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Risk of Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome

After Antibiotic Treatment of
Escherichia coli O157:H7 Enteritis
A Meta-analysis
Nasia Safdar, MD Context The use of antibiotics for treatment of Escherichia coli O157:H7 infection
Adnan Said, MD has become controversial since a recent small study found that it may increase the risk
of hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS). However, other larger studies have reported a
Ronald E. Gangnon, PhD
protective effect or no association.
Dennis G. Maki, MD Objective To determine whether antibiotic therapy for E coli O157:H7 enteritis in-

(HUS) is a complex multi- Data Sources PubMed and MEDLINE computer searches were performed for stud-
system disorder character- ies published from January 1983 to February 2001 using the key words hemolytic
ized by hemolytic anemia, uremic syndrome, risk factor, antibiotics, and Escherichia coli O157:H7. Reference
thrombocytopenia, and acute renal fail- lists of relevant publications were reviewed, and 12 experts in the field were con-
tacted to identify additional reports. No language restrictions were applied to the
ure.1,2 The classic form of this syn-
drome often follows a prodrome of
acute enteritis, most often caused by Study Selection Studies were included if they reported a series of patients with docu-
mented E coli O157:H7 enteritis, some of whom developed HUS; had clear defini-
Shiga toxin–producing strains of Esch-
tions of HUS; and had adequate data delineating the relationship between antibiotic
erichia coli.3,4 Since the first report by therapy and the occurrence of HUS. Nine of the 26 identified studies fulfilled these
Karmali et al5 causally linking toxin- criteria.
producing E coli to HUS, E coli sero-
Data Extraction Two authors (N.S. and A.S.) independently reviewed each report
type O157:H7 enteric infection has been identified by the searches and recorded predetermined information relevant to the in-
recognized as the most common cause clusion criteria. A pooled odds ratio was calculated using a fixed-effects model, with
of HUS in the United States, with 6% assessment of heterogeneity among the studies.
of patients developing HUS within 2 to
Data Synthesis The pooled odds ratio was 1.15 (95% confidence interval, 0.79-
14 days of onset of diarrhea.6 Occur- 1.68), indicating that there does not appear to be an increased risk of HUS with an-
ring primarily in children, this serious tibiotic treatment of E coli O157:H7 enteritis. Incomplete reporting of data in indi-
complication carries a mortality rate of vidual studies precluded adjustment for severity of illness.
3% to 5%1,2,7 and is currently the most Conclusion Our meta-analysis did not show a higher risk of HUS associated with
common cause of acute renal failure in antibiotic administration. A randomized trial of adequate power, with multiple dis-
children in the United States.8 Approxi- tinct strains of E coli O157:H7 represented, is needed to conclusively determine whether
mately half of children with HUS re- antibiotic treatment of E coli O157:H7 enteritis increases the risk of HUS.
quire dialysis,9 and 5% of patients who JAMA. 2002;288:996-1001
survive have long-term renal impair-
ment.9 No cure exists for HUS, and
although management beyond inten-
therapy brings benefit and should be Author Affiliations: Section of Infectious Diseases, De-
sive support with needed renal re- partment of Medicine (Drs Safdar and Maki), Section
placement therapy remains contro- used.2,10 of Gastroenterology (Dr Said), and Department of Bio-
versial, there appears to be a growing Numerous studies11-19 have exam- statistics and Medical Informatics (Dr Gangnon), Uni-
versity of Wisconsin Medical School and University of
consensus that plasma exchange ined risk factors that may predispose Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics, Madison.
patients to development of HUS. Of Corresponding Author and Reprints: Dennis G. Maki,
MD, University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics, 600
those risk factors that have been shown Highland Ave, H4/574, Madison, WI 53792-5158
For editorial comment see p 1014.
in epidemiological studies to predis- (e-mail:

