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Case Study Series

A Study of the Market
for Pharmaceuticals

Anna Paterson and Asif Karimi

December 2005

Funding for this research was

provided by the UK
Department for International
Development (DFID)
Afghanistan Research and Evaluation Unit

© 2005 Afghanistan Research and Evaluation Unit. All rights reserved.

The views and opinions expressed in this report do not necessarily reflect the views of AREU.
Understanding Markets in Afghanistan: A Study of the Market for Pharmaceuticals

About the Authors

Anna Paterson is a researcher on political economy and markets at AREU. Previously,
she worked at the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office as a research analyst, on
Moldova and Ukraine, and on the terrorist threat in Russia, the Caucasus and Central
Asia. She also worked for two years as a research analyst on the former Soviet Union
and Afghanistan for a business intelligence company.
M. Asif Karimi is a livelihoods researcher at AREU. Since joining the organisation in
2003, he has participated in the 18-month Rural Livelihoods Monitoring Programme,
as well conducted research into seasonal labour migration and the political economy
of the fuel, second-hand car and pharmaceuticals markets. Prior to coming to AREU,
Mr. Karimi was Southwest Afghanistan Director for the Afghan Development
Association, where he implemented numerous multi-sectoral development projects
in rural areas throughout the country. Mr. Karimi holds a bachelor of science degree
in pharmacy from Kabul University, and attended the Reconstruction and
Development Program at the University of Nebraska – Omaha.

About the Afghanistan Research and Evaluation Unit

The Afghanistan Research and Evaluation Unit (AREU) is an independent research
organisation that conducts and facilitates action-oriented research and learning that
informs and influences policy and practice. AREU also actively promotes a culture of
research and learning by strengthening analytical capacity in Afghanistan and by
creating opportunities for analysis and debate. Fundamental to AREU’s vision is that
its work should improve Afghan lives.
AREU was established by the assistance community working in Afghanistan and has a
board of directors with representation from donors, UN and multilateral organisa-
tions and non-governmental organisations (NGOs).
Current funding for AREU is provided by the European Commission (EC), the United
Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA), the United Nations High
Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), Stichting Vluchteling and the governments of
the United Kingdom, Canada, Denmark (DANIDA), Switzerland and Sweden. Funding
for this study was provided by the UK Department for International Development
Afghanistan Research and Evaluation Unit

Executive Summary 1
1. Introduction 3
2. Use of Pharmaceuticals in Afghanistan 4
2.1 Rational use of medicines 5
2.2 Pharmaceuticals and livelihoods 6
2.3 History of pharmaceuticals import and production 7
3. Main Players in the Private Pharmaceuticals Market 9
3.1 Producers 9
3.2 Foreign investors 10
3.3 Importers and wholesalers 12
3.4 Smugglers 13
3.5 Pharmacies 14
3.6 Street vendors, grocery stores and purveyors of
herbal medicines 16
3.7 Distribution systems in the private sector 17
4. Types, Prices and Import Routes of Pharmaceuticals 19
4.1 Prices 19
4.2 Import routes 22
5. Government Regulation 24
5.1 Customs procedures 24
5.2 Ministry of Public Health role 24
5.3 Quality and testing: eliminating expired, counterfeit
and banned drugs 25
6. Conclusions and Recommendations 28
6.1 Regulation 28
6.2 Sustainability 28
6.3 Import substitution and the investment climate 29
References 30
Recent Publications from AREU 31
Understanding Markets in Afghanistan: A Study of the Market for Pharmaceuticals

Executive Summary
This is the last study in a series of six case studies that aim to enhance
understanding of the role of markets in affecting prospects for growth, and the
distribution of the benefits of growth, in Afghanistan. The studies explore the
structures and functioning of markets in Afghanistan, with a view to assisting in the
formulation of policies to enhance broad-based growth and poverty reduction in a
market environment.

The purpose of this study of the market for pharmaceuticals was to gain insight into
the experiences of Afghan businesspeople in this market to identify how many
players there were, where the greatest margins were made, what connections there
were between market players and what, if any, barriers were faced by new entrants.

The study found that:

• There has been a dramatic increase in the quantity of both donated and
privately imported medicines entering Afghanistan since 2002. The private
sector accounts for between 70 and 80 percent of total pharmaceuticals
consumption and the market may be worth up to US$200m per year.
[Section 2: Use of pharmaceuticals in Afghanistan, p. 4]

• Medicines for use in public health facilities are determined by the National
Essential Drugs List. Privately imported medicines are also nominally
limited by the Ministry of Public Health list of medicines licensed for use
in Afghanistan. Were all importers to bring medicines into the country
formally, only drugs from this list would be available on the market.
However, there is widespread smuggling of medicines into Afghanistan.
The proportion of smuggled drugs may be as high as 80 percent of
medicines sold in the private sector. [Section 2: Use of pharmaceuticals in
Afghanistan, p. 4 and Section 3.4: Smugglers, p. 13]

• The pharmaceuticals market is much more chaotic than the other markets
studied in AREU’s political economy research stream. Pharmaceuticals are
brought into Afghanistan from many different sources, and there is a
bewildering array of products on sale. The number of players is larger at
every point in the supply chain than in other markets studied. There are
more importers, more wholesalers, many more pharmacies, many grocery
stores that sell pharmaceuticals and street vendors of medicines, as well
as purveyors of traditional medicine. [Section 3: Main players in the market,
p. 9 and Section 4: Types, prices and import routes of pharmaceuticals, p.

• There are serious concerns over the rational use of drugs in Afghanistan,
and anecdotal evidence from various sources suggests a tendency among
doctors to over-prescribe medicines generally and antibiotics in particular,
and that combinations of medicines are prescribed without due consideration
of possible side effects. Patients often ask pharmacists to prescribe
medicines even though a large proportion of private pharmacies do not have
a qualified pharmacist on staff. Exacerbating all these factors is the
presence on the market of low quality and counterfeit medicines
containing insufficient or no active ingredients. [Section 2.1: Rational use

Afghanistan Research and Evaluation Unit

of medicines, p. 5 and Section 6.3: Quality and testing: eliminating expired,

counterfeit and banned drugs, p. 25]

• Inspection, sampling and testing facilities are inadequate to secure basic

standards of medicines on the market. It makes sense to concentrate
efforts on inspection and testing at the point of wholesale and retail,
given the scale of smuggling. However, the lack of testing facilities at
border points, and resultant long delays in clearing imports, pending sample
results from Kabul, is a serious disincentive for importers to bring their
imports through official channels. The feasibility of installing testing facilities
at borders or of a mobile laboratory could be considered. [Section 6.3:
Quality and testing: eliminating expired, counterfeit and banned drugs, p. 25
and Section 7: Conclusions and recommendations, p. 28]

• Pricing of pharmaceuticals also reflects the lack of control or regulation of

this market. Prices of medicines are heavily regulated in almost all countries
except the US. In Afghanistan, profit margins at the point of import,
wholesale and retail are technically capped by the government at between
8–15 percent. But almost all players admitted that this was not followed in
practice. However, many medicines on the market are cheap, but of low
quality, as market players opt for cheap products to meet the demand of
poor Afghan customers. [Section 4: Types, prices and import routes of
pharmaceuticals, p. 19]

• There is room in the market for domestic production or compounding of

pharmaceuticals from imported raw materials to partially substitute
imports and to boost Afghan manufacturing and economic growth. There
are a number of small scale 100 percent Afghan-owned pharmaceuticals
manufacturers and two foreign direct investors that have begun production of
medicines. Access to land, basic infrastructure and credit is key to allowing
Afghan manufacturers to break free of the small scale turnover that often
makes them uncompetitive. For foreign investors, further streamlining of
bureaucratic procedures for gaining permissions to begin production are vital
if foreign investors are not to be frightened away by the prospect of long
delays. [Section 3: Main players in the market, p. 9 and Section 7:
Conclusions and recommendations, p. 28]

Understanding Markets in Afghanistan: A Study of the Market for Pharmaceuticals

1. Introduction
This is the last study in a series of six case studies under the Political Economy and
Markets research stream of the Afghanistan Research and Evaluation Unit (AREU).1
The first three case studies were produced in summer 2004 and dealt with three
sectors important to the Afghan economy: raisins, carpets and construction
materials. The second set of studies has dealt with three important import markets:
petroleum fuel, second-hand cars and pharmaceuticals. They explore the structures
and functioning of markets in Afghanistan and thereby aim to assist in the
formulation of policies to enhance broad-based growth and poverty reduction in a
market environment. Each study is designed to stand alone, but the series can be
read together to gain a fuller picture of markets across a range of sectors. A short
briefing paper was produced after the first three studies, which provides discussion
and preliminary analysis of overall findings. A further synthesis paper will be
produced after the publication of all six studies.

The purpose of this study, like the previous studies,

was to investigate the real structures of markets in
Afghanistan. Researchers attempted to gain an
insight into the experiences of Afghan businessmen
in the private pharmaceuticals market; how
numerous the players were; where the greatest
margins were made; what connections there were
between market players; and what if any barriers
were faced by new entrants. Semi-structured
interviews were conducted with importers, wholesalers, large and small retailers,
certain groups of customers, international agencies and relevant government bodies.
The number of players interviewed in each category depended on the size of the
market in each location.

Research was conducted in Kabul; Mazar-i-Sharif and Heiratan; Herat, Islam Qala and
Turghundi; Zaranj; Quetta; Kandahar; Peshawar; and Jalalabad from April to May
2005. Research was conducted by consultant Jamal Khan and by the authors, AREU
researchers Anna Paterson and Asif Karimi. Asif Karimi is a pharmacist by
background. Local research assistants were also used.

The first three studies were produced by an AREU research team consisting of: Mohammad Moharram
Ali (consultant), Tom Brown (consultant), Zainiddin Karaev (Research Intern, AREU) Jamal Khan
(consultant), Sarah Lister (Team Leader - consultant), Adam Pain (consultant).

