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February 21, 2019 PAGE 9

County officials to update IT policy

The Hot Springs County orthopaedics and other procee- more information on the ser-
Commissioners held their sec- dures through a contract system vice and return in May for a
ond meeting of the month on with various hospitals. followup.
Tuesday afternoon, discussing a Those facilities go under con- The commissioners also talk-
possible upgrade to their health tract with the insurance com- ed with Dean Peranteaux, the
insurance and a new IT policy pany offering package deals county’s IT person, about a new
for the county. for certain proceedures, such countywide IT policy that would
Insurance representative as knee replacements for in- cover computer usage, Internet
Brad Johnson talked with the stance, at a much lower cost. usage and other IT programs.
commissioners about a ‘con- The service would only add $7 The county’s policy hasn’t
cierge program’ that could be or $8 per month to an employ- been updated in nearly 10 years.
added to the current insurance ees current policy. The county attorney will look
policy that would let members The commissioners were in- over the policy and the commis-
somewhat pick and choose terested in the idea and have sioners will vote on it at their
where they go for surgeries, asked Johnson to put together first meeting in March.

Business planning coming in June

Business Continuity Planning business operations, assessing ing responsibilities, and identi-
is an eight-hour, instructor-led the likelihood of potential emer- fying potential hazards.
course designed to teach execu- gencies in their communities, de- The training is sponsored by
tive-level managers and small termining adequacy of existing the Hot Springs County Emer-
business owners how to develop resources and writing a business gency Management Agency and
a comprehensive and effective continuity plan. Participants registration can be found online
business continuity program. then have the opportunity to at by searching
The course is planned for test their plans in the context for events in Thermopolis. A
Wednesday, June 12 from 8 a.m. of a tabletop exercise. FEMA Student Identification
until 5 p.m. at the Thermopolis Topics include, but are not Number is required for registra-
Volunteer Fire Department Fire limited to, articulating impor- tion and can be obtained at cdp.
Hall. The registration deadline is tance of business continuity
Wednesday, May 29, and a mini- plans (BCP), listing costs of de-
mum of 20 registrations must be veloping a BCP, identifying and
received by the deadline to con- categorizing functions critical to
firm the class will be held. business operations, crafting a Hot Springs County
During the course, partici-
pants will learn about the busi-
BCP purpose statement, estab-
lishing a BCP team and assign- Senior Center
ness continuity process, identify-
ing functions necessary to their
• LunCH Menu •
February 25-March 1
ScHOOL MENU Cheese Burgers on a Bun, Lettuce,

What’s For Lunch? Tomato, Sweet Potato Wedge, Gar-
den Salad, Peaches,
Chocolate Chip Cookies

RWE: Tator Tot Casserole TueSdAy

TMS: Chicken Nuggets Oven Fried Chicken, Mashed
THS: Macaroni and Cheese Potatoes and Gravy, Beet Salad,
TUESDAY, FEB. 26 Mandarin Oranges,
RWE: Cheesy Beefy Nachos By Tony Deromedi Gingerbread Cake

TMS: Tacos
THS: Pizza WedneSdAy
The first rule
WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27 Tacos (Soft Shell), Refried Beans,
RWE: Chicken Nuggets of holes: Salsa, Mixed Relish Tray,
TMS: Pancake on a Stick I you are in Fluffy Fruit Cup
THS: Hot Turkey Sandwich one, stop
THURSDAY, FEB. 28 digging. Beef Stroganoff over Noodles,
RWE: Turkey Sandwich
courtesy photos by Matthew McPhie TMS: Salisbury Steak Broccoli, Cinnamon Raisin Roll,
Thank you to our Cream Coleslaw,
Going back up THS: Pork Rib Sandwich
FRIDAY, MARcH 1 customers for your Cherry Fruity Gelatin
Students make the uphill trek during the seniors’ sledding trip in the Bighorn Moun-
TMS: TBA business and patience FrIdAy
tains last week.
while we merge TBA
All meals include vegetable, fruit and milk.
(Menu subject to changes.)
pharmacy data from the Menu subject to change without notice.
acquisition of Shopko. 864-2151
206 Senior Avenue
Your neighborhood pharmacy that

Early runoff forecast numbers released

This menu sponsored by
Equal Housing
Thermopolis has trusted for over 30 years.

864-2369 610 S. 6th St.

(Inside Mack’s Market) WYOMING GAS
If the weather continues along The Bureau of Reclamation between 59 and 73 percent due to Mon.-Fri., 9-6 Serving the communities of Greybull,
Sat., 9-Noon Basin, Burlington, Byron, Manderson,
this same pattern until spring, it recently released its February the negative effects our warmer 643 Broadway • 864-2156 Thermopolis & Worland
looks as though we may not have forecast of the April through July fall had on the snowpack.
the high water issues on the Big runoff predicted for the Bighorn As of the middle of Febru-
Horn River that we’ve had the Basin. The report shows the fore- ary, we’re having just minimal

Read the
past couple of years. casted April through July inflow drought conditions here, but that
According to the most recent to Boysen Reservoir is 450,000 could change dependent on what
reports from the National Oce- acre feet (af), which is 75 per- the spring rains bring. Decem-
anic and Atmospheric Adminis- cent of the 30-year average of ber was abnormally dry for us.
tration (NOAA), below normal 603,300 af For additional information

snowmelt streamflow volumes Looking at the monthly statis- on Boysen Reservoir, contact
are expected across several ma- tics from NOAA, we see in Octo- Wyoming Area Manager Carlie
jor basins in Wyoming, including ber, the water forecast showed Ronca at 307-261-5671.
the Wind and Big Horn. the Wind River Basin at 82-94
Current water year precipita- percent of normal, yet in Decem-
tion is averaging 95 to 105 per-
cent of normal across the state
with mountain snowpack at 85
to 95 percent of average.
ber, that number had dropped to

for your protection.
Wyoming’s reservoirs are av-
eraging 70-75 percent of capac- CANYON VILLAGE
ity early in February. 62+ and/or disabled
Snowpack water numbers
were the highest across basins HOT SPRINGS SENIOR
in southeast Wyoming, varying 62+ and/or disabled
between 100 and 125 percent
of average. Western Wyoming’s Section 8 subsidy available.
Small pets allowed; utilities paid.
basins, however are between 75 Laundry facility available;
and 85 percent of median. mail delivery on-site.
This will mean above average
snowmelt streamflow volumes in “EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY”
areas such as the Upper North CALL 307-864-2968
Platte and Laramie watersheds. or Wy. Relay 711.

Clinic in Worland
Dr. Lowther discovers 400th melanoma,
with dermoscopy
Dr. Christopher Lowther of Cody passes the 400 He is a rare American that had passed the three
melanoma mark. exams for membership in the Royal College of
"You are what your record says you are" says Physicians, the United Kingdom's most presti-
football's Bill Parcells. gious physician accomplishment. He also passed
85% of the melanoma we discover are in the the United Kingdom's Dermatology Specialty
earliest stage when they can be removed with Exam which many say is the most difficult
simple surgery and not incur the advanced diag- board certification exam in the world.
nostic testing of invasive melanoma and treat- "Don't ever let good enough be good enough",
ment which often costs well over $150,000 . says Bill Parcells
Many dermatologists still do the old fashion
naked eye exam which takes 30 seconds to do Big Horn Basin Skin Centre
where Dr. Lowther examines each lesion with a Clinics in Powell, Worland and Cody
dermatoscope that often reveals the early abnor- across from the Dairy Queen.
mal pigment patterns of early melanomas. No referrals necessary.
Dr. Lowther studies all aspects of dermatology. Call 587-7000.

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