English - Dialogue Scenes. Pag 1-3 7:00-7:10/8:00 Actions - Dialogues

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English - Dialogue Scenes.

Pag 1-3 7:00-7:10/8:00

Actions - Dialogues
-Leo wakes up and 5 minutes later gets up.

-Leo leaves the room and goes to the bathroom to wash his face.

-Leo goes down to the first floor and says good morning to his mom and dad and starts to
see the cell phone and eat.

Leo: Good morning

Mother / Father: Good morning

Mother: Hurry up, you're late for college, remember that today you enter at 8 and it's 7:10

-Leo remembers that he has partial first thing in the morning!

Leo: I have partial, I will leave breakfast here, mother save it or do as you prefer.

mother: well, have a good day, hurry up and go carefully

-Leo runs off to bathe, brushes his teeth, dresses and fixes and says goodbye to his mother
and father and then go straight to the stop where the bus passes.

Leo: See you later, take care.

mother: you too, don't forget your wallet, it's on the table.
Pag 4-6 7:10-7:15/8:00

Actions – Dialogues
-As Leo runs to his bus stop, he realizes that there is an old woman looking for something
near the traffic light, then she asks the old woman what she is looking for and if she can
help her.

Leo: good morning, excuse me ma'am, what are you doing?

Elder: Oh, if it's young Leo, good morning, what happens is that I neglect, then I lost some
coins, can you help me find them?
Leo: I'm going a little late, but let's look fast, they won't be far away.

- After a few minutes, they find all the coins and help the old woman to cross the street
then, while Leo talks with the lady, he realizes that the bus is arriving, however, he does not
-The old woman realizes this and gives a solution to this

Old Woman: Oh, I'm sorry, I'm late, you look a little rushed, do you have anything
important to do today?
Leo: I have some important exams to do and I'm late.

Old woman: Oh my god, if you want, I tell my nephew that he is a truck driver to take you
Leo: I'd be very grateful if I could, but where is he?
Old woman: this is in the corner, is about to leave, let's hurry.
Pag 7-9 7:15-7:40/8:00

Actions – Dialogues

- Leo was happy, he went with the old woman to where his nephew who was a truck driver, the
old woman talked to him, this nephew showed up with Leo, the driver needed to go to a place too,
so they would advance him so he wouldn't I was so far from the university.

Leo: my name is Leonardo, I'm a university student

Driver: I'm Jonny, they call me Jon, I'm a truck driver
Leo: Nice to meet you, excuse me, for the inconvenience.

Driver: no problem, I am close to there, and since you helped Grandma, I will help you

- while they were on the road in the truck, they realized almost instantly that the city was
more moving than normal, although it was 7:32 everything was much more congested than
usual, maybe it was because they were fixing the roads, and that's why there was so much

Driver: I think we should take a shortcut, because if not who knows until what time we will
be here.

Leo: I think it's fine, however you should be careful, it's dangerous to turn around with so
many vehicles around.
Driver: Quiet, watch a truck driver do it, it will be a piece of cake.

Leo: I'll let you know if a vehicle is coming

Pag 9-15 7:40-7:55/8:00

Actions – Dialogues

- Then the driver started to turn to take a shortcut, but it was so bad luck that a policeman
was just coming, who noticed and ordered him to park on the street where he planned to
take the shortcut.

Policeman: Excuse me, I need you to get out of the way, I was watching you and your
attempt to turn this way.
Leo: ...
Driver: good officer, I'm going after you.
-After they departed from the main road.

Policeman: Sir, are you aware that it is dangerous to make those turns? Especially
considering that you have a large truck.

Driver: Excuse me, it was my mistake, it won't happen again, please can you help this
young man, he needs to get to college and he's going to be late.

-After the officer was talking to the driver for a few minutes, he decided to help the boy so
that he would not be late, so Leo got on the police motorcycle and left at full speed, saying
goodbye to the driver, and promising that will talk later.

Leo: thank you very much for the help, Mr. Officer, oh forget to introduce myself, I'm
Leonardo, they tell me Leo.

Policeman: I'm glad to read, my name is William, I help you more than anything else,
because you reminded me of my brother, who also studies at that university.
Leo: oh really? Maybe I know him, what's his name?

Policeman: his name is Jose, he studies engineering. hey we're coming, get ready, because
it's already 7:52
Leo: Oh yes, I know Jose is in some courses with me, he's a good boy.
Pag 9-15 7:55/8:00

Actions – Dialogues
-When I read, he said goodbye and got off the officer's motorcycle, because he had very
little time left, because he was in such a hurry he fell in front of the university, immediately
reacted and got up, several people saw him and made fun of him, but A girl helped him, he
thanked him and moved on.

Leo: Thank you very much for helping me, I'm in a little hurry, I hope we see each other

girl x: no problem, it happens to many of us, college stuff, go fast, you have something
important to do, right?

Leo: of course, bye.

-when he got to the course that touched him, I noticed that it was 8:05, and that everyone
was ready for the partial, then, Leo prepared to enter, when he noticed that behind him was
Professor Antonio, who entered next to Leo, but first gave him a sermon for being late.

Leo: Good morning teacher, I have a problem and I'm a little late, can I do the partial,

Teacher: Leo, you have to be careful about being late to class, if it were another, I would
not let you pass, but by the effort I will allow it this time, I hope it does not happen again.
Leo: of course, not a teacher, it will be the last time, or so I hope.

Teacher: Well, then, and I wish you luck in the partial, it is not very complicated, as long as
I have studied.

Leo: ha-ha, well yes, thanks.

-so I read, after his journey to get to college, he managed to make his partial, which he
managed to win, not by much, but he did it.

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