with Enterprise Limited interoperability with systems
Maturity Model
Marketing STAGE 1 - Undefined STAGE 2 - Progressive STAGE 3 - Mature STAGE 4 - World-Class

Comprehensive content engagement

Full-function mobile content engagement & monetization; Metrics for mobile
Customer engagement via mobile & monetization; Includes app customiza- personas & usage patterns; Multi-
Customer Facilitates content creation, delivery payments, content & subscription tion, asset management, localization, etc. device webs
Engagement and engagement with mobile management and multi-channel
website editors, support for QR messaging
codes and NFC tags

Budget connected to marketing goals;

Budget with business case to justify Organization aligned for maximum
Budget & Budget allocated; Defined roles & spend; Dedicated internal point person for impact in Mobile Marketing
No budget exists; Spending & staffing responsibilities for Mobile Marketing
Staff Mobile Marketing
is ad hoc

Has robust app & device management

support that includes Enterprise mobile
Has Enterprise device management &
Management & Has department device manage- app lifecycle management policies &
policy and BYOD security
Policy ment & app lifecycle management policy admin function in place
No formal management or policy for
plans in place
mobile app deployment

Enterprise-wide dashboard with

Dashboard monitors app performance, visual representation of user acqui-
Metrics Analytics to monitor & track app perfor- device usage and location; User sition & engagement by behavior,
No formal measurements in place mance such as QR codes, SMS & web engagement by content asset experience, etc.
traffic by device and mobile ads

Want to rate your organization’s Mobile Marketing maturity with an

interactive tool? Download our Mobile Marketing Maturity Assessment VIEW RESOURCE
and get started today!

Solution Study

Benefits of Mobile Marketing


Benefits of Mobile Marketing

The primary benefit and urgency for Mobile Marketing is simply this
– your prospects and customers are using their mobile devices more
than ever. For many, the first connect with your company or offer now is
through a mobile device. The better that experience is, the deeper the
relationship and engagement will be.

The primary benefits of Mobile Marketing include:

1 Provides a consistent customer experience across multiple 8 Changes campaigns that are not converting quickly.
platforms and channels.
9 Collects more relevant and accurate customer data across multiple
2 Creates real-time view of your app portfolio so you know which touchpoints.
apps are popular and which are not.
10 Provides a more personalized, local experience, faster.
3 Offers a critical touchpoint in the customer journey and experience.
11 Leverages your app or mobile site to boost downloads, increase
4 Provides a native mobile customer experience, not one redesigned page views.
from the web.
12 Improves the quality of social sharing & engagement.
5 Integrates view of your customer’s total experience that is not
13 Reduces maintenance and support costs.
fragmented by the device and software they are using.
14 Ensures message consistency across devices and channels.
6 Stays connected to your customer as they move from PC to phone
to tablet and back.

7 Lowers the cost of marketing campaigns.

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