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Students name:_______________________

Biography Rubric
1st Sentence in Introduction 10 points
Paragraph: Hook Sentence: A
sentence that draws the reader
2nd Sentence in Introduction 5 points
Paragraph: Declarative
Sentence: Clarifies who the
person is and makes a statement
about them.

3rd Sentence in Introduction 20 points

Paragraph: Thesis Statement:
Gives the reader an idea of the
order of topics(reasons) written
about in the paragraphs below.
Student should have 3.
#1 Reason in Thesis 5 points

#2 Reason in Thesis 5 points

#3 Reason in Thesis 5 points

Correct Punctuation: 1 point off for each error found

Capitalization, Commas, Endings
Paragraph(s) that correlates to 10 points
Reason #1 in thesis
Paragraph(s) that correlates to 10 points
Reason #2 in thesis
Paragraph(s) that correlates to 10 points
Reason #3 in thesis
Conclusion Paragraph 10 points

Bibliography (typed) 10 points

Automatic 5 point deduction for
handwritten Bibliography
Correct Bibliography citing 1 point off for each error found

Bonus cover page(optional) Worth 10 points

Total Deductions:

Total Points:

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