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[For Individuals having Income from Salary / Pension / Income from One House Property (excluding loss brought forward from previous Year
ITR-1 years) /
Income from Other Sources (Excluding Winning from Lottery and Income from Race Horses)]

(Please see rule 12 of the Income-tax Rules,1962) (Also see attached instructions)
2 0 1 0 - 11

Quick Guide to using this utility for eFiling of your Returns.

If your are familiar with the Guide, you may start using the Utility by clicking here.

Pre requisites :
1 Use Excel 2003 onwards.
2 Enable Macros to use this utility.


1 Click the Microsoft Office Button , and then click Excel Options
2 Click Trust Center, click Trust Center Settings, and then click Macro Settings
3 Click the option "Enable all Macros"
4 Restart your Excel Utility


1 On the Tools Menu, point to Macros >> Security
2 Now select Security Level as Low or Medium and press OK
3 Restart your Excel Utility, and if asked whether you want to Enable Macros, Select YES

Steps to follow :
1 Fill up your return following the instructions as provided separately in the Instructions for the relevant ITR ,
downloadable from
2 Validate the data entry done on each of the sheets by clicking on 'Validate' button.
3 Click on 'Calculate Tax' button on the 'Income Details' sheet. This will calculate Tax and Interest
as per the data entered in the Excel Utility.
(Note : Date of filing is taken as higher of system date and date entered in Verification .)
4 Verify the calculated Tax and Interest figures in Sl nos 8 to 15.
5 Check Sl no 16 (Tax payable) in Sheet 'Taxes paid and Verification' .
If the value is not zero, then pay Self Assessment Tax for this amount.
6 Make Self Assessment tax entry in Sch IT and re 'Calculate Tax' and verify that amount in Sl no 16 is zero.
7 Check summary data such as Total Income, Tax payable, Interest payable, Taxes paid
8 After above steps completed for all sheets, click on Generate XML from any of the sheets.
9 This will take you to a Pre XML sheet for a final review of the return.
10 Review the number of rows entered in the various schedules and if modified, repeat Steps 1 to 9
11 Click on 'Save XML' on the Pre XML sheet.
12 The XML file is now saved in the same folder in which the Excel utility is saved, and can be uploaded.

Dos and Donts

1 Click Next / Previous to navigate between the schedules / sheets.
2 Use TAB to navigate through the data entry cells on the sheet.
3 To add more rows in any schedule, click on the '+' button.
(Blank rows need not be deleted as they will not be reflected in your return)
4 Dates must always be entered as dd/mm/yyyy formats (ex : 14/03/2010 )
5 While filling up a schedule with more than 1 row, ensure that all additional rows are filled in consecutive rows.
6 Save your Excel File once your work is completed.
Do not leave in between rows blank.

Avoid Common mistakes

1 Ensure that you have correctly entered Gender, Date of birth, Residential Status, PAN and Status.
2 Sl no 6 is the Total Deduction claimed under Chapter VI-A
ensure that you have entered individual claims under Relevant Sections from Sl no 5a to 5l.
3 Check the TDS sheet thoroughly. If you have TDS credit for Tax Deduction at Source on Interest, (Sl no 22),
then enter the value claimed for this year in Column 7 out of Total Tax Deducted as in Col 6.

For more help

1 Refer to the User Guide which can be downloaded from
2 Refer to Instructions for Filling up the ITR Form, which can be downloaded from
3 For further assistance, write to Help Desk (Details available on
[For Individuals having Income from Salary / Pension / Income from One House Property (excluding loss brought forward from previous Year
ITR-1 years) /
FORM Income from Other Sources (Excluding Winning from Lottery and Income from Race Horses)]

(Please see rule 12 of the Income-tax Rules,1962) (Also see attached instructions)
2 0 1 0 - 11
First Name Middle Name Last Name PAN
VIVEK [1] [2] KUMAR [3] AQOPK5683M [4]
Flat / Door / Block No Name of Premises / Building / Village Status
SON Road / Street / Post Office Area / Locality Date of birth (DD/MM/YYYY)
ADRA POST OFFICE [7] ADRA, DRM OFFICE [8] 11/09/1980 [9]
MAT Town/City/District State Pin Code Sex (Select)
ION PURULIA [10] 32-WEST BENGAL 723121 [11] M-Male

