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Ramey Beavers

ISM Period 6

Student Experiments Launched to the ISS on NG-10

November 23, 2018

Summary- In a report by Space Station Explorers, they discuss the successful projects by high

school students to actually be tested and sent to the International Space Station. These projects

were the results of programs such as Hunch, DreamUp, and Go For launch. This article goes on

to describe each of the projects that were launched on November 17th on the Cygnus rocket. The

rocket carried 7400 pounds of research materials, research materials that include the projects that

came from the high school students in these programs. The projects include an experiment about

“efficiency of a self-healing material in microgravity” by students from Virginia through ‘Go For

Launch’, testing their self-healing concrete in a micro gravity environment. Then there is the

“experimental Chondrule formation at the ISS” from undergraduate students in Germany through

the ‘DreamUp’ program, which tests the question, do dust particles fuse together due to

electricity. Thirdly there is the “Ball Clamp Foot Restraint” that originated from Texas and

Alabama the NASA Hunch program, which is a new design for foot and other restraints designed

to help astronauts with comfort and better movement. Another Nasa hunch project that got sent

up was the “Crew Quarters Lint Catchers” a project that was designed to filter the dust from

clothing and other materials out of the ductwork. There are tons of experiments in the works and

are possible candidates for the ISS, all of which are originating from unique sources such as high

school students.
Project Topic Connection- My project is a description of the processes necessary for an

experiment that originates from NASA Hunch to go from idea to flight. So, this article describes

several projects including the one I wish to pursue for my own ISM project, the ball clamp foot

restraint. I wish to go on and describe the entire engineering process and development stages in

order for the ball clamp foot restraint to actually be flown to space and utilized. This article

offers insight to how this was successful and a small overview of what was necessary for these

high school students to actually complete and succeed with their task. The direct connection

between my project and this article is almost perfect and offers a lot of insight into what I need to

research more of and understand more about the ball clamp foot restraint.

Personal Response- This article was absolutely fascinating. I loved learning about the several

groups of high school and low-level collegiate students that were able to take their ideas and put

them on the biggest stage in the universe, space. However, I was not expecting as many

experiments and projects to have successfully reached that stage in development and actually be

sent to the ISS. This also showed me how many opportunities are out there all over the world

that offer high school level students to test themselves and try to solve real world problems or

should I say out of this world problems. Anyways, I also enjoyed learning about the more

complex experiments that were sent out to the ISS, such as the Chondrule formation experiment.

A topic that I know absolutely nothing about. This article allowed me to learn about several

topics and problems I would have never previously thought about.

MLA Citation

“Student Experiments Launched to the ISS on NG-10.” Space Station Explorers, 23 Nov. 2018,

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