996 JAMA, August 28, 2002—Vol 288, No. 8 (Reprinted) ©2002 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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pose patients to development of HUS studies using the key words hemolytic lated, using data provided in the stud-
following E coli O157:H7 infection, the uremic syndrome, antibiotic, risk fac- ies. Data on both antibiotic use and HUS
most controversial to date is antibiotic tor, and Escherichia coli O157:H7. No were abstracted as dichotomous vari-
therapy for acute E coli O157:H7 enteri- language restrictions were applied to the ables. If primary data were not re-
tis.20 Studies11-19 that have addressed this search. The search was limited to re- ported, we used the OR and 95% CI re-
issue have been limited by small sample ports on human infections published ported in the study. Pooled estimates
sizes and use of varying antibiotic regi- between January 1983 (the year when of the OR and 95% CI were obtained
mens for varying periods and have given Shiga toxin–producing E coli was first using the fixed-effects model of Man-
conflicting results. Although there is no found to be associated with HUS) and tel and Haenszel,21 and testing for het-
clear consensus on whether antibiot- February 2002. Reference lists of re- erogeneity was performed with the
ics should be administered as treat- cent publications, the Cochrane Net- Breslow-Day test22 using SAS statisti-
ment of E coli O157:H7, since the report work, and the National Institutes of cal software version 8.0 (SAS Institute
by Wong et al,14 avoidance of antibi- Health Web site listings of ongoing tri- Inc, Cary, NC). Publication bias was as-
otic therapy for any presumably infec- als were reviewed and 12 authorities in sessed by funnel plot.23 We did not at-
tious enteritis appears to be a growing the field were solicited to identify un- tempt to calculate a pooled adjusted OR
practice. published studies. since 3 of the 9 studies did not adjust
We report a meta-analysis of pub- The following criteria for the inclu- for severity of illness13,17,19 and there
lished studies undertaken to better un- sion of studies were defined before re- were substantial differences in the
derstand the association between anti- viewing specific reports: the study must methods used to adjust for confound-
biotic therapy for E coli O157:H7 report on a series of patients with docu- ing among the remaining 6 studies.
enteritis and the risk of HUS. We criti- mented E coli O157:H7 enteritis, includ-
cally examine the heterogeneity of the ing patients who developed HUS; clear RESULTS
study results, especially the methods definitions of HUS must be given; and Our search yielded 26 reports. Seven
used to adjust for severity of illness. Con- adequate data delineating the relation- studies7,24-29 were excluded because of
trolling for severity of illness is desir- ship between antibiotic therapy and the lack of a control group, 2 studies30,31 be-
able, since sicker patients are more likely occurrence of HUS must be reported. cause of failure to define clear diagnos-
to both develop HUS and receive anti- Two authors (N.S. and A.S.) indepen- tic criteria for HUS, 4studies32-35 for fail-
biotics, thus confounding the relation- dently reviewed each report identified ure to evaluate risk factors for HUS, and
ship between HUS and antibiotic use. by these searches. Both investigators re- 3 studies36-38 for lack of data on antibi-
corded predetermined information rel- otic use as a risk factor for HUS. One
METHODS evant to the inclusion criteria. study39 was excluded because infec-
Using MEDLINE and PubMed data- Crude odds ratios (ORs) and 95% tions with E coli serotypes other than
base searches, we identified published confidence intervals (CIs) were calcu- O157:H7 were included.