Afghanistan Research and Evaluation Unit

2. Use of Pharmaceuticals in Afghanistan

There has been a dramatic increase in the amount of donated medicines reaching
Afghanistan since 2002. It is estimated that medicines donated in kind or bought
with donated money make up between 20 and 30 percent of pharmaceuticals used in
Afghanistan.2 The remaining 70–80 percent of pharmaceuticals not supplied by
donors is accounted for by the private sector. On the basis of a population of 25
million, the private pharmaceuticals market in Afghanistan could be worth up to
US$200m per year.3 The Afghanistan statistical yearbook from 1998–2003 shows the
following imports of pharmaceuticals:

Figure 1. Pharmaceuticals imports, 1998–2003



Imports (US$)


1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003

It is difficult to record the current size of the private sector pharmaceuticals

market, as many importers and wholesalers are thought to be unregistered.
Smuggling is a significant concern in the pharmaceuticals sector.

Both patent and generic medicines are sold on the Afghan market. The term
“generic drug” has been legally defined in France as “a copy of an original medicinal
drug whereby production and marketing are made possible by the expiry of the
patent covering the innovator product”.4 Each drug on the market has both a
chemical name and an International Non-proprietary Name (INN) or generic name
(Ampicillin, for example). The INN is the medicine’s official name, regardless of who
manufactures or markets it. INNs are assigned through the World Health Organisation
(WHO). A commercial, proprietary brand name is chosen by the manufacturer. For
most common drugs, there are several branded medicines that contain the same
active ingredient, such as, for example, paracetamol. The patents on many common
drugs have expired, allowing a number of manufacturers to produce and market
equivalent medicines under the generic name. These products are usually sold at a
lower price than their branded equivalents.

Interview with Management Sciences for Health (MSH) staff, Kabul, May 2005.
Estimate based on interviews with producers, importers and MSH staff, 2005.
Directive 87/21, 22 December 1986, cited in WHO Drug Information, 2000, General Policy Issues:
Generic drugs: the hidden issues of quality and cost, 14(2): 77.

Understanding Markets in Afghanistan: A Study of the Market for Pharmaceuticals

There are four lists of officially approved medicines maintained and periodically
updated by the National Medicines Agency and the Ministry of Public Health. These
include a Licensed Drug List of medicines that are permitted for import and sale and
the National Essential Drugs List of Afghanistan, which lists 27 categories of
medicines, from anaesthetics to vitamins and minerals, appropriate for use in public
sector health facilities. The latter defines a limited number of medicines deemed
appropriate for implementing the Basic Package of Healthcare Services (BPHS) and
Essential Package for Hospitals in Afghanistan. The purpose of such a list is to avoid
spending health care budgets in developing
Antibiotics such the penicillins Ampicillin and
countries on ineffective, unnecessary or
Amoxicillin are used to treat infections caused
inappropriate medicines. A limited list is
chosen in order to improve supply and by bacteria and work by killing the bacteria or
rational use of medicines and reduce costs. preventing their growth. For example,
In addition, Afghanistan has a list of free Amoxicillin is used to treat certain infections
sale medicines that may be bought and caused by bacteria, such as pneumonia;
used without a prescription, to relieve bronchitis; gonorrhea; and infections of the
mild symptoms and a list of medicines that ears, nose, throat, urinary tract and skin.
are subject to special restrictions because Amoxicillin comes as a capsule, a suspension
of their particular risks. (liquid), and pediatric drops to take orally.
Co-trimoxazole is a sulfa drug which
In the private sector, which is unlikely to eliminates bacteria that cause various
dispense drugs for use in hospital care, infections, including infections of the urinary
surgery, etc. researchers were told that tract, lungs (pneumonia), ears and intestines.
commonly used medicines changed The drug is also used to treat diarrhea. Co-
according to seasons, with different types trimoxazole comes as a tablet and a liquid to
of antibiotics dominating, in summer for take by mouth. Metronidazole is an anti-
treatment of diarrhoea, parasites and
parasitic medicine in tablet form used to
other gastro-intestinal illnesses and for
attack parasites such as amoeba and giardia.
treatment of respiratory infections in
winter. Most common are first generation
antibiotics that are affordable and effective in communities that have not had much
exposure to antibiotics, but have lost some of their effectiveness in Europe and
North America due to over-use and the consequent resistance developed by many
bacteria. Antibiotics will not work for colds, flu or other viral infections. Private
sector wholesalers and retailers also reported selling large quantities of cough syrups
and cold medicines, and pain killers such as paracetamol.5

2.1 Rational use of medicines

As in other developing countries, there are serious concerns over the rational use of
drugs in Afghanistan. Numerous reports from different developing countries have
found unnecessary use of antibiotics for treatment of diarrhoeal diseases and non-
complicated acute respiratory infections as well as insufficient utilisation of Oral
Rehydration Salts (ORS) for prevention and treatment of dehydration, and diagnostic
and treatment practices that are inconsistent with accepted practices.6 There is
much anecdotal evidence of a tendency among doctors in Afghanistan to over-
prescribe medicines generally and antibiotics in particular. This was borne out in the
current study by numerous health officials interviewed and by observations during
visits to pharmacies. One qualified pharmacist complained that combinations of
medicines were being prescribed without proper consideration of side effects for the

Thanks to Lysbeth McCrone, MD.
World Bank Group, 2005, “Health Systems Development, Private Sector – Overview,”

Afghanistan Research and Evaluation Unit

patient. The practice of over-prescribing medicines becomes a vicious circle, as

patients begin to expect high dosages and multiple medicines and the sensitivity to
demand in the private sector, both in private clinics and in pharmacies, compounds
this problem. One hospital pharmacist told researchers that patients were often
suspicious of the generic medicines, in very plain packaging, dispensed by the
hospital pharmacy, as they had become accustomed to the “colourful packaging”
and bright brand-names on the medicines sold in private pharmacies. A study of the
pharmaceutical sector by Management Sciences for Health (MSH) in 2002 suggested
that over-prescribing of medicines occurs more frequently in the private sector than
in the public or NGO health sector. The study reviewed prescriptions at pharmacies
in all sectors and found that patients in the private sector were prescribed more
drugs per encounter (an average of 2.4) than in the NGO (average 2.05) and public
(average 1.88) sectors.7 Although it was beyond the remit of this study to assess the
appropriateness of prescriptions, researchers were shown many prescriptions in all
locations that listed more than three medicines each.

In addition to the problem of over-prescribing by qualified practitioners, there is a

serious problem with diagnosis and prescription by unqualified people posing as
doctors in private clinics and by unqualified staff working in private pharmacies.
Alarming cases of wrong diagnoses and treatments by individuals in private clinics
with minimal or no medical training have been recorded by journalists and one
official in the Ministry of Public Health has commented:
There are lots of unlawful clinics and pharmacies all over the provinces.
Even those people who were hospital cleaners in Pakistan have opened their
own clinics.8

Those who cannot afford to see a private doctor and who do not have access to
public health care often go directly to a pharmacy or even to a street vendor to
receive both a diagnosis and treatment for their illnesses. The fact that a large
number of staff in pharmacies are unqualified (and, as researchers were told,
sometimes even illiterate) makes this a precarious way of receiving appropriate
treatment. The lack of qualified pharmacists in retail outlets is dealt with in greater
detail below.

As if the issues of over-prescribing and wrong diagnosis were not serious enough,
there are also a large number of low quality and counterfeit medicines on the
market in Afghanistan. Thus, even when medicines have been appropriately
prescribed, customers may receive a product from retailers that contains low levels
of active ingredients or no active ingredients whatsoever. This research did not
conduct any testing of pharmaceuticals, but does deal with the issue of low quality
and counterfeit medicines, based on reports by health care professionals, below.

2.2 Pharmaceuticals and livelihoods

The pharmaceuticals sector has a significant impact upon livelihoods in Afghanistan.
Research has shown that a significant proportion of incomes in the poorest
households is spent on health care, including travel to public health care facilities,
use of private clinics and doctors and purchase of pharmaceuticals. An AREU report
on rural livelihoods found that health was the second largest expenditure after food
for many households. Health crises were also identified as among the most common

MSH Afghanistan Pharmaceutical Sector Assessment, 2002.
S. Najemi, 13 August 2004, Medical Treatments do More Harm than Good, Kabul: Institute for War and
Peace Reporting.

Understanding Markets in Afghanistan: A Study of the Market for Pharmaceuticals

events leading families to seek informal credit.9 In Laghman and Herat, this research
found that:
…households are spending between 9 and 26 percent of income on health,
with poorer households generally spending more than richer households.10

Thus, if the poorest families are receiving inappropriate, low quality or counterfeit
medicines or incomplete courses of medicines, they are suffering a dual loss to their
livelihood. Families can end up spending far more than is necessary to treat a sick
family member and can seriously impair the long-term health of the individual and
therefore also the productivity of the family. It is the poor who are least served by
the private pharmaceutical sector in Afghanistan.

2.3 History of pharmaceuticals import and production

Before 1992, there was a developed production capacity in Afghanistan and those
pharmaceuticals that were imported from abroad mostly came through the Ministry
of Public Health (MoPH), specifically through the state-owned enterprise Avicenna
Pharmaceutical Institute, which kept pharmaceuticals in stock and distributed them
to the provinces. At this time there were few licensed private importers, but there
was large uncontrolled import of drugs from Pakistan and Iran in mujaheddin-
controlled areas in the eighties and early nineties. When the government system
began to collapse in the early nineties, private individuals came to dominate
pharmaceuticals imports. Pharmaceuticals from Pakistan were particularly popular,
and their import was aided by the large number of Afghan refugees in Pakistan.
Pakistani companies began to open offices in Kabul. Iranian medicines also entered
Afghanistan with the help of the Afghan diaspora in Iran. The number of players in
the private import of medicines grew over the conflict and the Taliban period.
Medicines are now imported into Afghanistan, via various routes, from Europe, India,
China, southeast Asia, Iran, Pakistan and the Middle East.

