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(IJCNS) International Journal of Computer and Network Security, 85

Vol. 2, No. 4, April 2010

An ASes stable solution in I-Domain

G. Mohammed Nazer1 and Dr.A.Arul Lawrence Selvakumar2
Asst.Pofessor & Head, Dept of MCA, IFET College of Engineering,
Villupuram, India.
Professor & Head, Dept of CSE & IT, Kuppam College of Engineering,
Kuppam, India.

Abstract: Routers on the Internet use an interdomain routing BGP convergence time analysis: How long it takes BGP to
protocol called the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) to share the converge to a stable routing outcome? This is another
routing information between the Autonomous Systems (ASes). question, which is closely related to BGP. To answer this
These ASes defines local BGP policies that lead to various question, we require a formal definition of measuring the
routing anomalies like BGP divergence. In this paper, we close a convergence rate, as the Internet is asynchronous.
long-standing open question of Griffin and Wilfong, by showing,
We analyze the BGP convergence time in particular,
for any network structure, if there exists two stable routing
Internet-like settings. In this Gao and Rexford settings,
outcomes, then there is a possibility of BGP oscillations. Our
results provide the first non-trivial necessary condition for BGP every pair of neighboring ASes can have a business
safety – uniqueness of the stable routing outcome. relationship or a peering relationship, which causes natural
Another question, which is closely related to BGP, is how constraints on the ASes’ routing policies.
long it will take to converge to a stable routing outcome. We also However, our first result is negative. We show that, even
address this by analyzing a formal measure of the convergence for the restricted class of preferences, there are instances
time of BGP for the policies presented by Gao and Rexford. such that the convergence rate of BGP is linear in the size of
Even for the restricted class of preferences, we prove that (i) the the network. Specifically we show that in a network with n
convergence time is linear in the size of network (ii) BGP’s nodes, it takes n phases to converge. We also prove that the
running time cannot be more than (roughly) twice the length of lower bound is tight: BGP is always guaranteed to converge
the longest customer-provider chain in the network. in n time steps. As there are thousands of ASes in today’s
Internet, the linear bound does not signify well. However,
Keywords: BGP, Border Gateway Protocol, Interdomain routing,
one would expect BGP to converge at a much quicker rate in
network security, routing, networks, routing protocols, BGP safety.
practice as ASes’ routing policies are local in the sense that
they are not influenced by ASes that are far away. We prove
1. Introduction that the number of phases required for convergence is
bounded by approximately twice the depth of customer-
provider hierarchy.
BGP is the de facto protocol enabling interdomain
routing in the Internet. The task of Interdomain routing is to
establish routes between the administrative domains which
are called as Autonomous Systems (ASes) in the Internet. 2. A formal Model
Global routes are formed from the local decisions that are
based on the private routing policies. These routing
2.1BGP dynamics
selections are communicated by the ASes to the neighboring
ASes. Persistent routing oscillations are formed due to the Network model and its policies: In our model, we define
lack of global coordination between the local routing a network by an AS graph G = (N, L), where N represents
policies. the set of ASes, and L represents number of physical
communication links between ASes. N consists of n source-
BGP safety – Unique stable routing outcome: The main nodes {1,…,n} and a unique destination node d. P i denotes
contribution in this paper is showing that BGP safety the set of all simple non-cyclic routes from i to d in G. Each
necessitates the existence of a unique stable solution. This is source-node i has a ranking function ≤i , that defines a strict
the result that closes the long-standing open question first order over P i (that is i has strict preferences over all routes
posed by Griffin and Wilfong [8]. To be more precise, Two from i to d). We allow ties between two routes in P i only if
stable solutions in a network implies that the network is they share the same first link (i,j). The routing policy of
unstable that lead to oscillations. To analyze the BGP each node i consists of ≤i and of i’s import policy and export
dynamics in a more simplified form, we use a more policy.
convenient structure, called state-transition graph. The
i’s import policy dictates which set of routes Im(i) ⊆ P i i
state-transition graph, not only a useful conceptual tool for
is willing to send traffic along. We assume that ø ≤i Ri for
evaluating and designing various network configurations but
any route Ri ∈ Im(i) (i prefers any route in Im(i) to not
also assist in detecting the potential routing oscillations and
getting a route at all) and that R’i ≤i ø for any route R’I∉
how to debug them.
86 (IJCNS) International Journal of Computer and Network Security,
Vol. 2, No. 4, April 2010

