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Mentor : Siti Mutaharoh

Group 6

1. Kavana kavilun ( 0117049)

2. Nila Kurnia S (01170 )

3. Moh. Syaihu (01170 )





Attachment 1. Statement Sheet (attached in paper)

We hereby declare that:

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If in the future there is evidence of academic dishonesty, we are willing to get sanctions
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Mojokerto, 11 November 2019

Nama Nim Tanda Tangan Mahasiswa

Kavana Kavilun 0117049

Nila kurnia setiawan 01170

Moh syaihu abdi 01170



QUESTION SHEET........................…………………………….......................2

TABLE OF CONTENTS………………………………………………………3

A.CHAPTER I PRELIMINARY……………………………..……………..5

B. CHAPTER II DISCUSSION………………………….…………………6


A. CONCLUSION..........................…………………....................................14



First of all, thanks to Allah SWT because of the help of Allah, writer finished
writing the paper entitled “System Hematology” right in the calculated time.

The purpose in writing this paper is to fulfill the assignment that given by english

in arranging this paper, the writer trully get lots challenges and obstructions but
with help of many indiviuals, those obstructions could passed. writer also realized
there are still many mistakes in process of writing this paper.

because of that, the writer says thank you to all individuals who helps in the process
of writing this paper. hopefully allah replies all helps and bless you all.the writer
realized tha this paper still imperfect in arrangment and the content. then the writer
hope the criticism from the readers can help the writer in perfecting the next paper.last
but not the least Hopefully, this paper can helps the readers to gain more knowledge
about english.

Mojokerto 11 November2019



A. Background

In the human body, there is a useful means of transportation

oxygen and oxygen distribution to all body cells as well as transporting carbon
dioxide and waste material to expenditure organs. Means of transportation are
coordinated in a system

The so-called circulatory system. Human circulatory system

consists of blood, heart and blood vessels. Blood is a liquid that is found in all living
things (except higher plants that function to transmit substances and oxygen needed
by body tissues, transport chemicals produced by metabolism, and also as a body's
defense against viruses or bacteria. Medical terms that relating to blood begins with
the word hemo or hemato which comes from the Greek word meaning haima which
means blood.

The amount of human blood is red, but in this case there are two types of
blood color in human blood. & a bright red indicates that blood contains a lot of
oxygen, while a deep red indicates blood

it contains little oxygen or in other words contains a lot of carbon dioxide. & red color
in blood is caused by the presence of hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is a respiratory protein
(respiratory protein) that contains iron (e) in the form of a diaheme which is a place
where oxygen molecules are bound.

Blood also transports metabolic waste products, medicines and

chemicals to the liver to be broken down and to the kidneys to be excreted as urine.

A.Formulation of the problem

1. what are the parts of the blood?

2. what is the function of blood?

3. what is the relationship between blood and health?

B. Purpose

1. Able to describe parts of the blood.

2. Knowing the function of blood.

3. Knowing the relationship between blood and health.



A. Definition

Blood is a liquid that exists in humans as a means of transportation to transmit

substances and oxygen needed by body tissues, transport chemicals produced by
metabolism, and also as a body's defense against viruses or bacteria.

B. Blood Composition

Blood consists of 55% Blood plasma (liquid part of blood and 45% corpuscular
(solid part of blood)

C. Blood plasma (Liquid part of Blood)

blood plasma is one of the constituents of blood in the form of liquid as well

affects about 5% of human body weight. blood plasma has a yellowish color which
consists of 8% protein, and 0.9% minerals, oxygen, enzymes, and antigens, the rest
contains organic matter, the rest contains organic matter, such as fat, cholesterol, urea,
amino acids, and glucose .

blood plasma is a functioning blood fluid

to transport and distribute food juices to all parts of the human body, and transport
substances from metabolism cells from the body's cells or from all body tissues to
expenditure organs.

In the blood plasma there are several dissolved proteins, namely:

1. Albumin serves to maintain osmotic pressure

2. globulin functions to form antibodies

3. fibrinogen is a source of ibrin that functions in the process of blood clotting.

in figure 1.1 Schematic arrangement of human blood, mentioned that blood plasma
consists of serum and fibrinogen. As explained above, fibrinogen is a source of fibrin
that functions in the process of blood clotting, while serum is a arununing liquid.
Serum functions as a producer of antibodies that can kill bacteria or foreign objects
that enter our body.

