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Case – Aravind Eye Hospital

Problem Statement –Dr. Vekataswamy, founder of Aravind Eye Hospital, is on mission to
serve poor by performing Cataract operations. But he is unable to attract a greater turnout
in the sponsored camps as his team only got 14 cases for cataract strategy in a catchment
population of 100,000. Hence in order to broaden the outreach of his mission he is
wondering whether he could implement the franchise model of mass marketing giant like
MacDonald’s, Pizza hut, etc.
The franchise model that Dr. Vekataswamy wants to implement to create awareness
among poor people regarding cataract surgery is for a social cause. Hence the concept
of societal marketing can be applied by Dr. Vekataswamy. In India there are almost 20
million patients that need treatment for cataract while only 1.2 million surgeries are
performed every year. Moreover 2 million people are added to list of the people needs to
be treated every year. To cater this only 8000 doctors are available which is half of the
work force US had for treatment.
In this mission Aravind Eye care is playing a substantial role, but due to lack of knowledge
among poor people, the turnover rate is quite low. Since Aravind Eye Hospital is offering
a service which is quite different from a product (which are offered by Pizza Hut,
MacDonald), Dr. Vekataswamy should implement the following strategy –
1. Tangible cues – Dr. V should create some tangible returns that patient will get after
surgery. Like the patients will get more opportunities to earn resulting in more
money, better food, etc.
2. Usage of Personal image sources- Dr. V should use the patients who were treated
in past to spread word of mouth about the services offered.
3. Post purchase communication – Also Dr. V should keep the record of all the
patients who were treated earlier and should monitor their condition annually or
semi-annually as it will create a sense of personal touch further strengthening of
the brand image of Aravind Eye Care Hospital.
By following above mentioned points Dr. V can successfully convert and implement
the franchise model used by product manufacturing forms for a service firm.

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