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July 4, 2019 PAGE 9

Veterans reflect on time in Vietnam

by Mark Dykes boat school and survival school. it in 1968. It was later deter-
Independence Day is one of In December of 1966 he went mined to be serviceable, so ev-
several days throughout the to the Philadelphia Naval Ship- erything was dismounted and
year where we have the time to yard for the recommission of the it was purposely sunk to create
reflect on what it means to be an USS Benewah, APB-35. From an artificial reef off the coast of
American, the freedom we enjoy there they went through the the Philippines.
and the soldiers who made that Panama Canal, and pulled into Slocum also spoke of his fam-
freedom possible. Vung Tau in February of 1967, ily, of which there were six boys.
Jeff Strong enlisted in the where they became the flagship Two of his brothers joined the
United States Air Force in Janu- for the Commander Task Force Army and served in Berlin from
ary of 1971. The first three quar- 117, the Mobile Riverine Force 1960-63. His youngest brother
ters of the year, he said, were operating in the Mekong Delta. was also in the Army and died
various kinds of training at lo- “We had part of the Ninth In- in Vietnam in 1971.
cations including Sheppard Air fantry Division with us,” Slocum Strong noted there were a lot
Force Base, Brooks Airfield and said, with the objective to trans- of things that happened in Viet-
Lackland Air Force, undergoing port those troops down the river nam that people did not hear
jet engine training and helicop- where they offload them in the about, and the political stat-
ter training along with others. jungle in the Delta. They also ure of the war was imbalanced.
His first duty station was at provided fire support, and also It was the first war where the
Davis-Monthan Air Force Base had members of the Air Force cameras were really there, he
in Tucson. and Navy SEALs. He noted the said, and the popularity of the
“I worked on some aircraft,” Air Force was there to allow for war wasn’t great so much of the
Strong said, as he was primarily calling of air strikes when they content that came across on tele-
a jet engine mechanic, and was were needed. vision was slanted to the nega-
photo by Lara Love
then sent to Vietnam near the
end of 1972 and remained there
Slocum received a field pro-
motion in ’67 from E4 to E5, and
tive side.
John Gerrells joined the Painted planters
through most of 1973, returning was mount captain of Mount Navy on the 180-day delay pro- Sunday at the Thermopolis VFW, these ladies were busy painting and decorat-
in December. 41. “We went to general quar- gram in May of his senior year, ing their planters shaped like trucks, campers and boots.
He was with the 40th Air ters numerous times, day and leaving for active duty on Sept.
Rescue and Recovery Squad night. It seemed like Charlie 3, 1968. He went to boot camp
(ARRS), flying what is common- knew when we went to bed was in Camp Nimitz and then got or-

Culvert replacement set to start July 8

ly known as BUFFs, or the CH right after Taps at 10 o’clock. ders to the USS Colonial, LSD-
53 “Super Jolly Green Giants” They’d start firing at us, and 18, and they left for a Western
lift transport helicopters which you’d just hear the rounds go- Pacific cruise in April of ’69.
could carry three jeeps and 75 ing over your head.” “We spent most of our time Folks out in the Cottonwood Creek area will be is July 8.
troops. “We would sit out on the About the third or fourth time transporting troops from Guam glad to know the water has receded enough now He also indicated there are three more culverts
perimeter of a fire fight that in- in GQ one night, he recalled — and their tanks and their that Hot Springs County Road and Bridge Direc- down the line where Sand Draw crosses Cotton-
volved aircraft heavies coming crawling into his gun mount on heavy equipment — to Vietnam. tor Dave Schlager said work should start on re- wood that are in dire need of replacement as well
in.” They would watch aircraft the bow of the ship and seeing We went up the coast of South placing the culvert that failed last month. and they will be working up all the paperwork
come in and rescue pilots who his gun crew laying down. He Korea and picked up a bunch The road near the “Y” has been closed several needed to get that project started as soon as pos-
were shot down. asked what they were doing and of Korean Marines, and took weeks after a huge rainstorm undercut the culvert, sible after the initial culvert is replaced.
“I was on [recovery for], I they called out they were being them back to Vietnam.” That tearing it from the ground and tipping it on its end. As for the other culverts in the county, Schlager
think, the first B-52 that got shot shot at. He told them to start cruise lasted until the follow- Schlager said the target date to start the work said everything else looks to be in pretty good shape.
down there,” Strong added. “And firing back, and if they were hit ing January.
that was a recovery mission.” he’d get someone else to take From there, Gerrells went to