From the 1970s until the end of the Najibullah period in 1992, Afghanistan was a
producer of pharmaceuticals. As one article has noted, “Only a decade ago,
Afghanistan was producing the majority of its medicine inside the country and was
even developing an export market.”11

The German Hoechst Corporation (now Sanofi-Aventis Corporation, one of the largest
pharmaceutical companies in the world) opened a factory in Kabul in 1968, in which
the government had a 51 percent stake. This factory may still be observed on the
Jalalabad road in Kabul. During its heyday, the Hoechst plant produced some 130
lines of medicine, covering a wide range of Afghan domestic needs and also
exporting medicines to neighbouring countries. In 1991 the German partners
withdrew all of their representatives and in 1997 stopped formal production,
however, there has been some small-scale production on the site since then. The
Hoechst brand has clearly left a strong mark on Afghan consumers as Hoechst was
frequently mentioned by customers and traders with some nostalgia and its products
were clearly trusted by the public. In August 2005 the Hoechst Afghanistan AG finally
got privatised after three years of struggling to acquire the governmental shares in
the plant. The name has been changed to Hochpharma corporation. The MoPH holds
a 15 percent stake and foreign private investors hold an 85 percent stake.

J. Grace and A. Pain, June 2004, Rethinking Rural Livelihoods in Afghanistan, Kabul: Afghanistan
Research and Evaluation Unit, p. 37.
A. Wali, 22 August 2002, Phoney Drugs Put Lives at Risk, Kabul: Institute for War and Peace

Afghanistan Research and Evaluation Unit

Hochpharma is receiving technical assistance in quality control, production

procedures and environmental issues inside and outside of Afghanistan by Sanofi-
Aventis Corporation. Hochpharma follows European standards of corporate
governance, with a board of directors and management. It has around 100
employees and plans to generate a further 300 jobs. Automated packaging on a large
scale will be avoided in order to maximise employment-generation potential.
Hochpharma will revitalise Hoechst’s traditional distribution systems in major cities
of Afghanistan and will print all labels and brochures in Afghanistan to generate
employment indirectly.

The Avicenna Pharmaceutical Institute (API) was established in the 1970s. Avicenna
is named after the physician Jalaluddin Ibn Sina, who lived in the 11th century and
whose father was from Balkh. His books were used to educate students during the
middle ages. As well as importing pharmaceuticals, licensing and monitoring private
sector imports, API also previously produced around 120 different types of
pharmaceuticals. This production capacity was severely hampered by the conflict
and when researchers visited, the institute was producing only iodine antiseptic and
the future of the institute as a manufacturing centre was under review. The institute
retains its sizable buildings in the fifth district of Kabul and there has been some
reconstruction of buildings and machinery after physical damage and looting during
the conflict period. The institute is a branch of the Department for Pharmaceuticals
in the MoPH, but is reportedly self sufficient in financial terms. Avicenna is also
responsible for granting licences to importers throughout Afghanistan. API is on the
list of state-owned enterprises to be privatised in Afghanistan.

Understanding Markets in Afghanistan: A Study of the Market for Pharmaceuticals

3. Main Players in the Private Pharmaceuticals Market

Figure 2 provides a guide to the main players in the private sector pharmaceuticals
supply chain. However, there may also be middlemen, or “agents”, facilitating
transactions such as distribution of pharmaceuticals from a producer, importer or
wholesaler to provincial pharmacies. Researchers were frequently told that such
agents were used, but did not encounter any agents directly.

Figure 2. Pharmaceutical supply chain


Importer Whole- Pharmacy Street Customer

saler trader Traditional


3.1 Producers
Producers of pharmaceuticals who are not making drugs from scratch, but using
imported raw active ingredients, are technically “compounding” pharmaceuticals.
Researchers visited six registered 100 percent Afghan-owned pharmaceutical
production sites in Kabul. Most pharmaceuticals producers are Kabul-based, but
there are some producers based in provincial cities and provincial manufacturers
may not all be registered with the authorities. Researchers were unable to visit
producers outside of Kabul.

The producers interviewed had been in business

from 10 months to four years. Most were operating
on a small scale, and manufactured a similar range
of products, such as cough syrups, anti-acid syrups,
multi-vitamin syrups, antiseptic and anti-
inflammatory ointments and powders such as
talcum powder. One manufacturer had a contract
with an international NGO operating in the health
sector to produce chlorine, which was then distributed by the NGO across the
country. These factories employed between five and 60 staff, of which between one
and six were qualified pharmacists. In one case, some members of staff had been
sent to a neighbouring country to receive training.

Most manufacturers said they planned to begin producing more complicated products
such as antibiotics, but that conditions were not yet suitable. These factories share
the same constraints as many other Afghan manufacturers, and electricity shortages
and lack of access to land or secure accommodation were major complaints. The

Afghanistan Research and Evaluation Unit

fact that many were based in rented accommodation in residential areas meant that
many were trapped in a cottage-industry scale of production. Insecurity of tenure
was a disincentive to growth and development as there was little point in investing
in and installing expensive new machinery, when the company might have to move
premises. All manufacturers planned or hoped to move to more secure
accommodation in an industrial park. One manufacturer had been promised a plot in
an industrial park but the plot had not materialised and a second was in the process
of applying for a plot. Another manufacturer was involved in a dispute over a piece
of land for which he had paid 25 percent of the total cost 10 years previously but
had since been unable to claim. There was a mechanism for claiming land, the
manufacturer claimed, but the process was difficult, as many plots of land under
disputed ownership were already occupied and the municipality and the police
needed to negotiate with these residents in order to free up the land.

Manufacturers are also hampered by the fact that all machinery and raw materials
must be imported into Afghanistan. Second-hand as well as new machinery was used
and was imported from various countries, including England, China, Pakistan and
Iran. Imported machinery is taxed by the Ministry of Finance at a rate of four
percent. Machinery for use in medical procedures or to produce medicines must also
be cleared by the MoPH and can therefore be stuck in customs for some time. As for
raw ingredients for the pharmaceuticals, producers said they were unable to secure
contracts with large European producers of pharmaceutical raw materials as the size
of their orders was too small. Some manufacturers had contracts to buy raw
materials from companies in Iran, China or India, but some bought raw materials in
markets in Pakistan, where materials from different sources were sold. These raw
materials, especially the active ingredients for pharmaceuticals, were subject to
testing by the MoPH after import in the same way as finished pharmaceuticals. Many
producers complained of a new MoPH requirement that the companies from whom
raw materials were sourced should now be registered with the ministry, as this made
buying from these markets in Pakistan difficult. One manufacturer had benefited
from time spent outside Afghanistan during the conflict, during which he had
entered the pharmaceutical business in Iran. Ongoing contacts and business interests
in Iran allowed him to import machinery, containers, raw materials, and indeed,
qualified staff to support his business in Afghanistan.

Insecurity of accommodation, lack of access to credit, electricity shortages and

inability to take advantage of economies of scale by buying raw materials in bulk
means that turnover is very small in most of the existing Afghan pharmaceuticals
producers and these enterprises find it hard to compete with imported medicines,
especially smuggled and cheap, low quality imports.

3.2 Foreign investors

Afghanistan is surrounded by countries that are established manufacturers of
medicines, such as India, Iran and Pakistan, and it is unlikely that domestic
production will ever eliminate reliance on imports. Afghanistan also lacks its own
chemical industry to produce active raw ingredients for medicines. Nonetheless,
there is room in the Afghan market for the development of larger scale domestic
production to partially substitute imports with affordable, good quality Afghan-made
products and to benefit the Afghan economy by promoting Afghan manufacturing and
generating economic growth and employment.

Researchers spoke to two foreign investors attempting to begin production of

pharmaceuticals in Afghanistan. One German-Afghan investor, Hochpharma, has

Understanding Markets in Afghanistan: A Study of the Market for Pharmaceuticals

resumed production in the Hoechst factory. Three years had passed since the
investor began negotiations to the stage of closing the deal in August 2005. This was
partly due to the complicated process of bidding for the tender to win the
government shares in the plant. In October 2005, Hochpharma started production of
generic drugs, including painkillers, anti-depressants, blood pressure medicines,
gynaecological medicines and antibiotics, to meet the needs of the domestic market
and replace imports. Hochpharma products can be slightly more expensive than low-
end Pakistani imported pharmaceuticals, but more affordable than high-end imports
of the same quality. All the raw materials for Hochpharma must be bought on the
international market, as the lack of a chemical industry in Afghanistan mean these
can not be bought locally. Larger ventures such as Hochpharma have an advantage
over smaller enterprises that are unable to secure bulk contracts with manufacturers
of pharmaceuticals raw materials. In addition Hochpharma benefits from industrial
scale production equipment. In the longer term, Hochpharma may also consider
production of herbal medicines, the botanical ingredients for which could be bought
from Afghan producers.

Researchers also spoke to representatives of American Afghan United Incorporated

(AAUI) Pharmaceuticals, an enterprise in a new factory in Kabul, with 100 percent
private, foreign ownership. AAUI plans a total investment of US$2–5m in machinery,
such as a tablet-making machine with a capacity of 100,000 tablets per day, which
had already been installed at the site when researchers visited. The company
planned to produce antibiotics, analgesics and other generic medicines, beginning
with seven different products. These would be designed entirely for sale on the local
market as a high-quality and affordable substitute for imported products. At the
time of research, the start date for production had suffered two years of delay due
to the complicated bureaucratic process of obtaining all the necessary paperwork
and permissions and money for rent and salaries was being spent every month with
no returns. However, in November 2005, the company was granted official
permission to begin production of five products.

Labyrinthine bureaucracy appears in the above cases to have been more of an

inhibitor of foreign direct investment than the other obstacles frequently cited, such
as the absence of a banking system, the legislative backlog for basic commercial
laws or the security situation. Understandably there must be an added layer of
regulation in the pharmaceutical production sector, in order to ensure that safety
standards are met. However, there is a general problem with unclear and prohibitive
layers of bureaucracy facing investors which appears to be reflected in other
sectors. Foreign entrepreneurs who are already in Afghanistan attempting to set up
businesses have probably already considered the obstacles of security, banking and
weak infrastructure, and a streamlined bureaucratic process would help to keep such
potential investors and their investments in the country. Streamlining the process of
bureaucratic permissions for foreign and domestic investors would also limit the
opportunities for corruption and bribe-taking.

