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Week 1 - Day 1 - Upper

A - Bench Press of choice*

B - Chest Supported Row*
Superset C1 - Lat Pulldowns (or weighted Chins)*
C2 - Overhead Press of choice*
Superset D1- Dips
D2 - Upright Rows (EZ Bar, Cable, or Barbell)
Giant Set E1 - Lateral Raises
E2 - Skull Crushers
E3 - Curls
Superset F1 - Pec Deck Flies
F2 - Rear Delt Flies
Superset G1 - Straight Arm Lat Pull-Downs (Shoulder Ext.)
G2 - Front Raises (Shoulder Flex.)
Week 1 - Day 2 - Lower
Hips Ext. Into Pad - Glutes Isometrically
Contracted A - Lying Hamstring Curls
B - Squat*
C - Deadlift of Choice (Conventional or Sumo)*
D - Glute Bridge
Tempo: (X/1/3/1) - see PDF E - Calf Raise
Giant Set F1 - Leg Extension
F2 - Hip Adduction
F3 - Hip Abduction
Week 1 - Day 3 - Upper - Chest/Arms
A - Speed Barbebell Bench Press
B - Machine Incline Press w/ Resistance Bands

Bar Path To Clavice, After Failure, Perform

Partials in the Stretched Position - See PDF. C - Smith Machine Slight Incline Press
Drop Set on Final Set D - Wide Machine Chest Press
E - Cable Fly (3 set high to low, 3 sets low to high)
Superset F1 - Tricep Pushdown
F2 - Cable Curl w/ Shoulder Flexed to 90°
Superset G1 - DB Overhead Tricep Ext
G2 - Seated Incline DB Curl
H - Hammer Curl
Intraset Stretching Protocol I - Machine Tricep Extension (Intraset Stretching)
Week 1 - Day 4 - Lower - Quads/Adductors
Drop Set on Final Set A - Hip Adduction
Partials Upon Initial Failure + Drop Set B - Leg Extensions
See PDF. C1 - Leg Press Wide Foot Position
C2 - Leg Press Narrow Foot Position
D - Bulgarian Split Squat
Superset + Blood Flow Restriction E1 - BFR Walking Lunges
Blood Flow Restriction E2 - BFR Hamstring Curls
Week 1 - Day 5 - Upper - Back/Delts
Superset A1 - Lat Pulldowns - Pronated Grip + Wide
A2 - Machine Shoulder Press
Superset B1 - Lat Pulldowns - Neutral Grip
B2 - Arnold DB Press
Superset C1 - Cable Upright Row
C2 - Cable Front Raises
D - High Row - Diagonal Pull
E - DB Row
F - Supinated Low Row of Choice (BB, Cable, Machine)
G - Machine Lateral Raises
Superset H1 - Straight Arm Lat Pull-Down (Shoulder Ext.)
H2 - Face Pulls
Week 1 - Day 6 - Lower - Hams/Calves

Hips Ext. Into Pad - Glutes Isometrically

Contracted; On final set, upon failure,
reduce the load by 50% and peform 21's A - Lying Hamstring Curls
B - Glute Ham Raise (GHR)
Dorsiflexion @ ankle (toes pointed up) C - Uni-Lateral Hamstring Curl
D - DB Romanian Deadlifts
High Foot Position E - Vertical Leg Press or Normal Leg Press
F - Seated Calf Raise
Intraset Stretching Protocol on Final Set G - Standing or Donkey Calf Raise
Blood Flow Restriction H - BFR Quads - Leg Extensions