Im(i) (i will not send traffic at all rather than send traffic The forwarding vectors in the two states are identical.
along a route not it Im(i)). The knowledge matrix in s’ is identical to the
i’s export policy dictates which set of routes Ex(i,j) ⊆ P i i knowledge matrix in s with the exception of i’s belief
is willing to announce to each neighbor j. about j, and ks’ij = ksij. In other words, i learns of the
Update Messages and Activation Sequence: Basically route that j currently believes it is using.
the BGP belongs to a family of routing protocols named This definition reflects the restricted asynchrony of our
path-vector protocols. In this model, there are two kinds of dynamic model. We can phrase this restriction equivalently
actions that an active node may carry out potentially change as: Update messages can be delayed in transit, but when
the global routing state: they are delivered, a fresh update message from the same
• A node i may select a route or change its selected sender is delivered immediately (and thus overrides the
route from the routes to given destination d that it delayed update.) Thus, the state description does not have to
currently believes to be available. include messages in transit.
• A node j may send an update message to a
neighboring node i, informing i of the route that j Stability and Oscillations in the State-Transition Graph:
is currently using to destination d. The update
message is assumed to be delivered immediately A stable state is one in which the nodes forward traffic
(without propagation delay), and is immediately along a stable solution, and have complete and accurate
reflected in updated beliefs that i has about j’s knowledge about their neighbors’ routes. We want to prove
route. the existence of potential BGP oscillations in the state
The selection and update actions can occur at arbitrary transition graph. In many cases, oscillations occur only for
times. In particular, note that the update messages are not specific timings of asynchronous events. In particular,
required to be sent at a given time interval or whenever j’s starting at any given point of time, every node eventually
route changes. It is easy to show that a stable solution is updates its route selection if its knowledge of routes has
always in the form of a tree rooted in d. Further, the import changed, and every node eventually receives update
and export policies can be folded into the routing policies, messages from each neighbor that has changed a route.
by modifying the preferences so that paths that are filtered Further, in a given router, there can only be a finite
out have the lowest possible value. number of other activations taking place between subsequent
routing selections or updates. It is for this reason, we look
2.2 The State-Transition Graph for oscillations that can arise through a fair activation
sequence. An infinite activation sequence σ said to be fair if
In this subsection, we describe the state transition graph – each transition in A appears infinitely often in σ. A fair
a tool that we use to analyze the convergence of BGP on cycle in the state-transition graph is a finite cyclic path that
different instances. does not contain a sink, such that every action in A is taken
The state-transition graph of an instance of BGP is at least once in each traversal of the cycle.
defined as follows: The graph consists of a finite number of 2.3 Implications for the evaluation model of Griffin
states, each state s is represented by an n-dimensional
forwarding vector of routing choices rs = (rs1,…,rsn), and n ∗ We modify the dynamic evaluation model of Griffin in
n knowledge matrix Ks = {ksij}i,j. rsi specifies the identity of two ways:
the node to which node i’s traffic is being forwarded, and ksij • Update messages are not delayed, instead, arrive
specifies the (loop-free) route that node i believes that its immediately to the destinations.
neighboring node j is using. We define ksij = NULL when j • In BGP execution, it is not necessary that a node
is not a neighbor of i; any knowledge that i has about non- inform a neighboring node of every new route it
neighboring nodes’ routes is irrelevant to i’s route selection changes, rather it is enough if it announces once in a
and advertisement decisions. We assume, naturally, that while.
node i knows who it is forwarding traffic to: rsi must be the
first hop in ksij. We allow two types of atomic actions that 3. Two stable solutions leads to BGP
lead to transitions from s to s’: oscillation
• Route transition – Route selection actions: Informally, a
route transition arises when a node I updates its selected In this section we prove our main result, that if there are
route by picking its favorite route from its current two stable solutions then the network is unstable in the sense
knowledge set of routes used by its neighbors. Formally, that persistent route oscillations are possible.
there is an i-route transition from state s to state s’ if Theorem: If the AS graph G contains two stable solutions,
there is a node i such that: The forwarding vector in s’ then there is a fair activation sequence under which BGP
is identical to the forwarding vector in s with the will oscillate on G. That is, two stable solutions imply that
possible exception of i. the network is unstable, in the sense that it could plausibly
• Knowledge transition – Informally, a knowledge lead to persistent route oscillations. Therefore, to achieve
transition is an update message sent from a specific BGP stability, the network must have a unique stable
node i to a neighboring node j announcing the route solution.
that i believes it is sending traffic along. Formally, there The intuition behind our proof is as follows. In the state-
is a ji-knowledge transition from state s to state s’ if transition graph, each stable state will have a corresponding
there is a node i and a neighboring node j such that: “attractor region”: a subset of states (possibly just the stable
(IJCNS) International Journal of Computer and Network Security, 87
Vol. 2, No. 4, April 2010