There is a further private–public pharmaceuticals venture in Afghanistan, which

researchers were unable to visit. The Baz International Pharmaceutical Company Ltd
is the result of a project launched in 2002 by the Swiss non-profit organisation
Business Humanitarian Forum, the Brussels-based European Generic Medicines
Association (EGA) and the United Nations Development Programme Country Office in
Afghanistan. Baz plans to produce 300–400 million tablets of urgently needed
medicines such as antibiotics and analgesics each year. Machines have been donated
by the EGA and the production plant is reportedly being completed for production,

Afghanistan Research and Evaluation Unit

which was scheduled to start in the fourth quarter of 2005.12 At the time of
publication of this report in December 2005, production had not yet started.

3.3 Importers and wholesalers

Importers of pharmaceuticals must register with the
MoPH, and a MoPH official told researchers that some
200 importers of pharmaceuticals were currently
registered, a dramatic improvement on the
percentage of importers who previously complied with
the registration process. Importers provide the MoPH
with a form listing the medicines they intend to
import and this is compared to the list of permitted
medicines before being approved. This list must show
that the pharmaceuticals for import are manufactured by companies registered with
the MoPH. Importers may sell to wholesalers, but the majority of importers
encountered in this research also had their own wholesale outfit. Wholesalers also
require a licence from the MoPH and must have a qualified pharmacist on their staff.
They must make a deposit of 10,000 Afghanis (US$225) to register as traders.13
Import enterprises are often referred to as “private limited” pharmaceutical

Wholesale markets in Kabul, Herat and Mazar are mostly co-located in the same part
of town, often in multi-storey blocks of shops built around small courtyards. In Kabul
one of the wholesale markets is located in the Parwan Hotel area in district 11.
Researchers were told that the area had become a centre for wholesale trade in
pharmaceuticals during the mujaheddin period, when the pharmacy department was
temporarily relocated to the area. Many import/wholesale outfits have
representatives in more than one city, most commonly in Herat, Kabul and Mazar but
sometimes also in other provincial capitals.

Researchers found that importers of “There are some 150 wholesalers based in and
regular and larger scale consignments of around this market. Most of us have been in
medicines either had an agreement with business since the war. We are currently very
a foreign manufacturer or made regular concerned about our businesses as we have
visits to wholesale markets abroad, heard that the authorities are clamping down on
particularly in Pakistan. Medicines were unregistered wholesalers. Few of us have
reportedly brought by importers to Kabul registration documents. We should be given an
and to other cities by truck. Importers opportunity to register, but we are afraid as we
and wholesale outfits tend to specialise have been told that our businesses will simply
in pharmaceuticals from one location, so
be closed down if we are found to have no
one importer might bring Indian
registration documents.”
medicines and another might bring
Korean, Iranian or Pakistani medicines. Wholesaler, provincial capital
As an aforementioned report by MSH of
the pharmaceuticals sector pointed out:

United Nations Development Programme – Afghanistan website, “First Generic Medicines Factory
being set up in Afghanistan”,
MSH Afghanistan Pharmaceutical Sector Assessment, 2002.

Understanding Markets in Afghanistan: A Study of the Market for Pharmaceuticals

Competition between traders is very strong, and battles for market share,
special deals with manufacturers and control of certain distribution zones in
Afghanistan are serious.14

This competition may account for the specialisation of many importers and

One importer with seven years of experience in the Parwan Hotel area reported that
he brought 40 different types of Indonesian medicine into Afghanistan and that his
business was the sole dealer of a number of Indonesian manufactured goods. These
medicines were shipped to Karachi and then transported to Kandahar by road. This
importer sold to wholesalers and also directly to pharmacies. In one office in a
wholesale market in Herat, researchers spoke to a representative of the official
dealer of one multinational pharmaceutical company with a manufacturing plant in
Pakistan. The import company, which also had offices in Kabul, had an agreement
with this multinational to import 32 items, including a well known anti-bacterial
soap. Another import business was co-owned by a former surgeon with 20 years of
experience working in a hospital, who specialised in imports of medicine and
medical equipment from China. His business partner was in China at the time of the
interview, selecting pharmaceuticals that were in high demand on the Afghan
market such as antibiotics, analgesics and tonics.

Wholesalers and importers typically had several years of experience in the

pharmaceuticals business, ranging from 5–26 years. Their backgrounds were various.
Some appeared to have started in this business after losing their jobs as government
employees at the end of the Najibullah regime in 1992, some were previously health
care professionals who could not make a sufficient wage as doctors, some had
previously owned pharmacies and had extended into the import business. Some
importers were also involved in the import of other commodities such as food into
Afghanistan, but all of these reported that trading in pharmaceuticals was more
profitable than any other commodity. A number of wholesalers indicated that as well
as importing their own pharmaceuticals or buying from importers, they also bought
medicines from unofficial and unregistered importers.

3.4 Smugglers
Smuggling of medicines into Afghanistan was an ever present subject in all
interviews conducted for this research, but perhaps unsurprisingly, researchers did
not directly interview any self-confessed smugglers. Estimates by interviewees of the
percentage of private sector pharmaceutical imports accounted for by smuggling
were very high, ranging from 60–80 percent. One MoPH official told researchers that
Afghanistan’s porous borders had allowed “practically anyone” to bring medicines
into the country, especially before 2002. A previous MoPH official told a journalist in
2002 that:
The borders with Iran and Pakistan are open and are not under the control of
the government. Most of the drugs used in Afghanistan are imported along
these borders and we cannot control the entrance of medicine into our

The sheer number of different kinds of medicines available on the market in

Afghanistan testifies to the amount of smuggling occurring in this sector.
Technically, medicines should only be sourced from foreign manufacturers that are
A. Wali, Phoney Drugs Put Lives at Risk.

Afghanistan Research and Evaluation Unit

registered with the MoPH, but the number of brands and types on the market far
exceeds the number of registered medicines, thought to be between 1,100 and 1,200
in total.16 There are donated medicines to be found on sale by private
pharmaceutical retailers, indicating that there is some degree of “leakage” of
donated medicines onto the private market. In addition, there are anecdotal reports
that medicines donated for Afghanistan are exported for sale in neighbouring
countries such as Pakistan.

It is likely that some larger scale importers are not registered with the authorities
and do not bring their products through customs or MoPH procedures. In addition, as
pharmaceuticals are a high-demand commodity that are small, light and easy to
transport, it is possible that individuals bring small amounts of medicines into the
country on an ad hoc basis. Most smuggled medicines are likely to come from
Pakistan and Iran, in that order. Counterfeit medicines must, by definition,
circumvent official procedures in order to come into the country as these could not
be officially registered and would not pass the MoPH tests of medicines brought
through customs. These counterfeit medicines are either manufactured in Pakistan
or come from China and India, often via Karachi. The opinions of importers,
wholesalers and retailers on smuggled medicines differed. Many were concerned
about the unfair competition posed by such imports. Others said that while some of
these illegal imports were of poor quality, some smugglers brought high quality
products that were needed on the Afghan market.

3.5 Pharmacies
Hospitals and clinics in Afghanistan have pharmacies that are supplied by donors, the
MoPH or NGOs operating in the health sector. In the private and public–private
sphere, Afghanistan has both privately owned pharmacies and government
pharmacies. Government pharmacies
“This family-run pharmacy has been in business are sometimes known as API
for 30 years. My father began this business at a pharmacies. These were previously
time when there were hardly any other supplied by API until the latter lost
pharmacies in Nimroz. This remained the case much of its production and importing
for some 20 years, but then many more capacity during the conflict period.
pharmacies began to open. I have recently Government pharmacies are now only
moved from another part of town and have been partly supplied by the MoPH. All
based at this shop for 18 months. The owner of government pharmacies visited by
the shop which we were renting in our previous researchers also bought medicines from
location could see the success of our business, so importers and wholesalers on the local
he asked us to move so that he himself could set
market. Some government pharmacies
told researchers that they were
up a pharmacy there.”
supplied 70 percent by the MoPH and
Pharmacy owner, Zaranj 30 percent from importers and
wholesalers on the local market, others
said they received only 30 percent from the MoPH. Staff at these pharmacies are
technically MoPH employees but they receive no salary, and make an income from
the business turned over by the pharmacy. Some staff reported that they took a 50
percent share of the profits made by the government pharmacy. All government
pharmacies visited by researchers were staffed by qualified pharmacists.

There are around 13,000 licensed private pharmacies in the country17 and it appears
that these proliferated during the Taliban period, during which many respondents

Interview with WHO staff, Kabul, 2005.
Interview with MSH staff, Kabul, May 2005.

Understanding Markets in Afghanistan: A Study of the Market for Pharmaceuticals

suggested that licences were handed out liberally. Pharmacies should technically be
a certain distance apart from each other, but a drive around any Afghan city shows
that this rule is not implemented in practice. The sheer number of pharmacies in
close proximity to one another in many Afghan cities testifies to the popularity of
the pharmaceutical business and pharmacy owners interviewed had been involved in
the business for anything from 1–30 years and it seemed that new players had been
moving in and out of the pharmaceutical business with relative ease over this time
frame and that this business has been quite flexible. Research in Kandahar and
Jalalabad found that many pharmacies were relatively new and had opened during
the past four years.18 It is likely that some pharmacies no longer belong to the owner
appearing on official documents.19

Pharmacy owners do not need to be qualified

pharmacists, but a pharmacist should be in
attendance at all times during opening hours. This
study suggested that this rule is not always
followed in practice. Researchers visited several
pharmacies which had MoPH lists of regulations
for pharmacies displayed on their walls or
windows, but nevertheless did not have a
pharmacist on duty. Researchers were told by a
qualified pharmacist and pharmacy owner in Herat
that he knew of no other pharmacy in the area that had a trained pharmacist on
duty. While researchers were interviewing this pharmacist, staff from a neighbouring
pharmacy came into the shop to ask the pharmacist for advice on how to read a
prescription that had been brought by a customer. There may have been some
relaxation of this rule and assistants with a shorter period of pharmacist’s training
may now be permitted to take the pharmacist’s role in pharmacies. In Mazar
researchers were told of a recent initiative to train nurses to work in pharmacies.