Email Address (Std code) Phone No Employer Category (if in [12] 03251 [13] 243000 [14] employment) PSU [15]
Designation of Assessing Officer (Ward / Circle) Return filed under section
FILI PURULIA ITO WARD-3 [16] [Pl see Form Instruction] 11 - u/s 139(1) [17]
NG Whether original or revised return? O-Original [18]
TUS If revised, enter Receipt no / Date Date 28/6/2013 [19]
Residential Status RES - Resident [20]
1 Income chargeable under the Head ‘Salaries’(Salary/ Pension) 1 314,484
Income chargeable under the Head ‘House Property’ (enter –ve sign in case of loss, if any)
2 2 0

Income chargeable under the Head ‘Other Sources’ (enter –ve sign in case of loss, if any)
3 3 0
Gross Total Income (1+2c) 4 314,484
Deductions under Chapter VI A (Section) System Calculated
a 80 C 5a 40,012 #NAME?
b 80 CCC 5b #NAME?
c 80 CCD 5c #NAME?
d 80 D 5d #NAME?
e 80 DD 5e #NAME?
f 80 DDB 5f #NAME?
g 80 E 5g #NAME?
h 80 G 5h #NAME?
i 80 GG 5i #NAME?
j 80 GGA 5j #NAME?
k 80 GGC 5k #NAME?
l 80 U 5l #NAME?
6 Deductions (Total of 5a to 5l) 6 40,012 6 #NAME?
7 Total Income (4 - 6) 7 #NAME?
8 Tax payable on Total Income 8 16,896
9 Education Cess, including secondary and higher secondary cess on 8 9 507
10 Total Tax, Surcharge and Education Cess (Payable) (8 + 9) 10 #NAME?
11 Relief under Section 89 11 0 [21]
12 Relief under Section 90/91 12 0 [22]
13 Balance Tax Payable (10 - 11 - 12) 13 #NAME?
14 Total Interest Payable 14 0
15 Total Tax and Interest Payable (13 + 14) 15 #NAME?
For Office Use Only Seal and Signature of Receiving
Receipt No/ Date Official
23 Details of Tax Deducted at Source from Salary [As per Form 16 issued by Employer(s)]
Income Tax
Tax Deduction charg Deduction payable
Account Number Name of the eable under (incl. Total tax
SI.No Address City State PinCode payable/
(TAN) of the Employer under the Chapter surch. Deducted
Employer head VI-A and edn.
Salaries cess)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
CALB07042A [23] BHARAT DESHBANDHU PURULIA 32-WEST 723121 314,484 [29] 40,012 [30] 17,403 [31] 24,644 [32] [33]
SANCHAR ROAD [25] [26] BENGAL [28]
1 NIGAM [27]
2 [34] [35] [36] [37] [38] [39] [40] [41] [42] [43] [44]
(Click + to add more rows to 23) TDS on Salary above. Do not delete blank rows. Blank rows will not be included In the ITR)
24 Details of Tax Deducted at Source Other than Salary

Tax Deduction
Amount Date of out of
Account Number Name of the Total tax
SI.No Address City State PinCode paid/ Payment (6) claimed
(TAN) of the Deductor Deducted
credited / Credit for
this year

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

1 [45] [46] [47] [48] [49] [50] [51] [52] [53] [54]
2 [55] [56] [57] [58] [59] [60] [61] [62] [63] [64]
3 [65]
4 [66]
(Click + to add more rows to 24) TDS other than Salary above. Do not delete blank rows. Blank rows will not be included In the ITR)

25 Details of Advance Tax and Self Assessment Tax Payments

Bank Detals & Branch
Date of Deposit
Sl No Name of the BSR Code Number of Amount (Rs)
Branch (DD/MM/YYYY)
Bank Challan

1 [67] [68] [69]

2 [70] [71] [72]
3 [73] [74] [75] [76] [77] [78]
4 [79] [80] [81] [82] [83] [84]
5 [85] [86] [87] [88] [89] [90]
6 [91] [92] [93] [94]

(Click '+' to add more rows to 25) Tax Payments. Do not delete blank rows. Blank rows will not be included In the ITR)
16 Taxes Paid
a Advance Tax (from item 25) 16a #N/A
b TDS (column 7 of item 23 +column 7 of 16b
TAXES PAID item 24)
c Self Assessment Tax (item 25) 16c #N/A
17 Total Taxes Paid (16a+16b+16c) 17 #N/A
18 Tax Payable (15-17) (if 15 is greater than 17) 18 #NAME?
19 Refund (17-15) if 17 is greater than 15 19 #NAME?
20 Enter your Bank Account number [95] (Mandatory in case of refund)
21 Select Yes if you want your refund by direct deposit into your bank account, Select No No [96]
if you want refund by Cheque
22 In case of direct deposit to your bank account give additional details
MICR Code [97] Type of Account(As applicable) [98]