Have a family plan for Boysen Dam failure

After serving in Vietnam, their positions — this included air conditioning and refrigera-
Strong was primarily stationed his own. Following the attack, tion school for eight weeks, then
at Beale Air Force Base in Yuba he said, they fortunately found got on the USS Turner Joy, DD-
County, California then went none of the crew had been hit. 951, in April of 1970 and went on by Cindy Glasson things is to make sure your ve- tiple opportunities for escape
to Guam to fly on B-52s back Another night, two V 40 rock- another Western Pacific Cruise One of the most devastating hicle is ready to go, 24/7. Evac- to higher ground.
to the U.S. ets hit the mess hall shortly af- in June that same year. but least likely to happen di- uation will be the only way to The aftermath of a dam fail-
“The best thing I can say as far ter 10 p.m.; the hall had been “What we did mostly there, sasters in Hot Springs County survive, so your vehicle has to ure will not be pretty.
as my tour of duty over there,” cleared out, so there were no that being a Destroyer, is we would be the catastrophic fail- be ready to hit the road out of Most of the town will be de-
Strong said, “is I was there to casualties. would go up and down the coast ure of Boysen Dam. town within a few minutes. stroyed. Vehicle travel in the
save lives, not take them. I was “Our nickname was the — they called it the gun line — Completed in 1952, the 220- Have a plan with your fam- Wind River Canyon may take
in a completely different atmo- Brown Water Navy,” Slocum and we would give support fire foot tall earthen-filled dam ily that includes the children. months to reinstate. The rail-
sphere than 99 percent of the said, which reflected the color to the Army and the Marines was built for flood control and If they are playing elsewhere road will be destroyed.
people that were over there, so of the rivers he and his crew pa- wherever they needed it.” irrigation along with a 7,500 and they hear the hi-low siren The lake and the river will
it made the outlook of the Viet- trolled. His tour of duty was up Gerrells further added the kilowatt hydroelectric power for a dam break, teach them be very deep and toxic as well.
nam War a lot different for me.” in August of 1967, but he stayed Turner Joy’s “claim to fame” generation plant. they need to come home im- There will be nothing to re-
He noted he was cussed at until August of 1968, spending was being in the Tonkin Gulf Hot Springs County Emer- mediately. Its also a good idea turn to for at least a month,
and spit on when he returned, two years aboard the Benewah. incident which sparked the U.S. gency Management gives Boy- to check with your neighbors, possibly forever.
and that it didn’t matter what The ship was among the most involvement in Vietnam. It also sen Dam a unique category in especially those who are el- Make sure you have a plan
you did, if you were in uniform decorated in the Vietnam War, gave the last support fire when the list of threats to our county derly or may need assistance, in place now, even if you never
“you got nailed.” He said, “I knew receiving three Combat Action the war ended, “so it was pretty as the failure of the dam poses to see if they need help getting have to use it. Know where you
what I did. I don’t regret it. Yes, Ribbons, four Presidential Unit much there for the duration.” the highest risk of widespread, out, too. Don’t forget your pets. will go, how you will get there
I would do it again.” Citations, a Navy Unit Com- It is now a museum in Bremer- total carnage in the county. They will die if not evacuated and have everything settled
Strong was a sergeant when mendation Ribbon, a Meritori- ton, Wash. No matter how slight the risk with you. now rather than last minute.
he was discharged in January ous Unit Commendation, a Na- Gerrells was discharged on of the dam actually failing, the There are a couple of routes So how will you know if
of 1975. tional Defense Service Ribbon, Sept. 3, 1972, a full four years possibility of catastrophic fail- that are recommended for evac- there’s a dam break?
Rod Slocum enlisted in the a Vietnam Service Medal with after enlisting. He noted he went ure makes it imperative to have uation – the highway to Cody Emergency Management
United States Navy in 1965, 14 Battle Stars, a Vietnam Gal- to school in Bridger, Mont. and a community plan in place. or the highway to Worland. The has a special siren sound that
went to boot camp in San Diego, lantry Cross with Palm, an RVN in his class there were only 12 According to Emergency waters will not reach Worland will indicate just one thing –
Calif. and in August the same Civil Action Honor Unit Citation boys and 12 girls. Of those boys, Management Coordinator, Bill until several hours later. dam failure. The sound is a
