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Bulimia Sienkiewicz 1


Cassalyne Sienkiewicz

Iresa Tech Center (Health Science)

All around the world millions of people suffer from eating disorders. One of the most

common eating disorders is Bulimia. What exactly is Bulimia? Some may ask. Bulimia is a

life-threatening eating disorder in which people binge eat food and follow it by purging.

Bingeing is the eating of abnormally large amounts of food in one sitting. Those with Bulimia

purge by self vomiting, abusing laxative or diuretics (water pills) and enemas.

People with bulimia binge and purge for many reasons such as the fear of weight gain,

lifestyle changes, abuse/trauma, and negative body images. Those with Bulimia, often called

bulimics, judge themselves, and what they assume to be their flaws, harshly. Female adolescents

and young adults are most affected by bulimia. Honestly, is that even surprising? In fact,

according to the article, ​Eating Disorder Statistics, about 3.5% of women suffer from a binge

eating disorders in their lifetime, while 2% of males suffer in their lifetime.

There is a very high possibility that a close loved one can be suffering from this eating

disorders. How can you know? There are many signs to Bulimia. These include disappearance of

large amounts of food, eating in secrecy, lack of control while eating, switching between

overeating and eating nothing at all, the smell of vomit and frequent use of the bathroom after

meals. People with Bulimia have an extreme fear of gaining weight. They will pretty much do

anything it takes to not gain any weight.

Bulimia Sienkiewicz 2

There are also many symptoms of Bulimia, and you may have it yourself if you binge eat

and then purge. The difference between signs and symptoms is that a sign can be detected by

someone other than the person affected, while a symptom is experienced by the individual

affected. Symptoms of Bulimia may include, being preoccupied with your body image, fear of

weight gain, repeated episodes of eating abnormally large amounts of food in one sitting, feeling

a loss of control while binging, abusing laxatives/diuretics/enemas, and fasting, restricting

calorie, avoiding certain foods or excessive exercise between binges.

If you feel that you have any of these problems, get help immediately, this disorder can

lead to very serious health problems. Bulimia can lead to heart disease, vomiting can erode the

enamel and lead to mouth sensitivity and even decay, Bulimia can cause fertility issues, gastric

and esophagus ruptures, dehydration, and electrolyte imbalance. But have no fear, there is

treatment! Various therapies can be used, such as cognitive behavior therapy, family-based

treatment, and interpersonal psychotherapy. There are also many medications that you can take

for this disorder. For example, antidepressants can help reduce the symptoms of Bulimia. Other

types of treatments may include seeing a dietician, or in more serious cases hospitalization.

These health problems and treatment can affect you for the rest of your life. If you have a fear of

gaining weight and feel you need to take control of it, then please do so the healthy way.
Bulimia Sienkiewicz 3

Works Cited

Bulimia nervosa. (2018, May 10) Retrieved from

Eating Disorder Statistics. (n.d.). Retrieved from


Medical Issues From Anorexia, Bulimia and Other Eating Disorders. (n.d.).

Retrieved from

Find the Best Bulimia Treatment Programs and Dual Diagnosis Rehabs.(n.d.).

Retrieved from​/

About Bulimia: Symptoms, Signs, Causes & Articles For Treatment Help. (n.d.).

Retrieved from

Bulimia Nervosa. (2018, February 22). Retrieved from

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