Course Outline - Ma'Am Dai

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Fides et Veritas

First Quarter
Grade 6
Lesson Title Topics/Skills No. of
Lesson 1. Growing Up with Change ● Getting the meaning of words through context clues *** 5
● Getting word meanings through structural analysis ***
● Using prefixes***
● Forming words using affixes
● Noting important details
● arranging events in proper sequence***
● Sequencing words into logical statements

Lesson 2. Accepting Me for Who I ● Supplying synonyms*** 5
Am ● Using words with multiple meanings***
● Identifying homonyms ***
● Distinguishing between long and short /e/
● Filling out forms
● Noting important details***
Wk.3 5
Lesson 3. Finding Myself Where I ● Getting the meaning of words through context clues
am ● Correctly using words with multiple meanings
● Completing Analogies ***
● Correctly articulating different vowel sounds of /a/
● Analyzing poems ***
● Noting important details

Wk.4 5
Lesson 4. Mother, My Teacher and ● Completing analogies
My Best Friend ● Identifying synonyms and antonyms ***
● Correctly pronouncing words with diphthongs***
● Drawing a character sketch

Wk.5 5
Lesson 5. Unity in Diversity ● Giving the denotative meanings of words ***
● Getting the meaning of words through context clues
● Using Euphemisms ***
● Identifying consonant cluster
● Conducting a survey ***
● correctly classifying related words/concepts
● Establishing cause-effect relationship between ideas ***
● Summarizing ideas from a selection read ***

Wk.6 5
Lesson 6. Family Traditions ● Identifying and forming compound words ***
● Identifying consonant clusters
● Using the Dewey Decimal Classification ***
● Using the Card Catalogue ***
● Arranging events in proper sequence
● Evaluating the truth value of statements

W.7 5
Lesson 7. Family Matters ● Forming words through compounding and affixation
● Differentiating stressed and unstressed syllables ***
● Using the dictionary as guide in pronunciation ***
● Establishing cause and effect relationships between ideas
● Forming open-and close-ended questions
● Making Inferences ***

Wk.8 5
Lesson 8. Five Times the Fun ● Using picture clues to get the meaning of words
● Forming words through clipping and blending ***
● Reading a dialogue
● Using the newspaper to locate information ***
● answering wh- and h- questions
● Differentiating fact and opinion ***
● Citing evidence from the text

Total No. of Weeks – 8 Wks.

Total No. of Days – 40 Days

Marian School of Quezon City

Fides et Veritas
First Quarter
Reading 5
Lesson Title Topics/Skills No. of
Wk.1 ● Identifying root words and affixes 5
Lesson 1. Life’s Beautiful Music ● Forming new words by adding prefixes and Affixes
● Using appropriate affixes to certain root words
● Analyzing meaning of words using affixes
● Plotting significant events in the story

Wk.2 ● Identifying the different information about a word in a dictionary 5

Lesson 2. Let’s Talk it Over ● Using the dictionary to unlock unfamiliar words
● Arranging words alphabetically
● Classify words based on the number of their syllables
● Identifying the stress in a word

Wk,3 ● Recognizing homographs 5

Lesson 3. Parents Know Best ● Identifying the different meanings of homographs
● Using homographs in sentences
● Noting down the events in the story
● Giving a word its multiple meaning

Wk.4 ● Identifying the stressed words in the sentence 5

Lesson 4. Sacrifices Bear Sweet ● Distinguishing meanings through word stress
Wk.5 ● Distinguishing word relation through synonyms and antonyms 5
Lesson 5. They Are the People We ● Giving the synonyms and antonyms of a given set of words
Care for
Wk.6 ● Filling out forms accurately 5
Lesson 6. Here’s Your Key to ● Completing a school form and an email account application
Success ● accomplishing a bank deposit form with complete information
Wk.7 ● Following simple directions 5
Lesson 7.They Are a Treasure No ● Creating an email account by following the given directions
Matter How Old They Are ● Identifying the importance of following directions accurately
Wk.8 ● Using the KWL strategy 5
Lesson 8. I Am Proud To Be a ● Plotting information on a semantic web based on KWL strategy
Filipino ● Identifying the parts of the newspaper
● Delivering reports through news casting
● Making a dummy Newspaper

Total No. of Weeks – 8 Wks.

