4 Ingredients of Promotional Methods That Constitute The Promotion-Mix PDF

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4 Ingredients of Promotional Methods

that Constitute the Promotion-mix
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Some of the major ingredients of promotional methods that constitute the promotion
mix are as follows: 1. Advertising 2. Publicity 3. Personal Selling 4. Sales Promotion.

All marketing communications must be planned, as part of a total system and not as
independent pieces.


Promotional methods constitute the Promotion-mix which has the following four
ingredients. All promotional methods try to influence consumer’s attitude, beliefs, ways
of living or life styles, values and preferences towards, a company and its products, and
thereby influence his/ her behaviour.

1. Advertising:

It is defined as any paid form of non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas,

goods and services by an identified sponsor. Advertising is impersonal salesmanship
for mass selling, a means of mass communication.

2. Publicity:

It is non-personal stimulation of demand for a product or service by placing

commercially significant news about it in a publication or obtaining favourable
presentation of it upon radio, TV, or stage that is not paid for by the sponsor. Publicity
is more effective in the awareness stage.

3. Personal Selling:

It is the best means of oral and face-to-face communication and presentation with the
prospect for the purpose of making sales.

4. Sales Promotion:

price drop

It covers those marketing activities other than advertising, publicity and personal
selling that stimulate consumer purchasing and dealer effectiveness. Such activities are
displays, shows, exhibition, demonstration, and many other non-routine selling efforts
at the point of purchase.

Four promotional-mix elements have a definite role in all stages of the selling process.
Publicity is effective in the awareness stage. Advertising gradually becomes less and
less effective over a time span. Hence, reminder advertisement is necessary. Personal
selling becomes more and more effective as interpersonal interaction assumes
increasing importance.

To-day, promotion is not regarded as the sale tool of marketing communications. We

had now the wider concept of the term “Marketing Communications.” In the
communication mix of the firm we now include all the four components of marketing-
mix (the 4 Ps).

(a) Total Product Personality covering product quality and other features brand name,
company name, package and label.

(b) Price conveying quality, status, fair-charge, and unique technological features.
(c) Promotion-mix covering personal salesmanship, advertising, publicity and sales

(d) Place or point of sale indicating store choice, store image, store display and store

Thus, all 4Ps (Product, Price, Promotion, and Place of Distribution) communicates and
act as senders of marketing messages. Of course, promotion proper is the most
substantial and most prominent component of marketing communication-mix.

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