Pharmacies buy medicines from wholesalers, directly from importers, or through

“agents”. For example, one pharmacy owner said he employed agents to travel to
Kandahar and Herat to buy pharmaceuticals from wholesalers. Most pharmacies
reported good profits, but high rents and insecurity of tenure was a common
problem. Many businessmen who reported to have “guarantees” from landlords
appeared upon further inquiry to have only informal promises based on trust and
personal connections. Such informal guarantees may in fact be as effective as a
legally enforceable contract in the Afghan context.

Pharmacies are often concentrated in areas near hospitals or clinics, both public and
private. Many doctors in private clinics are thought to own their own pharmacies or
patronise a particular pharmacy owned by a business contact with whom they have a
mutually beneficial agreement. Doctors can either direct their patients to a
particular pharmacy or can write prescriptions in such a way as to be
comprehensible only to the pharmacy with which they had a business arrangement.
On one occasion, researchers were shown prescriptions, which pharmacists said were
written in incomprehensible acronyms that were supposedly intended for use in
another pharmacy. It is thought that doctors sometimes import medicines
themselves for sale in their own pharmacies.

J. Khan, 2005, Pakistan-Afghanistan Pharmaceutical Market, Unpublished consultant report for AREU.
MSH Afghanistan Pharmaceutical Sector Assessment, 2002.

Afghanistan Research and Evaluation Unit

If pharmacies are very common in urban areas, they are less prevalent in the
districts. The above mentioned MSH assessment of health facilities in 2002 surveyed
pharmacies in 32 provinces that could be seen from health care facilities and found
72 districts with no pharmacies within eyesight of visited health care facilities.20 This
research did not conduct comprehensive visits to pharmacies outside urban areas,
but did visit three districts in Kabul Province and two districts in Herat Province.
Access to pharmaceuticals in the districts comes from public sector health care
centres where they exist, private clinics and pharmacies and general grocery stores
that also sell medicines.21 The link between private doctors and clinics and private
pharmacies was even more evident in the districts visited than in urban areas. In the
districts pharmacies were sometimes clearly owned and co-located with private
clinics. The types of pharmaceuticals available at the district pharmacies and their
prices were similar to the medicines available in the provincial capital, and
pharmacy owners reported that it was from wholesalers in the capital that they
bought their products. None of the districts visited were very remote, and one can
speculate that pharmaceuticals may be more scarce and possibly also more
expensive in remoter areas. In small communities, it appeared that sale of
pharmaceuticals on credit was common. In one district in Herat Province, a
pharmacist and private doctor showed off a log book with long lists of unpaid debts
of community members who had not been able to pay for their purchases.

3.6 Street vendors, grocery stores and purveyors of herbal

Pharmacies are not the only retail outlets selling pharmaceuticals in Afghanistan.
Grocery stores selling basic foodstuffs also often sell medicines. Although these
shops do not require a licence from the MoPH to sell pharmaceuticals, the MoPH
reportedly conducts occasional inspections of such shops.22 Medicines are also
commonly available on the street, sold by street vendors who congregate in busy
street markets and sell a variety of
medicines by blister strip. These “My family has been selling traditional
medicines are bought from pharmacies or medicines in this part of Kabul for generations. I
wholesalers. Street vendors in Kabul, studied herbalism in India. During the conflict,
who typically congregate in one area of most of my family immigrated to India, but my
town, told researchers that they could brother stayed here in Kabul, which made it
advise the appropriate medicine for easier for us to resume business here two years
headache or other pain, diarrhoea and ago. We buy herbal ingredients both from
respiratory illnesses. However, none of Afghanistan and imported ingredients and
the street vendors had any formal medicines from India.”
pharmaceutical training and two were
children aged 12 and 14, respectively. Herbal medicine shop owner, Kabul
Many of the medicines being sold by
street vendors appeared very old and may have passed their expiry dates. The
vendors reported that they could make up to 300 Afghanis (US$6) per day by selling
medicines on the street. An article from 2004 records some adverse reactions
experienced by customers buying medicine from street vendors and also confirms

MSH, December 2002, “Afghanistan National Health Resources Assessment”,
For provincial maps of health care facilities in Afghanistan, see
MSH Afghanistan Pharmaceutical Sector Assessment, 2002.

Understanding Markets in Afghanistan: A Study of the Market for Pharmaceuticals

that many such vendors are very young. The article relates that a 17-year-old
describes his main patrons were “the poor and the uneducated”.23

In addition to pharmaceutical medicines, traditional and herbal medicines are

commonly used in Afghanistan. Traditional medical treatments are often dispensed
by self-appointed traditional healers and can sometimes have adverse effects on
health. Patients, especially in rural areas, can be subjected to questionable
treatments, such as inhalation of ground camel bones for epilepsy or application of
ashes from burned cotton for stomach pains.24

However, there is another dimension of traditional medicines in Afghanistan.

Although much knowledge of herbal treatments has been lost during the conflict
period, there remains a store of knowledge on plants and their potential healing
uses. In Herat Province, a female village Community Development Council (CDC –
the elected shura established under the National Solidarity Programme) told
researchers how they accessed medical treatment when community members were
sick. As well as use of pharmacies and, for more serious illnesses, the nearest clinic,
the women reported that female village elders would sometimes recommend teas or
other remedies made from plants that grew locally. In urban areas, shops and
market stalls selling herbal remedies are common, often run by members of the
Indian–Afghan community for whom this is a traditional occupation in Afghanistan.
Researchers were told by one such Indian–Afghan purveyor of herbal medicine in
Kabul that as well as importing some ingredients from India, Afghanistan also
produced many herbal ingredients that were exported to India for use in herbal
remedies. A selection of Afghan medicinal plants, mostly from Badakhshan, is shown
in the picture below.

The Afghanistan Statistical Yearbook records some

US$9m worth of exports of “botanical medicines”
from Afghanistan in 2003 and there is clear room for
development of this export market, especially given
the large market for herbal remedies in India,
Central Asia and Russia. The Hochpharma
corporation is planning production in the former
Hoechst factory and has a future intention to begin
producing recognised and high quality herbal
medicines in Afghanistan on a large scale, using Afghan-grown ingredients.

3.7 Distribution systems in the private sector

This report does not investigate in any depth the rather confusing distribution
processes for directly donated medicines, provided by the US Agency for
International Development (USAID), the World Health Organisation (WHO), UNICEF,
International Committee for the Red Cross and UN Population Fund (UNFPA), among
others. However, a brief outline is necessary because some medicines bought with
donated funds are procured locally on the private pharmaceuticals market. The
extension into the provinces of the Basic Package of Healthcare Services (BPHS) is
funded by the World Bank, the European Community and USAID and the origin of
medicines dispensed in BPHS centres and hospitals differs. USAID stipulates that
medicines bought by implementing partners (IPs) cannot be bought on the local

R. Babekerkhel, 25 February 2004, Do-It-Yourself Health care, Kabul: Institute for War and Peace
A. Omar, 21 August 2002, Traditional Remedies Put Health at Risk, Kabul: Institute for War and
Peace Reporting.

Afghanistan Research and Evaluation Unit

market. Thus, implementing NGOs in 14 provinces who are delivering BPHS health
services with USAID grants must buy on the international market if they purchase
their own medicines. There are various methods of supplying IPs with
pharmaceuticals to run BPHS programmes. Some donated medicines are supplied
directly to the IPs by donors, some medicines are donated to the MoPH and supplied
by the ministry to IPs and some IPs supply medicines themselves by buying on the
international or local market. There is a lack of coordination in procurement of
pharmaceuticals by NGOs and each has set up its own system of purchasing, storage
and distribution. One report conducted a small survey of NGOs in the health sector
and revealed 12 different sources of supply from 11 respondents. Of these 11 NGOs,
nine reported that they bought medicines on the local market, either through formal
contracts or on an ad hoc basis.25 Researchers for this case study found some Afghan
import and wholesale enterprises reporting that they had won contracts to supply
NGOs, and one wholesaler claiming that these contracts were worth up to US$52,000
in value.

In the private sector, there are different distribution options. Manufacturers often
distribute via an agent, or their own distribution system to wholesalers, retailers, or
directly to prescribing doctors. Afghanistan currently lacks a significant
manufacturing capacity, but the existing small scale manufacturers have different
distribution systems, some using direct contacts with wholesalers or agents who seek
retailers in the cities and provinces. One manufacturer reported sending its own
representatives directly to pharmacies and even to NGOs that were known to buy
pharmaceuticals. Another two manufacturers reported using agents based at the
Parwan Hotel area in Kabul, where many such middlemen as well as importers and
wholesalers are based, to identify markets for their pharmaceuticals. Agents and
middlemen are reportedly involved in many transactions between manufacturers and
importers, wholesalers and retailers. One manufacturer reported that it had
received a request to buy a large consignment of pharmaceuticals, but had refused
as it suspected that the “agent” making this request intended to sell the
pharmaceuticals on at an inappropriately inflated price. Many instances were
reported where pharmaceuticals were distributed to pharmacies without payment
until the products were sold.

The supply chain in the pharmaceuticals sector is much more complicated, more
malleable and contains more players than the supply chains encountered in other
AREU studies of markets such as fuel and second-hand cars. This complicated supply
chain makes the market harder to record and to regulate.