Table. Studies Evaluating the Association Between Antibiotic Therapy of Escherichia coli O157:H7 Enteritis and Risk of Hemolytic Uremic
Syndrome (HUS)
No. of No. of Between Onset
Age Patients With Patients of Acute Diarrhea
Range of E coli O157:H7 Developing Antibiotics Used and Introduction of
Source Type of Study Patients, y Enteritis HUS for Treatment Antibiotic Therapy, d
Bell et al,11 1997 Retrospective cohort !16 278 36 Trimethoprim, ampicillin, "3
Ikeda et al,12 1999 Prospective cohort 6-11 292 36 Fosfomycin "5
Slutsker et al,13 1998 Retrospective case-control !1-82 93 7 Sulfamethoxazole "3
Wong et al,14 2000 Prospective cohort !10 71 10 Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, "3
amoxicillin, cephalosporins
Proulx et al,15 1992 Prospective randomized !1-17 47 6 Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole 7.4*
Cimolai et al,16 1994 Retrospective case-control 5 (Mean) 128 27 Not stated Not stated
Ostroff et al,17 1989 Retrospective case-control !1-78 69 11 Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, 4.3 (1-10)*
erythromycin, ampicillin,
gentamicin sulfate,
Dundas et al,18 2001 Retrospective case-control !1-94 120 34 Ciprofloxacin "4
Pavia et al,19 1990 Retrospective case-control 6-39 23 8 Sulfonamides, trimethoprim- "3
and randomized trial sulfamethoxazole
*Data are mean (range).

©2002 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. (Reprinted) JAMA, August 28, 2002—Vol 288, No. 8 997

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the test for heterogeneity was no longer

Figure 1. Relationship Between Antibiotic Therapy for Escherichia coli O157:H7 Enteritis and
Risk of Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome significant. Pavia et al19 did not con-
trol for severity of illness in their analy-
Retrospective Studies
OR (95% CI)
sis, which may have led to an inflated
Bell et al11 1.29 (0.55-3.04) OR. Wong et al14 did not use physi-
Slutsker et al13 2.04 (0.44-9.52) ological measures to control for sever-
Cimolai et al16 0.63 (0.27-1.48) ity of illness, which may have contrib-
Ostroff et al17 0.96 (0.27-3.46) uted to an increased magnitude of the
Dundas et al18 1.23 (0.4-3.8) association found.
Pavia et al19 80.6 (3.38-1922) The funnel plot (FIGURE 2) did not
Pooled 1.23 (0.76-2.06) show a substantial publication bias.
Prospective Studies
Ikeda et al12 0.12 (0.02-0.74)
Wong et al14 14.25 (3.62-56.1) Antibiotic treatment for E coli O157:H7
Proulx et al15 0.52 (0.09-3.18) enteritis has become controversial be-
Pooled 1.04 (0.59-1.82) cause a recent epidemiological study14
suggested that it may increase the risk
All Studies 1.15 (0.79-1.68) of HUS. In vitro and animal studies sug-
gest varying effects of antibiotic expo-
All Studies Pooled Excluding
Pavia et al19 and Wong et al14 0.83 (0.54-1.26) sure on toxin production by E coli
O157:H7.40-43 Subinhibitory concentra-
–4 –2 0 2 4 6 8
tions of trimethoprim-sulfamethoxa-
zole in vitro have been shown to en-
An odds ratio (OR) of greater than 1.0 (ln OR #0) suggests that antibiotic therapy is associated with an in- hance toxin production by E coli.44
creased risk of hemolytic uremic syndrome, and an OR of less than 1.0 (ln OR !0) suggests a decreased risk. One in vitro study40 of the effect of
CI indicates confidence interval. Sizes of data markers are proportional to sample sizes of the studies.
13 different antibiotics on the release
of Shiga toxin by 3 different E coli
1 study16 showed a protective effect, but O157:H7 strains showed that the re-
Figure 2. Funnel Plot of Estimated Ln ORs
From 9 Studies only in the univariate analysis. sponse of E coli O157:H7 isolates to
Of the 3 prospective studies, only 1 subinhibitory concentrations of anti-
2.5 study14 reported a statistically signifi- biotics seems to be highly dependent
16 11 cant increased risk of HUS with anti- on the individual strain involved. This
2.0 biotic use. One prospective study12 re- may explain in part the conflicting find-
ported a protective effect of fosfomycin ings of earlier in vitro studies,41-43 where
for treatment of E coli O157:H7 infec- in some instances antibiotics were

