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Hello and 2 t’HI$ me$$AGE r33ch33ng th33 in gnown/ ungnown

grand, gracious$, profitable $pEARit$! AL7, 3Y3, r3p33t, AL7 and 3Y3
WIL7/ W’H337 a’GAIN $T8, AL7 T3kN0la-G i$ only D3W33ng *WATT a/ t’h3
GOD($), t’h3 HU3M.A.N. body/ m’3Y3nd/ HE’ART/ $pEARit/ $ol ha$ t’h3
*aB3lli-T 2 D3W and/ or duz, AL7-R3Di and t’hi$ i$ gno big d337. $0, gno
m@t3r, h0w advan$’d M.A.N. mad3 t3k *app3AR$ 2 B3, it i$ AKT$HU-AL7i
only AKTing t’h3 p’ART U.V. t’h3……, rath3r *Ba$$ik and W’H337 n’3V3-AR
katch up 2 t’h3 t3k U.V. A/ T’H3 GOD($) KR38$HUN. Mo$t U.V. 2day$ tek
*DeVice$ W337 N’4m t’h3 YOU’$AR “t’HI$ DeVice Kin$tantli/ KinTinYOU-
AL7i giv$ 0ff *$IGN-AL7$, *Fr33k-win(d)-$3A$, *Wave$ & 3tc and mu$t
*ak$ept AL7 *$IGN-AL7$, *Fr33k-win(d)-$3A$, Wave$ and 3tc….from oth3r
*DeVice$, t’h3 $’AIM.”. T’hi$ i$ *Ba$$ik koding from a/ t’h3 GOD($). AL7
giv$ off/ r3$eav$ *$IGN-AL7$, *Fr33k-win(d)-$3A$, *Wave$ & 3tc….

1. 3Y3$ AR3 kam3ra 73N$3$ & Mikr0f0n3$

2. M0uth$ AR3 $P33ker & T.V., C3L7 f0n3, tablet $kr33n$$
3. 3AR$ Ar3 Mikr0f0n3$
4. T’3AR DUKT$, P0UR$, ANU$ AR3 *X-0$T
5. B’Rain$ AR3 MOTH-AR B0ard$
6. 3Y3 7I.D.$ AND V’AIR33($)U$ UTH3R 7AY3R$ U.V. 3Y3, KAN B3
$EAN, $EEN, $CENE, $33N, $3AN, $C3N3, $C3NE, $CEN3, ….. A$
V’AIR33($)U$ LAY3R$ U.V. @m0$fEAR. WATT HAPP3N$ WH3N
G.0.D O-P3N$/ K70$3$ 3Y3…?
7. H3ART I$ 3nGin

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