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Leaders are born or made?
A person who holds a dominant or superior position within
his or her field.
Able to exercise a high degree of control or influence over
Come to the forefront in case of crisis, able to think and act
creativity in difficulties.
A process by which one individual influences others toward
the attainment of group or organizational goals.
Leadership is a social influence process.
Leadership elicits voluntary action on the part of the
Leadership results in followers’ behaviour that is purposeful
and goal-directed in an organized setting.
Leadership Theories
Traits Theory
Believes that leaders inherit certain qualities and traits which
indirectly suits to leadership.
Defines as integrated patterns of personal characteristics that
reflects range of individual differences.
Fosters consistent leader effectiveness across a variety of
group and organizational situation.
Leader effectiveness refers to the level of influence, group
satisfaction and overall effectiveness
These leaders portray differences from other people and
possess certain core personality traits which contributes to
their success.


Emotional Leadership Honesty and

maturity core traits integrity

Knowledge of Self -
business Confidence

Behavioural Theories
Leadership capability can be learned rather than being
inherent. It focuses on specific behaviours of a leader.
For behaviourist, leader's behaviour is the best predictors
of one’s influence and results.
Behavioural theories focuses on action which later will be
defined, mostly on describable actions
Transformational Leadership
Known as a new concept of leadership and appears in all level of an
 Characters of this leadership : visionary, inspiring, daring, risk-taker
and thoughtful thinkers.
 4 major factors which needs to be portrayed are
1) Inspirational motivation
2) Intellectual stimulation
3) Idealized influence
4) Individualized consideration
Transactional Leadership
 The main power comes from the formal authority and
responsibility in the organization
 Involves motivation and directing followers through
appealing to their own self –interest.
 The leader believes in motivation which includes reward
and punishment
 It also involves an exchange in order to achieve routine
performance goals
Transformational Leadership Transactional Leadership
Leadership is proactive Leadership is responsive
Works to change the organizational Works within the organizational
culture culture
Motivates and empowers employee Makes the employees achieve
by appealing to higher ideals and organizational objectives through
moral values rewards and punishments
Encourages followers to transcend Motivates followers by appealing
their interest for the group their self - interest
 Is
a belief or hope that another will neither through words,
actions or decisions act opportunistically
Is a key attribute linked to leadership
 Ethics try to create a sense of right and wrong in the
Important due to :
1) Basic human needs
2) Credibility & security
3) Long –term gains
4) Unites people, create leadership and decision making
Creating effective
Generous with
appreciation  Earn respect
by giving one
 Roles are will
Encourage daily
challenges for better
improvement  Master the
communication skill

 Set high Hold strong on

expectation reputation and
Develop successes
from failures
Lead followers Create a fun,
by example enjoyable yet
serious workplace
Decision making
 Important in an organization or management including
 Decision making is crucial and critical to organization
 Some decision are straightforward and some require
critical assessment.
 Decision are choices which occurs as a response to a
 Quality decisions determine the success of an
organization or team.
 Good decision allows a team to be competitive and strive
better in challenging environment.
 Poor and weak decision may affect the chances of
The nature
Programmed •Outlined by rules,
decision policies and procedures

Non programmed •Requires a lot of thinking

decision and critical evaluation
Characteristic Programmed decision Non - programmed
Type of decision Well – structured Poorly structured
Frequency Repetitive and routine Unique and unusual
Goals Clear and specific Unclear
Information Readily available Not available
Consequences Minor Major
Organization level Lower levels Upper levels
Time of solution Short Relatively long

Adapted from Organizational Behaviour : Managing People and Organization

Six Thinking Hats
Six Thinking Hats was created by Edward de Bono
(1985), and published in his book of the same name.
 Is a time-tested tool that boosts creative and
innovative performance.
 Provides a framework to focus and broaden thinking
How to use the hat
1. Use any hat, as often as needed, it can be used singly or
as a sequence of or more.
2. Sequence can be preset or evolving, Not necessary to use
every hat
3. Time under each hat: generally, short
4. Requires discipline from each person to stay focused
Case Study Practice
Case 1
Sarah and Eric are part of a WhatsApp group with other medical
students. Recently, they have been reported to share stories about
patients’ condition and staffs’ performance on Facebook. As the
Head of department, what should you do about this situation?
Case 2
Ramesh is a year four medical student doing his first clinical
placement in a rural area. He was enthusiastic when he first
arrived, then he changed and performed poorly during the
clinical period. How can Ramesh change the situation?
What must he do to gain back that interest of his?
Case 3
Tan is a second year medical student with an excellent
academic record. He enjoyed his first year at medical school,
but is starting to worry about the increasing workload in the
second year. He did not talk to anyone as he felt his fellow
classmates are going through the same thing. He did not
progress well and had difficulties to sleep, this affected his
academic performance and energy level. What should Tan
do? How can he overcome the conflict that he has ?

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