D.Corpuscular (Blood dense part

The corpuscular consists of three parts:

1. Red Blood Cells (Erytocytes)

Red blood cells or also called erythrocytes are derived from Greek namely, erythos
which means red and kytos which means sheath / cell. Erythrocytes are part of blood
cells that contain hemoglobin (Hb) Hemoglobin is a biomolecule that binds oxygen.
While bright red blood is influenced by oxygen absorbed
from the lungs. when blood flows throughout the body, hemoglobin releases oxygen
to cells And carbon dioxide binding. the amount of hemoglobin in adults is about
11.5-15 grams in 100cc of blood, normal Hb for women is 11.5 mg% for men 13.0
mg%. Red blood cells need protein because their structure is composed of amino
acids and also requires iron, so a balanced iron diet is needed. In the body the number
of red blood cells can be reduced, as well as the amount of hemoglobin in red blood
cells. If both less so this condition is called animea, which is usually caused by heavy
bleeding, erythrocyte melysis, and where erythrocytes are disturbed.
The form of red blood cells in humans is bikonk or disk-shaped like a donut.

Inganthe human erythrocyte has a diameter of about 6-8u m and its thickness is about
u2u m, erythrocytes are among the smallest cells of any other cell found in the human
body. red blood cell count is the most numerous compared to the number of other
blood cells. Normally, in the blood of an adult male is present 25 trillion Red blood
cells or every one cubic millimeter (1mm2 of blood there are 5 million red blood cells.
In adult women, the number of red blood cells per cubic millimeter is 4.5 million.

Red blood cells can only last for 20 days. the process by which erythrocytes
are produced is called erythropoiesies. Red blood cells that are damaged will
eventually break into small particles in the liver and spleen. Most of the damaged
cells are destroyed by the spleen and those that escape are destroyed by the liver. The
liver stores the iron content of hemoglobin which is then transported by blood to the
bone marrow to form new red blood cells. Bone marrow produces erythrocytes, with a
production rate of around 2 million erythrocytes per second. production can be
stimulated by the erythoprotein hormone (EPO) dis which is synthesized by the
kidneys. This hormone is often used by athletes in

a match as a coping. Just before and after leaving the spinal cord, the developing cells
are called reticulocytes and account for about 1% of all circulating blood.

2. White Blood Cells (leukocytes)

White blood cells (leukocytes) - much larger than red blood cells.

but the amount of white blood is far less than red blood cells. in adults every 1 mm of
blood there are 6,000-9,000 white blood cells. unlike red blood cells, white blood
cells have a nucleus (nucleus). Most white blood cells can move like Amoeba and can
penetrate capillary walls. White blood cells are made in the red marrow, lymph glands,
and spleen (turtle). White blood cells have the characteristics, among others, colorless
(clear), shape

not fixed (ameboidI), nucleated, and larger in size than red blood cells. Based on the
presence or absence of granules in the plasma, leukocytes are divided:

a. Bergranula leukocytes (granulocytes)

 UtNeutrophils are the most white blood cells, which is around 60%. the
plasma is neutral, the cell nucleus is many with various shapes and bluish red.
neutrophils served to fight

disease-carrying bacteria that enter the body. First the bacteria are surrounded, then
the grains in the cell immediately release chemicals to prevent bacteria from
multiplying and destroying them.

 Esinophils are granular leukocytes and are phagocytes. the amount is about
5% eosinophils will increase in number if there is an infection caused by worms.

pasmanya is acidic. that is why eosinophils turn dark red when dropped with eosin.
Eosinophils have reddish granules. The function of eosinophils is to fight bacteria,
regulate the release of chemicals, and get rid of the remnants of damaged cells.

 As Basophils are bluish granulated leukocytes.

the amount is only about 1%. Plasm is alkaline, that is why if basophils are dropped
with an alkaline solution, it will turn blue. These white blood cells are also
phagocytosis. In addition, basophils contain anti-clumping chemicals called heparin.

b. Leukocytes are not Bergranula Agranulocytes

 Lymphocytes are leukocytes which do not have granules. the nucleus is

almost circular and there are two kinds of small lymphocytes and large

lymphocytes. 20% to 30% of the white blood cell compilers are lymphocytes.
Lymphocytes cannot move and are nucleated. Functioning as an antibody maker.

 Phonocytes are leukocytes without granules. the cell nucleus is large and
round or elliptical. Produced by the spleen tissue and are phagocytes.

An antigen is when a foreign object or microbe enters

body, then the body will assume the incoming object is a foreign object. As a result
the body produces antibodies through white blood cells to destroy antigens.
glycoprotein that is found in our hearts, can be an antigen for others if the
glycoprotein is injected into others. this proves that an ingredient can be considered as
an antigen for others but not necessarily as an antigen for ourselves. this also applies
vice versa.

Leukocytes which play an important role against immunity are of two kinds:

1. Phagocyte cells

Phagocytic cells will destroy foreign objects by swallowing (phagocytosis)

Phagocytes are of two types:

a) Neutrophils, found in the blood

b) Macrophages can leave the blood circulation to enter tissues or body cavities

2. Lymphocyte Cells

Lymphocytes consist of:

a) Lim! osit (Tsel), , which moves to the thymus gland (limPa gland at the base of
the neck

b) Lymphocytes (B Cells)

Both are produced by the bone marrow and circulated to

throughout the body through blood vessels, producing antibodies that are adapted to
antigens that enter the body. Viruses often enter the body not through blood vessels
but through the skin and mucous membranes in order to avoid leukocytes. But the
body cells are not silent. These cells will produce interferon, a protein that can
produce a barrier to the formation of new viruses (replication) . This ability exists

can prevent virus attacks.