Understanding Markets in Afghanistan: A Study of the Market for Pharmaceuticals

4. Types, Prices and Import Routes of Pharmaceuticals

4.1 Prices
Prices of pharmaceuticals are regulated in almost all countries except for the United
States. Every country has a different mechanism for pricing pharmaceuticals. In the
United Kingdom, the Pharmaceutical Price Regulation Scheme is negotiated between
the government and the association of British drug manufacturers. Elsewhere in
Europe there is a system known as reference pricing, where prices are set according
to the price of the same product in a basket of other countries. Prices of
pharmaceuticals in Afghanistan are capped by the MoPH, with importers and
retailers allowed to make between 10
“New brands of medicines are constantly
and 15 percent margin on the sale of
appearing on the market. We often see
medicines, and wholesalers allowed to
make an 8–10 percent margin, but prescriptions for brands that we have not heard
many importers and pharmacies of before, or written in shorthand. These have
implied or even stated outright that usually been written by doctors wanting to send
they did not follow the official pricing patients to a specific pharmacy. We are
guidelines. Most of these traders constantly trying to keep up with the range of
argued that prices should be brands sold by other pharmacies. If a particular
unregulated and market-driven now brand that we do not stock starts appearing
that Afghanistan had a “free market”. regularly in prescriptions, we know that we need
There is a serious lack of capacity in to try to get hold of it.”
the MoPH for enforcing regulations on
Pharmacy owner, Herat
pricing, especially outside of Kabul.

Some importers complained that the government cap on pharmaceuticals prices was
a disincentive to the import of higher quality, but more expensive, medicines into
Afghanistan. One importer claimed that “the government might study a brand of
European paracetamol and stipulate that it should cost the equivalent of US$1 on
the Afghan market, but this product might cost US$3 on the European market, so
there was no profit to be made in importing it to Afghanistan”. Other evidence
suggests that it is the vigorous competition in the market and the impetus to keep
prices low that contrives to drive down the quality of medicines. As an
aforementioned MSH report notes: “Competition, and the desire to keep prices low,
are suspected as contributing to poor drug quality.”26 There is ample evidence that
Afghan customers prefer cheaper products. Research in Jalalabad found that the
high prices of pharmaceutical products produced by multinational companies
encouraged customers to look for cheaper substitutes and that as prices for
medicines generally rose, customers were increasingly opting for cheaper brands
that could be of questionable quality.27 Several importers and pharmacists said that
prices of pharmaceuticals were strongly linked to the exchange rate of the Afghani
to the dollar, and, since so many medicines were imported from Pakistan,
particularly to the Pakistani rupee. Government clampdowns on smuggled medicines
could also cause shortages and hence drive up the price of that medicine.

The Kabul consumer price index for 1383 (February 2004–February 2005) records the
following price changes for Iranian medicine in that year:

J. Khan, Pakistan-Afghanistan Pharmaceutical Market.

Afghanistan Research and Evaluation Unit

Figure 3. Price of basic Iranian-manufactured medicines in Afghanis

per course of 12 units, Kabul consumer price index


Anti Acid
5 Aspirin

Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb

1383 (Feb 2004 – Feb 2005)

The above provides a useful guide to the change in price for Iranian medicines over
time, but does not capture the entire spectrum of prices for medicines on the
Afghan market, as Iranian makes (like Indian, Chinese and counterfeit Pakistani
makes) are widely acknowledged to be significantly cheaper than Indonesian, Middle
Eastern or Irish makes.

There is a bewildering array of pharmaceuticals from different countries, at

different prices, of varying strengths and qualities, available on the Afghan market.
MSH staff told researchers that there may be up to 5,000 different items in the
private pharmaceuticals market in Afghanistan. An MSH study in 2002 assessed the
availability of 24 essential tracer drugs at public and private health facilities. The
tracer drugs were found to be generally more available in private pharmacies than in
MoPH or NGO health facilities.28 Thus there is no question that private pharmacies
are offering access to essential medicines. However, there are concerns over the
quality of the medicines offered.

During this research, some basic information was collected on the range of types and
prices of pharmaceuticals available on the market. These are not statistically
reliable data and are intended only to provide a snapshot of prices and types of
medicine at a particular time in different locations. Four to five pharmacies were
visited in each location, and the prices and origins of common medicines were
recorded. The origins of medicines are not listed in the table, but were remarkably
diverse in all the locations and especially diverse in Zaranj, Kabul and Herat. This is
probably because Herat and Zaranj are border areas and because medicines are sent
to Kabul from many different supply routes. Every location had both generic and
“brand” medicines and all had medicines from Iran, India, China, Pakistan (both
from multinational companies and generic medicines), Malaysia, UAE, Indonesia and
Turkey. Medicines from Korea were available in Herat, Kabul and Zaranj. German
medicines were available in Kabul, Mazar and Zaranj. Indonesian medicines were
found in Herat and Zaranj and a French brand of Metronidazole was found in Zaranj.
Indian, Chinese, Iranian and many Pakistani medicines are generic drugs. Many

MSH Afghanistan Pharmaceutical Sector Assessment, 2002.

Understanding Markets in Afghanistan: A Study of the Market for Pharmaceuticals

medicines from southeast Asia, Pakistan and the UAE are produced by multinational

Table 1. Comparison of price of common medicines29

Type of medicine Location

Herat Kabul Mazar Zaranj

Ampicillin 250–500mg, 12– 250–500mg, 13.5– 250–500mg,16–30 250–500mg, 18–

33 Afs per strip* 29 Afs per strip Afs per strip 38 Afs per strip

Amoxicillin 250–500mg, 11– 500mg, 19.5–69.5 250–500mg, 12– 250–500mg, 12–

32 Afs per strip Afs per strip 60 Afs per strip 61 Afs per strip

Cotrimixazole 120–960mg, 4–24 4.6–24.5 Afs per 480mg, 4–32 Afs 120–960mg, 5–24
Afs per strip strip per strip Afs per strip

Paracetamol 325–500mg, 3–15 500mg, 2.4–8 Afs 500mg, 4–7 Afs 80–500mg, 3–13
Afs per strip per strip per strip Afs per strip

Metronidazole 250–400mg, 4–12 250–400mg, 4– 250–400mg, 2.2– 250–400mg, 5–15

Afs per strip 14.5 Afs per strip 13 Afs per strip Afs per strip

Cough Syrup 100–135ml, 4–35 120ml, 2–26 Afs 60–120ml, 13–20 100–135ml, 15–55
(Ammonium Afs Afs Afs

ORS (Oral 200–250g, 3–5 Afs 250g, 5 Afs per 250g, 4–7 Afs per 200–250mg, 3–5
Rehydration Salts) per pack pack pack Afs per pack

According to the above prices, a typical course of Metronidazole for one adult, a
total of 30 tablets taken over five days, would cost between 6.6 and 45 Afghanis
(US$ 0.13–0.9). This is a significant amount in a country where average wages range
from US$1.9 to US$5.2 per day depending on region and type of work, and where
poverty levels, in terms of the internationally recognised standard of US$1
consumption per day, is thought to be between 60 and 80 percent.30

The most expensive medicines across the board were those coming from Europe or
produced by multinational companies in Pakistan, followed by drugs manufactured in
the Middle East. The cheapest medicines across the board were unbranded Pakistani
medicines and Indian and Chinese drugs. Iranian medicines were in the middle price
range in all categories. Medicines with lower doses of the active ingredient were
cheaper than those with a higher dosage, across the board. The indeterminate
number of poor quality and counterfeit medicines on the market in Afghanistan
means that a packet showing a certain quantity of an active ingredient might not
contain the stated dosage. Medicines were also found in more than one location with
no labels or indications of origin, type, dosage or date on sale in a number of

It is interesting to note how medicines are sold in Afghan pharmacies. Pharmacies typically sell
tablets by individual blister strips, not according to the number of tablets in the packet. This can mean
that the customer does not receive the instructions often contained in, or written on, the packet, and
therefore must rely on the instructions given by the doctor and pharmacist. Blister strips typically
contain 10–12 tablets. There is also a risk that customers may not receive the full course of medicines
prescribed by their doctor. Pharmacists are willing to sell even one or two tablets from a course of
medicines individually.
Asian Development Bank Institute, 2004, Post Conflict Reconstruction: The Afghan Economy, Manila:
ADBI, p. 24.

Afghanistan Research and Evaluation Unit

4.2 Import routes

As previously noted, there are no formal reliable data on volumes or values of
imports to Afghanistan, but Pakistan is probably the most important source of
imported drugs, followed by Iran, India, China, the Middle East and European

The Afghanistan Statistical Yearbook records the following imports of medicines per
country in March 2003–March 2004, but does not specify whether these include
donated medicines.

Figure 4. Imports of medicine by country, 2003–2004

Total imports: US$40m

Other Pakistan Iran




There are many features of the official statistics which do not tally with the
pharmaceutical market as it appears on the ground in Afghanistan. This is probably
due to the dominance of illegal and unrecorded imports in this market which cannot
be fed into the statistics. The small share of Pakistani imports recorded above, for
example, is misleading. Moreover, it is uncertain why so many medicines are
recorded as coming from the UAE Emirate of Sharjah. Researchers did find that UAE-
produced medicines, especially from the company Julphur, were prevalent on the
market in Afghanistan, but these brands did not appear to take up anywhere near
the market share suggested above.

The various routes and methods of importing pharmaceuticals into Afghanistan are
more disparate and involve greater numbers of players than in the other import
markets that have been the subjects of AREU case studies (fuel, second-hand
vehicles). However, it is fairly certain that a large proportion of imported medicines
are made in Iran and Pakistan and many that are manufactured elsewhere must in
any case enter Afghanistan via these two countries.

Types of imports from Pakistan to Afghanistan fall into three categories: high quality
brands of pharmaceuticals produced by multinational companies with factories in
Pakistan, Pakistani manufactured generic drugs of varying qualities and sub-standard
counterfeit pharmaceuticals. All three types of medicines may come into
Afghanistan either legally or through smuggling. There are over 316 pharmaceutical
companies, including 30 multinational companies, with manufacturing facilities
registered in Pakistan. Some 37 manufacturers are based in the North West Frontier
Province (NWFP) on the Afghan border. Some of these companies have in the past
oriented their production specifically towards the export market to Afghanistan.

Understanding Markets in Afghanistan: A Study of the Market for Pharmaceuticals

According to one trader, during the war in Afghanistan, “Local (Pakistani)

manufacturers would send their agents to find out what was in demand in
Afghanistan. Then they would produce whatever was in demand and put the required
label on it.”31 Outside of government registration and regulation, it is believed that
there are factories in Pakistan that produce counterfeits of medicines made by
multinational companies. These are packaged in a similar way to the originals, but
are far less effective, often containing little or no active ingredients.