state itself, or much larger) that, once reached, we can be reason, we focus on bounding the BGP convergence time on
certain that the system will ultimately converge to the stable Internet-like graphs.
state. We can visualize the state-transition graph as a map, Example: The graph in Figure 1 depicts a network with n
with each attractor region a different color – red, blue, etc. nodes, and a destination node d. Node 1 prefers to go
However, there will also be some states that do not lie in any directly to d. Any other node i prefers the route i → i− 1 →
one attractor region, because different evolutions from that d over the direct route i → d. All routes of length greater
state could lead to different stable states. We label these than 2 are less desirable to any node. This set of path
states with a distinct color – purple, say – and show that the preferences is compatible with the Gao-Rexford constraints
Zero state must belong in this subset. for the following set of customer-provider relationships: 1 is
The key to the proof is showing that, starting from any a customer of 2, 2 is a customer of 3, etc.; and, additionally,
purple state, we can find a fair activation sequence that ends d is a customer of every other node.
at another purple state. We use the properties of route
selection and update actions to show that we can swap the
order of any two consecutive activations, perhaps repeating
one of them, and achieve the same result as the original
order. Thus, it is not possible that any given activation a
leads to a red state in the original order, but leads to a blue
state in the perturbed order. Using this, we show that we can
add each activation while staying within the purple region.
As the graph is finite, this implies the existence of a fair
cycle. If an instance of BGP results in a state- transition
graph (for a given destination) that has a fair cycle, we will
infer that there is a plausible sequence of route selections In each phase, initially all update messages go through,
and updates that will cause BGP to oscillate. and then all nodes are activated. In the first phase, only node
1 will change its routing choice and will route to d. In the
4. BGP’s convergence Rate next phase, only node 2 will change its routing choice and
In this section, we handle the question of how long BGP will route through 1. Then node 3 will change to route
takes to converge to the unique stable solution. BGP is an through d and so on. The network will eventually converge
asynchronous protocol, and individual messages may be lost to the routing outcome in which all odd nodes route directly
or delayed arbitrarily. As we cannot assume a bound on the to d and all even nodes route the rough their counter-
actual elapsed time of a single message, any model of clockwise neighbor.
convergence “time” needs to define a unit of time We prove that this bound is tight for the class of instances
measurement that remains meaningful in this asynchronous that satisfy the Gao-Rexford conditions. In fact, we prove a
setting. Let us consider the following definition: slightly stronger result: The following proposal shows that
Definition: A BGP phase is a period of time in which all our bound on BGP’s convergence rate is tight on the larger
nodes get at least one update message from each class consisting of all instances in which the “No Dispute
neighboring node, and all nodes are activated at least once Wheel” condition of [3], [5] holds.
after receiving updates from their neighbors. Proposal: If “No Dispute Wheel” holds then BGP’s
We analyze the number of BGP phases it requires for the convergence rate is at most n phases.
network to converge. The underlying principle in this Proof: Let us assume that indeed the “No Dispute Wheel”
definition is that, although it is difficult for the analyst to condition holds in a network graph G with a destination
assert numerical bounds on the update frequencies at node d. At every phase, one of the nodes of the graph
different nodes, it is reasonable to expect that all nodes are converges to a route that will not change from that point on.
updating at similar timescales. The definition of phases The first node that converges in the first phase is the
admits asynchrony, thus capturing the realistic possibility destination node d, that has the empty path, and announces
that different sequences of update activations can lead to that path to its neighbors. We now show that there must
different transient behavior. At the same time, by tying the exist a node in the network that is a direct neighbor of the
unit of measurement to the slowest node’s update instead of destination d and that its most preferred path is going
a fixed time unit (or the fastest update), we avoid directly to d.
pathological worst-case time bounds that are only attained To see that this is indeed the case, pick an arbitrary node
if, for example, one node’s update cycle is measured in years v, look at its most preferred path to the destination. This
instead of seconds or minutes. path goes through a neighbor of d right before it reaches d.
How many consecutive phases does it take BGP to We shall denote this neighbor by v1. Now, consider the most
converge to a stable solution in the worst case? Routes are preferred path of node v1, and the closest node to d on that
propagated through the network one hop at a time, so the path that we shall denote by v2. In this manner we define
best we can hope for is a time proportional to the length of the nodes vi for i = 1, 2, 3, ... At some point, nodes in the
the longest route in the stable solution. It is easy to construct sequence we defined must start repeating. If only one node
instances with n nodes in which there are routes of length repeats infinitely then this node must have a direct route as
Ω(n). However, these instances are unnatural; currently, its most preferred path, and we are done. Otherwise, the
Internet routes tend to be much shorter than this. For this sequence of repeating nodes vk , vk+1 , . . . , vk+l (for some k,
l) forms a dispute wheel: each node prefers to go through
88 (IJCNS) International Journal of Computer and Network Security,
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the next one in the sequence rather than directly to d. This operations not considered in this paper such as MRAI
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