Aspects Manual

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Purpose of the programme:

To bring people to an awakened experience

Have an experience of seeing into our true nature

- this will be a turning experience

What ever experience you have today will only be enhanced by

practicing it, or it will become just a found memory

Enlist the ego to work for us


- orders you to get me a cup of coffee now

- we love to serve but we dot like having things demanded of us

You have to find away to get around you’re own ego because it stands
in the way of you opening doors and areas of your mind and your life
that you could not have dreamt of.

Ego is a guardian and it prevents you from doing this because if you
open there is no ego

The last thing the ego wants to do is to not be present

Invite the ego to be present, it just needs to let go of control, this can
bring up fear, no one has to participate.

If fear comes up invite the ego to take control again

Find a way to signal to me that you’re falling behind or are
stuck...make this ok

We are going to disect the self today

Why? So we can learn more about it.

Hopfully we will put it back together

Who am I, or what is my true nature?

Why is is so difficult to grasp that
We can all come up with what I do

This creates a loop because who you really are in ungraspable

It is possible to experience that ungraspable nature

If we don't try to grasp it we can experience it

In order to look at certain aspects of yourself what i am going to do is
give them labels

Artificial label names that have been found to work

We will be using these voices to lay a foundation so that when we

move beyond the self we have a strong foundation

When I ask to speak to a specific voice in you I would like you to shift
your position in the chair to where that voice is seated - that voice is
seated where ever you shift to

Perspective of the room

A physical shift helps create a mental shift...for this to work for you
fully, I invite you to move/shift.

WHY when we keep the same perspective our view of life or reality is
very one dimesional / narrow

Seeing this room from multiple perspectives increases our awarness

of this room notice there is no right perspective, same with

Purpose is to see there is no right perspective

Your perspective which is only your perspective and is 100% correct
is not the only perspective

We tend to forget this in relationship with others

We tend to forget that our perspective is not the only perspective

What is useful is to move into someone elses perspective and see it

throught their eyes

IF you do not understand what I am asking for, and the chances are
you won’t, still make the shift and then i will ask questions that will
allow you to gain insight into your new perspective

A voice is disowned when you want to go back and talk

about the voice instead of speaking from the voice

The Protector

To protect whom from what?

Will you ever be out of a job?

Protect the self from (the self)?


 risks

 self-doubt

 attack form other

 pain

 uncertainty

 looking bad - keep up the image

 from loss

 disappointment

 bosses and authority figure

 change

 danger

 it will do the same stupid thing

Protect the self from others

Protect others from the self

Protect others from the self - just this one alone is a full time job

Q. What might cause the self to get out of control?

 greed

 anger

 self-hatred

 growth

 intellect

 loss

 lust

 passion

 overconfidence

 jealously

 being a spiritual teacher

Q. What does the protector do to protect?


 builds walls

 create barriers

 boundaries

 borders

Job Descriptions:

When you define the job description, you get clear who you work for
...but you don't know who you work for yet

When we do this the whole company works more smoothly and


This a 24/7 job

How does it feel that the self doesn’t appreciate your hard work?

 Every voice is like a child in a family, some children have nice

names and some children have horrible names and it’s not their

 putdown in the basement

 the ones with bad names get treated very badly

 they get smothered and not listened too

 as the protector your job is to make sure these voices get heard -
they have the right to be heard


And you are?

What is your job?

To control What?

 everything

 yourself & others

 time

 other drivers

 weather

Do you do your job?

Do you do your best?

Whats your greatest fear?

 to loose control
Why do you control?

 If I don't control the self no one else will, but the universe will
or the police or the government because the self wants to be

 the self feels trapped by your control

 so best you control the self than control from outside

 the self would like to be free of you..what does it feel like to you
the controller that the self wants you gone?

 you know that getting rid of you is not such a good idea

 you know that the self is going to screw up, the self doesn't even
know this about itself …without you its going to mess up

 without you the self will have a lot of fun until consequences

 ultimate reason to control is to protect

ASK PLEASE TO LET THE CONTROLLER allow me to speak to the

other voices



Q. What's your job?

A. to question everything

Tell me about you..

