Motor Calculations: Rolling

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Motor Calculations

From simulations we have requirements for the motor as:

Nominal Power= 1306W

Peak power= 4.5kW

Now, for selecting the motor we need to find the torque required by the motor
but for that we need to first find out the reduction ratio from motor to wheels.

Based on benchmarking we have 12 inch rims with 90% aspect ratio that
corresponds to a wheel radius of 23.5cm.

Now considering vehicle top speed of 72Km/h (20 m/s)

Wheel rpm = 20*60/(2*Pi*.235) = 812.7 rpm

Now, from manufacturer, we have motor max rated rpm= 6000

Hence reduction ratio required = 6000/812.7= 7.38

Now, minimum force required for vehicle to move will be equal to the rolling
resistance i.e

F= µrolling*m*g

F= 0.008*250*9.81


Hence, torque will be

Ʈ= F*r wheel/reduction ratio

Ʈ= 19.62*.235/7.38

Ʈ= 0.625Nm

Now according to our driving cycle the maximum force experienced on wheels
is 332N.

Hence, Max torque will be

Ʈ= 332*.235/7.38


Hence, we can select the motor with the criteria of torque between 4.8Nm to
18Nm, rated power 1500W and rated max power.

The maximum current flow in the above system will be around 94A, hence we
can select wiring harness of AWG6, having conductor diameter as 4.1mm.

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