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Iron Man is the story of billionaire industrialist and inventor genius Tony Stark (ROBERT
DOWNEY JR.). As CEO of Stark Industries, the largest arms contractor of the US
Government, Tony has become famous for protecting American interests throughout the
world for decades.

Tony's carefree lifestyle changes dramatically when his convoy suffers an attack, following
a weapons test that he personally supervises, and becomes a prisoner of a group of
insurgents. Wounded by a shrapnel fragment, which lodges near his already weakened heart
and endangers his life, Tony is forced to create a devastating weapon for Raza (FARAN
TAHIR), the mysterious leader of the insurgents. Tony ignores the demands of his captors
and uses his intellect and ingenuity to create armor that keeps him alive and allows him to
escape his captivity.

Upon his return to America, Tony must face the reality of his past and decides to embark on
a new direction with Stark Industries. Despite the resistance of Obadiah Stane (JEFF
BRIDGES), his right hand and chief executive of the company, who has taken the reins of
the business in his absence, Tony spends day and night in his workshop, perfecting and
polishing an armor that grant you superhuman strength and physical protection.

With the help of his longtime assistant, Pepper Potts (GWYNETH PALTROW), and his
trusted military liaison, James Rhodes, or "Rhodey" (TERRENCE HOWARD), Tony
discovers a sinister plot with global ramifications. Hiding his imposing red and gold armor,
Tony is committed to protecting the world and correcting his injustices as his new alter ego,
Iron Man.


Anthony Edward "Tony" Stark

Alias: Can head "Shellhead", Golden Avenger "Golden Avenger", "Tetsujin"; Crimson
Dynamo, Iron Knight, Hogan Potts, "Spare Parts Man"; Cobalt Man "Cobalt Man" (Ralph
Place of Birth: Long Island, New York City, New York - USA.

Height: 6.1(1.85 mts) in 6.6 (2mts) armor

Weight: 225 pounds in armor 425 pounds.

Blue eyes

Hair: Black

Education: expert in physics and electrical engineering. Inventor, industrialist, president

and CEO of Stark Industries.

Known Relatives: Howard Anthony Stark (adoptive father, deceased), Maria Collins
Carbonell Stark (adoptive mother, deceased), Howard Stark Sr. (adoptive grandfather,
deceased), Morgan Stark (adoptive cousin), Isaac Stark Sr. (adoptive ancestor, deceased),
Isaac Stark Jr. (adoptive ancestor, deceased).

Affiliation Group: Founding member of The Avengers, the Powerful Avengers and the
Illuminati, Director of SHIELD and the 50 States Initiative, former member of the New
Avengers, the West Coast Avengers, Force Works, of the Thunderbolts and the Hellfire
Club (outer circle).

 He must protect the planet
 He can create new technology
 He can buy anything
 He must answer for his past

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