1.5 17
tion, and 1 prospective randomized found to decrease toxin production and
13 14 study 15 showed no association be- in others to increase it. Kurioka et al43
1.0 12
tween antibiotic use and HUS. recently reported that norfloxacin, fos-
The pooled OR was 1.15 (95% CI, fomycin, kanamycin sulfate, ampicil-
19 0.79-1.68), indicating a lack of asso- lin, and clarithromycin reduced the risk
–4 –2 0 2 4 ciation between HUS and antibiotic use of complications in a murine model of
(FIGURE 1). The test for heterogeneity enteritis with a Shiga toxin–produc-
Solid vertical line represents pooled estimated log odds was highly significant (P!.001). We ex- ing E coli O157:H7; antibiotic therapy
ratio (OR) across the studies. Dotted lines represent amined potential explanations for this shortened the length of E coli O157:H7
2 SE bounds around the pooled estimate. Studies are
represented by their reference numbers.
heterogeneity. Substantial heterogene- excretion in stool samples and de-
ity was observed among studies in the creased the amount of toxin in both fe-
populations studied (adults vs chil- ces and blood. However, trimethoprim-
Nine studies, 6 retrospective and 3 dren) and in the types of antibiotics sulfamethoxazole was associated with
prospective, met the inclusion criteria. used, the timing and length of therapy, increased mortality when given to some
Their characteristics are summarized in and methods used to control for sever- of the mice 3 days after initiation of in-
the TABLE. Only 1 of the retrospective ity of illness. fection.
studies showed a statistically signifi- Two studies, 1 retrospective19 and 1 Similar conflicting results have been
cant deleterious effect of antibiotic use prospective,14were found to account for found in clinical studies. In a large out-
and HUS.19 Four retrospective stud- most of the heterogeneity, and when break of E coli O157:H7 enteritis in
ies11,13,17,18 showed no association, and these were removed from the analysis, adult patients, a retrospective case-
998 JAMA, August 28, 2002—Vol 288, No. 8 (Reprinted) ©2002 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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control study found that coincidental 2 days of illness was associated with a organism, or likelihood of progres-
antibiotic use, defined as antibiotic use significantly reduced risk of HUS.The sion to HUS. However, antibiotic
in the 4weeks before development of significant protective effect remained in therapy was initiated a mean of 7 days
E coli infection, appeared to be associ- a multivariable analysis that con- after the onset of diarrhea.
ated with an increased risk of HUS (OR, trolled for severity of illness using the Pavia et al19 reported an outbreak of
4.7).18 However, when patients who re- presence of fever as an indicator (ad- E coli O157:H7 infection among the
ceived antibiotic treatment for E coli justed OR, 0.09; 95% CI, 0.01-0.79). residents and staff of an institution for
O157:H7 enteritis with ciprofloxacin In a case-control study, Slutsker et mentally handicapped persons. Eight
were compared with those who did not, al13 reported no association between an- persons developed HUS and half died.
there was no statistically significant dif- tibiotic use within 3 days of onset of E Antibiotics, mainly trimethoprim-
ference in risk. coli O157:H7 infection and HUS. How- sulfamethoxazole, were administered to
A widely promulgated, recent co- ever, in a subgroup analysis, children 5 of the 8 with HUS compared with 0
hort study of 71 children with E coli younger than 13 years who developed of the 7 without HUS; however, no ad-
O157:H7 enteritis, 10 of whom devel- HUS were more likely to have re- justment for severity of illness was per-
oped HUS, reported a 14-fold in- ceived an antibiotic, primarily sulfa- formed, and it is likely that antibiotics
creased risk of HUS when various an- methoxazole (relative risk, 11.5; were given to the more severely ill pa-
tibiotics were given for treatment of E P = .02), than those who did not. How- tients, many of whom may have been
coli O157:H7 enteritis.14 The relative ever, no adjustment for severity of ill- biologically destined to develop HUS.
risk was adjusted for initial white blood ness was performed. A retrospective study performed by
cell count and the day the stool sample In a retrospective cohort study of 278 Ostroff et al17 found no association be-
was collected as markers of disease se- children with culture-confirmed E coli tween antibiotic use and HUS. These