year he was aboard the USS with Palm and a Vietnam Cam- six went into the military direct- Gordon, in the event of dam It isn’t going to be enough high-low siren which can be
Renville, APA-227. In March of paign Ribbon. ly out of high school as the draft failure, the water level in the to just drive to higher ground heard online on the county’s
1966, they took 1,500 Marines In August of ’68 Slocum flew was in full effect at that time. river in Thermopolis would be- away from the river. You will be website.
to Okinawa, then went along back, coming in to Travis Air “We were over there twice,” gin to rise an hour and fifteen stranded there and there will You will also hear it through
the coast of Hong Kong, Japan Force Base, and was told it Gerrells said. But, he doesn’t re- minutes after notification the be neither shelter nor medi- your NOAA Weather Radio,
and the Phillippines and pulled would be a few weeks before gret his service and really feels dam had failed. cal operations in Thermopolis possibly the device that will
into Dong Tam, South Vietnam. he got out, even though he only everyone should have to serve An hour and a half later, the to help you. virtually be the quickest way
“That’s where I first encoun- had a week left. Instead, he flew some time in the military. water would be 71-feet deep at Leave Hot Springs County you can be notified. There will
tered ‘Nam,” Slocum said. to Olathe Naval Air Station in “The American public,” the stoplight. and don’t expect to come back also be a CodeRED message
In August of ’66 they were Kansas, about 125 miles from Strong said, “not that they were Red Lane, Lucerne and half any time soon. sent out and an interruption
headed back to the U.S. for de- his hometown. in favor of the war, but they of Kirby will be under water. The school district is pre- on television and radio.
commission of the Renville. Slo- Slocum received his dis- didn’t understand even what we The only option for those pared to evacuate students. Do Gordon has a test of the
cum learned five seamen had charge in March of 1971, after were doing there. And there was along the river will be total not go to the school to pick your specific siren for a dam break
been requested for river duty serving six years, at the rank of such a political aspect, as it was, evacuation. child up as you will just be hin- planned this Saturday at noon.
in Vietnam and volunteered. E5, Second Class Petty Officer, that a lot of us that were there Our community, in essence, dering evacuation plans. Make Stop and listen to it so you will
He got off his ship at Pearl Har- Gunner’s Mate. As for his ship, didn’t understand why we were will be gone. Utilities will cease sure you do have a location for know in the future what is hap-
bor and went back to the main- Slocum noted the Benewah had there. We know we were told to to operate. No groceries. No a parent and child reunion. pening. It is completely differ-
land, attending school for three been hit twice — both times he be there. We know we were told water. No sewage. No power. Ranchers should cut their ent from the fire siren and tor-
months at Norfolk, Va., for coun- was off-ship — and it was hit to do a job, and we did it to the No cell service. No telephone. fences to allow livestock mul- nado siren.
terinsurgency, jungle warfare, numerous times after he left best of our abilities.” No 9-1-1. No ambulance. No
Fortunately for us, Gordon,

Senior Center providing rides for veterans in coordination with other local
agencies, has created a plan to
save as many lives as possible
The Hot Springs County Se- in the state, and the rides are the senior center vehicles, and at in the event of a dam break,
nior Center is now available to free. Through the Highly Rural least two days notice is required. but it is up to each individual
provide rides for veterans to get Transportation Grants program To schedule a ride, contact the to create a plan as well.
to medical appointments. through Prairie Hills Transit, the center at 864-2151. One of the most important
Center Director Trenda Moore center receives reimbursement.
said the appointments must be Rides will be provided using


We are currently accepting community Requests for
DENTURES............................ $395.-.$850.per denture Funds. If you or your organization has an educational
RELINES........................................... $300.per denture project or need, please submit your request through the
CROWNS............................................ $930.per crown Community Request for Funds tab on our website:
IMPLANTS................................ $600-$2,600.per unit
Susan.J..Baker,.D.D.S. Extended Deadline of July 10, 2019
933 Main St., Lander If you have questions email:

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