26 Other Information (transactions reported through Annual Information Return) (Please see instruction
number-9(ii) for code)
Sl Code Amount (Rs) Sl Code Amount (Rs)
a 001 [99] b 002 [100]
c 003 [101] d 004 [102]
e 005 [103] f 006 [104]
g 007 [105] h 008 [106]
27 Exempt income for reporting purposes only (from Dividends, Capital Gains etc) [107]
I, (full name in block letters), [108] son/daughter of [109]
solemnly declare that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the information given in the return thereto is correct
and complete and that the amount of total income and other particulars shown therein are truly stated and are in
accordance with the provisions of the Income-tax Act, 1961, in respect of income chargeable to Income-tax for the
previous year relevant to the Assessment Year 2010-11

Place [110] Date [111] Sign here ->

26 If the return has been prepared by a Tax Return Preparer (TRP) give further details as below:
Identification No of TRP Name of TRP Counter Signature of TRP
[112] [113]

If TRP is entitled for any reimbursement from the Government, amount thereof (to be filled [114]
by TRP)
[1] Enter first name

[2] Enter middle name, if any

[3] Last name / Surname should not be blank

[4] PAN: First five alphabets, next four digits, then alphabet (exactly 10 chars)

[5] Enter flat no, door no etc. Should not be left blank

[6] Enter name of house, society, complex etc

[7] Enter name of road or street

[8] Enter name of locality. Should not be left blank.

[9] Should be in DD/MM/YYYY format only. DoB should be before 01/04/2010

[10] Enter city or town. Should not be left blank

[11] Enter six digit pin code (NRI can enter 999999)

[12] Enter valid Email Address to receive copy of ITR-V via email

[13] Do not prefix '0' before STD code. If mobile number is given, use '91' in STD code.

[14] Enter your Phone Number

[15] Select from list provided. If not employed or for HUF use 'OTH'

[16] Enter the ward or circle where the return is filed

[17] Select from list provided. Usually would be 11

[18] Select from list provided. If this is the only Return then select 'Original' if you have already filed your
return for this year and would like to make changes then select 'Revised'

[19] On or after 01/04/2010

Enter the Acknowledgement number and date of filing of Original return

[20] Select from list provided. Usually would be 'RES'

[21] Calculate relief u/s 89 as per IT Act in case of receipt of arrears of salary.or advances of salary
recieved during the year.

[22] Calculate relief u/s 90 or 91 as per IT Act in case of tax paid outside India

[23] First four alphabets, next five digits, then alphabet(exactly 10 chars). Quote valid TAN to ensure credit
for TDS

[24] Enter name of employer

[25] Enter Address of employer

[26] Enter city or town

[27] Select State from List

[28] Enter Pincode

[29] Enter details from Form 16

[30] Enter details from Form 16

[31] Enter details from Form 16

[32] Enter details from Form 16. Round off to nearest Rupee. This is the value TDS to be included in item

[33] Enter details from Form 16

[34] First four alphabets, next five digits, then alphabet(exactly 10 chars). Quote valid TAN to ensure credit
for TDS

[35] Enter name of employer

[36] Enter Address of employer

[37] Enter city or town

[38] Select State from List

[39] Enter Pincode

[40] Enter details from Form 16

[41] Enter details from Form 16

[42] Enter details from Form 16

[43] Enter details from Form 16. Round off to nearest Rupee. This is the value TDS to be included in item

[44] Enter details from Form 16

[45] First four alphabets, next five digits, then alphabet(exactly 10 chars). Quote valid TAN to ensure credit
for TDS

[46] Enter name of employer

[47] Enter Address of employer

[48] Enter city or town

[49] Select State from List

[50] Enter Pincode

[51] Enter details from Form 16

[52] Date of Payment/Credit as on Form 16A issued by deductor

[53] Enter details from Form 16A. Round off to nearest Rupee.

[54] Enter details from Form 16A. Usually this will be the same as tax deducted. This value cannot exceed
tax deducted. Round off to nearest Rupee. This is the value TDS to be included in item 15b
[54] Enter details from Form 16A. Usually this will be the same as tax deducted. This value cannot exceed
tax deducted. Round off to nearest Rupee. This is the value TDS to be included in item 15b

[55] First four alphabets, next five digits, then alphabet(exactly 10 chars). Quote valid TAN to ensure credit
for TDS

[56] Enter name of employer

[57] Enter Address of employer

[58] Enter city or town

[59] Select State from List

[60] Enter Pincode

[61] Enter details from Form 16

[62] Date of Payment/Credit as on Form 16A issued by deductor

[63] Enter details from Form 16A. Round off to nearest Rupee.