As well as imports of both high and low quality Pakistani products, Afghan importers
often buy medicines that may originate in third countries in Pakistani wholesale
markets. Large markets of this kind exist in Karachi and Lahore, but Afghan traders
also often buy from wholesalers in Quetta and particularly in Peshawar and then
transport these goods by road into Afghanistan. Research in Peshawar wholesale
markets suggested that many medicines sourced here are unofficially imported into
Afghanistan and that this is a vibrant business.32 Contracted consignments of Indian
and Chinese medicines are often delivered via Karachi and then shipped to
Afghanistan over land.

Iran has a developed domestic manufacturing base producing mostly generic

medicines, which supplies 95 percent of the needs of the domestic market. Like
Afghanistan, Iran caps the profits of pharmaceuticals market players and Iranian
officials claim that medicines are cheap in Iran compared to their market price in
neighbouring countries.33 This research was unable to verify what difference there
may be between the retail price of pharmaceuticals in Iran and Afghanistan. Many
importers of Iranian medicines said they had contracts with Iranian manufacturers,
but it is possible that individuals are also bringing smaller ad hoc consignments of
medicines from Iran into Afghanistan. The long porous border between the two
countries would make such unregistered imports possible. The port of Islam Qala
near Herat is one of the largest entry points for formal consignments of Iranian
pharmaceuticals. One importer and wholesaler of Iranian and Indian medicines in
Mazar related that as well as using the Islam Qala–Herat route, Iranian medicines
were also imported into Afghanistan, via Turkmenistan, through the Afghan–
Turkmen border crossing at Akina. Medicines from other sources also enter
Afghanistan via Iran and one large importer reported that European medicines,
particularly from Ireland, come via Iran as do Middle Eastern medicines. One
interviewee told researchers that the quality of imports from Iran had deteriorated
over time. At first, individuals would bring medicines in small quantities, and these
were drugs that were intended for the Iranian domestic market and therefore of
good quality. However, when importers began to make contracts with Iranian
manufacturers for larger quantities, some of these manufacturers began to offload
lower quality products, as they knew these were for export to Afghanistan, the
interviewee alleged.

Researchers were told that during the Najibullah period, Soviet made medicines
were imported into Afghanistan very cheaply. However, one importer claimed that it
was no longer profitable to import medicines from Russia or the former Soviet Union,
as these had become too expensive. Nonetheless some medicines manufactured in
Central Asia are thought to enter Afghanistan from Heiratan on the Uzbek border
and Sherkhan Bandar on the Tajik border.34

J. Khan, Pakistan-Afghanistan Pharmaceutical Market.
Iran Daily, 17 May 2005, “Iranian Medicines: Recovering Lost Ground”, http://www.iran-
Interview with MSH staff, Kabul, May 2005.

Afghanistan Research and Evaluation Unit

5. Government Regulation
5.1 Customs procedures
When medicines arrive at the border entry ports, they are checked by customs staff
along with their documentation and then are referred to the main customs offices in
provincial capitals. Imports of medicines into Afghanistan are taxed at a rate of four
percent and this tax is charged at the main customs offices. Chemical and
pharmaceutical raw materials imports are taxed at 2.5–5 percent. Value added tax
is also charged on pharmaceuticals at two percent.35

As there are no laboratories for testing medicines or raw materials for

pharmaceuticals production at border ports or in provincial customs offices,
medicines and raw materials are held in these offices while samples are sent to the
MoPH laboratories in Kabul to be tested. This process can be very lengthy, as the
laboratory in Kabul is itself lacking in staff and equipment. As a result
pharmaceuticals can be held for up to three months, according to importers, before
being released from customs. As many medicines require refrigeration and some are
damaged by extremes of heat or cold, many pharmaceuticals are damaged or
destroyed while they are being held by customs. This represents a serious
disincentive to involvement in official customs procedures for importers of
pharmaceuticals. Enforcement of proper customs procedures is generally
problematic and some have suggested that unfair differential tax rates and tax
exemptions are being granted in some cases. The lack of enforcement capacity
means that local customs officials may be granting unfair tax concessions to
favoured traders. However, those wanting to circumnavigate customs procedures in
the pharmaceuticals market are probably more likely to avoid declaring their
imports at all.

5.2 Ministry of Public Health role

The MoPH has a large and important role in regulating the pharmaceuticals market
at the point of licensing manufacturers, importers and retailers, sampling and
testing manufactured products and imports and inspecting manufacturing facilities,
wholesale warehouses and retail outlets. In addition, the MoPH has an overarching
role in deciding drug-related policies in Afghanistan as well as identifying which
medicines are appropriate in the Afghan context. This involves a number of
departments in the ministry, including the Department for Pharmaceuticals and the
Department for Legislation. The ministry is currently undergoing a reorganisation of
its organigramme, which is intended, among other objectives, to achieve a tighter
focus on pharmaceuticals. There are many addendums to existing medicine laws
currently in the pipeline, similarly aimed at tightening regulation of the
pharmaceuticals market. In practice, the MoPH lacks the capability to regulate the
wholesale, retail and particularly the import of medicines effectively. The sheer
number of imports brought unofficially into the country greatly outweighs the
capacity of customs and border guards to control them and so does not come to the
attention of the MoPH until the smuggled products reach the shelves of wholesale
and retail outfits.

An updated essential medicines list, based on a World Health Organisation model,

was produced in August 2005 and the national drug donation guidelines were

From Ministry of Finance Customs Department document, obtained 2005.

Understanding Markets in Afghanistan: A Study of the Market for Pharmaceuticals

published in April 2003. Afghanistan has a National Medicine Policy, published in

January 2004. This contains articles relating to imports of medicines, stipulating that
they must be purchased only from companies meeting certain requirements,
including presentation of appropriate documents such as production licences and
quality control documents from the country of origin. Samples of the medicines
importers intend to import must be taken and these must pass tests at the quality
control laboratory, based in the main building of the MoPH in Kabul.

Almost all importers complained about the bureaucratic process of filling in forms to
get MoPH approval for medicines to be imported, which they said required many
signatures and took a long time to complete. This was compounded by the common
delays in waiting for samples of imported medicines to be tested in Kabul before the
products could be released from customs offices. Many importers reported that they
sold, often at a discounted price, 20 percent of the medicines they imported to the
Department of Pharmaceuticals in the MoPH. Researchers were unable to find out
whether this is a requirement for all importers and what is its legal and institutional

The Department for Pharmaceuticals also has 66 inspectors, including 32

pharmacists,36 responsible for conducting visits to check the type, quality, date and
price of medicines sold in wholesale outfits, pharmacies and reportedly even in
grocery stores. If these inspectors find substandard or expired medicines on sale,
they confiscate and destroy them. Inspectors are active in Kabul every day, and
inspections are technically also conducted in the provinces, but it is unclear how
widespread such inspections are outside Kabul.

5.3 Quality and testing: eliminating expired, counterfeit and

banned drugs
Almost all interviewees in all categories in this study said that there were many
medicines of very poor quality on the Afghan market. Products of concern that are
believed to be present on the market include: counterfeit medicines, expired
medicines and medicines that have been banned because of their adverse side

Researchers were told on many occasions that medicines banned in Afghanistan such
as the analgesic and anti-inflammatory drug, Metamizole, and combinations of
Metamizole such as Novalgin and Analgin, were still being imported into Afghanistan
and sold by retailers. Researchers saw Analgin on sale on one occasion.

Expired medicines are available on the private market in Afghanistan. Expiry dates
have also sometimes been a problem with donated medicines; as in other developing
countries there have been cases where large quantities of nearly expired medicines
have arrived in Afghanistan as aid. The MoPH has publicly burned some stockpiles of
expired drugs found on the market on more than one occasion over the past year to
illustrate its activities in eliminating expired drugs from the market. There is
anecdotal evidence that outdated medicines are re-packaged as veterinary
medicines or for other uses. One international official reported in Mazar that his
gardener had bought a pesticide which did not work in spite of persistent use. Upon
inspection, the pesticide turned out to be an injectible antibiotic, expired in 2003.
The dangers to health of expired medicines are unclear and in some cases expired

MSH Afghanistan Pharmaceutical Sector Assessment, 2002.

Afghanistan Research and Evaluation Unit

medicines do not pose a danger to health. The issue of removal of expired drugs in
areas where there is a shortage of medicines is therefore controversial.

Appropriate storage of medicines is also an important issue. Many wholesalers and

retailers do not store medicines in suitable conditions, and certain drugs can be
damaged by extremes of temperature. Capsules, for example, are damaged by
excess heat.

There is no common internationally agreed definition of a “counterfeit” medicine. In

countries such as the US, counterfeiting of medicines is legally defined as the
deliberate and fraudulent mislabelling with respect to the identity, composition
and/or source of a medicinal product.37 Not all countries recognise or abide by this
definition. In India, for example, “patent pirating” whereby well known brands are
reverse-engineered is not illegal under domestic law and this practice, considered a
breach of intellectual property rights by the US, is widely used by Indian
manufacturers. The WHO defines a “counterfeit” medicine as one that is produced
with an intention to cheat. This can include mislabelling (including fudging expiry
date), or use of no active ingredients, a wrong active ingredient, or the correct
ingredient in an insufficient quantity. Both branded and generic products can be
counterfeited according to this definition. Counterfeit medicines are distinct from
substandard medicines, which are genuine medicines produced by legitimate
manufacturers that do not meet the quality specifications that the producer says
they meet.38

There is a large amount of anecdotal evidence that both substandard and outright
fake medicines are available on the Afghan market. Researchers were repeatedly
told that medicines were available that contained little or no effective ingredients.
Moreover, research conducted in Pakistan indicated that some factories in that
country may be producing counterfeit medicines designed specifically for the Afghan
market.39 It is also thought that there are counterfeit medicine producers in India
and China, southeast Asia and the former Soviet Union. Manufacturers of counterfeit
medicines are motivated by the large profit margins to be made on relatively small
quantities of counterfeit medicines and by the fact that trading in counterfeit
medicines is seen to carry less risk than trafficking in addictive drugs.40 Counterfeits
are often difficult to detect, especially in countries such as Afghanistan, where the
regulatory system is weak.