Total No. of Days – 40 Days
Marian School of Quezon City
Fides et Veritas
First Quarter
Language 6
Lesson Title Topics/Skills No. of
Wk.1 ● Identify the kinds of Nouns*** 5
Lesson 1. Summer Time collective
● Master the rules in forming the plurals of nouns

Wk.2 ● Enumerate and give examples of gender of nouns*** 5

Lesson 2. I Am a Woman ● Use gender of nouns in sentences
● Identify how nouns are used in the nominative case ***
Wk.3-4 ● Differentiate nouns in the nominative case from the Objective 10
Lesson 3. A Hero in the Family Case of Nouns***
● Identify Possessive Case of nouns***

Wk.5-6 ● Write sentences using nouns as *** 10

Lesson 4. Your Own Place in the subjects
Family direct objects
indirect objects
Objective Complement
Subjective Complement
Noun Clause

Wk.7 ● Identify the Kinds of Pronouns*** 5

Lesson 5. Family Tradition

● Write sentences using the kinds of pronouns correctly

Wk.8 ● Identify and use the following pronouns in sentences*** 5

Lesson 6. Five is a Blessing
Interrogative Pronouns
Relative Pronouns
Reflexive Pronouns
● Use correct antecedents in every pronouns***
● Construct meaningful sentences using the Cases of
● Identify the number and person of pronouns

Total No. of Weeks – 8 Wks.

Total No. of Days – 40 Days

Marian School of Quezon City

Fides et Veritas
First Quarter
Grade 7
Lesson Title Topics/Skills No. of
Lesson 1. I Am A Learner ● Listen attentively to the essay “Why Go to School?” 5
● Identify significant details from the essay given***
● Listen effectively to decipher meaning, values, attitudes and
● Observe correct element of pronunciation such as intonations,
stress, pausing, blending in oral reading and speaking
● Apply communications strategies in an interview
● Make statements and ask questions using the SVC sentence
pattern.*** 5
● Locate relevant information about words by using the
● Get the main idea of the selection given***
● Draw conclusions from the selection read 5
● Infer the writer’s tone and purpose***
● Arrive at the meanings of words through contexts

● Write and recount an experience through the use of appropriate

● Supply the key message with narrative details***
● Integrate message of the literary selections with the real world.

Wk. 4-6
Lesson 2. I Grow and Discover the ● Apply appropriate listening strategy to facilitate listening 5
World comprehension
● Listen attentively to the selection read and note significant
● Derive information that can be used in everyday life from
informative talks
● Express orally views on current issues with coherence and
● Develop one’s confidence and collaboration process of
responding and evaluating 5
● Use the kinds of sentences according to function to state facts
and opinions***
● Use the SV and SVO patterns***
● Predict from the title what the selection tells 5
● Get the main idea
● Determine the cause and effect relationship***
● Note directly stated ideas
● Draw conclusions from presented facts or details
● Organize ideas through outlining***
● write a narrative account which has a good beginning, middle
and ending
● Use transition signals to bring about the smooth flow of
sequenced ideas
● Identify the literary devices used by the author
● Explain the elements of a story***

Wk. 7-8 ● Listen attentively for key ideas in a speech 5

Lesson 3. You Give Me Ideals and ● Listen to summarize a text
Responsibilities ● Express views and ideas with coherence and clarity***
● Use simple past and the S-V-IO-O pattern in meaningful
● Skim for the main ideas and scan for specific details in a
selection*** 5
● Distinguish true from false statements facts from opinions
● Point out the antecedent of a pronoun*** 5
● Unblock the meanings of unfamiliar words through context
● Read critically to infer tone and purpose

Total No. of Weeks – 8 Wks.

Total No. of Days – 40 Days
Marian School of Quezon City
Fides et Veritas
S.Y 2013 – 2014


Submitted by:​ Mrs. Daisy M. Galgana
Submitted to :​ ​Mr. Gian Carlo B. Dizon
Assistant Director

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