Lab 1 Lab Work Part 1: Ore., N

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' Lab 1 Lab work Part 1

I Name: Ga-.c.t ~l

Please c~rcle YES if you think the following question can be answered scientifically.
Section #: (P'\

Please circle NO if it cannot be answered scientifically. (3pts)

a. Are domesticated dogs as wolves?


b. Will drinking milk from arthritic goats reduce HIV Levels in infected individuals.


c. Do urban honey bees prefer processes sugar over flower nectar?

d. How effective are marigold and rosemary at insect repellants?


e. Should governments prohibit distribution of GM food during severe famine?


2. Write a hypothesis for each of the following: (2 pts)

a. Can human dander cause allergic reactions in cats?

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co;u~ Cl\\t'(~~t-- '{t-o.c~ Of'\:'> .

b. Are teens who take vitamin B12 supplements more likely to have acne outbreaks?

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a. A high-fat diet in pregnant women may increase chances of ADHD in offspring.

Is this falsifiable: YES

What is measurable? ~C,...

-n,c c\nMce~ o~ Pio r\ o ,n o ~ v,~
What can be controlled?
.\\..\{'t ~ \",~h-~o.\ ott\--

b. Living on a farm protects children from developing asthma and hayfever.

Is this falsifiable: YES

What can be controlled?

\~vvY\ \\.~

c. The Y chromosome in modern humans is the same as the Y chromosome in


Is this falsifiable: ~ NO )

What is measurable?

ho.,u S',=,\o.v \.\ ( \r....,:J'Mo'Sorr,Q,<; 0-n::

What can be controlled?
u. ueneucally modified foods have caused an increase in gluten intolerance.

Is this falsifiable: YES

What is measurable'?

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What can be controlled'?
-\oedS \ fu ~~'}

e. "Snake oil" from pythons can be used to build heart muscle.

Is this falsifiable: @ , NO

What is measurable?

What can be controlled?

(}J'{\~D-f\\ ~ )'ro~ o,\

4. From Exercise 1.2 in your book, answer the following questions: (1.Spts)

a. List the essential components of scientific investigations from asking a question

to carrying out an experiment.
b. List the variables that must be identified in designing an experiment.

c. What are the components of an experimental procedure?

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5. Your group was asked to design a step test. Now it is time to practice writing a research
proposal. Please fill in all boxes that follow (8pts)
~ i r\<k.v ~l~ ~ JJ reu~ vo.\-e
What is (are) the dependent variable(s) in your experiment?

What is the independent variable?

Controlled (standardized) variables?

ti c-ev Cl~ J e0.V\VQYWY~.1V\+

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Level(s) of treatment: .



It co11e'6t (l"O.~ \ ~ o.\o.~ do t'le. So.Me -tXlli L11,t ~

fl\CI~ lMlu,\& V~t()b qU1t~c ( V'O'-('. C\ lrl,t\Q.r 1{,~ ~~)
6. Record your data below: (1.Spts)

TABLE 1.2 Results of Step Test for Team Members. Modify the Table for the Measurements Recorded
in Your Experiment.

Measurements Test Group 1: lY\o.'les Test Group 2:- ~alts

Before step test
Pulse rate (bpm) 8d lo'd
I minute after step test
Pulse rate (bpm) = t1 \DJ tod
2 minutes after step test
Pulse rate (bpm) = ti 71.o lolo
3 minutes after step test
Pulse rate (bpm) = t3 8~ \Qlo
Fitness Index
FI= Duration oftest (sec)+ 100
loB.l 9d.78
(t1 + t2 + b) l{o8'~
( . fL 9J 18

7. Summarize all data from class: (1.Spts)

TABLE 1.3 Summary of Class Data for All Subjects. Modify the Table and Record the Results from the Experiment by Test Groups J and 2.

Results for Test Group 1: {'.A

Subject 1 2 3 4 s 6 Average
Before step test
Pulserate<born) B'5 8C) so i:_, 8 8'3 ia 71,tol
I minute after step test
Pulse rate rhnrn) R{.) 7l\ ~L\ '6lo \\4 \Dd ~l.o1n1
2 minutes after step test
Pulse rate <born) 7\)
ld ,8 ~& C\4 ,lo -,-;_l,..t\
3 minutes after step test
Pulse rate <bnm) \oR 'Id loD 7S 8\.\ 7\
Fitness Index ~ .\\~\1, 8'-t l0° 1t. B't'.>.d~" li,:).9L\ 0
\1» lo8.71o 1C\ _\).- 0\11
Results for Test Group 2:
Subject 1 2 3 4 s 6 Average
Before step test
Pulse rate <born) C\\ '5d 8'1 S\o ~ "O~ lo85
I minute after step test
Pulse rate (bpm) "Ii ~ 0\.\ RL\ \9\o \od rf)
2 minutes after step test
Pulse nte rhnrn) 8d ~\) (6'-\ to\.\ 1:)'o VJ\c lo£3.7
3 minutes aflcr step test
Pulse rate <bnm)
~o . ~\e 8\) ~ 5\o \D\o lD\o.)
Fitness Index (ot\.} }\· l\\1t;\>\o \.o(\ ,7)\o 8~9\0\, \\i.\;\o~ ({\~~ 8~~0\o

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