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Test Paper

1) .................... when you got up this morning?

a. Did it rain
b. Was it raining

2) A: What ........................ yesterday evening? B: Nothing special.

a. did you do
b. were you doing

3) I was really hungry yesterday evening because I .............. anything since breakfast.
a. didn't eat
b. wasn't eating
c. hadn't eaten

4) I ................ at the bus stop when Dave came by in his car and gave me a lift.
a. waited
b. was waiting

5) I was really tired last night so I ............. straight to bed.

a. went
b. was going
c. had gone

6) We got to the cinema late and the film ...................

a. already started
b. was already started
c. had already started
d. has already started

7) Tom and Alice ................ for 10 years when they decided to get divorced.
a. had been married
b. were married
c. are married

8) "Have you ever been to New York?" The girl asked me if I ................. to New York.
a. was ever been
b. ever go
c. had ever been
d. have ever been

9) "Can you remember what the man you saw coming out of the bank .............. , madam?" the policeman asked
the old lady.
a. was wearing
b. wore
c. had worn
d. has worn

10) A: Why don't you wear your red dress to Tom's party? B: Oh no! I ........... that to Jim's party last Saturday.
a. had worn
b. wore
c. was wearing

II. Fill in the blanks with Simple Past or Past Perfect Tenses.

When I (1) (arrive) home last night, I (2) (discover) that Jane (3) (prepare) a beautiful candlelight dinner.
When I (4) (turn) the radio on yesterday, I (5) (hear) a song that was popular when I was in high school. I (6)
(not hear) the song for years, and it (7) (bring) back some great memories.
Last week, I (8) (run into) an old friend of mine. We (9) (not see) each other for years and both of us (10)
(change) a great deal.
When Emilio (11) (enter) the room, I (12) (not recognize) him because he (13) (lose) so much weight and (14)
(grow) a beard. He (15) (look) totally different.
When Oprah Winfrey (16) (get) her own TV show in 1986, she (17) (work) as a news reporter for a long time.
In 1976, 60% of families (18) (be) couples with children but by 1996, this (19) (fall) to 51%.
Several senior employees (20) (leave) the company by the time the new manager (21) (arrive) last week.
Until the new software (22) (purchase), the staff (23) (struggle) to keep the accounts up to date.
I (24) (see) that movie three times last year
When my supervisor (25) (pop in) my office the other day, I (26) (work) on the project for nearly three hours.

III. Fill in the gaps with the words in brackets in Present Perfect or Past Simple.

1. The other day I our friend Chris. (meet)

2. She is very ill, she here for two weeks. (not be)

3. My former teacher for London. (leave)

4. He to Leeds last week. (go)

5. We many new roads in Poland. (build)

6. The old woman as she was crossing the street. (fall)

7. You (never) to Paris? No, I (never) there. (be)

8. They here for the last seven years. (live)

9. The doctor . He is waiting for you in the next room. (come)

10. He the soldiers to battle. (lead)

11. They home after the concert last night. (go)

12. I him for three months. (not meet)

13. you the papers this morning? (you / read)

14. They their way. (lose)

15. you in Paris last spring? Yes, I there in April. (be)

16. I to him about it over and over again. (speak)

17. I to him about it yesterday. (speak)

18. He in Vienna several times. (be)

19. We a bad storm the day before yesterday. (have)

20. The Browns are not at home. I believe they just . (leave)

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