verity. The authors examined the risk infection, 50 of whom received antibi- authors examined differences be-
of HUS by class of antibiotic used, and otic therapy, Bell et al11 did not find an tween patients who received antibiot-
trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole and association between prior antibiotic use ics for E coli O157:H7 infection and
$-lactams appeared to be associated and HUS in a multivariate analysis. those who did not and found similar du-
with increased risk. An accompanying A retrospective study by Cimolai et rations of overall illness in both groups.
editorial strongly endorsed the study al,16 using multivariable techniques of In our analysis, we did not use ad-
findings.45 As a consequence, many US data analysis, also did not find an in- justed ORs from the included studies to
clinicians have become reluctant to give creased likelihood of progression to HUS obtain a summary OR because too few
antibiotic therapy to children or adults after antibiotic treatment of E coli en- of the 9 studies evaluated possible con-
with acute enteritis, even if they have teritis. Antibiotic use was defined in this founding in their analysis. Three stud-
dysentery and are severely ill. In the study as being either appropriate or in- ies13,17,19 did not assess differences in pa-
study by Wong et al,14 the reported CI appropriate. Appropriate antibiotics tients’ severity of illness, 3 studies11,16,18
for the adjusted relative risk was very were arbitrarily defined as those effec- used multivariate analysis but did not
wide (2.2-137). If 2 fewer children who tive against shigellosis, such as ampicil- provide sufficient data regarding which
developed HUS had received antibiot- lin or trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, factors were adjusted for, 1 study12 ad-
ics, the association would no longer be or the isolate was shown to be suscep- justed for severity of illness using the
statistically significant. tible in vitro. Inappropriate antibiotics presence of fever, 1 study14 adjusted for
Antibiotic therapy has been shown to were those that have not been shown to white blood cell count and day of ill-
be highly beneficial for Campylobacter have therapeutic value for treatment of ness on which stool sample was ob-
jejuni enteritis,46 traveler’s diarrhea shigellosis, or the isolate was resistant tained as markers of disease severity, and
caused by enterotoxigenic E coli,47 and in vitro. Univariate analysis showed a only 1 study15 was randomized.
shigellosis.48 These ubiquitous enteric in- trend toward a reduced risk of HUS with Our analysis does not show an in-
fections have clinical manifestations in- appropriate antibiotic use, but this vari- creased risk of HUS after antibiotic
distinguishable from E coli O157:H7 en- able was not significant in a multivari- treatment of E coli O157:H7 infection
teritis, and withholding antibiotic able analysis. (Figure 1). Although the included stud-
therapy for these infections until E coli In a randomized trial of trimetho- ies differed substantially in the dura-
O157:H7 infection can be ruled out prim-sulfamethoxazole treatment of E tion and types of therapeutic antibiot-
could be deleterious for many patients. coli O157:H7 enteritis in 47 children, ics used, we believe our results highlight
The paucity of randomized trials does no association was found between an- the ongoing controversy surrounding
not allow a definitive conclusion to be tibiotic treatment and subsequent de- the use of antibiotics for E coli O157:H7
reached regarding this matter. A pro- velopment of HUS (2/22 vs 4/25; enteritis and the development of HUS.
spective study12 in children with E coli P=.67).15 Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxa- We have focused our analysis on the
O157:H7 enteritis found that admin- zole had no effect on the course of effect of antibiotic therapy in general
istration of fosfomycin within the first symptoms, duration of excretion of the on the risk of HUS and have made no
©2002 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. (Reprinted) JAMA, August 28, 2002—Vol 288, No. 8 999

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attempt to examine the influence of dif- ever, suggest that a substantial publi- bayashi JM, Tarr PI. Predictors of hemolytic uremic syn-
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1000 JAMA, August 28, 2002—Vol 288, No. 8 (Reprinted) ©2002 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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