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A Research Proposal Presented

To the Faculty of Senior High School
St. Paul University Surigao
Surigao City

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Strand






Child homelessness is the most common phenomenon widely happening across the globe. It

is prevalent in some other nations and subsequent particularly in third world countries.

According to Polakow, Robinson, and Wilson (2017), child homelessness is integrally linked to

poverty, the political economy of resource distribution, and the impacts of globalization on

children and families in the Global South and Global North. In this aforesaid statement, poverty

is also a contributing factor that affects many families and particularly the livelihood of children.

In some circumstances there families can’t provide proper healthcare and education with their

children. There are some families who were unemployed and cannot earn enough money that

their salary is not enough to support the whole family. Because children are dependent on their

families for shelter and survival, accounts of child homelessness invariably focus on poverty and

family viability.

In Surigao City, it is observed that beggars are usually scattered in different public places.

The Badjao are the common indigenous people among the homeless population, these people is

mostly composed of children. These people are familiar seeing them swam below a docking ship

in the pier and asking money to the people aboard the vessel. The other Badjao are dwelling in
different streets and places. Furthermore Jong (2010), mentioned that Badjao or Bajau means

man of the seas, this tribal group is known as the “Sea Gypsies” because they move with the

wind and the tide on their small houseboats called vintas, they can be found in many coastal

settlements and inhabit the waters and shores of the Sulu archipelago. There are also some

children that are not belong in the Badjao’s population, these particular children is somehow left

unrestraint by their parents and they usually walking around the streets and somehow entering in

various business establishments.

The researchers want to explore the perceptions of the Paulinian students about the problem

of homeless children in Surigao City. The research wants to identify the perception of the

students to have knowledge about the current situations that is happening in the society. Also the

conduct of the study is to test the student’s affirmation regarding to their perceptions towards

homeless children. After knowing the results of the study, the researchers want to give awareness

to this problem in the community and give further recommendations to address this common

issue to the society.

Conceptual Framework

This study anchors on the concept of Bahr (1973), which was cited by the City of Calgary

Community and Neighborhood Services (2008) that adopted a more comprehensive schema of
definition of homelessness consisting of 4 housing situations ranging from rooflessness (living

on the street or in emergency shelters), to houselessness (living in various types of shelters or

institutions), to insecure housing (living under threat of eviction or violence), and finally to

inadequate housing (living in unfit or overcrowded conditions). However, homelessness is not all

about houselessness rather should include a condition of detachment from society characterized

by the absence or attenuation of the affiliative bonds that link settled persons to a network of

interconnected social structure .

Figure 1 shows the schematic diagram of the study which explains the interplay of different

variables. Box shows the profile of the variables as to age, sex, and year level. Box 2 presents the

perceptions of students towards homeless children as to rooflessness, homelessness, insecure

housing and inadequate housing.

Age. This is to be considered in the study since the level of the perception can be dependent

whether the student is younger or older. This refers to the period of time the respondents has

lived as to the filling of the instruments.

Sex. This is to be examined because it may affect the result that depends on the

characteristics of the student. This refers to the distinction between male and female

Rooflessness. These particular children are living in impermanent shelters. This refers to the

children living on the street or in emergency shelters.

Houselessness. These particular children are living in different varied places. This refers to

the children living in various types of shelters or institutions.

Insecure housing. These particular children are living in unanticipated threats or

experiencingabuse. This refers to the children living under threat of eviction or violence.

Inadequate housing. These particular children are living in unstable and uncomfortable state.

This refers to the children living in unfit or overcrowded conditions.

Profile of the The Perception of
Participants in terms Selected students
of: towards homeless Proposed
children as to: Community
 Age Extension
 Sex  Rooflessness, Services
 Houselessness, Program
 Insecure
Housing, and
 Inadequate

Figure 1.Schematic Diagram of Study

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the perception of selected students of Saint Paul University

Surigao towards homeless children in Surigao City. Specifically, it seeks to determine the

following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of the participants in terms of:

1.1 age; and

1.2 sex?

2. What are the perceptions of students of Saint Paul University Surigao towards

homeless children in Surigao City as to:

2.1 rooflessness;

2.2 houselessness;

2.3 insecure housing; and

2.4 inadequate housing?

3. Is there a significant difference on the perceptions of selected students of Saint Paul

University Surigao towards homeless children in Surigao City when grouped

according to their profile variables?

4. Based on the results of the study, what recommendations may be proposed?


At 0.05 level of significance, it is hypothesized that there is no significant difference on the

perception of selected students of Saint Paul University Surigao towards homeless children in

Surigao City when they are grouped according to their profile variables.

Significance of the Study

The study about the perception of the selected students towards homeless children in Surigao

City would further improve the affirmations of the school and enhance the moral values of each

student. The findings of the study believe to bring great benefit to the following:

Students. The result of this study would help the students of St. Paul University Surigao to

further develop their moral values as Paulinian as an active member of the community. Their

response with the problem would improve their holistic view for the other people especially to

those who really in need.

School. This study would help the educational institution to enhance the moral values of

each students and improve their holistic view of life. Thus giving the students to acknowledge

their gifts to help others that will enabling them to learn more from the school. So this study

would further establish a strong and effective relationship between the student and the school.
DSWD. The outcome of the study would gradually help the parents about proper parenting

of their children and securing their welfare. Determining the factors thataffecting the children

would help the parents further improve their responsibilities to support for them.

City Government Unit. The findings of the study would help the Local Government Unit to

further develop social welfare programs that are beneficial for the street children and to foster the

awareness about child homelessness between families in a certain community.

Future Researchers.The result of the study would benefit to the individuals that somehow

this will serve as their baseline for their upcoming studies that are align with their certain

interests with the objectives of the study.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

This research study wants to determine the perceptions of the selected students toward

homeless children in Surigao City. The participants of the study will be the selected Grade 10

Junior High school students of St. Paul University Surigao. As we observed the results of the

study will be limited to the data gathered from the researchers-made questionnaire answered by

the participants of the study. The study will be conducted at Saint Paul University Surigao in the

Junior High School Unit during the school year 2019-2020.

Definition of Terms

The following are the key terms that will be used in the study:

Badjao. These are group of ethnic people collectively called as “sea gypsies” or sea tribes.

They usually live in their floating houseboats but now they are forced to move in different cities.

Holistic View. The humanitarian values of the student It is a perspective of student whom

finds identity, meaning, and purpose through connection to the community.

Homeless children. They are living in varied places, impermanent shelters, uncomfortable

conditions and somehow experiencing unwanted abuse. These are children having no proper

place or shelter to live.

Perception. The way they give an opinion or judgment about the specific problem. The

ability to think or understand something.

Sea gypsies. These are ethnic group that mostly composed of Badjao that lived almost

entirely at sea. Somehow they are now dwelling in different cities particularly in Surigao City.

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