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As I walk on the side of the road, I saw an old man with a soldier uniform with him.

I approach
the old man with curiosity in my mind. I ask to whom did he get the uniform, we stayed quiet for
a few seconds then he replied with sadness and longing in his eyes and the tone of his voice.
"The uniform was my father's, he fought during world war II. My father left us to serve because
the country needs him, I wished he is also here when I need him. Without him a second felt like a
minute, a minute felt like an hour, an hour felt like a day. I still remember when I was a kid with
my mom, I waited every morning for his letter, I waited every day for the day he will come home
and surprise us with the warmth of his arms. I remember the countless birthdays, Christmas, and
new year's he did not attend, but still, we waited for him. It was my 10th birthday, I'm excited
because I have a feeling that he will come home and we will have a big party. I check every time
someone is coming hoping that it will be him but it always been somebody else. The party has
ended and he never came again for the 4th time, I felt sad and disappoint, then my mother
approach with a Botox smile and said: "he will come next, I promise". Until one day, my mother
got a phone call from the Army bringing a piece of devastating news, and I saw the tears in her
eyes, I feel so helpless inside". Tears came to my eyes as I listened to his story and hugged him,
hoping it will be as warm as his father's arms.

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