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First part

Camila: Hello.

Jenny: Hi!

Camila: My name is Camila. What's his name?

Jenny: My name is Jenny. Nice to meet you.

Camila: It's a pleasure. This is a great conference!

Jenny: Yes, it is. Where are you from?

Camila: I'm from Japan.

Jenny: Japan? I love Japan. It is a wonderful place.

Camila: Oh… yes thank you and where are you from?

Jenny: I'm from South Korea.

Camila: South Korea is a beautiful country.

Jenny: Where do you work?

Camila: I work in the Toyota Motor corporation

Jenny: what does that company do?

Camila: we design and manufactures cars in the market Japanese. Jenny Where do you

Jenny: I work in Samgung

Camila: what does that company do?

Jenny: We design and produce diversified technology for everyone.

Camila: ¿What department do you?

Jenny: I´m a chief accountant and my responsibility is doing the books and prepare the
balance sheets. what area do you?

Camila: I´m a secretary and my responsibility is type letters, file papers and make
appointments for my boss.
Second part

Nayaret: Hello my name is Nayaret.

Jenny: Hello my name is Jenny nice to meet you

Camila: Hello Nayaret. My name is Camila nice to meet you.

Nayaret: What nationality are you?

Camila: My nationality is Japanese.

Jenny : My nationality is Korea. And where you from?

Nayaret: I´m from the United states of America

Camila: Are you American?

Nayaret: No, I´m Spanish. Are you from the same company?

Camila: No. I work in Toyota and Jenny in Samgung. And where do you work?

Nayaret: I work in Nike

Camila: what does that company do?

Nayaret: we sell sportswear for all kinds of people around the world.

Jenny : What area do you?

Nayaret: I´m a Finance Director my job is look after the company´s money. Jenny What’s
his position in the company?

Jenny: I´m a chief accountant

Nayaret: And you Camila?

Camila: I´m a secretary

Nayatet: Oh… nice.

Camila: I have to go. It was a pleasure to meet you.

Jenny y Nayaret: Equally

Camila: Goodbye

Jenny y Nayaret: Bye-Bye!

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