Week 2 - Day 1 - Upper

A - Bench Press of choice*
B - Chest Supported Row*
Superset C1 - Lat Pulldowns (or weighted Chins)*
C2 - Overhead Press of choice*
Superset D1- Dips
D2 - Upright Rows (EZ Bar, Cable, or Barbell)
Giant Set E1 - Lateral Raises
E2 - Skull Crushers
E3 - Curls
Superset F1 - Pec Deck Flies
F2 - Rear Delt Flies
Superset G1 - Straight Arm Lat Pull-Downs (Shoulder Ext.)
G2 - Front Raises (Shoulder Flex.)
Week 2 - Day 2 - Lower
Hips Ext. Into Pad - Glutes Isometrically
Contracted A - Lying Hamstring Curls
B - Squat*
C - Deadlift of Choice (Conventional or Sumo)*
D - Glute Bridge
Tempo: (X/1/3/1) - see PDF E - Calf Raise
Giant Set F1 - Leg Extension
F2 - Hip Adduction
F3 - Hip Abduction
Week 2 - Day 3 - Upper - Chest/Back
Superset A1 - Speed Barbell Bench Press
A2 - Speed Barbell Row
B - DB Flat Bench
C - Chest Supported Horizontal Row
Superset D1 - High Row Machine - Diagonal Pull
D2 - Incline Machine Chest Press
Superset E1 - Low Row Machine
E2 - Decline Machine Press
Superset F1 - DB Chest Fly (Flat or Incline)
F2 - DB Rear Delt Fly
Superset G1- Pull-ups 2 Sets Pronated, 2 Sets Neutral, 2 Sets Supinated
G2 - Dips 3 Sets, Push-Ups 3 Sets
Week 2 - Day 4 - Lower - Quads/Adductors
Giant Set A1 - Hip Adduction
A2 - Hip Abduction
A3 - Jefferson Squats
B - Bulgarian Split Squat
C - Leg Press or Hack Squat
D - Banded Lateral Steps
Superset E1 - Leg Extension
Bodyweight E2 - Sissy Squat
Superset F1 - BFR Hamstring Curls
Bodyweight F2 - BFR Standing Calf Raise
Week 2 - Day 5 - Upper - Delts/Arms
A - Overhead Press of Choice*
Drop Set on Final Set B - Arnold DB Press
Superset C1 - Rear Delt Swing (Prone on Incline Bench)
C2 - Rear Delt Row (Prone on Incline Bench)
D - DB Lateral Raise
E - DB Upright Row - Unilateral
Superset F1 - DB Tricep Kickback
F2 - DB Spider Curl
Superset G1 - Standing Curl (EZ Bar or DB)
G2 - Skull Crush (EZ Bar or DB)
Superset H1 - Single Arm Cable Curl w/ Shoulder Ext.
H2 - Overhead Cable Tricep Ext.
Run the Rack - Mulltiple Drop Sets I - Hammer Curl (run the rack)
Week 2 - Day 6 - Lower - Hams/Calves
A - Seated Calf Raise
Intraset Stretching Protocol on Final Set B - Standing or Donkey Calf Raise (last set intraset stretch)
C - Single Leg Hamstring Curl
High Foot Position D - Vertical Leg Press or Leg Press
E - Stiff Leg Deadlift (SLDL) or Romanian Deadlift (RDL)
F - Alternative Hamstring Curl, Bilateral
Blood Flow Restriction G - BFR Quads - Leg Extension

Training Videos Playlist:

Intensity Techniques, Explained:

Superset Performing two exercises, back-to-back without a rest period until both paired exercises ar

Giant Set Performing three of more exercises back-to-back before taking a rest period.

Drop Set Reducing the load by 25-50% so you can complete more repetitions. This is a great way to

Blood Flow Restriction Using knee wraps, or occlusion straps, we restrict venous return of blood from the muscle
This leads to an extreme acculation of metabolite build-up and significant cell-swelling res
Aim to perform 4 total sets, the 1st set aiming for 30 reps, followed by 15 repetitions on se
BFR tightness should be approx. 7/10 subjectively speaking. (Additional info/video explina

BFR Bands:

Intraset Stretching After performining your working set, instead of just resting as you typically would, you "res
After 30 seconds, reduce the load and attempt to perform more repetitions, once you reac
This causes a painful pump and this novel stimulus can be a great tool to force your body t
(Additional Info/Video Explination -

21's Perform 7 Partial Repetitions in the fully shortened/contracted position, then without a br

Run the Rack Starting with heavy load, perform repetitions until form breakdown/ failure and then redu
It's basically a triple drop-set in which your starting with heavier dumbells and going down
Rep Range Rep Range A: 5 x 5 * Rep Range C: 3 x 10-12

2 x 10-15
2 x 10-15
12, 10, 8
12, 10, 8
12, 10, 8
2 x 12-20
2 x 12-20
2 x 12-20
2 x 12-20
Rep Range A: 5 x 5 Rep Range C: 3 x 10-12

4 x 10-15

3 x 10-15
3 x 15
3 x 15
3 x 15
Rep Range A: 5 x 5 Rep Range C: 3 x 10-12
5 x 5 @ 60 1RM
4 x 6-10

2 x 6-15
3 x 8-12
3 x 12-15
3 x 12-15
3 x 8-10
3 x 8-10
3 x 6-15
20, 15, 15, 15
Rep Range A: 5 x 5 Rep Range C: 3 x 10-12
4 x 10-20
4 x 10-20
4 x 12
4 x 12
3 x 10
4 x 10 ea Leg
30, 15, 15, 15
Rep Range A: 5 x 5 Rep Range C: 3 x 10-12
2 x 20
2 x 20
3 x 8-15
3 x 8-15
2 x 10-15
2 x 10-15
3 x 6-15
3 x 6-12
3 x 6-12
4 x 12-20
2 x 12-20
2 x 12-20
Rep Range A: 5 x 5 Rep Range C: 3 x 10-12

4 x 15-20
3 x 8-12
3 x 6-15
3 x 12
4 x 15
4 x 10
30, 15, 15, 15

Rep Range B: 4 x 8 Rep Range A: 5 x 5

2 x 10-15
2 x 10-15
12, 10, 8
12, 10, 8
12, 10, 8
2 x 12-20
2 x 12-20
2 x 12-20
2 x 12-20
Rep Range B: 4 x 8 Rep Range A: 5 x 5
4 x 10-15

