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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Osmeña St., Gun-ob, Lapu-Lapu City

Third Periodical Test in EPP 4

Name: _________________________________________ Date: _____________ Score: _____

Test I. Multiple Choice

Direction: Read and answer each item carefully.
1. Who among these pupils can take care of own clothes?
I. Amy used to hang her clothes in a hanger.
II. Dolly used her torn blouse as rug instead of mending.
III. Fe folded her clothes neatly before putting in the drawer.
IV. Richard removes stain on his clothes as rug instead of mending.
A. I and II
B. I and III
C. II and III
D. II and IV

2. The followings are the materials that are being used to wash a clothes EXCEPT.
A. basin
B. laundry brush
C. laundry soap
D. stain

3. What do you do after washing the clothes?

A. fold the clothes
B. hang the clothes
C. iron the clothes
D. soak the clothes

4. In hanging clothes, they should be grouped according to kind. Which of the following does not belong to the
A. jogging pants
B. pants
C. polo
D. slacks

5. Which of the following is not a preparation before hanging clothes?

A. opening loose clothes
B. giving clothes a brief thug
C. putting clothespin on both sides of clothes
D. wringing of clothes to remove excess water

6. Which of the following materials will you use to keep the clothes hanging?
A. clothespin
B. hanger
C. pins
D. safety pins

7. Which of the following clothes can be hanged using a hanger?

A. briefs
B. skirts
C. socks
D. T-shirt
8. Which of the following will you do to smoothen all the parts of clothes before hanging?
A. give clothes a brief thug
B. group garments
C. pull the clothes
D. wring the clothes

9. Which is not included in this group of materials?

A. soap
B. starch
C. starch solution
D. water

10. What are the two equipments used for ironing clothes?
A. iron and board
B. iron and clothes
C. iron and spray
D. iron and dump clothes

11. To remove chewing gum on clothes, what will you do?

A. Rub with soap and water.
B. Scrape the gum with blunt knife.
C. Pour cold water on the chewing gum.
D. Pour boiling water on the chewing gum.

12. Hanged clothes can be properly arranged in a _______.

A. cabinet
B. drawer
C. pantry
D. steel cabinet

13. Folded garments should be grouped according to kind. The following belong to the group except for _______.
A. bikini
B. lingerie
C. nighties
D. pajama

14. Soiled uniforms are also hanged before washing in order to _______.
A. be used again
B. avoid growth of molds
C. dry as it eliminates moist
D. let air dry them before washing

15. When should repairing be done?

A. after washing
B. anytime
C. before washing
D. during washing

16. It is important to maintain orderliness of wardrobe because of the following reasons except _______.
A. It is a sign wealth.
B. It makes wardrobe look clean and neat.
C. This prevents insects and rodents from entering the closet.
D. It helps save time and energy in looking for misplaces garments.

17. Starching makes the clothes _______.

A. economical and durable
B. glossy and durable
C. glossy and stretchable
D. shiny and hard
18. Food, shelter and clothing are the basic _______ of a family.
A. likes
B. loves
C. needs
D. wants

19. Parents should have a/an _______ job to support their families.
A. higher
B. probationary
C. stable
D. temporary

20. A family with a small number of children needs fewer _______.

A. communities
B. houses
C. needs
D. right

21. A family consisting of the father, mother and children is called _______.
A. community
B. extended
C. neighbors
D. nuclear

22. True companionship can be measured by showing _______.

A. diligence and patience
B. ease and concern
C. honesty and pride
D. readiness and vigor

23. When you considerate, you think of _______.

A. the welfare of other people
B. your welfare
C. your friends
D. your parents

24. In earning a living, the parents should _______ each other.

A. complete
B. help
C. respect
D. trade

25. All members of the family should perform their _______.

A. decision-maker
B. duties
C. head
D. studies

26. The mother is the _______ of the family.

A. breadwinner
B. decision-maker
C. head
D. light

27. A child who grows up with work values maintains _______ of his workplace.
A. cleanliness
B. creativity
C. honesty
D. self-confidence
Direction: Understand and identify the traits that being shown in the situation.
28. Giving thanks to parents for buying your new shoes.
A. appreciation
B. diligence
C. respect
D. trust

29. Tina is showing enthusiasm and interest in working her job.

A. diligence
B. honesty
C. patience
D. willingness

30. Jina and Jenny always say “opo and po” to their elder family member.
A. honesty
B. respect
C. responsibility
D. trust

Test II. Essay

Direction: Read and answer the question in three or five sentences. (5 points)
1. If you were to get married and have a family, which would you prefer “nuclear or extended family? Why?

Test III. Draw a picture of your family and describe your family.(5 points)

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