 I am wise

 I can sniff out all the insane stuff the self would fall victim too

 Keep the self from falling for anything & everything

 Also again protecting from others

 Skeptical of other voices

Q. Do you do your job completely or stop short?

Q. If you did your job completely the self would be enlightened right are one of the more direct doors to enlightenment

Voice of Fear

Tell me about you?…

 Afraid to find out who I am

 Afraid of uncertainty

 How many of you are afraid all the time fear, every hand
should be up

 Conflict

 Afraid I might be nothing

 To let go

 Disappointed in self

 Never rest until its safe

 Self ignores or tried to destroy you


Constantly alert

- raise the alarm


Tell me about you?…

 I am persecuted

 I tell the story

 I get attention

 I tried so hard

 I didn't have a choice

 I suffer

 It’s not my fault

Damaged self

Tell me about you?…

 Your job is to stand in front of every emotional bullet and arrow

that comes

 Rejection

 Insult

 You are the reason the rest are all intact

 You are a hero however you feel, just damaged

 This is what you were hired to do

The Fixer

Tell me about what you fix?…

 The world

 The damaged self

 Find others to fix

 You will break it to fix it better

Vulnerable Child

 Powerless

 Dependent on others

 I trust everyone

 The world is confusing

 It’s a mystery

 Make a pure distinction ...prior to the story, prior to the



What do you offer to the self?

 play

 innocence

 trust

 spontaneity

 creativity - aliveness

 sensitive

 loving

 joy

 honest

 free

 wonder

 open

 curious

 delighted

 fun

You are the self's true essence

- they are all trying to protect the vunrable child

- the core stays completely unhurt

The Voice of Desire

 I lust

 desire

 want

 needy

 cant get enough

 and when you get more what do you do next

 always the next thing I want will make me happier

 don't have enough now

 insatiable

 never satisfied with what you just got because your on to the
next bite

 if it weren't for you where would the self be right now?

- lower

- no development

- not moving

- no evolution

 absolutely essential

 how is it you cause suffering?

- you attach to pleasurable things

- things that bring pleasure

- you desire the opposite of those things that bring pain

The Seeking Mind

 enlightenment

 knowledge

 purpose

 an escape from pain

 be better

 you brought the self here

 what's your relationship to the voice of desire

 you carry desire to a higher level

The Mind That Seeks The Way

 discerning

 roller coaster

 frustrated

 devoted to keep seeking

 the way you seek is what

- higher potential

- wisdom

- peace

- meaning

- purpose

 by seeking purpose and meaning, guess what you give to the self
…purpose and meaning


 the mind that seeks the way gives meaning and purpose to this
 you are very focused and offer the self something that no other
can give

 Do not let this voice get supressed repressed or disowned

- Other voices would love to try to get above this voice

- The self would love to cling or attatch …particularly to the


- You offer the self freedom from attatchment

- You are aware of the journey

The Follower of the Way

 see what has to be so in order for you to follow the way

 you have to glimpse or see the traces or tracks

 part of the way

 the way does not stand still for you

 other voices will always try to get in the way of you following

 keep up with the way

- have faith and trust

 in order to follow you have to surrender/ or submit

 surrender

- fear

- doubt

- certainty

- attachment to what it should look like

- desire

 Notice what it feels like to just follow

- its easy

- it reveals itself

The Way
 what do you notice being the way

- everywhere

- no where

- nothing to do

- still

- being ness

- home

- vast

- everything fits

- infinite

 you are what the seeking mind has been seeking and the
follower has been following


- ask the way to make a 360 turn

- did that get in anyway diminished by moving

- you are not restricted to any sitting posture or pose

 welcoming and gratitude and thanks

 compassion

 no judgments

 awake

Big mind
 look and see how big you are

- can you find any boundaries limits or parameters of any


 is there anything that is not me

- limits are me

- delusion is me

- do you have a beginning or end

- birthless and deathless

 LOOK AT THE SELF what do you see

- a part of me

- a mental construct

- expression me

Big Heart
 see how you are different and the same to big mind

- different

- same

 embrace

 feeling but not clinging

 love

 you feel and care for everything

 unconditional acceptance

 what are you draw to eleviating ...suffering

 liberate all beings

Yin Compassion - feminine aspect of big heart

 feminine compassion

 embrace everyone equally


 only you can do this for the damaged self

Yang Compassion - male big heart

 decisive

 cut

 manifest

 ruthless when needed

 loving strength

 encouraging

 direction

 discipline


- confidence

- free of damage

Ying Yang big heart - Integrated Compassion

 wisdom

 harmony
 balance

 fight for compassion

 flexibility

 I can give what is needed when its needed

The Master
Tell me more about you..

 who do they all work for?

 who’s company is this?

 who is responsible?

 don't be deceived by other voices

The Integrated Free Functioning Human Being

 first of all you are?

- free fuctioning

- integrated Human being

 what is it like?

- I accept my reality

- feels good

- complete

- whole


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