3. Blood Pressure (platelets)

Compared to other blood cells, blood pieces have the smallest size, irregular shape,
and do not have a cell nucleus. Eping blood clots are made in the red marrow found in
flat bones and short bones. Every 1mm of blood there are 200,000 - 300,000 pieces of
blood. platelets of more than 300,000 are called thrombocytosis, whereas if less than
200,000 are called thrombocytopenia. platelets can only last 8 days. Nevertheless,
platelets have a very important role in the process of blood clotting.

When we have a wound, the surface of the wound will

be rude. thrombocytes touch the surface of a wound

rough, then the platelets will rupture. A breakdown of platelets will cause the release
of the thrombokinase enzyme contained in it. Thrombokinase enzymes with the help
of calcium (Ca) minerals and Vitamin k that are found in the body can convert
protombin to thrombin. Furthermore, thrombin stimulates fbrinogen to make fibrin or
threads. Fibrin threads immediately form webbing to close the wound so that blood
does not come out again.

E. arahBlue Function

Blood has liquid parts (blood plasma plasma and solid parts (blood cells .These parts
have certain functions in the body. Broadly speaking, uterine function is as follows:

1. Tools for transporting substances in the body, such as food juices, oxygen,
sisamamabolisme substances, hormones, and water.

2. Maintain body temperature by transferring heat from the active organs of the body
to the less active organs so that the body temperature remains stable, which ranges
from 36-37C

3, .Kills the seeds of disease or foreign substances contained in the body by white
blood cells.

4. Blood clots carried out by pieces of blood (platelets)

F. Disturbances in the Blood System

Many diseases and disorders are caused by the circulatory system

human. Listed below are some diseases or disorders caused by blood cells:

1. Anemia

Anemia causes a reduction in the number of red blood cells or the number
hemoglobin red blood to below normal so that the blood can not carry oxygen in the
amount needed by the body. the disease can be caused by heavy bleeding, such as due
to accidents, reduced cell formation red blood, and increased destruction of red blood
cells. Anemia is usually suffered by many women. This is due to because every once
a month women experience quite a lot of bleeding that is during menstruation.
Anemia can cause fatigue, weakness, lack energy, and the head is felt floating.
treatment given

in anemic patients in the form of blood transfusion. One of the preventative

measures is to diligently consume foods that contain lots of iron, such as spinach, or
can also take blood-boosting supplements.

2. Leukemia

Leukemia is a cancer of blood cells. Disease

it is caused by the growth of white blood cells that are not controlled. Leukemia
occurs when the process of pematangandand stem cells into white blood cells in the
bone marrow produce changes in the direction of malignancy. treatment that can be
done is to do chemotherapy, chemotherapy is useful for inhibiting the growth of

cancer cells. In addition to chemotherapy, leukemia sufferers can also do a marrow

bone, but bone marrow transplantation is a fairly complicated process because of this

requires a bone marrow donor with a fairly high level of compatibility

3. Hemophilia

Hemophilia is a disease that is hereditary (genetic), meaning that it can

passed on to their offspring. 1 Sufferers of this disease can not stop

bleeding due to injury

because the blood is hard to clot. for the treatment of hemophilia sufferers
seems rather difficult to do, because this disease is a hereditary disease. in bleeding
that is quite serious, such as having an accident, the hemophilia sufferer may
experience death because his blood is difficult to clot. Hemophilia sufferers should be
careful with sharp objects or something that can cause them to bleed. "Emo! It only
affects men, but this gene is carried by women.



EsConclusion Blood is a liquid that exists in humans as a tool

transportation functions to send substances and oxygen needed by body tissues,

transport chemicals produced by metabolism, and also as a body's defense against
viruses or bacteria. Blood consists of 55% Blood plasma (the liquid portion of blood)
and 45% "corpuscular (solid part of blood)".

Blood plasma (the liquid part of blood) consists of plasma.

orpuscular (dense part of blood consists of:

1) Red blood cells (Erythrocytes)

2) White blood cells (Leukocytes)

3) Blood pieces (platelets)

The blood in our body has the following functions:

1. Tools for transporting substances in the body, such as saris

food, oxygen, metabolic waste, hormones, and water.

2. Maintain body temperature by transferring heat from active body organs to the less
active organs so that body temperature remains stable, which ranges from 36-37c.

3. kill the germs or foreign substances contained in the body by white blood cells.

4. blood clots carried out by pieces of blood (platelets)

REFERENCES blood papersi.html (Diakses 30

october 2012) system disorder
papersi.html (Diakses30oktober 2012)!3"13#/hematology-papersi (Diakses 30 october 2012) on hematological system
disorders.html (Diakses 30 october 2012


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