3 x 10-15
3 x 15
3 x 15
3 x 15
Rep Range B: 4 x 8 Rep Range A: 5 x 5
5 x 5 @ 60% 1RM
5 x 5 @ 60% 1RM
3 x 6-10
3 x 6-10
3 x 6-12
3 x 6-12
3 x 6-12
3 x 6-12
3 x 10-15
3 x 10-15
Rep Range B: 4 x 8 Rep Range A: 5 x 5
3 x 15
3 x 15
3 x 10 ea side
3 x 10
4 x 15-20
2 x 10
3 x 15
3 x RPE 8
30, 15, 15, 15
30, 15, 15, 15
Rep Range B: 4 x 8 Rep Range A: 5 x 5

3 x 8-15
3 x 20+
3 x 8-12
3 x 12-20
3 x 8-12
3 x 10-15
3 x 10-15
3 x 6-10
3 x 6-10
3 x 10-15
3 x 10-15
2 x RTR
Rep Range B: 4 x 8 Rep Range A: 5 x 5
3 x 20
5 x 10
3 x 15
3 x 10-20
3 x 12
2 x 21's
30, 15, 15, 15


rest period until both paired exercises are completed.

before taking a rest period.

more repetitions. This is a great way to push past initial failure, increase time under tension, increase total training volume and induce gre

venous return of blood from the muscle back to the heart, but we don't inhibit arterial blood flow to the muscle.
build-up and significant cell-swelling response. When performing BFR, utilize approx 30% of what you would typically use for working sets
30 reps, followed by 15 repetitions on sets 2-4. Do not remove the occlusion wraps inbetween sets, only rest 30 seconds in between sets.
speaking. (Additional info/video explination)


st resting as you typically would, you "rest" for 30 seconds while allowing the weight you were training with to induce an intense strech on
perform more repetitions, once you reach failure or your rep goal, allow the weight to overload the muscle in that stretched position one m
s can be a great tool to force your body to adapt and grow.

d/contracted position, then without a break perform 7 Full ROM Repetitions, then perform 7 partial repetitions in the stretched/lengthene

form breakdown/ failure and then reduce the load so you can perform more reps to failure, then reduce the load again and perform more
g with heavier dumbells and going down the rack to reduce the load and extend the drop-set.
Rep Range B: 4 x 8 Rep Range A: 5 x 5 Rep Range C: 3 x 10-12

Rep Range B: 4 x 8 Rep Range A: 5 x 5 Rep Range C: 3 x 10-12

Rep Range B: 4 x 8 Rep Range A: 5 x 5 Rep Range C: 3 x 10-12

Rep Range B: 4 x 8 Rep Range A: 5 x 5 Rep Range C: 3 x 10-12

Rep Range B: 4 x 8 Rep Range A: 5 x 5 Rep Range C: 3 x 10-12

Rep Range B: 4 x 8 Rep Range A: 5 x 5 Rep Range C: 3 x 10-12

Rep Range C: 3 x 10-12 Rep Range B: 4 x 8 Rep Range A: 5 x 5

Rep Range C: 3 x 10-12 Rep Range B: 4 x 8 Rep Range A: 5 x 5

Rep Range C: 3 x 10-12 Rep Range B: 4 x 8 Rep Range A: 5 x 5

Rep Range C: 3 x 10-12 Rep Range B: 4 x 8 Rep Range A: 5 x 5

Rep Range C: 3 x 10-12 Rep Range B: 4 x 8 Rep Range A: 5 x 5

Rep Range C: 3 x 10-12 Rep Range B: 4 x 8 Rep Range A: 5 x 5

7th week deload if needed

tal training volume and induce greater metabolic stress and cell swelling.

ould typically use for working sets.

rest 30 seconds in between sets.

th to induce an intense strech on your muscle.

le in that stretched position one more time, and then decrease the load again and aim to get a few more repetitions.

titions in the stretched/lengthened position of the range.

the load again and perform more reps to failure.

Rep Range B: 4 x 8 Rep Range A: 5 x 5

Rep Range B: 4 x 8 Rep Range A: 5 x 5

Rep Range B: 4 x 8 Rep Range A: 5 x 5

Rep Range B: 4 x 8 Rep Range A: 5 x 5

Rep Range B: 4 x 8 Rep Range A: 5 x 5

Rep Range B: 4 x 8 Rep Range A: 5 x 5

Rep Range C: 3 x 10-12 Rep Range B: 4 x 8

Rep Range C: 3 x 10-12 Rep Range B: 4 x 8

Rep Range C: 3 x 10-12 Rep Range B: 4 x 8

Rep Range C: 3 x 10-12 Rep Range B: 4 x 8

Rep Range C: 3 x 10-12 Rep Range B: 4 x 8

Rep Range C: 3 x 10-12 Rep Range B: 4 x 8

im to get a few more repetitions.

Rep Range C: 3 x 10-12

Rep Range C: 3 x 10-12

Rep Range C: 3 x 10-12

Rep Range C: 3 x 10-12

Rep Range C: 3 x 10-12

Rep Range C: 3 x 10-12

Rep Range A: 5 x 5

Rep Range A: 5 x 5
Rep Range A: 5 x 5

Rep Range A: 5 x 5

Rep Range A: 5 x 5
Rep Range A: 5 x 5

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