The consequences of taking such medicines for the patient can be serious. As an
article on counterfeit medicines has surmised:
Counterfeit drugs can trigger allergic reactions, dangerous interactions with
other drugs or, in a worst-case scenario, death.41

In the case of antibiotics, low dosages of the active ingredient are particularly
dangerous as the bacteria develop resistance against the antibiotic and the
antibiotic becomes inefficient.

A. R. Spies and V. Van Dusen, 15 January 2003, “Counterfeit Drugs: A Menace Keeps Growing”,
WHO website, May 2005, “Counterfeit medicines – some frequently asked questions”,
J. Khan, Pakistan-Afghanistan Pharmaceutical Market.
MSH Afghanistan Pharmaceutical Sector Assessment, 2002.

Understanding Markets in Afghanistan: A Study of the Market for Pharmaceuticals

The World Health Organisation estimates that some 10 percent of medicine on the
world market is counterfeit and that in developing countries the percentage of
counterfeit medicines is 25 percent.42 It is impossible to assess the real scale of
substandard and counterfeit medicine on the market without more comprehensive
testing of samples. Some sampling of pharmaceuticals on the market has been
conducted by external bodies, such as MSH, which selected 16 samples from a
random selection of private pharmacies in Kabul in 2002 and sent them for testing in
Baltimore, Maryland in the US. The results of these tests were surprisingly positive,
with only one sample failing to meet acceptable standards.43 The MSH report stressed
that this sample did not represent a very broad selection, and there is clearly scope
for more research in this field. It is possible that fake medicines are targeted at
more remote and poor areas. As the WHO points out, “the main victims of this trade
in the (developing) world are usually the poor, particularly in rural areas. They buy
these drugs because they are often cheaper than the genuine products.”44

The current quality control system in Afghanistan relies on the laboratory in the
main building of the MoPH in Kabul. This laboratory has received some equipment
from the World Health Organisation, but when researchers visited, staff reported
that their capacity and equipment was not equal to the huge task of testing samples
from customs offices and from the market.

WHO website, “Counterfeit medicines – some frequently asked questions”.
MSH Afghanistan Pharmaceutical Sector Assessment, 2002.
WHO website, “Counterfeit medicines – some frequently asked questions”.

Afghanistan Research and Evaluation Unit

6. Conclusions and Recommendations

6.1 Regulation
All over the world, pharmaceutical markets are some of the most regulated market
sectors. Most countries recognise that regulation in this sector is necessary to ensure
the supply and quality of essential medicines. Regulation of the pharmaceuticals
market in Afghanistan represents a formidable challenge, but could be promoted in
the following ways:

• Given the gargantuan nature of the task of bringing Afghanistan’s borders

under control and the sheer number of smuggled imports of pharmaceuticals,
it makes sense to concentrate in the first instance on regulating
pharmaceutical products at the point of wholesale and retail. Simple
measures such as publishing more widely the list of permitted medicines and
obliging retailers to display this in a prominent place on their premises might
be a useful tool. Lists of common counterfeits and banned medicines could
also be displayed.
• Continued support for the training of pharmacists in the Faculty of
Pharmaceutical Sciences in Kabul University would help to secure the supply
of qualified staff both for pharmacies and for regulatory authorities.
• Licensing procedures should be fair and transparent, and licensing authorities
should be independent and demonstrably free from any influence by the
private sector. Streamlining of the process for licensing importers could
provide an incentive for importers to enter the official economy and would
eliminate room for corruption, favouritism and bribe taking.
• The feasibility of installing testing facilities at main border entry ports, or
even a mobile laboratory for testing of pharmaceuticals, should be assessed.
Such facilities would improve the testing of pharmaceuticals and avoid delays
and damage caused to pharmaceuticals imports while they are stored in
customs offices.
• There are already some public education
campaigns on pharmaceuticals use, including
posters explaining the appearance and function of
different medicines on display at clinics and other
public health centres. More comprehensive public
health campaigns are needed, possibly using
different media such as radio and television.
• If the Avicenna Pharmaceutical Institute is in fact
to be privatised, the process should be
transparent and there should be proper valuation
of assets.

6.2 Sustainability
It is unclear how the different mechanisms for supplying provincial comprehensive
and basic health centres with pharmaceuticals will be standardised over time. At
some point in the future, more private sector involvement is envisioned in the supply
of pharmaceuticals to public health facilities.

• A long-term strategy for securing sustainability of high quality

pharmaceuticals supply should be available in the public domain. The future

Understanding Markets in Afghanistan: A Study of the Market for Pharmaceuticals

role of the private sector in this strategy should be clearly outlined, and
opened for debate and consultation.
• Development of a good quality domestic manufacturing base to substitute
imports is a good means of securing sustainability of pharmaceutical supply.

6.3 Import substitution and the investment climate

The bureaucratic system for registering and gaining permissions for foreign and
domestic investors should be streamlined to eliminate long delays and the potential
for corruption and bribe taking. The Afghanistan Investment Support Agency has
already achieved a great deal in this respect. Afghanistan could consider targeting
key industries where import substitution could benefit the Afghan economy, by
prioritising investment friendly reform, access to plots in investment parks and other
institutional support in these areas. Investment and private sector development
more generally could be promoted in the following ways:

• Access to credit through banks and other financial organisations would open
the market to players who were not able to gain unofficial credit. Access to
micro-credit would allow small players to expand their businesses.
• Improved procedures for buying land and secure tenure for businesses
renting accommodation are vital in order to encourage the growth and
expansion of small and medium-sized players.
• Processes for granting licences to importers should be clear, transparent and
accountable and should be subject to rigorous inspection.
• Transparency and corporate governance should be emphasised in private
sector development and in the allocation of large contracts.
• Appropriate space should be maintained between senior politicians and other
officials and large business players in order to reduce the improper
patronage of certain businessmen by political figures.
• The establishment of membership-based, democratically run chambers of
commerce beyond Kabul should be supported as effective lobby groups for
the private sector.
• Anti-competitive practices in trade should be addressed in order to ensure
the maximum realisation of the benefits of free market competition in terms
of increased productivity and innovation for businesses and better value for

Afghanistan Research and Evaluation Unit

Asian Development Bank Institute. 2004. Post Conflict Reconstruction: The Afghan
Economy. Manila: ADBI.
Babekerkhel, R. 25 February 2004. Do-It-Yourself Health care. Kabul: Institute for
War and Peace Reporting.
Grace, J. and A. Pain. June 2004. Rethinking Rural Livelihoods in Afghanistan.
Kabul: Afghanistan Research and Evaluation Unit.
Iran Daily. 17 May 2005. “Iranian Medicines: Recovering Lost Ground”.
Khan, J. 2005. Pakistan–Afghanistan Pharmaceutical Market. Unpublished consultant
report for AREU.
Management Sciences for Health. December 2002. “Afghanistan National Health
Resources Assessment”.
Najemi, S. 13 August 2004. Medical Treatments do More Harm than Good. Kabul:
Institute for War and Peace Reporting.
Omar, A. 21 August 2002. Traditional Remedies Put Health at Risk. Kabul: Institute
for War and Peace Reporting.
Spies, A. R. and V. Van Dusen. 15 January 2003. “Counterfeit Drugs: A Menace
Keeps Growing”,
United Nations Development Programme – Afghanistan website. “First Generic
Medicines Factory being set up in Afghanistan”,
Wali, A. 22 August 2002. Phoney Drugs Put Lives at Risk. Kabul: Institute for War and
Peace Reporting.
WHO. May 2005. “Counterfeit medicines – some frequently asked questions”,
WHO Drug Information. 2000. General Policy Issues: Generic drugs: the hidden issues
of quality and cost. 14(2): 77.
World Bank Group. 2005. “Health Systems Development, Private Sector – Overview”.

Understanding Markets in Afghanistan: A Study of the Market for Pharmaceuticals

Recent Publications from AREU

May 2005 Bound for the City: A Study of Rural to Urban Labour Migration in
Afghanistan, Aftab Opel
June 2005 Assessing Progress: Update Report on Subnational Administration in
Afghanistan, Anne Evans and Yasin Osmani
June 2005 Return to Afghanistan? A Study of Afghans Living in Tehran, University
of Tehran
Aug 2005 Emerging Trends in Urban Livelihoods, Stefan Schütte
Aug 2005 A Place at the Table: Afghan Women, Men and Decision-making
Authority, Shawna Wakefield and Brandy Bauer
Oct 2005 Alternative Livelihoods: Substance or Slogan? Adam Pain and David
Oct 2005 Return to Afghanistan? A Study of Afghans Living in Mashhad, University
of Tehran
Oct 2005 Return to Afghanistan? A Study of Afghans Living in Zahedan, University
of Tehran
Oct 2005 Understanding Markets in Afghanistan: A Study of the Market in
Second-hand Cars, Anna Paterson
Oct 2005 Understanding Markets in Afghanistan: A Study of the Market in
Petroleum Fuel, Anna Paterson
Nov 2005 Fine-Tuning the NSP: Discussions of Problems and Solutions with
Facilitating Partners, Palwasha Kakar
Dec 2005 Household Decision-Making and School Enrolment in Afghanistan: Case
Study #1: Chahar Asyab District, Kabul Province, Pamela Hunte

Dec 2005 Household Decision-Making and School Enrolment in Afghanistan: Case

Study #2: District 13, Pul-i-Khushk, Kabul City, Pamela Hunte

Dec 2005 Household Decision-Making and School Enrolment in Afghanistan: Case

Study #3: Nesher Villages, Belcheragh District, Faryab Province, Pamela

Dec 2005 Household Decision-Making and School Enrolment in Afghanistan: Case

Study #4: District 2, Kandahar City, Pamela Hunte

Dec 2005 A House Divided? Analysing the 2005 Afghan Elections, Andrew Wilder

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