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Integrating Psychology and Nutrition

Behavior theory as association among non-diet inter- Karen Chapman-Novakofski,
it relates to nut- ventions, self-esteem, and depression. PhD, RD, LDN
rition education This systematic review included pri- Editor-in-Chief
and health strate- marily group classes in the com-
gies has always munity or worksite. In a different
intrigued me. I be- population, after bariatric surgery for REFERENCES
lieve that know- obesity, Nijman et al5 found that
ing why someone behavioral motivational nutrition ed- 1. McCurdy K, Kisler T, Gorman KS, Met-
does something ucation was successful to alleviating allinos-Katsaras E. Food- and health-
provides insight depressive symptoms in 144 obese related correlates of self-reported body
in how to strengthen or weaken that Hispanic Americans. These articles mass index among low-income mothers
behavior. So, I try to include behavior point to the usefulness of including of young children. J Nutr Educ Behav.
theory within my research, teaching, non-diet intervention and motiva- 2015;47:225-233.
and outreach programs. However, I tional counseling techniques when 2. Lynch EB, Kane J. Body size perception
have not really considered mental working with obese adults. among African American women. J Nutr
health as part of our sphere as nutrition But what do we know about Educ Behav. 2014;46:412-417.
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cles in JNEB suggest that perhaps I well-being? Data from a national New Esquer ME, Reese-Smith JY, Banda JA,
should. Zealand survey were analyzed by Utter Lee RE. Body image and physical activ-
I understand the presumed associa- et al6 concerning adolescent cook- ity among Latina and African American
tion between depression and obesity. ing skills and emotional well-being. women. Ethn Dis. 2011;21:281-287.
Depression can lead to overeating, Although I believe that self-efficacy 4. Clifford D, Ozier A, Bundros J, Moore J,
which leads to weight gain and more can improve self-esteem by making Kreiser A, Morris MN. Impact of non-
depression. But certainly this associa- one more capable, I had not thought diet approaches on attitudes, behaviors,
tion is not direct or simple and cannot about self-efficacy in life skills such and health outcomes: a systematic review.
be generalized. For instance, McCurdy as cooking as being associated with J Nutr Educ Behav. 2015;47:143-155.
et al1 found no association between emotional well-being before reading 5. Nijamkin MP, Campa A, Nijamkin SS,
mothers' body mass index (BMI) and this article. Also surprising were the Sosa J. Comprehensive behavioral-
depressive symptoms as measured results from Pacanowski et al.7 In their motivational nutrition education im-
with the Center for Epidemiologic study on self-weighing by adoles- proves depressive symptoms following
Studies Depression Scale (a 20-item cents, they found that self-weighing bariatric surgery: a randomized, controlled
questionnaire) in 166 mothers. How- was inversely associated with self- trial of obese Hispanic Americans. J Nutr
ever, more than half of the partici- esteem. Although self-weighing can Educ Behav. 2013;45:620-626.
pants in this sample were Hispanic. provide useful feedback on positive 6. Utter J, Denny S, Lucassen M, Dyson B.
We know from Lynch and Kane's results from weight reduction man- Adolescent cooking abilities and behav-
article2 that cultural and medical agement, their study of 1,902 adoles- iors: associations with nutrition and
interpretations of body size do not cents and young adults discovered emotional well-being. J Nutr Educ Behav.
always align, and overweight or obese this relationship remained over 2016;48:35-41.
women may not see themselves as 10 years of data. 7. Pacanowski CR, Loth KA, Hannan PJ,
such. While Lynch and Kane's work2 Although there have been reports Linde JA, Neumark-Sztainer DR. Self-
was with African American women, of teaching Health at Every Size in weighing throughout adolescence and
Hispanic women also have cultural college,8 I have not heard of men- young adulthood: implications for well-
perspectives on weight that may not tal health assessment and nutrition being. J Nutr Educ Behav. 2015;47:506-515.
align with medical interpretation.3 courses. While in no way replacing 8. Humphrey L, Clifford D, Neyman
In addition to being overweight, the psychologist or psychiatrist, in- Morris M. Health at every size college
the dieting itself may play a role in corporation of more psychological course reduces dieting behaviors and
the mental health of overweight assessment and positive approaches improves intuitive eating, body esteem,
women. For instance, in their system- may significantly improve our clients' and anti-fat attitudes. J Nutr Educ Behav.
atic review, Clifford et al4 found an quality of life. 2015;47:354-360.

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