Community Med

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Regarding methods of population elimination which of the following takes “growth rate”
into consideration?
A. Method of natural increase
B. Arithmetic progression method
C. Dynamic method
D. Geometric progression method
E. Census method
2. The total number of persons added or subtracted in a population as a result of combined
effect of immigration and emigration is known as:
A. Migration
B. Mass movement
C. Net migration
D. Urbanization
E. Population growth rate
3. Which of the following is not the proximate determinant of fertility?
A. Fecundability
B. Neonatal sepsis
C. Proportion of married women among females
D. Contraceptive prevalence rate
E. Prevalence of induced abortion
4. Which of the following is not the measure of dispersion?
A. Standard deviation
B. Range
C. Mean deviation
D. Variance
E. Median
5. Total mid year population is used as a denominator for which one of the following?
A. Age specific fertility rate
B. Crude birth rate
C. Total fertility rate
D. General fertility rate
E. Net reproduction rate
6. In Integrated management of neonatal and childhood illnesses (IMNCI) the danger signs
among children are shown by which color?
A. Pink
B. Yellow
C. Green
D. White
7. Concerning epidemiology, which of the following parameters are considered while
determining the disease pattern?
A. Environment, time, duration
B. Time, gender, person
C. Age, gender, social economic status
D. Place, person, religion
E. Age, environment, duration
8. Which of the following is classified as a general danger sign in IMNCI?
A. Inability to breastfeed
B. Cough
C. Weakness
D. Fever

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