[64] Enter details from Form 16A. Usually this will be the same as tax deducted. This value cannot exceed
tax deducted. Round off to nearest Rupee. This is the value TDS to be included in item 15b

[65] Date of Payment/Credit as on Form 16A issued by deductor

[66] Date of Payment/Credit as on Form 16A issued by deductor

[67] Enter Name of bank. Can be abbrevitedof deposit and Serial no of Challan are entered to ensure
credit of the same

[68] Enter name of Branch. Please mention locality and city

[69] Enter date of deposit of tax payment in DD/MM/YYYY format. Date will be used to distinguish between
Advance Tax Payments and Self Assessment Tax Payments

[70] Enter Name of bank. Can be abbrevitedof deposit and Serial no of Challan are entered to ensure
credit of the same

[71] Enter name of Branch. Please mention locality and city

[72] Enter date of deposit of tax payment in DD/MM/YYYY format. Date will be used to distinguish between
Advance Tax Payments and Self Assessment Tax Payments

[73] Enter Name of bank. Can be abbrevitedof deposit and Serial no of Challan are entered to ensure
credit of the same

[74] Enter name of Branch. Please mention locality and city

[75] Enter seven digit code as per bank seal on counterfoil

[76] Enter date of deposit of tax payment in DD/MM/YYYY format. Date will be used to distinguish between
Advance Tax Payments and Self Assessment Tax Payments

[77] Enter challan serial number as per bank seal

[78] Enter tax payment. Round off nearest Rupee

[79] Enter Name of bank. Can be abbrevitedof deposit and Serial no of Challan are entered to ensure
credit of the same

[80] Enter name of Branch. Please mention locality and city

[81] Enter seven digit code as per bank seal on counterfoil

[82] Enter date of deposit of tax payment in DD/MM/YYYY format. Date will be used to distinguish between
Advance Tax Payments and Self Assessment Tax Payments

[83] Enter challan serial number as per bank seal

[84] Enter tax payment. Round off nearest Rupee

[85] Enter Name of bank. Can be abbrevitedof deposit and Serial no of Challan are entered to ensure
credit of the same

[86] Enter name of Branch. Please mention locality and city

[87] Enter seven digit code as per bank seal on counterfoil

[88] Enter date of deposit of tax payment in DD/MM/YYYY format. Date will be used to distinguish between
Advance Tax Payments and Self Assessment Tax Payments

[89] Enter challan serial number as per bank seal

[90] Enter tax payment. Round off nearest Rupee

[91] Enter seven digit code as per bank seal on counterfoil

[92] Enter date of deposit of tax payment in DD/MM/YYYY format. Date will be used to distinguish between
Advance Tax Payments and Self Assessment Tax Payments

[93] Enter challan serial number as per bank seal

[94] Enter tax payment. Round off nearest Rupee

[95] Enter if refund is due. Account number must have 0 to 9 maximum 15 digits. Do not enter alphabets or
any special characters.

[96] Select if Y in case direct deposit is required. This facility avilable only in select cities.

[97] Enter if Y is selected for direct deposit. MICR Code is printed on the middle of the bottom portion of
your cheque

[98] Select appropriate nature of the account

[99] Cash deposits aggregating Rs 10 lakhs or more in a year

[100] Credit Card payments aggregating Rs 2 lakhs or more in a year

[101] Payments of Rs 2 lakhs or more for purchase of units of MF

[102] Payments of Rs 5 lakhs or more for acquiring bonds or debentures

[103] Payments of Rs 1 lakh or more for acquiring shares of a company

[104] Purchase of immovable property valued at Rs 30 lakhs or more

[105] Sale of immovable property valued at Rs 30 lakhs or more

[106] Payments of Rs 5 lakhs or more for investments in RBI bonds in a year

[107] Enter any interest received that is claimed as Tax exempt eg Interest from RBI bonds

[108] Enter name. In case of HUF, Karta's name should be entered here.

[109] Enter fathers name

[110] Enter city

[111] Enter date in DD/MM/YYYY. Date should be on after 01/04/2010. Do not enter future date.

[112] Enter ID of TRP

[113] Enter name of TRP

[114] Enter TRP reimbursement amount

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