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Name: Klever Chachapoya-Dennis Jaramillo

Date: Thursday, November 14th 2019

Course: English Level 7-8

How to make a traditional Ecuadorian lunch

Starters: Molo de papa

6 medium potatoes, about 3 pounds

4 tablespoons butter

1 cup white onion or pearl

2 cloves garlic, finely chopped

¼ teaspoon ground achiote

1¼ cups of milk

1 cup shredded fresh cheese

¼ cup liquid milk cream

Salt to taste

1. Peel the potatoes and cut them in half. Then they are cooked in boiling water until soft, about 30
minutes. Close the water and keep them until the refried is ready.
2. In the same pot where the potatoes were cooked, prepare a refried by melting the butter over
medium heat with the chopped onion, chopped garlic, achiote and salt. Cook until the onions are
transparent, approximately 7-10 minutes.
3. Add potatoes or potatoes and milk. Use a potato masher until it is smooth and creamy.
4. Add the crumbled fresh cheese and the cream or liquid cream. Mix well, taste and rectify the salt if
5. Serve the molo in individual dishes or in a large bowl garnished with lettuce leaves, fresh cheese, hard
boiled eggs, sliced avocado, diced green onion and parsley or cilantro. Onion and roasted tomato and
chili can be served on the table according to the preferences of each person.
Main Course: Llapingacho

1 pound of potato

1 raw egg

Achiote to taste

Salt to taste

Pepper to taste

1 pound Creole cheese

1/4 liter of vegetable oil

2 fried eggs

4 sausages

2 white onion branches

4 clove of garlic

1/2-pound peanut smoothie

1 lettuce

1 red onion

2 tomatoes

2 coriander branches

2 lemons
1. Prepare a mashed potato. Boil the potatoes with a little salt and crush them until they are mashed
potatoes, without additional ingredients.
2. Make potato balls and fill with cheese. You can use any white or fresh salted cheese. Crush the
dough with the cheese until it forms thick tortillas.

3. Fry the potato tortillas in a pan with a little oil, cook until browned on both sides.
4. Brown the sausage and fry the eggs in a pan.

5. Make the peanut sauce, finely chop the white onion and garlic, in annatto, add the liquefied
peanut, a little water, let it cook until it thickens and season with salt and pepper.
6. Prepare the sauce, with the tomato and red onion cut in julienne, add the lemon juice, chopped
cilantro and season with salt and pepper.
7. Serve the Llapingachos with julienne chopped lettuce, peanut sauce, fried eggs, sausage and
Creole sauce.

Dessert: Arroz con leche


1 cup of rice

6 cups whole milk

a pinch of salt

1 cinnamon stick

2 slices of orange peel

½ cup white sugar or brown sugar

½ cup raisins

1 tablespoon butter

½ cup of condensed milk adjusted to your liking

½ teaspoon vanilla essence

1 tablespoon rum - optional

To decorate and serve:

Cinnamon powder

Chocolate zest


Fresh fruit to taste

1. Wash the rice well, when rinsing when the water is clean it means that it is well washed.
2. Put the milk in a medium saucepan with the orange peel, cinnamon and a pinch of salt. Boil and add
the washed rice. Simmer for about 1 hour and 15 minutes, or until the rice is tender and soft. Stir
occasionally, more frequently as cooking time increases.
3. Remove cinnamon sticks and orange peel from rice.
4. Add the sugar or honey of panela and raisins, cook for 15-20 minutes, or until very smooth and
creamy. Stir frequently to avoid burns.
5. Add the butter.
6. Add the condensed milk, vanilla and rum to the rice pudding and stir well. Get out of the fire.
7. Rice pudding can be served hot or cold. Garnish with ground cinnamon, fruits, dulce de leche, grated
chocolate, etc.

Drink: Orange Juice

1. Squeeze the oranges
2. Add water
3. Sweeten with sugar or panela to taste

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